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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Why Is The Mayor Of Ensenada Linked To The Sinaloa Cartel?

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

Armando Ayala spoke out against the accusations against him and announced that the corresponding complaints will be filed to clarify the facts.

Armando Ayala Robles, mayor of Ensenada, aspires to be a candidate for senator for Morena.

Through a video that circulated on social networks, an alleged member of the Sinaloa Cartel acknowledged that there are alleged links between the mayor of Ensenada in Baja California, Armando Ayala Robles, and said criminal organization.

In the audiovisual clip, four armed and hooded individuals are seen interrogating a shirtless man who remains kneeling and with his back turned. This individual identified himself as Alejandro Ozuna and said he was originally from the Las Cañas municipality, in the state of Durango.

For the last eight years, Alejandro resided in Ensenada, where he was recruited by a criminal operator named Carlos Adrián Casas Reyes, alias 'El Mercenario'. Although currently his direct boss is Leopoldo Lizárraga Ochoa, alias 'El Pantera'.

The interrogated man confessed to being in charge of collecting fees from businessmen and fishermen in the port, distributing drugs and extorting money. “These indications are directly from René Arzate García, alias 'La Rana',” Alejandro assured.

The subject questioned said he was a member of the Sinaloa Cartel

He added that he was also in charge of collecting fees from the owners of wineries in Valle de Guadalupe and San Antonio, by receiving money in “envelopes” sent by a mediator, whom he identified as 'El Poyo' Ayala, a supposed cousin of the current municipal president of Ensenada”, in reference to Armando Ayala.

“Is the municipal president aware of what they do within the corporation of the Sinaloa Cartel hitmen who operate in their Municipal Police units?” questioned one of the hooded men.

Given this, the alleged hitman of the Sinaloa Cartel responded affirmatively. “Yes, he has knowledge, but he tries to maintain links, never directly,” he said. “He has had meetings with bosses, since he intends to take political positions and tells us that he occupies economic support,” added the subject.

As for the armed men who carried out the interrogation, it is unknown to which criminal group they belong. Although it emerged that they are part of a cell of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), there are no elements to prove it.

The mayor of Ensenada denied the allegations that link him to the Sinaloa Cartel

Armando Ayala rejects accusations

Given the spread of the video on the morning of February 26, the mayor of Ensenada stressed to local media the importance of not sharing “false information” on social networks to avoid confusing the population.

He assured that the allegations made against him are not supported and cannot be verified either. Likewise, he attributed these accusations to dirty games during electoral times and to the actions that municipal authorities have deployed against criminal cells.

“We are aware that the actions taken in terms of security have disrupted the interests of criminal groups. However, we cannot remain silent in the face of false accusations,” said Ayala.

Regarding the measures that he will implement in this regard, the mayor announced that instructions have already been sent to the Legal Directorate to present the corresponding complaints. This is in order to identify the people involved in these events.

In addition to the above, Ayala reported that starting this Wednesday he will request leave from the Cabildo to leave his position as of March 1, in order to seek a senatorship with the National Regeneration Movement party (Morena).

Las Cañas, Durango

Ensenada, Baja California 

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  1. Here we go again alquiles misses again he sent Men to a residence we’re EL Apache was at and missed again the Men 2of them arrested sloppy and Apache bodyguards responded well this war is very one sided

    1. Stop reading the CAF social media pages lol

    2. @9:54 if you know how to separate the real from the fake some of them social medias have good info

    3. 3:02 oh for sure brother trust me I get a lot of info of social media and even pages like YouTube. But like you said you gotta learn to sperate the truth from the cheerleading

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. These guys were dumb af to have allowed their captive within reach of those firearms. I would've expected him to reach for them and fire away. Unless this shit was staged.

    1. Fake af come on now

    2. It’s not a movie Sol

    3. Serían de juguete?

    4. It’s crazy to have someone but to not have the house scoped out properly that shows you how undiclipined alquiles is and that shows why it’s so easy to take their load’s,it’s comical but at the same time people are dying and it’s not funny Tijuana is becoming a bloodbath

    5. 1009, you die anyway why not at least trying?

  4. Thats a lie, we've been told CDS doesn't extort the people! They're a cartel for the people!

    1. Why do CDS fanboys make strange claims about CJNG being bad?
      From my point of view, both CDS and CJNG are heinous criminals and there is nothing to praise them for.

  5. OMG I was thinking I would have checked to see which ones had the safety off and then I would have tried my best to snatch one of those things and start blasting my way out or at least take some or all of them with me. All I could think about was God please don't let me die like this when I had a home invasion attempt back in 2008. I was able to fend off my attackers with an AK 47! I initially got shot in the right forearm but I was still able to fire my weapon. I thanked God for the Russians and for Mr koleshnakov for making a weapon that didn't jam. I dumped a good 20 or so rounds and no jams. I went from being outnumbered to taking control of the situation with the gunmen fleeing. Then the firetruck came roaring up the street with the ambulance in toe. I thanked and thank God for giving me the strength to fight and not to run away as I probably would have been killed. I also thank him for the beautiful family I have. 5 young men and my 1 beautiful daughter. I also pray that never happens to me ever again I have never been more scared and alone in my life. I left that life behind and l focused on my painting business and never looked back and God thank you for the strength to carry on!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 1107 From an AK to a Graco. Nice transition

    3. As a native here in Tijuana I’m very glad and happy you and you’re family are ok, I’m sorry you had to even been put in a situation like that but I’m glad you clipped those low life,I went through something different but I know a few people here in Tijuana that helped me who robbed my wife’s car with my grandsons in it you got to do what you got to do brother

  6. As a native of Tijuana they missed el Apache and just about 27minutes ago they took another shipment 📦 from Alquiles and also they tortured and murdered more of alquiles and mayos people

    1. 11:10 here you are spreading your caf propaganda like always 😂

    2. Maybe email BB with your info they may follow up

    3. 12:18 what info . The guy is paid CAF influencer to spread misinformation. there is a bunch on FB I guess they making their way to BB . Paying overtime my guess

    4. As a native of tijuana your working for the wrong side buddy but its ok you'll eventually find out

    5. You guys are getting the news 📰 ahead of time and once again you don’t believe it ,then wait till you listen 👂 from a news outlet or facebook or instagram account man you guys are a bunch of clowns 🤡 this guy is not supporting it he’s just letting you guys know what’s going on in his hometown he’s been accurate since 3 years back

    6. 4:42 you that kid that comments on his own stuff cheerleading for his favorite cartel and comments multiple times acting like he multiple people 😂

    7. 509 pretty sure those are CDS fans

    8. En una blindada me miran pasar
      Y son protocolos que hay que respetar
      Traigo a varios xolos, encortados van
      Un bolón de morros listos pa' pelear
      Compadre 50 y 30, compa 81, bien pilas está
      En Tijuana andamos, cabe resaltar
      La esquina del mapa, bien cuidado está
      Y si no hay trabajo en la Tía me he de enfiestar
      Con muchachas guapas de Tijuana y los United
      Y para gastar azules no ha de escatimar
      Saludos compadre Cabezón y toda su gente
      Si ocupan mi apoyo saben que estoy al pendiente
      Soy el Max y aquí en Tijuana me han mirado siempre

  7. The police assigned to San Antonio de las Minas were recently removed. Maybe there is a connection with the facts in this article.


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