Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 19, 2024

FlashBack Friday: 'El Delta Maximo' Tactical Leader of Deltas Group Armed Wing Of CJNG Cartel In Michoacán Heated Exchange With 'El Güicho De Los Reyes or R5" A Lieutenant Of Carteles Unidos

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 


The following audio recording was published on April 16, 2024, on X by a young hitman affiliated with a criminal figure known as El Güicho De Los Reyes or R5. El R5 is believed to be a lieutenant of El Abuelo Farías leader of Carteles Unidos. In the audio recording, we can listen to the back-and-forth argument between El Delta and El Güicho De Los Reyes. 

El Delta Maximo is believed to be a former personal bodyguard of Mencho who rose through the ranks to become a top CJNG Cartel lieutenant, and currently leading the incursions into Michoacán with the blessing of feared CJNG leader Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes aka "Mencho" "El 1". I do want to point out that the voice of El Delta Maximo is very similar to the famous Miguel Angel Fernandez Valencia aka El M2 who is believed to have died in a military operation. 

El Güicho De Los Reyes or R5 is a high-ranking member of Carteles Unidos or Cartel de Tepalcatepec led by El Abuelo Farias and works closely with Poncho La Quiringua. 


EL GŨICHO DE LOS REYES: Hey what's up, what a fucking pussy you are, you are so scared of me! I thought you were so fearless?

EL DELTA MAXIMO: here we have money

EL GÜICHO DE LOS REYES: you guys do not have money 

EL DELTA MAXIMO: you guys gotta stop fighting in a country you are not from (message to Colombians that are reportedly working with CARTELES UNIDOS)

EL GÜICHO DE LOS REYES: shut up son of a bitch! You make them your enemies, so you can kill them, so you can keep all their money fucking scumbag! 

EL DELTA MAXIMO: you are probably right haha Güicha! yeah maybe we can reach a deal 

EL GÜICHO DE LOS REYES: even if I get killed by a traitor you will not give them the money you are not a man of your word, scumbag!

EL DELTA MAXIMO: sure I am not a man of my word! Why not ask all the boys that work for you that I have captured in El Aguaje, all of them I pardoned their lives. 

You guys know! you scumbags! everyone you guys have captured you guys have dismembered them. 

What I promise you guys I will fulfill, my word is my bond. Kill GÜICHA, and I promise you can join our ranks, and work for us if not you guys can go home and do what you want with the money, and I will give you the $ two million

EL GÜICHO DE LOS REYES: you are a fucking faggot, fucking thief you want to keep all the money for your self it should be $five million   

EL R-5


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  1. Wasn’t El Delta Maximo killed back in like 2022 ? I swear I saw a picture of his supposed dead body. He had been killed in Telpatepec by the military if I’m not mistaken. It looked like he had gotten shot in the head. Does anyone know what picture I’m referring to ?

    1. Man you ask a lot of questions. Read articles thoroughly so less questions are asked.🤣

    2. It was another guy. Maximo Delta is alive and he is always the one who speaks in F.E.M statements. Like the most recent one.

    3. You thinking bout M2

    4. Yeah you're thinking of m2, el migueladas. He's rotting in hell. These two hopefully join him soon.

    5. 7:44 M2 is not migueladas

    6. He was brought back to life using special technology.

  2. I live in Los Reyes work for Semar Guicho is a piece of trash I got relocated because I’m not providing security for that lil punk all his sicarios are kids or tweekers and abuelo is still hiding because theres a big price on his head when mencho sends his personal security team I’ll be honest CJNG is only strong because they kidnap locals n force them to fight but el migueladas does that as well but migueladas has more money that any man in Michoacán and not by a little either

    1. Yes, I believe El Migueladas is one of the wealthiest men in Michoacán. La Huacana is an agricultural hub that he controls.

    2. Ye he’s been moving dope for 20-30 years and avocados as well and extortion fees on farmers too and CJNG haven’t been able to take his towns like they said they were because some local army dudes there help his group and police officers as well because $$ talks

  3. Is this audio old or recent ? Because if it’s recent, isn’t El Delta Maximo dead. I remember there was a picture of his dead body floating around Twitter. The picture had originally been posted by a Twitter account that often exposed corruption in Mexico and talked a lot about the cartel wars all over Mexico. I think the account was named like “Unidad Ciudadana” or something like that. Anyone know what I’m talking about ?

    1. It says FLASHBACK in the title for a reason

    2. These are two different Deltas, the one who died is the gray-haired guy, probably from the famous picture, Maximo Delta is younger, you can find his photo from the arrest in Guadalajara in 2020, he was the one who spoke in the last statement of F.E.M about Los Reye couple days ago.

    3. 4:01 - Oh, I see. Yes, you are correct. The one I was think about was the grey haired one. I didn’t know there were two different deltas. Thank you for the info.

    4. 6:05 "oh, I see", said the blind man, as he picked up a hammer and saw..

    5. You can always count on CHAR to be a dick.

    6. The roosters in the barnyard are barely awake this shiny new Saturday morning, and already we've learned that CHAR is a dick, and Sol is a prendildo..
      There's no shame in that, every man has his own destiny, jaja..
      But many others don't think you guys are dicks or dildos, and appreciate all of you BB folks that brave the rush hour commute to show up at the office every morning, earnestly trying to keep the unwashed masses informed and up to date..

    7. 8:06 haters tend to talk shit in here every time they can't get their way. It's to be expected from moronic clowns that have to much time on their hands. So, if for any reason we have to shut down the comments it shouldn't surprise anyone why it came to that. Perhaps it'll get these clowns to be more appreciative of what they once had.

    8. "You can always count on CHAR to be a dick."
      I swear some of you fuckin dojas are smoking too much green ?

    9. Does anybody have an update on Coachella? I saw Peso Puma was backstage with Jaden Smith and Justin Bieber rubbing butts. Does anyone know if CJNG has a presence at Coachella?

    10. 8:18 yeah Bad Bunny 🐰, might be there.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. Rumor is Los Tucanes de Tijuana are going to be there, since they are banned from playing in Tijuana.

  4. I thought El Delta Maximo was dead. If he is still alive, then that means he’s been fighting the same fight for more than 4 years at this point. Honestly, it seems like it’s a lost cause.

    1. Pinche gente learn to read like char published its a flashback... lets say sol prendildo published an article that el chapo is still in mazatlan partying...pendejadas

  5. El que tenía la pechera "Delta/Delta1/El Delta" segun era conocido como "El Tiburón". A lo que se comentó el era de Colima y fue marino o soldado.

  6. Bunch of assholes playing war
    Fucking losers

  7. El migueladas tiene celulas de distribution en Atlanta , Houston, Las Vegas y Oakland

    1. @06:00 Claro que Si. You forgot New Orleans.

    2. Busted down on Bourbon street, set up like a bowling pin..

    3. Orale vato loko

    4. Those were menchos routes connor

    5. Buy I thought that couldn't happen in the US because gun advocates wouldn't allow it.

    6. In what part of Oakland??

  8. Soy de Califas, the land of fruits and nuts!

  9. It was really brave of them to show their faces. I bet they have CU shaking in their huaraches.

  10. Good observation.. That likely is M2, they fake deaths all the time.

    1. He did hes on menchos personal bodyguard team dont ask me how I know just know the person. Who told me this works with mencho stepson security team

    2. Menchos been dead 4:25.
      Are you the guy that claims to live a block from Obrador Palace.

  11. Los R5 de los reyes are a seperate cartel from El abuelos people they probably work with el abuelo though.

  12. Too much yapping…drop coordinates and settle it like men.

  13. Char where ever you are, I am eagerly waiting for Throw-back Thursday. My favorite day to read articles. No babysitting on Thursday ok dude, tell your lady you're busy that day.

    1. Throwback Thursday got bumped up to Flashback Friday this week, please try to keep up 🥺

    2. But but but but, 🤔 if Flashback Friday was done that week. Then it's considered Throw-back Thursday.
      6:30 please please try to keep up.

  14. As a American i appreciate all the contributors do at BB.I wish for nothing but the best for our southern neighbors.

  15. Only if el señor M2 was still alive.

    1. He is he’s mencho personal security nowadays

  16. Love how the dude recording pretended to start coughing to cover up the 2 million bounty and the promise of amnesty to anyone who killed him.


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