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Thursday, March 28, 2024

They Say Goodbye To A Child Murdered In Ameca: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The attack occurred when the minor and his father were traveling in a vehicle on the road.


Roman Ortega / El Occidental

Friends and family of 10-year-old Ángel Gabriel Jiménez, stabbed to death on the night of March 24, in the municipality of Ameca, said goodbye to him on Tuesday afternoon.

His loved ones and residents of the community of San Antonio Matute, where the little boy was from, met at the temple of this community located 75 kilometers from Guadalajara.

After the funeral mass, the hearse took the little boy's body to his final resting place.

Friends, family, and residents of this community walked at a slow pace behind the float, mostly dressed in white and holding balloons of the same color.

Through social networks, the residents of San Antonio Matute expressed indignation and have already demanded justice for the murder of the infant, with the hashtag #JusticiaParaÁngel and #ConLosNiñosNo.

The State Prosecutor's Office reported that the attack occurred on the night of March 24, when the minor and his father were traveling in a vehicle on the Guadalajara-Ameca highway.

While passing through the El Quelite ranchería, the vehicle was intercepted by several unknown individuals who were in a car, from which they got out with their faces covered, attacked the minor with a knife and then fled.

The boy was taken to a hospital where he died.


  1. so they pulled over the car and only stabbed the little boy? what could he have possibly done? did he not have adult family members they could've taken this out on? ffs

    1. Unfortunately there's more to the story.
      My guess is they asked the father for money 💰, he had nada, they took it out on the son. Where's the guy in here that says killings are only amongst cartels?
      Innocent victim gets added to the sense less killings for this year, as I write this another murder has transpired.

    2. Blockades happen all over Jalisco, Oaxaca and Chiapas. It'll also involve these transient people from the US brought in for the grows, which is backwards of what you might expect, people from El Norte working in agriculture in Mexico and robbing Mexicans.

    3. 322 please elaborate on that

    4. 217 your guess sounds like you know exactly what happened which you don't but you are always assuming. If you dont know what happened it is best to stay quiet. Tragic events like this one occur all over the world plus this occurred in CJNG territory, aka BABYKILLER CARTEL. Further more you don't like to admit that in 2021 in the U.S there were 106k overdose related deaths 2022 had 108k overdose related deaths but you want to blame Mexico like the U.S politicians are not responsible for creating laws that make drug sales less punishable than before like in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

    5. Some synonyms of elaborate:
      flesh out
      If you wanna rob a mesican, always take a peek inside his 'botin', the shoe being every paisa's favorite clavo..

    6. 5:14 the person mentioned guess, do you know what it means .... simply a guess, not an assumption.

    7. 5:14 the topic nimrod is about the kid killed, I don't see why your talking about deaths to drugs in America.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Al 10:30
      Somos libres de expresarnos esta es la section de comentarios no estamos en Russia Cuba Corea del Norte.
      No seas lloron.🤣

    10. " El Norte working in agriculture in Mexico and robbing Mexicans"
      Robbing mexicans of what ?
      You couldn't make this shit up,robbing mexcians ?

    11. 2:44 it never fails that we get some of the most ignorant of people lying their asses off in here. Sometimes it's just too funny to read. But yeah there are individuals who lie just to draw attention away from the fact that the problem is theirs and theirs alone. And instead of addressing the issue it's easier for them to blame others for their bullshit.

  2. Que pues.
    No que muy chingona la gente movida o adults?
    Atacan a un niño inocente?
    No pueden con los contras o enemigos o otras gente mayor de edad y se desquitan con este.
    Que culos y rajados son deberas!
    Y have mucho se decia que la gente de Jalisco era bien brava y no se rajaba para nada.
    Aqui se ve que es puro cuento y solo con niños y niñas son valientes.

    1. Y no que muy chingon ELMO? No sirve de nada.

    2. 2:01 Esos gueyes se parecen a los Culoacanos que levantaron un monton de niños y hancianos

    3. 3:33 se parece los dos putos carteles. Por eso se odian tanto jajaja

    4. 6:49 eso que ni que, son la misma mierda

  3. Asi que ahora andan matando niños JalisQlos, estan igual de 💩💩💩 que las Sinalocas violadoras. Merecen que los quemen vivos

    1. Al fin del día todos son mexicanos . No importa de cual estado son. Ay gente mala en todo el país y también ay gente buena. Entonces cállese el osico

    2. Los andas defendiendo perro 0jet3, vete mucho a la VRG con ellos mataniños cobardes

    3. Ojet3 VRg. What are we taking an eye test

  4. Mexico will do nothing because they dont care.

    1. "Mexico will do nothing because they dont care|"
      And you do phony arse ?

  5. Jaliscos los mata niños

    1. No tiene nada que ver de donde es, un hombre malo es un hombre malo

    2. @3:06 Aqui en borderland beat cuando dicen los jaliscos o los sinaloas se refieren al cartel. No al estado ala poblacion

    3. 3:50 ya se , pero nomas estoy diciendo

  6. So those anybody know if Apache really got killed ?

    1. Apache STILL dead

    2. 3:47 not according to the local TJ guys lol

    3. @3:47 dead or not karma doing its thang

    4. Anybody know what hospital Apache is in?
      I wanna send him some flowers..

    5. We are looking into the claims Apache was shot near San Diego...stay tuned.

  7. Baby killer Cartel back at it. CJNG fans will say, "but but but all cartels are the same."

    1. 517 thats correct they are all equal scum

    2. 534 baby killer cartel got there name for a reason.
      Snitchaloas got there name for a reason.

    3. CDS=Babykiller cartel

    4. 1:00am trying to use the original term giving to cjng on cds, delusional cjng groupies

  8. DEP Ángel Gabriel Jiménez

    1. poor little gordito didn't do nothing to deserve dying like this😕

    2. Why they cover Angel's face? Is he guilty of a crime?

    3. 8:54
      The kid, RIP, was a minor, this protected from the curious gaze of prying eyes..

  9. And a lot of retired California couples have left California for their hometown ranchos in Jalisco such as this one! Wow! Smh! RIP to the little youngster

  10. QEPD.
    Les va ir peor que a los que cocieron vivos. Casi al grado del Cholo.

  11. Cops or forensics, nor investigators from the PGR were not called, well never know which criminals group killed him.
    Where's the guy that said Cartels are only killing each other and no innocent citizens get killed?

  12. Rest in peace little one. Hope if we do reincarnate. That you can live once again a better life.

    Rubio nyc

    1. Puerto Rican Rubio 🤣

    2. Ohhh shit gimme a break

    3. Puerto Rican New York City subways are loaded with crazy people, that the mayor had to bet the National Guard patrolling.

  13. The kid looks like El Pirata de Culican. I wonder if he's related.

  14. And now his father has been arrested, accused of killing his own kid. Sick MF


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