Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Los Chapitos Captured And Delivered White Supremacist To The U.S., It Is Revealed

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from INFOBAE

'David DeWayne Young' is the leader of the dangerous GhostFace Gangsters and was hiding out in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora.


David D. Young ran away from Georgia authorities. Photo: @FBIAtlanta

The state Attorney General's Office (FGJE) of Sonora reported on March 11 that elements of the Ministerial Criminal Investigation Agency (AMIC) captured David DeWayne Young, alias Khaos or Rocky Point; however, new information revealed that Los Chapitos, leaders of a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, allegedly participated in this arrest.

As reported by Infobae Mexico, Khaos was wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after he fled from U.S. authorities on January 11, 2023 after executing "Operation Arrested Phantom".

DeWayne Young had been wanted by authorities since December 8, 2022 following the release of a warrant for his arrest by a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, which charged him with the crimes of conspiracy, distribution, sale and possession of narcotics.

According to U.S. authorities, the Ghostface Gangsters are primarily engaged in drug trafficking, police killings, and other acts of violence on the streets and in prisons in Georgia.

For this reason, twenty-five people, including three of the seven founders of Ghostface Gangsters Gang, also known for having a white supremacist ideology, pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including attempted murder, mutilation, use of a firearm during a crime of violence, among many others, in August 2022.

Khaos was captured in Hermosillo, Sonora. Photo: Sonora District Attorney's Office

Official information states that David "N" was captured by ministerial agents on Bolsón de Mapimí street in the Solidaridad neighborhood in Hermosillo, Sonora.

This after agents from the National Migration Institute (INM) and AMIC personnel carried out "field and cabinet work with which they established the presumed location of the fugitive in order to capture him".

Khaos, 43, was deported by the INM through the Dennis DeConcini Border Port, where he was handed over to U.S. authorities, informed the Attorney General's Office of the State of Sonora (FGJES).

Despite the aforementioned, journalist Óscar Balmen assured that an FBI source informed him that Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán's sons, better known as Los Chapitos, were involved in this arrest.

"As for El Chapo's sons, they knew that a U.S. fugitive was hiding in one of their strongholds. They decided they would score points with the FBI and hand him over as a goodwill offering," Balmen reported on Luis Cardenas' program on MVS Noticias.

The journalist specialized in drug trafficking and security issues pointed out that "giving his head on a platter would be convenient for them, since, after the surprise arrest and express extradition of Ovidio (Guzmán), they had begun an operation to remove the label of Uncle Sam's priority targets for trafficking fentanyl".

Óscar Balmen detailed that neither Iván Archivaldo and his brothers Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar nor Joaquín Guzmán López were pleased with Young's "anti-Mexican" discourse: "They detested him".

"So Chapo's sons secretly collaborated to hand him over," said the journalist.

He assured that "at the beginning of last month, the elusive Khaos fell for an anonymous tip that people linked to Los Menores (as Los Chapitos are also known) gave to the National Guard in Hermosillo on March 10," explained the journalist who highlighted how the sons of El Chapo Guzmán "laid an improbable hand to the U.S. authorities".

The leadership of Los Chapitos rests with the Guzmán Salazar and Joaquín Guzmán López. (Credit: OFAC)

April 14 marked one year since the U.S. Department of Justice announced new charges in federal courts in the Southern District of New York, Northern District of Illinois, and District of Columbia against several leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, including Los Chapitos and their associates in China who traffic precursor chemicals for the production of fentanyl.

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  1. Who's collecting on the reward money 💰.

    1. Must be Ovidio negotiating for a better bunk, promiscuous cell mates, and double trays of ice cream on holidays.

    2. @10:35. That was good. That’s funny

  2. Why does Mexico always block out the face of the criminals they capture. They need to be shown to the public so that they can be properly disgraced. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Because half the time those "criminals" they capture are simply fall guys that they show on television and such to make it seem the Mexican authorities are actually taking people off the streets.
      They grab the first dope head shithead looking guy from the street and make up a whole bunch of false allegations against them of which why later it is revealed judges let them free.
      This guy is an exception due to the fact he is wanted by US authorities.

    2. 1:26 - Mexico usually blurs the arrestee’s face or uses the “N” instead of their actual last name in order to keep the identity of the person being accused of a crime anonymous until they are actually proven guilty. They don’t want to plaster the face and name of a man all over the news and accuse him of being a pedophile, only for it later to be proven in court he’s actually been innocent the entire time. Innocent until proven guilty pretty much.

    3. Not doing so will have them walk freely after facing a judge , which will have you talking shit about how corrupt the Mexican system is .

  3. It was the Chapitos but only the enhanced elite special forces in the cartel led by the one and only Sicarios 006 that led to the capture of this fugitive.

    1. Pinche 006 y yo que pensaba que era un pendejo.

  4. I thought Hermosillo was controlled by the independents i guess not or at least not completely, we need an updated cartel map in Sonora

  5. Dumbass thought he’d go unnoticed in Mexico? As a white, with a tattooed face?… lmao

    1. A white boy with tattoos on his face walking around Mexico telling Mexicans how fucked up they and their country are.

    2. I'm sure he was well-loved by the locals in Hermosillo..
      Face paint job's always a good conversation starter, breaks the ice..
      But how do you rise to the top echelon of some hillbilly Georgia peckerwood set without having Viking-blue eyes?
      What part of the concept of Aryan supremacy is unclear here?
      Tattoos on the left side of his face, the spoof must be right handed and inked his own kisser during one of his stints in solitary confinement..
      He's lucky, in a way, summer's coming, and Hermosillo tends to get hot as a furnace.. 🔥

  6. This is why I say the whole game is watered down starting from the bottom to the top. You may have SOME SOLID ones but the ones that are solid don’t mean shit if the boss of bosses or doing this mamada.

  7. You couldn’t pay the government to do their job anyways. The cartels are in charge

  8. The fbi doesn’t give a shit who these guys give up.

  9. Are these guys so stupid that they actually think the FBI will go easy on them now?

    1. Snitches will do anything that could possibly benefit them. It's obvious they took up after their dad. 😂

    2. Everyone knows you can’t stay on top forever… I wonder if this is also done to claim in court one day that “they were working with the US govt” as a legal tactic…? I know Vicente said the same thing during his trial… the US govt will use any info given by anybody but they will not forget Los Chapitos on their list… Ovidio’s trial will be interesting in terms of how much he reveals…

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. If Ovidio cooperates there probably won't be a trial.

    4. Something tells me he ain’t built to do the time… we’ll find out in a couple years like we did with Vicente…

      -Holden D. Cash

  10. Snitch ass motherfuckers. Shld of killed his ass and throw him near a bridge as a warning for stupid americans that think hiding in mexico is a good idea.

    1. Killing a US citizen and declaring you did the homicide huh?

    2. @3:55 no one was going to do shit for killing this Klan member, he was the bottom of the barrel in the USA anyway.

  11. "Operation Arrested Phantom"
    I know them Feds be having a ball picking out the names

  12. Ivan had one of his guns customized with the Nazi eagle.

    He was so proud of the gun that he chose to have it featured in the music video "Ivan El Mayor" by the group Codigo FN.

    So far, there's only one guy claiming that Chapitos handed him over and it's Óscar Balmen.

    Earlier this week Óscar Balmen released a story on Gigio in which is egregiously complimentary to CDS figures.

    At one point, he calls Gigio the "master and lord of the border" and refers to Jabali as a "maestro", along with a lot of other dubious claims which present both men as military geniuses.

    1. Thanks for the Corrido tip Hearst..! Listening to it Now.What a weird Reporter this Balmen..

    2. Sure, anytime.

      Here's an image of Ivan's Nazi gun:

      This whole idea of Ivan disliking racists just doesn't line up.

    3. I saw that one in the swapmeet the other day.

    4. Ivan believes he's German?

    5. Not sure if Nazi ideology holds mesicans in high regard..🤔

    6. @hearst great comment! You are a wise lady; I was thinking the same thing. I remember seeing many videos and pictures of Chapitos/Chapiza glorifying Hitler and using German Nazi symbols. They regard themselves as "white" non-white latinos..... 😂

      Somebody told them they were special! The ideal species, real white men/gods of Earth.

      Maybe Vladimir Putin was right all along and the USA/Ukraine/West is really all Nazis and LGBTQ+(ses). That would explain why Cartel Russia and Los Rusos are at war with the Nazi Chapitos.

    7. 7:24 is another that needs to go to night school with Lizard, it's Mexicans.
      Dios Mio 🤣

    8. 9:40
      7:24 is ALSO the Liz..
      Try to keep up! 😆

  13. There are many white american drug traffickers in puerto peñasco, aka. Rocky Point. Example, Curtis Allen Olson, Tony Olson, Tina Olson, Alan Gima, Mo Thind, Durl Durl, Dustin Smith.

  14. The Feds have been making deals with the devil for years!!most of u fools are too young to remember trading storage lockers with explosives for better deals and how come we never got to bottom of fast and furious!! Because the gov made a deal with cartels for info on keeping an eye for camel jocks and other assorted rag heads!!🇲🇽🇺🇸🙀😹

  15. 4.36, what about Larry "Chip" Wright?

  16. Fucking sick of them.But onest to god chapitos family is so big that we gonna see before....what? ufo invasion than end of guzmans rule in sinaloa

  17. Last year when I to Puerto Peñasco seen that guy at wrecked on the beach chillin enjoying himself.

  18. 4:36 he also mentions how he gave a safe passage for serafin to turn himself in to US authorities and cooperate. To get a better deal .Under Mayo orders

  19. I wonder why they didn't just let those lazy ass corrupt FBI agents do their job. They make great money, plenty of OT, drive nice cars and those boats they have for weekends.

  20. Detroit. Who picks out the names of the operations?

  21. There's so much corruption in the DEA and FB and let's not forget CIA. One of theirs was caught with several hundred kilos of cocaine buy a group of vigilante border protectors in Arizona I believe and after trying to turn him into the proper authorities he was let go because he was in an ongoing investigation apparently. I actually read the story here on B.B. I don't understand how these agencies are dealing drugs and there's PLENTY of PROOF and nobody is in prison for this bullshit. All the way back to Air America running heroin and guns out of Vietnam. Then head of the CIA George Bush said "Mr. President we need to commit troops to southern Vietnam" Then you got Hillary Clintons law firm owns the biggest bank in the state of Arkansas laundering billions in cocaine money. How does Mena Arkansas have a bank doing more than all the banks in the state put together and nobody gets locked up? A few people show up dead like Barry Seal and a few others and all is well in America. Unless you're a bunch of "Deplorables". Praying for Mexico and USA!

    1. 5:46
      Vietnam war was OVER by the time Bush Sr. was in the CIA directors chair in 1976, please try to keep up..

    2. Follower of Jesus
      Spreading fake news of H. Clinton.

    3. Barry Seale was killed most likely by Pablo Escobar's Hitmen.. Local Cops Hated Seale i guess for a good reason, so they set him up to get shot by the Colombians.

  22. Imagine being a wanted white supremacist…and fleeing to Mexico 🤦🏻‍♂️

    1. The only reason they gave him up, because he was one obnoxious, pain in the ass, #@$&er, they don't like people that act like, they know it all. It was time to send him packing.

    2. Sounds like you’re part of the CDS and totally have inside information dude. Well done

  23. the resource is shit, this guy belmen speak all bullshit, just watch your appear in youtube, he dont know nothing


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