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Monday, April 1, 2024

According ZETA Tijuana: "El Wily", along with "El 89" and the "El Misil, Were The Ones That Led The Incursion Into The Gulf Of Santa Clara To Exterminate "El Pía" Criminal Cell.

  "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by LaMasakr3 and Zeta Tijuana 

 Willy or Commander W, compadre of El Serpiente and El Plaga; El Wily is a Poncho De La Lima or P1 hitmen chief and in charge of the 7-8s.

" According to ZETA Tijuana
The El Wily or El W, along with El 89 and the El Misile, were the ones that led the incursion into the Gulf of Santa Clara to exterminate a Pía cell.

It is worth mentioning that last year, El Wily or W, along with Melissa (ex-girlfriend of El Omega) and 2 other people, led a chase and were arrested by the FESC."


The criminal structure of Los Rusos would have taken one of the main bastions of La Chapiza by storm, and almost a week later, it would seem that the occupation intends to last longer.

It was 3:00 a.m. when the convoy of hitmen led by three individuals identified as El Misil, El 89, and William López Barraza, Commander Willy, made up of a large number of criminals, left the Mexicali Valley to break into the Gulf of Santa Clara to confront La Chapiza.

The confrontation continued for approximately three hours where Los Rusos were supported by criminals based in Puerto Peñasco, with whom they forged an alliance to exile Los Chapitos.

The explosions caused anxiety among the residents of the town, who have already defined an informal security protocol to avoid being caught in the crossfire and not leaving their homes at certain hours.

The battle was distributed in the same port and its outskirts, at first no dead people were identified; Even so, it was learned that La Chapiza hitmen had to retreat in the face of the fierce onslaught of the criminal group based in Mexicali.


  1. Luego van por el hijo del Pía, el también está en el radar de los rusos.

  2. Animo sicarios !
    Missing the good old days.
    Driving around in a convoy of level 7 bulletproof Ford Raptors and Tacomas. Listening to corridos.Drinking buchanon del 18 with El Bravo Aponte ,Teniente Fantasma ,El Nariz,Chino Antrax ,M1 ,Macho Prieto ,El 50 ,El Peinado ,El R5 y los Talibanes . Making jokes on the 2 way Secret Service style radios. Empecherados con armas largas ,RPG ,y Kalishnikovs adimantadas .

    Cant we all get along !

    1. But the contras are rolling around in Audi Q3s equipped with wireless quantum wifi and level 9 armor while bumping Billy Squire... 🎶 in the dark... 🎶

      All their sicarios pack a bulge too 🍆

    2. Lmao I’m glad you still ok sicario006 we need you hear at borderlandbeat! Animo sicario

    3. "Armas largas" hhmm 🤔 🤤

    4. What happened to el peinado got burnt in chiwas no?

    5. Yoo 006 When you say "missing the old days, the "2 WAY SECRET STYLE SERVICE, con ARMAS LARGAS" 😂😂😂 does that mean you called SEAN CALMS CREW for a service? 🤭🤭🤭🤭😭😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. Provide more info on El Peinado. I heard he was a bad ass pistolero from Gente Nueva de Durango

    7. Que paso Señor 006 te olvidaste del Cholo Ivan y El Condor.

    8. Peinado was a dude who was killed and body burned afterwards by Linea but some say it was someone close to him wanting him out the way and put the blame on Linea, there’s stories that say he used to pay for people’s medical bills and also internet

    9. Sicario006 for president!

    10. Inside info, it was commander "El monkey" who trained Sicario006.

    11. What part of Durango peinado control ? El Oro/inde/ocampo?

  3. He does look like a Free Willy


  4. Los rusos used russian military tactics and operated like the russian espetznas many of their operatives are harden soldiers by years of battle experiencie during the zetas cdg juarez Arellano wars every one in Sinaloa knows rusos have travel to chechenya and recived military training

  5. Pura chapiza no nos vamos ajuaaaa

    1. Pues a la chapiza fueron a los que les pusieron una guiza ver!

  6. Les metieron una putiza ala chapiza...olle como supo el willy y su gente donde estava el pia??? Estan tan pendejos.para delatar su ubicacion?. Saludos.

    1. Porque ahi estubieron exiliados desde que los sacaron del Valle de Mexicali y todo el que iba al Golfo de Santa Clara se daba cuenta que rollo.

  7. Los de la Linea siempre le ponen una madriza a los shapitos.

    1. 8:43 todos les ponen una mdriza al CDS cuando se todos de uno por uno, el pedo es que el CDS la gran mayoria del tiempo mandan al govierno por delante, es mas ahi veces que asta con el Govierno de su lado les ponen una madriza

  8. More like
    : El bitch tits

  9. comandante perro manifiestate

  10. Replies
    1. Surely the only missiles launched by that degenerate, are of the toilet-bowl variety. 🤦‍♂️


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