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Friday, March 22, 2024

This Is How A Family Was Abducted In La Noria, Imala, After A Nght Of Terror In Culiacán

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Among those affected were two girls, a cake vendor, a bricklayer and a soft drink employee.

A wave of terror hit the capital of Sinaloa and its surroundings this morning, after a massive abduction of people was reported, in events that involved young and old, regardless of age.

Just as it happened to Don Miguel and his family, who according to the accounts of some local neighbors, around 4:30 a.m. on Friday, March 22, began to hear loud screams and struggles that disturbed the tranquility of the inhabitants of La Noria, a community of Culiacán.

It was not until mid-morning when Don Miguel's daughters went to visit him and realized that their parents, brother, sister-in-law and two nieces had been abducted. 

Don Miguel Ángel Beltrán, a 57 year old bricklayer; Doña Aurora Villarreal, his 53 year old wife, a housewife who, by the way, is said to suffer from heart problems.

Another family abducted

Juan Miguel Beltrán, 34 years old, a soda maker; his wife, Iris Nohemy Meza, 31 years old, who makes a living selling cakes in the town, and their two daughters, Mayte and Renata, 12 and 10 years old, respectively, who are currently in elementary school, are some of the people involved in the mass abductions that occurred in the La Noria syndicate this morning.

According to the accounts of some neighbors of this town, who asked to remain anonymous, they reported that they allegedly saw two trucks involved in the events: a four-door RAM type vehicle and another family van, which at first they thought it was a community outreach vehicle that picks up people struggling with alcoholism; however, hours later, the true story came to light.

Support from the authorities

Relatives close to those affected indicated that they will file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office to open an investigation file to help find the whereabouts of their relatives, who were abducted without a word, as well as other families in the area.

It is worth mentioning that, according to official reports, there are at least 41 people abducted among the different events registered today in different communities and residential areas of Culiacán.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that a few minutes ago around 600 members of the Mexican Army arrived in the capital of Sinaloa in order to help find the whereabouts of the families abducted today in Culiacan.

La Noria, Sinaloa

Imala, Sinaloa

Luz Noticias


  1. Crazy theory but what if it was one of 🍕 opps that abducted these families to heat up the plaza because it appears that a bunch of troops have now arrived and now they can’t do anything there I wouldn’t put it pass Mayo doing something like it

    1. Mayo and his people have nothing to do with it. It’s the brothers and their people doing this. They’re going at it w their uncle and it’s going to get ugly.

    2. All this stuff didn’t start sparking until the Chapitos started creating problems with Guano

  2. Replies
    1. I doubt it , that would be a very bold move if they did though. Especially taking the Doña and the kids. That’s too far.

    2. Guano got stuck with a shitty nickname..

  3. My baby momma from the Pozo says everything is fine lol

    1. yea cuz it didnt hapen their it hapen la noria

  4. no pos se calento la plaza,ora si plebes agarrense el sombrero ,la inexperiencia y el hambre desmedido no son buena mescla............

  5. Ever since the death of la Gilbertona, everything started going downhill

    1. 8:32💯 Gilbertona was the glue that kept CDS together, he had more than chapo 😂

  6. They released some of the kidnap victims allegedly. Hope is all the children that shld not even been kidnapped in the first place. Do not sink to the level of the lesser criminal groups.

  7. First rule in Mexico to remember is "There are no rules in Mexico! Whole families have been murdered for years in and outside the narco world!

    1. There are no rules in EVERY country when it comes to revenge.

    2. First rule anywhere in the world. Rules are made to be broken.

  8. a 13 de los secuestrados en una gasolinera del sector de barrancos al sur de culiacan.......

  9. Families are always murdered in Mexico

  10. They let 18 people go

  11. AMLO probably has met Guano,chapitos,mencho,mayo,hurtado brothers,z40,el primito,etc and took $$ like every other president has I know for a fact he has

    1. Pues sube tu informe tan verídico a redes sociales.

  12. Ahora resulta q tooodos tienen trabajos muy comunes...


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