Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 1, 2024

16 Kidnapped People Released In Nuevo Leon; Six More Missing

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) confirmed, on April 1, 2024, the release of 16 people who were abducted, on the 27th of March, by a group of armed men, in the municipality from Salinas Victoria, in Nuevo León.

According to a statement issued by the institution of the Armed Forces, elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard, in coordination with state and municipal authorities, located the 16 kidnapped people, members of several families, among whom were children, of the communities of Los Villareales and Los Morales.

However, SEDENA did not specify in the statement how they were located or if there were any arrests. “Sources close to the state Attorney General's Office reported that the people had apparently arrived at their homes on their own,” said the newspaper Reforma.

On March 30, 2024, special groups of the Mexican Army arrived in Nuevo León and Tamaulipas to join the search for the people who were abducted. On the other hand, SEDENA itself reported that they continued to search for six more people, who were kidnapped in the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, also during the last days of March of this year.

“Sources from the State Prosecutor's Office highlighted in the morning that from the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, 13 people had been kidnapped on March 23 and 24 and that seven had appeared that same week. The source from the Prosecutor's Office and SEDENA confirmed that as of this afternoon of Monday, April 1, six people kidnapped in Ciénega de Flores remain missing," the newspaper added.

Zeta Tijuana  Borderland Beat Archives

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  1. Unfortunately is not new that during elections Mexico sees a peak number of kidnappings. I also read somewhere that they found some Sinaloa girls in Tamaulipas being trafficked for prostitution. Sad for everyone.

    1. Very sad man and yeah I’m sure it happens year round but now they want it to make the news to make it seem like they’re doing something about it during election times.

    2. Yes that’s what they do all the time.

  2. Well I’m glad they were found. Glad they are ok and I hope they live better lives. Thanks for the update Mr Sol.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Not in mehiicooo there’s barely any life at all to live have you seen the state of that country drugs n cartels roam pura pinche madreees

    2. 403 I know things seem bleak. And well you are being a realist. But we have to be grateful for the few things that go right. I’m not Mexican. But I’m not going to just say “ well there’s no hope for them”. I mean my people aren’t doing as bad. But they aren’t saints either. I have two cousins that are in the Dominican senate. And really want to help my people change. At least most Mexicans speak better Spanish than us Dominicans. I fucking hate the way we speak. We sound ignorant. We can’t even pronounce words correctly. Most people think I’m Colombian cause I speak Spanish correctly. But getting back to what your comment. I think or I’m hoping these are just stages that we are going through. That someday things will get better and we will be more like the Jews. Helping each other Being some kind of super power. My goodness if us Hispanics came together we would be like the Chinese or Indians. But right now we are a little too greedy and stubborn and only want things the easy way. So it’s sad to say. But we have a long way to go.

      Rubio NYC

    3. 8:30 us Hispanics can't get together because we all think we the shit and know better than other in other countries.
      Mexicans think they better than Salvadorans for example. Salvadorans thin they better than Dominicans for example. Venezuelans think they better than everyone else and so on and so forth.
      There was an option back in the 14th or 15th century where the Spanish were giving up their conquest in the new world and most of the countries south of Mexico could have joined together and made themselves into one with the exception of say Brazil and maybe Haiti and one or two others of course.
      That didn't happen and instead every other tiny nation became independent of each other but still celebrate their independence on the same day as Mexico.
      Bunch of prideful asses is all.

    4. 116. I didn’t even know that. I think the only time that us Hispanics fans r Spanish speaking people were ever In power was in those times when they Spaniards were at the same level as the British or French and or Italians.

      Honestly it would have been or I should it would be great if we were less jealous or hypocrites. Hopefully 🤞 if we don’t end up in a scenario like Terminator the movie where our own tech becomes self aware and sees us as just a pest. That we might end up in society like Star Trek.

      But that’s wishful thinking.
      I wanted to say I really appreciate the people that give me good feedback. It’s great to see what you have to say. And I’ve learned a thing or two which is even greater.

      So THANKS

      Rubio NYC

    5. Oh 116 I also wanted to say that I didn’t know about the independence part. Wow. I looked it up. Thanks for teaching me that.

      Rubio NYC

  3. What cartel did the kidnapping? What was the motive?

    1. Desperate bums who don’t have anything better to do than to mess with innocents.

  4. Just curious. Can these people apply for asylum in the good ol USA? i mean I'm assuming that they have proof that they are fearing for their lives.. how would that work? Wouldn't this be a golden ticket?

    1. The ticket would be on plain paper and probably lead to somewhere with the same harm.

  5. Mexico has more kidnapping than any other country in the world, Mexico does everything backwards on how to run a country. Only a mixed Mexican president that is not 100% Aztec, Mayan, will run the country right like El Salvador.

    1. As long as Mexican drugs continue to be supplied by Cartels and Cartels bribe the Mexican government it will continue and never go away.

    2. 7:31 be careful you going to wake up the Chayoteros.

    3. 8:09 that goes for the US as well not only Mexico. They receive a piece of the pie too.

    4. Mexico has to be kept like that
      -Cheap labor
      -cheap/easy access to deugs
      -Law on US side holds Mx accountable for everything
      -Plus "captures" and DC's OFAC seizws millons $$$

      -Finally US DC gringos control politicians before there elected like cabeza de vaca that had a "briefing" meeting in DC before he got elected.

      US cant have MX be that big/independent

      Easier to keep them down
      Not applicable to Canada because there so few people up there

  6. Is voting season approaching or something?

    1. Yes the end of Mexico is fast approaching.


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