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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Like A Chump Mayo Zambada Offers Money For The Return Of His Drugs

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

This weekend, more than 130 tons of chemical percusores used to manufacture illegal fentanyl were seized in Culiacán. The drugs belonged to the Mayo Zambada cartel. This has a lot to do with what Jorge had mentioned about the confrontation within the Sinaloa Cartel itself in the state of Sinaloa. 

These are warehouses used by Ismael El Mayo Zambada, leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, to store chemical precursors. At the end of March, the warehouse complex located in Culiacán was seized by elements of the Sedena and the national guard. 

There they located 130 tons of chemical percusores used to make 10 tons of fentanyl and methamphetamine. They were found inside drums in the warehouse that was guarded and monitored by criminals with the help of local authorities. Coincidentally there were no arrests. 

Unofficially, it was revealed that Mayo Zambada is offering a large sum of money in exchange for the shipment being returned. The Sinaloa Cartel is the group that sends the largest shipment of fentanyl to the United States, both the Mayo and Los Chapitos factions.

This drug caused the deaths of more than one hundred thousand people in one year in the American Union. Therefore, the cartel is one of the priority objectives for the security agencies of the neighboring country.

This rupture in the Sinaloa Cartel between the mobs of El Mayo and Los Chapitos is increasingly noticeable and steadily reflected in different parts of the country. For now, this blow that the Mexican army and other institutions gave against Mayo Zambada is a very hard blow. This was a severe hit against that organization, against the perpetrators for the production of fentanyl, which was once said wasn’t being produced here.


  1. How exactly does sedena taking his drugs is related to the split within the cartel?

    1. That is a lot of money compitas, knocking on the devil's door or did he just open it seems as if
      He just bought himself a quiet retirement, Se nos va el Mayo viejones. Hasta Luego mi jefe disfrute el retiro machin en Cuba.

    2. it's not implied that it's related but hey it could be. maybe they snitched him out

    3. I don’t for in minuto take as gospel this was Mayos. Los Chapinises have the means and motive to setup Mayo as a fent kingpin

    4. So the real sad part is they put 120 tons of chemical waste into the ground to create 10 tons of material… there has to be a more efficient way.

  2. There's all the proof you guys need to understand that not everyone respects that old turd. 😂

    1. the Reddit mafias going to be in here defending CDs honor. watch out you might get another fake ass death threat from some basement dweller from reddit.

    2. Shut up sol you are not even Mexican

    3. Sol is not Mexican? I really thought all borderland beat contributors are Mexicans. Hahah

    4. Take it easy sol - mayo is resourceful with billions of money and can afford to track anyone down. That’s why I don’t take crap about any drug lords. Too dangerous to get picked up and cross back to Mexico and get head and limbs chop up.

    5. Respect the machine you fools.
      Hey Buddy Sol never mind the flakes.

    6. 928 I’m not Mexican. I’m Dominican. I’m a soon to be contributor. And Sol is mexi. Isn’t he? And if he’s not. Who cares? Some guys on here say the stupidest things. Isnt this site about posting what’s going on in Mexico? Also it’s called freedom of speech.

      Rubio NYC

    7. Sr.Sol, off topic, but god forbid, if you were to be captured by your enemies and forced to star in a dismemberment video, what recording artist would you like the accompanying soundtrack to feature?

    8. Theres no fucking way Mayo has billions. Chapo was painted to be the ultimate trafficker and that dude could barely pay his men some days.

    9. Sorry guys but I've been cursed with having to live a long life.

    10. Mendo county is not that big sol, I would move ASAP

    11. Jajaja. De donde chingados salen con que el Mayo tiene billones de dolares?
      Apoco los an visto alguno de ustedes?
      No salgan con mamadas y se alucinen con los corridos de estos mejor.
      Se ven mas lamehuevos ignorantes que nunca con esos estupidos comentarios.

    12. 11:04 💯 💯 🍻

    13. Looks like El Mayo knows a thing or two about Fentanyl Production after all.. lol
      And ofcourse He does,looks like He's the Grand Poisoner of Culiacan.. They should drag His ass down from the Sierra and give Him to Yankees, or maybe He just gave His Warehouses to show "Look,No more Fentanyl" , "Please don't drag me into ADX Florence to die with my Compa-Chapo.." IMO it's Obscene that anyone who has that amount of Fentanyl precursors doesn't get a JDAM dropped on them while they eat their morning Tortillas. I lost a GOOD FRIEND to this poison..

  3. Mayo! Zambada-get me some Mayo!

  4. It was nice of him to admit that he's the owner of the precursors. This makes the DEA's job much easier.

    1. @Detroit hey man that was a nice bust you made earlier today in tha D. Wow, lots of fetty. Thanks.

  5. Sol buddy you’re treading on thin ice
    They find you after talking all this shit and you’re done
    If that happens film it so we can watch🥸😆

    1. First of all, Sol is a goddam TEXAN!
      If 8:40's prophecy comes true, and Sr.Sol is traced, picked up, and filmed being tortured to death, the other BB authors will observe at least a 30 second moment of silence before scrambling to file the story first..
      Nobody is wishing for his untimely demise, but I predict that after the news breaks over ONE THOUSAND comments will pour in, offering condolences, sincere or otherwise, and the holy father in heaven will have to make room for one more angel..

    2. Sol is smart enough not to give his location, he has said a few areas. And there's no need for anyone asking where he is at.
      A few have popped in, acting like they are his Buddy, recently a Seansesn had came in asking for his address, it's the 1st time that name pops up, he did not secured.
      Fools in here get mad because their foolish comments don't get published and start threatening Sol are babies 😭.

    3. I think Sol is AI generated blogger, so hail to Sol.

    4. How is Sol "talking shit". Seems to me it was a straight forward article. He just related the facts. I know MX is a deadly place for journalists but Sol's article is not attacking or defacing anyone.

  6. when will a corrido be done , when the DEA set up a call between vicentillo and mayo???? .During his debriefing .

    1. El Niño Zambada is a big informant and snitch that’s does live freely in the USA - but I bet he sleeps with 1 eye open

  7. Seems like to me el señor del sombrero has all the plugs you can think of literally it’s been shown time and time again. But who tf is running the show? Feel like the people mayo has running thangs always tend to be fuckin shit up in some way shape or for bro. Smfh

  8. I guess Mayo did not get Chapitos memo of no dealing in fent. they are not respecting each other.

  9. El checo runs culiacan for mayo and checo reports to poncho limon who is as powerful as Mayito flaco lowkey only poncho limon can live in culiacan and escaped the prison in culiacan since 2017

  10. 130 tons makes 10 tons? Any chemist out there ?

    1. @09:44 watch you know bout that?

    2. 1 liter of salt water has significantly more volume than the salt that remains after the water has evaporated. It is similar here.

  11. Check out bloodlines by melissa del bosque. The FBI be on borderland beat reading and keeping up with the news .

  12. El quinto mes tiene mas poder que Joe Biden. Le regresan la merca o se la regresan .

  13. So chapitos ratting on mayos warehouses ?

  14. esta claro nada es para siempre,es cuestion de tiempo,y la iguana cae del palo..................................

    1. Very true. Va estar curioso la cosa ya que el Mayo no esté. Viendo que los que siguen para nada se llevan bien.

  15. Would one agree that there appears to be a pharmacy in just about every shopping center around the Unit States?

    Does that imply that if morphine, oxymorphone, oxycodone, hydromorphone ect. were simply reasonably priced and available to anyone aged 21 and over (see: available without an impossible to obtain prescription / expensive insurance) that black market fentanyl might just cease to exist?

    Overall use and insane overdose rates decline? a culture of dare we imagine, responsible(as possible) use becomes the norm while harm reduction and empathy become the order of the land? Don't take away an addicts drugs, you harness that energy, put them to work doing something, bring them back into society, what business is it of mine what they do in their personal space? less crime is desirable yes? make it the norm to be a functional user and to be anything but would be so ridiculous you hardly ever see or hear about it happening.

    too soon? we like playing cawps and cawtels? but what about we really like?...we really like playing that old game? of dictating to others? dictating? just what, where, when, why and how to live and or not to live and advocating for state violence against our fellow human beings especially if they partake in hobbies not our own....

    no cents
    just Anon profit

    1. @12:30 that's inneresting indeed. Well, what do you think about Canada. They have opioids available from doctors and pharmacists. If you walk in and tell them that you are a fetty abuser they can like prescribe you Dilaudid aka hydromorphone instead. Like so many fucking pills you would be high as shit no matter what. No matter what. Snorting, eating, or shooting the hydromorphone pills is like great heroin effect close to fentanyl. However, the drug addicts don't want Dilaudid because they need fetty. The street fetty too, the dirty shit not that shit they use in the hospitals when you have anastethia and stuff.

      Canada recently started giving minors free fentanyl, which I strongly support. If cartels like Chapitos can't even sell fentanyl properly somebody else needs to step in and do the job for em, eh?

      So parents are angry in Canada that their kids can get fentanyl without their approval or knowledge. Is it a real harm reduction strategy that legitimately helps communities?

      What are your thoughts?

      Shall we allow all drugs without prescriptions?

      Should we vote for a new President or is the current Biden Admin good enough for y'all?

      Should Trump or Clinton be POTUS?

      Should we legalize prositution, homelessness, and drug dealing by corporations in nice parking lots with security guards and elevator music?


  16. "Coincidentally, no arrests were made."

  17. la estrategia,que los gabachos estan usando ,para debilitar a los sinaloenses........divide y estan peleando como perros por un hueso,...........y ellos mismos se extinguiran............

  18. Like I’ve always said cds is not as powerful as people think 🤔 after loosing metric tons in Tijuana and al quiles olso loosing metric tons and still loosing in Tijuana they wrote a letter to the news and media that law enforcement needs to do it’s job cause Tijuana people were criminals and now in there home turf they offer money but no takers

  19. If he offered them money, for sure they folded and already gave the drugs back. Cmon guys you know the government won’t say no to money

  20. Ummmm do any of you l le what Sol looks like? Even if they were to trace an IP. Still doesn’t mean anything. Unless they take everyone. And I have to assume that someone with Sol’s email which is Do you think the military guy is going to just make it easy for anyone? My goodness…………

    Rubio NYC

    1. Today I was driving and this lady with a range rover was on her phone, rather than paying attention, she rear ended a car.

  21. 😂😂😂 CDS fan girls are funny, you guys really think Sol is gonna give his location? He probably lives in NYC and is trolling you guys, he probably knows the county where he says he is from (but he is not there) and has you guys running around trying to catch your own tail, like a cat 🤣

    1. A cat's never gonna catch his own tail, but tracking down this maniac ain't rocket surgery..
      Just search for a hung-over tex-mex clown with a death metal band face tattoo..
      Watch out for shit on his boots from milking cows or roping goats on his ranchito..
      Look for other clues, maybe a black eye or split lip courtesy of some buchona's jealous husband..
      We can do this if we work together people!
      Mas facil que la tabla de uno..

    2. Bro what the F@#k talking about??

  22. Anyone posting on the internet CAN BE FOUND.
    They're catching folks from the dark web, let alone normal net.
    But no one is looking that hard for borderland admins, thank God.

    1. 350 correct but those folks catching people on the darkweb are government agencys

  23. Snitch loas be at it again.

    1. They’re at it again kicking the Jaliskas ass

  24. Who’s to say the shipment doesn’t get swapped out for shit that isn’t pre cursors ?.

    No one has access to what they tested for etc we’re just meant to believe the government found 130 tons.

    All propaganda

    1. Conveniently during election times

  25. Replies
    1. Pizza vs hats ?

    2. @10:47
      La Chapiza v Gente Del Sombrero

    3. @1047 Oh good man I thought it was me. Haa


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