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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hitmen Burn & Kill Young Mother After El Topo is Killed by Police in Tabasco

 "El Lic" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat

El Topo, from the cartel group “La Barredora”, was killed in a gunfight with police in Tabasco after a fellow cartel member turned him in. El Topo was known to sexually assault minors, kidnap, murder, and charge extortion fees from priests in Chontalpa.


Topo’s cartel group burned vehicles on the highway after hearing of his death. They trapped a mother and her son inside a burning bus, leading the mother to die from the flames after bravely tossing her child to safety.

Warning: Graphic images below this point.



The following is taken from an article by Diario Presente


El Topo is Killed


Luciano Vicente García, alias “El Topo”, was a cartel leader from the group La Barredora. His group primarily operated in La Chontalpa, Tabasco.

On Monday, April 22, he was shot was shot four times by police officers while he was in a safe house in Cárdenas, Tabasco.

Four of his bodyguards were arrested in the operation. They are named:


Gustavo Alfredo A. L.

Pedro Antonio L.

William Josué C. F.

Pedro S. P.


The detainees were found to be in possession of 6 AR-15s; 3 ballistic vests; ammo and a stolen motorcycle. The bodyguards were handed over to the Attorney General’s Office.

The death of El Topo led the other members of the cartel to set fire to more than a dozen vehicles on the federal highways connecting Cárdenas to Comalcalco on the afternoon of Monday, April 22.

A woman burned to death after hitmen burned a TRT bus on the Cárdenas to Comalcalco highway.


There was also an attack on a police patrol car near the mayor’s house. And there was an attack on the Army base of the 57th Infantry Battalion as well as the burning of more vehicles nearby.



Who Was El Topo? Who Turned Him In?


According to military intelligence agents El Topo is accused of raping minors, kidnapping, extortion, land theft, robberies, executions, in addition to charging “derecho de piso” [an extortion fee] from priests of Chontalpa churches.

The State Attorney General's Office [FGE] investigation El Topo and Euler Rubalcaba Colorado, alias “El Rayo”,  for the recent homicide of José Livio Pons Echeverría, a sugar cane grower and the leader of the C.N.C., who represented almost 4 thousand sugar cane growers. Pons Echeverría was also a recognized political leader.

The military intelligence files state that these two dangerous subjects kidnapped the sugar cane grower leader and kept him captive for four days.

They then stripped him of his assets, which included 500 hectares of sugar cane, tractors, heavy machinery, and there is even talk of a light aircraft. He was forced to transfer these assets to people who are close with Topo before they killed him.

El Topo and El Rayo reportedly made a profit of more than 200 million pesos from this.


Many claim that Euler R., alias “El Rayo”, betrayed El Topo and handed him over to police on Monday.


El Topo resisted being arrested and he was shot four times, while “El Rayo” fled, presumably, wounded.


At the moment, Rayo’s whereabouts are unknown, but he is being sought by law enforcement. Yesterday Cárdenas was calm again, however civilians were apprehensive about leaving their homes.




The following is taken from an article by Milenio


More on the Woman Who Was Burned by Cartel Members


Jessica Domínguez López lost her life saving that of her little son, whom she threw out of the window during the attack perpetrated by criminal groups on a bus on the TRT line on the Cárdenas-Comalcalco  route .


On Monday night, the young mother boarded the bus to go to her home located in Libertad, where she was originally from, without ever imagining that she would meet a tragic end.

The journey seemed calm but upon reaching Santa Rosa the bus was intercepted by members of the criminal group "La Barredora" who attacked it, setting fire to the bus and six other cars in various parts of the municipality.


Witnesses reported that during the bus attack, Jessica Domínguez and her 11-year-old son did not manage to flee the bus in time, so they were trapped inside while the truck caught fire.

Finding no way to get out alive, the young mother chose to throw her son out of a window to save his life, however she could not escape herself.

In videos circulating on social media, the body of the brave mother can be seen being consumed by the flames, while the son was rescued with a fracture in his arm and he was taken to his relatives.


Video Source: Perturbador

Video Source: Eco_1_LVM

Jessica's body was taken by the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) to carry out genetic tests and later it was handed over to her relatives, in order to give her a Christian burial.




  1. Replies
    1. The mother is the real hero of this story. You can see her humble existence from the photos. She died so that her son may live. Murdered by low life scum that have no right to breathe fresh air.

    2. Tous ces sous-races de merde payeront pour ça ; et si ce n’est pas dans cette vie, ce sera de l’autre côté. Il n’y a aucune échappatoire pour eux. J’ai de la peine pour la jeune maman et son fils.

  2. Of course. A bunch of pussies too afraid to go after the military or the police officers who killed their leader, so instead they target innocent civilians. May she rest in peace.

  3. Fucking narco trash killing innocents! When will it end?

  4. Tabasco is about to turn into another Guanajuato. Mark my words

    1. Isn’t that where the president is from Elmo. He looks like one of those old Indians. They have them here in the US. They end up selling their people out for casinos. That’s what Elmo reminds me of.

  5. One less sex predator is a good thing for mexico.

    1. There are child molestors and rapists in every cartel. Drugs lowers inhibitions and distort reality. Meth is especially known to increase sexual desire. These sexual predators are the aspect of illegal drugs that the radical left who want to legalize drugs overlook. Legalize drugs and you will see an increase in sex crimes.

    2. The state of Colorado is a perfect example of sex crimes against children. Already a liberal state after the legalization of pot sex crimes against children have gone up in a sizeable manner..
      Of course this is untold in the media because it's its pot and Americans doing so.

    3. 6:28
      Smoking pot makes you wanna fuck lil' children?

    4. 7:01 making jokes is a fast way to ignore the truth and make yourself feel better.
      This is also what some cartel fans do when their favorite cartel is accused of shit. Mainly fans of a particular cartel aka Pacific do.

    5. 10:35 sicarios 006 is very good about this when it comes to making jokes about CDS so that people laugh away a problem.

    6. Connecting the use of cannabis to child sex crime is delusional and ludicrous.
      Get a grip.

    7. 2:25 if it's not the use of cannabis then what is the deal with Colorado having one the biggest indexes of child molestation in the country?
      Not to mention other sexual crimes like crimes against women like rape and such?
      Look it up.

    8. I'm not aware of a nexus between sex crimes and marijuana use. However, studies show a nexus between sex crimes and the use of meth and to a lesser extent cocaine. On the side of victims, the use of opioids significantly increases the chances that the user will be a victim of a sex crime.

    9. 8:48 sex crimes are caused by an already overly sexualy active population and then the use of drugs. Drugs make everything else like molesting a child seem easier than having not using them.
      Why does BB erase my other comments and only wants to talk about cannabis. Like that's the only fuckin drug being consumed in Colorado?

  6. The military should start beheading like the cartels do, to gather intel, to find out who is responsible for killing innocent civilians.

    1. They do. You just havent paid attention.

    2. 9:05 - They don’t. When have you ever heard of the military beheading narcos ?

    3. @9:05 - Can you name one example because I’ve genuinely have never heard of them doing something like that to the narcos.

    4. Ayotzinapa.

    5. @5:54

      But the AMLO nutthugger says it's on cartel on cartel killings, that no innocents die.

    6. 9:21 you need to re-read 5:54 sentence again. The magic words are..."should start".

    7. 09:21 September 10, 1977 marks the last time a government, namely France, executed someone with their guillotine.

    8. 8:20 you should read 9:05 comment so you will know who 9:21 was actually talking to.

    9. I’m sure some of the people the military disappears get the beheading treatment. Who knows what they do cause you’ll never find the bodies. But you have to believe when they catch someone that’s killed a lot of their co workers they exact revenge and it’s things we never see and won’t ever see. But it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

  7. Oh my goodness, Satan is having a field day! He not only scored with a former NFL butcher from the US, but every cartel member who participates in this line of work provides a never ending pipeline!!

    1. Satan gets blamed for everything, he's the good guy. Yahweh is bad, it ordered slaughter, something Satan never did.

    2. @6:01pm "Hell is other people." - Jean-Paul Sartre
      Human beings can be far more evil than any Satan ever invented.

    3. Satan is the idea maker. People choose to follow his ideas.

    4. Doesnt matter, jesus died for us so everything is forgiven. Only weak or stupid people believe in gods.

    5. 8:41
      Please send link

    6. Jesus was a convicted criminal under Roman law

    7. 9:56 Jesus was a convicted criminal under Jewish law.

    8. Please send me the link to join Satan.

    9. Human beings are satan,violence prone and duplicitous,you phony fuckers eat what your fed by gob and media,ELMO is feeding you right now

    10. 11:18
      No. The Romans convicted Jesus. It a common myth that it was jews.

    11. Easy to spot the people who didn't grow up in a Catholic culture and therefore didn't have the words of the Nicene Creed aggressively drilled into their heads.

      "Crucified under Pontius Pilate", guys.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Will El Lic introduce himself to curious readers??

  9. This is an area CDS controls in the Juarez Valley.

  10. Fat Pedo, hope it hurt

  11. I will repeat narco gangsters on both sides of the border are lower than pedophiles!

    1. Right winger

    2. @641 says the lower than a pedophile. Now that's hilarious!

    3. Am I seeing double, triple 🤔 seems 8:50 gets excited using the word pedophile in every article in here.

    4. Just like the American “gangstaz” who also rape women

  12. Hope all those narco scum suffer a worse fate than what they subjected that poor woman thru. And her son witnessed mom burned alive.

    RIP Jessica Dominguez Lopez.

  13. doesn't look like 4 bullets, looks like a machete wound

  14. ah i see, what looks like a wound is just his bloody shirt - 4 bullets makes sense then

  15. Jaliscas paid the the snitch money and some extra for the police to close the case with some bullets.

  16. Para q le tapan la cara al marrano del Topo y no el incendio con la gran mamá que dió la vida por su hijo??

    No sean doble cara, por favor

  17. I usually don't post about people when they die, because death is death, and there is no coming back from that. But this motherfucker got what he deserved. I hope that his death was slow and agonizing. There has to be a special spot in hell just for people like him.

    And to the brave young mother, GOD rest your soul 🙏 🙏

    Thank you El Lic, and Hearst. Saludos also to el compa Sol and La Gran Chivis. Un abrazo desde Los Angeles- El Nemesis

    1. Go Denver nuggets!

    2. Go LA Dodger's!!

    3. Viva Argentina!
      Viva Eva Peron!
      Viva Perin!
      Viva Lily!
      Abajo con inflatcion.

  18. Let's hope the new president goes after these scum or extradite them unless she listens to obrador and continues his policies like he just said that criminals respect the people:;does burning buses with people inside look respectful?

    1. Don't know which one of the two ladies will win, Sneiderbalm is doing more rallies, you never know she might be a future puppet of the Cartels, I hoping she doesn't have a daily meeting, like grampa.

    2. All Mexican Presidents will have to negotiate with the cartels. Until they get someone that is already a billionaire to be president. Otherwise they will negotiate so they can get their blood money.

  19. Lopez obrador is an idiot he doesn't even get along with the US government so the sooner he leaves the better hope he gets indicted by the new government or exiled to anyone there country like Cardenas did to Calles in 1935 history can repeat itself Mexico already looks like it did in 1920?

  20. "country’s violent criminal gangs and drug cartels are essentially “respectful people” who “respect the citizenry”
    AMLO , tells you all you need to know about his motivations past and present

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Que bueno que se lo cargo a la vrga El puerco ese!!!! Y El que diga.

  22. Ahora si a tragar tierra Topo. Burn in hell gopher!🔥🦫🔥

  23. Sad how the government doesn’t give a fuck. Hope one day someone comes a changes Mexico like El Salvador. AMLO doesn’t have the balls and either who wins the elections next. Another 6 years with the same shit and each time it’s getting worse.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. a country of some barbaric, and just pure evil POS's, this cocksucker might be in the All Timer discussion. Specialties: Raping children, and extorting priests. Add to the normal narco list of transgressions and you have a standout performer. Difference is, this idiot wasn't even rich, or big time.

  26. El topo estubo preso conmigo en el 5 oriente de perote,estubo en la masacre de san fernando bajo las ordenes del kilo y la ardilla ,fue absuelto como en el 2014 y miren lo ke ocasiono la decision de los jueces federales


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