Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 19, 2024

Narco Messages Are Hung In Juárez; They Blame "El Gallo" For Ordering An Attack Against Cereso 1 Officials

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Lorenzo Adrián, who is being held in Cereso 3, is accused of having ordered the attack on official Nicolás Monárrez, where he died and his son and bodyguard were injured.

According to the message, this subject is being held in Cereso #3 in Ciudad Juarez, accused of being the principal instigator of violence among other accusations that are mentioned on these canvases. 

In the message, he is attributed as the person who gave the orders to murder the workers of Aquiles Serdán's Cereso 1. Like the attack on Nicolás Monárrez Gaxiola, who died, leaving his partner José Francisco and Nicolas's son injured, on April 15 in the city of Chihuahua.

The narco message was immediately removed by police authorities, who were notified about the appearance of these blankets, which were secured by the State Attorney General's Office for the integration of the corresponding investigation.

The Attorney General, César Jáuregui Moreno, as well as the Secretary of Public Security of the State, Gilberto Loya Chávez, from the moment the events occurred, had announced that the criminal group called La Empresa had been responsible for committing these events.

At the moment it is unknown whether or not the subject mentioned in the blankets is related to this armed aggression, or to other relevant events that have been committed in both Juárez and Chihuahua.

So far seven people have been arrested for these events, and yesterday six of them were already presented before a judge, who ordered them to be remanded in custody for these events, while the last of them is still awaiting the resolution of her legal situation because she was in labor.

Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua

El Heraldo de Chihuahua

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  1. Any special places to visit juarez, famous cantinas etc….?

    1. San Martin cantina

    2. 10:53 go to Pockets billiards. They have great food and you can play pool all day at a good price.
      Nightlife is risky more so in certain parts of the city but along the Gomez Morin street or Campestre area of town there is a heavy police presence so that tends to be calmer along there.
      Lots of bars and restaurants there.

    3. Jaime’s Cantina

    4. Cenar en La Diana, comer carne en El Tragadero, si así se llama, Helados Trevly

    5. Plaza Portales

    6. In 2020 I had a scary experience at la traicionera on Gomez Morín, the cartel henchmen approached me then followed me outside and questioned me while I was leaving! I also heard a story of a Uber driver that disappeared there!

    7. Damn! You guys are better than trip advisor.

    8. 204 🤣 In MX it’s google maps for reviews and FB 😂

    9. 8:53 you're lucky the Juarez cartel still runs Juarez.
      Had Sinaloa taken over there would be zero nightlife in Juarez unless they gave you permission.
      That's how Sinaloa role. You're not with them (in the cartel), your against them.

    10. @10:15 that’s a croc of shit … CDS controls the towns in the Sierra of Chihuas and there is plenty of nightlife, the towns they control in Zacatecas have restored peace and nightlife is coming back … quit your bullshit rumors kid all cartels are scum

    11. 8:54 the Valley of a Juarez where Sinaloa controls had plenty of nightlife and it all went downhill with them. Even the fuckin day shit people used to do there they fucked it up. Fuckin little shit towns in La Sierra have probably only about one or two bars each so you can't really call it a nightlife.
      Don't defend these fuckers if you think I don't know what I'm talking about.

  2. PRM is causing all the shit in Juarez. These wok with La Empresa gang.

  3. Go to carnitas de perro 🐶y gato 🐈‍⬛ by Alta vista el bonbon runs it his from the Ortiz’s

    1. Carnitas de perro y gato. Is that the one run by the Vietnamese couple?

    2. Right. They get new pets fresh every day.

    3. Yes the fhongs


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