Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Breaking News & LIVE THREAD: Abraham Oseguera Cervantes aka 'Don Rodo' Brother Of 'Mencho" Leader Of CJNG Cartel Reportedly Captured in Autlan De Navarro: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Abraham Oseguera Cervantes aka "Don Rodo" 

El Universal on X a very reputable Mexican news site is confirming the following capture of
Abraham Oseguera Cervantes, alias “Don Rodo”, brother of “El Mencho”, was arrested early this Sunday in the town of Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco."

Abraham Oseguera Cervantes aka 'Don Rodo' after being captured this early Sunday morning April 21, 2024, at 03:48:00 A.M. was immediately sent to Mexico City to avoid any retaliation attacks according to reports. 


"the following picture was released by the Guacamaya Leaks hacker group, and it shows the inner circle of Jalisco New Generation Cartel leader 'Mencho'
December 21, 2022



Jalisco authorities are reportedly on high alert for possible relations attacks by organized crimes groups. 

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  1. But but but CJNG pays bribes to AMLO and they are his favorite cartel... where's the tonto that claims CJNG pays AMLO bribes.

    1. Your dumb, we know the president is payed hby the Sinaloa cartel and it ain't no secret.

    2. They missed a payment.

    3. Stfu y’all said that AMLO favors CJNG when they captured El Nini 💀 now he favors Sinaloa? Y’all don’t even know what y’all posting about anymore 😭

    4. Who’s “We” ?

    5. 8:58 - Is that why Ovidio Guzmán was captured twice and extradited to the U.S. ?

    6. 9:20 - People on this website constantly switch back and forth whenever someone gets captured. “The Mexican government just captured a CJNG member, looks like the government is on CDS payroll.” “The Mexican government just captured a CDS member, looks like the government is on CJNG payroll”. It’s so stupid.

    7. Stupid is too strong a word..
      Howzabout "wishy-washy"?🙀

    8. 10:11
      How about muddledheaded 🤷‍♂️

    9. It’s election year

    10. Elmo collects bribes, from Cartels to play. He wants to live a lavish lifestyle when he retires.

    11. AMLO's adversaries will always accuse him of taking bribes but have yet to provide the proof. Mind you his adversaries not only own Mexico's major media outlets but also have investments in all of the sectors where AMLO has threatened or affected their interest. Anyone can make allegations but not everyone can provide us with the facts.

    12. They missed a payment and Repoed his brother

    13. @1:22
      Chayoteros in the house.
      One of many ....bribes he and his aides to in for his campaign, he had a tantrum when that was made public and kiss my grits 💋, if you want more facts.


    14. Mencho missed a payment to AMLO. This is a little slap in the face not to miss another payment.

    15. 156 you're so retarded. You heard the term "chayotero" and you dont even know what it means. Provide us with the proof of bribes please. Again, who owns the media outlets? Same people who have investments in the mining business and the same people who haven't paid their millions in taxes... and what's with signing off as a cat? Are you letting us know your alter ego is a pussy?

    16. THERE WILL NEVER BE A NON CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN MEXICO. IF YOU ARENT ON THE TAKE FROM SMALL TOWN MAYOR until the presidency, you will not last 1 year without death. Learn about President attempt Colosio...he was the last chance at honestly in the early 1990, shot. Going forward and ever since...they will all be corrupt.. Learn this🐙

    17. 950 your comment makes no sense.

    18. The fact that the Mexican government is connected behind the scenes with any cartel is showing disrespect for its people.
      Everyone talks like they're CDS and CJNG fans but all cartels are shit.

  2. Grupo Delta ,Fuerzas Especiales Memcho,Grupo Elite on high alert !

    1. Fresa?? Era el Gordo digo el Rodo. Ya ni con billetes puede salir uno a disfrutar sin gente metiche preguntando porque el compra Flores y yo no smh. En Phoenix vienen Los Temerarios, arrival la tri-color radio perros shauuu ala pinga señorita laura

    2. My boy is overdue for his Invega Sustenna Shot

    3. El Rodo? More like El Redondo lol

  3. Where are the Deltas ? Where are the Colombian mercenaries? They ain't shit for the real deal .

    1. Where are your manners?
      Have some respect for the four letters.
      He will be freed.
      No need for violence.

    2. “Have some respect” 😂😂😂

    3. 9:20 why don't you go to Zacatecas out your 4 letters since it seems like they can't catch a break against Operativa MZ

  4. This was a trade for his wife mencho snitched

    1. 9:28 - What are you talking about? El Mencho’s wife is still in prison. She gets released in like five years.

    2. 9:28 - El Mencho’s wife wasn’t release. She’s still in prison for money laundering. I believe she’ll be released in 5 years. That is if they don’t lower her sentence.

    3. 9:44 - Mencho ain’t no snitch and his wife is still in prison so I don’t know why you guys are talking like she has been released in exchange for Mencho’s brother.

    4. 9:57
      Mencho ain't no snitch ? You clearly don't know how the Torcidos (CJNG) became to be then 😂

    5. You clearly Don't know either...

    6. 11:42 enlighten my please . Because according to every credible source out there around that time . They said Mencho Cuinis and 85 turned in their boss to keep the cartel

    7. Cuinis already came from Cartel Fam... Los Valencia's... Cartel del Milenio. El Maradona was the head of that table.
      Menchos merely married into the Valencia Fam.. and Cuinis were Already making Super money , because they Specialize in sending their work to Europe... Asia... Africa...
      Menchos turned in his own brothers in law to try and topple Cuinis and keep that for himself as well.

    8. Don't forget about how after Maradona got caught and the Valencia had to seek refuge under a Durango capo

    9. Who was the Durango capo

  5. Colombian mercenaries ain’t shit 😆

  6. I saw Colombians in a video get bitch slapped by Ukrainians and Colombians were crying one had a big numb on he’s forehead 😆

    1. any narco mexico to south america is going to get smoked in Ukraine its a completely different level.

    2. By the way the Colombians were supposedly “mercenaries “ but were crying because the Ukrainians bitched slapped them so the Colombians started recording and crying jajaja puras niñas los colombianos jaja

    3. 9:35 yea maybe it is but they had las colombianitas llorando jaja

    4. Here’s the link

    5. Better link of colombinas “mercenaries” getting punk 😆

    6. Yeah because theyre no Mexicans out theyre that will bitch out right guys? Its a two way street gentlemen i see no difference from colombians or mexicans. Mexicans would get fucking slaughtered in Ukraine just like the Colombian. Dont forget guys Chapo was suppose to stop the world from spinning and he was crying on his way to the US.

    7. 11:40 te dolió

    8. 12:12 no I am not Colombian I am Scandinavian. I just think Mexicans are funny when they think they are the elite in latin america

    9. 12:54 cuéntame una de vaqueros 😆

    10. Like the Ukrainians crying when the Russians came?

    11. 11:40 is that why mafia wise every other mafia is scared of the Mexicans?

    12. Zacatecas is getting filled with dead Colombians

  7. It was a BODY DOUBLE
    mencho still 👑

    1. For the 3,001 time 😵 Mencho is dead.
      Dios Mio muchos ninos cabesones, marijuanos.


    2. Mister Mencho WAS king!! 🥺👑

    3. 1:48 so you know more than the US intelligence agencies???? 😂😂🤡🤡

    4. 6:16 yes does a bear shet in the woods?

  8. Este Abraham Mato al hermano de Mario Valencia lugarteniente de Armandon en apatzingan y fue uno de los que se escapo de la carcel en apatzingan cuando sacaron al remy a Marcos y muchos mas los zetas

  9. Pinches Colombians ni pa las cumbias sirven . Arriba La Sedena , La Marina y el Ejercito Mejicano

    1. Lo pusieron su misma gente la guardia nacional lo “capturó” todos saben que ellos no saben hacer nada

    2. 12:22 - Cada vez que las fuerzas federales capturen a un narco, siempre dicen que la guardia nacional participaron. Cuando Ovidio fue capturado el año pasado, dijeron que la Guardia Nacional fue quien lo capturó. Siempre dicen que la Guardia Nacional capturaron al narco o participaron en el operativo para que la Guardia Nacional se vea bien y tenga una buena reputación. AMLO no quiere que su proyecto fracasa. Pero eso no significa que su misma gente lo pusieron.

    3. 8:42 : Probablemente fue otra unidad de la SEDENA como fuerzas especiales el que hizo el arresto pero el crédito se le está dando a la guardia nacional.

  10. Major blow to the 4 letter goons

  11. Lo agarron por no poder correr anda muy entayadita la marrana mal echa

    Son pantalones o pantimedias

  12. How many brothers does Mencho have ?

    1. 5 brothers Antonio Miguel Marin Abraham y Otto mas

    2. 5 brothers, this guy, Tony Montana, El John Gotti, El Capone and El Joker. Mom's enchiladas are what has kept this cartel held together.

  13. When shit went down in CD Guzman shit popped off but with this Guy nothing happen. My question is cause is that they don't want to make Autlan hot or some type of trade? It's an election year so they have to get someone just wondering?

  14. Wow the ghost of el mencho snitching again.

  15. Damn…. no handcuffs ? Makes me think of when Z-40 was being walked with no handcuffs. Do you think it was out of fear/respect that they didn’t cuff him ? Personally, I enjoy seeing the cuffs getting slapped on the “big shots” . There’s something very humbling when the police slap handcuffs on you😄 I still have memories of being immediately humbled/shocked the moment the cuffs got thrown on me . I was always like “ damn, is this really happening to me right now” 😄 It was always such a shock in the actual moment your getting arrested. Deep down we all know it’s just a matter of time being it happens , but are still in disbelief when that day actually arrives 😄🤷‍♂️( I do not miss the days of living on the wrong side of the law )😄

    1. "put your hands behind your back in a praying position" 🙏

    2. 12:57
      Orale emoji nino.

    3. I see emoji nino and Cuba kid making a comeback 🧐

    4. 11:07 don't get your panties twisted, because you used to many emojis.

    5. Lol emoji nino in back in town 🤣.

    6. Don't forget about cuba kid aka La Mentirosa. Still remember whenever people on BB would clown him bad to the point he stopped posting lol

    7. Maybe Cuba went with SIR to fight in Ukraine against the Invaders and the war still goes on, Putin thought he would have it over in 2 months.
      I said "war", he can't lock me up, because I am in another country, that does not have ship.

    8. No handcuffs because the guy interrogation team likes to see the arms flailing around when they break out the tools of their trade. Cattle prods and Cholula flavored Topo Chico.

      Per Jack Riley it is common for the feds to wager regarding the outcome. Over-under bets on how many times he can moves his hands from the face to his nut sack in a minute. Bets on whether the hands move in unison or opposite directions. If so, which hand (right or left attempts to cover nose and which protects the sack) etc…

      Unfortunately for Don Rodo his arrest timing was off. Clan Zambada and the Flores twins were smart enough to be apprehended BEFORE the El Chapo and Garcia Luna trials. Not sure who Rodo can snitch on to cut a few decades off his sentence assuming extradition.

    9. It’s funny that the guys who complain about emojis, are the same guys who don’t know how to use proper grammar ( even without emojis )when writing a sentence. I’ve read , and continue to read countless comments of guys who don’t seem to understand what a comma or a period is 🤦‍♂️. And yet I’ve never said anything, because I understand not everyone was given the same opportunity in life . But to criticize someone for using an emoji when you yourself cannot write a sentence correctly, reminds me of….. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?🤔😄
      If anyone should be using emojis , it’s the 90% of the guys complaining about the emojis, because atleast we will get a better understanding of what you mean, when your writing your 100 word comment with no punctuation. 😮😮😮🫨🫨🖕😄

  16. 3 months his out

  17. Mencho wont be happy, paying again all the politicians and prosecutors and judges just to water down the indictment.

  18. char...ellos saben donde estan,yo he vivido y trabajado toda mi vida y no puedo comprar una casa en ese fraccionamiento,no duermen en la sierra,viven en guadalajara,con todos los lujos.............solo es cuestion de tiempo...................

  19. Menchos wife was cleared of organized crime ties and his brother gets caught. Coincidence?? Nah!

    1. @5:16 I’m pretty sure El Mencho’s brother is worth more than El Mencho’s wife so if there was a trade then it definitely doesn’t seem like a fair one. Plus, El Mencho’s wife is still in prison. She got sentenced in December of last year to five years in prison for money laundering.

  20. It can't be! Mexican government is only striking at CDS say nutthuggers.
    Where are these now?

    1. How many apprehensions later 🤡 word is going around that olboy is not even wanted in Mexico that the US may have ordered the apprehension of this dude cause he maybe wanted in Redwood City maybe they seen him eating mariscos in Redwood City.

    2. 7:40 que siga el lloradero entonces alucin!

    3. Mariscos were in Redwood City ? Lmao there ain’t shit there but a few sinaloense marisco spots.

  21. Most of Mencho’s family are locked up. Sicario 006 has been busy.

  22. Autlan y sus alrededores son una chulada muchísima gente del señor de los gallos ya sabran si asen un cochinero

    1. Todo pueblito tiene sus plazita, mercadito y su Catedral. Nada espectacular viejo.

  23. It’s a dog and pony show, dude is not even handcuffed. GN just puppets for gov to look the part. Next.

    1. 8:36 - He’s not handcuffed, but I mean where’s he going to run to. It’s an open area so there’s no where to hide. There’s a bunch of cameras from the press watching his every move and there’s probably a bunch of soldiers guarding this place. Not to mention he looks overweight, so he won’t get far running.

    2. I THINK majority of the time when these guys have to go and get them and they fly them out to CDMX it’s usually a wrap bro they ain’t getting let loose but then again nothing surprises me anymore with Mex @8:36

  24. CDS cheerleaders are going to say CDS defeated CJNG if Mencho is capture next.
    Fuckin phony ass corridors of theirs mentioning this bs will be playing all over Sinaloa when this happens.

    1. no es el dia de mi cumpleaños
      ni tampoco es mi santo
      es que acaban de agarrar
      al jefe de los contrarios
      ya no se preocupen compas
      que el terreno esta en mis manos

      no hubo la necesidad de agarrarlo
      por sorpresa
      el gobierno mexicano
      fue el que tumbo la cabeza

      Roberto Tapia's track is fire.

    2. 10:26 si haci como escriben pendejadas fueran para trabajar los narcos en Sinaloa el pais fuera algo mejor.

    3. Desafortunadamente, Mexico es un pais corrupto y tiene de vecino al pais mas rico y el numero uno consumidor de drogas (USA). Mientras exista demanda extranjera y corrupcion a todos niveles, no acabara el contrabando.

    4. Yes, thank you. People need to see and care about the damage and they will when it is too late. Law enforcement and political figures are the first jobs ai should replace

  25. No que muy bravos los de Jalisco's llegando a USA VA estar como El chapo, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  26. Still nothing from the fed.gob about his arrest? And yes no cuffs. That smells fishy.

  27. Roberto tapia es nacido en Michoacán tambien haha

    1. Es nacido en San Diego que Michoacán inutil

  28. Menchos brother gonna be complaining that he doesn't get any toilet paper

  29. well let's just see if mencho's really dead then

  30. I am now an American, I write here in Spanish and somehow, it magically is in English.
    I am a native of Tijuana, kids are out here with guns selling Meth. It's just getting worse down here.

    1. Yes that is because the cops are crooked. They belong to the nwo. it is only going to get worst. cause we the people can not stand up against the gangs which includes law enforcement. They all like the power it gives.bif everybody stood up, they would take out a few villages but but it would stop. You see what the cops do when a coworker stands up and blows the whistle. They attack them... Their own comrades just like a dog will attack it's owner if if you're fighting with him and throw him at the dog

  31. I’m not surprised, I always said Menchos brother was around Tonaya. Funny thing is that’s not the brother I was talking about lol

  32. Great job getting in and out .I smell the Americans had a part in it somewhere.

  33. Tomorrow morning i guarantee the sun will come up and it will still be business as usual

    1. But not without you forgetting to use a period at the end.😁

  34. Good news now deport him to america. Taking the bosses out makes zero difference best thing to do is target the cash or businesses and political people out the game

  35. One of the winning strategies in the war with Pablo Escobar was to pick off all his closest associates and get his enemies/ expartners to turn on him.

  36. If u ever plaid the game you would know that it's a roll of the dice, sure some of it is planned and scripted and when it's your turn you take the hit with pride cause you done did more than anyone thought you would and you was already willing to die for your cause

  37. I doubt there is anyone sweating over this.

  38. Maybe they need him caught so they got someone telling like Chapo.

  39. Rodo was a true gentleman needs to be free


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