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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Seducing Women With Drugs: A Phenomenon That Is Growing In The Country

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Many of them begin with the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, and then consume rock, crack and crystal meth.

Seducing women with drugs: A phenomenon that is growing in the country

Drugs, a phenomenon that is on the rise among women.

"I started with alcohol and selling drugs, and that involved me in the consumption of meth," says a young woman of just 17 years old, who is now addicted to this substance, a phenomenon that is on the rise among women from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.

Even though there are no real statistics that reveal how many women consume this and other drugs on the northern border, the owners of rehabilitation centers point out, in an interview with El Universal, that the problem is growing exponentially.


Many of them begin with the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, then consume rock or crack and finally move on to crystal meth. There are also those who are sellers of these drugs, so when they have easy access to this substance they fall into consumption. When they are not murdered for consuming the merchandise they must sell, they end up in rehabilitation centers addicted to crystal meth.

From 2017 to 2021, the federal Ministry of Health reported an increase in requests for crystal meth addiction treatment, since then this drug became the fourth most consumed addictive substance in the country.

In turn, 2021 data from the report of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Addictions (Sisvea) establishes that since 2017 amphetamine-type substances (crystal meth) have been positioned in fourth place as initial drugs, thereby displacing inhalants.

According to the Ministry of Health, crystal meth is a white or sandy powder, although it comes in the form of small rocks or thick, clear crystals. Its most common form of consumption is by smoking it, but it can also be inhaled or injected. It can be made with very cheap ingredients that are available without a prescription, such as chemicals, battery acid, drain cleaner, flashlight fuel, and fertilizer.


Gregorio Sáenz, addiction counselor and manager of a rehabilitation center in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, explains that meth consumption is widespread on the northern border of the country, both in men and women, since it is not only a sector where consumption worsens, but throughout the town.

This would have caused the consumption of crystal meth among women to have increased exponentially, especially among adolescents and young people. "The consumption is in the west, in the area of ​​Los Kilómetros [at the exit of Juárez] and many of the women who appear dead in those areas are very good at selling the drug, but the problem is when they start consuming the substance "he points out.

He says that, previously, in some areas of Juárez consumption was more focused on heroin and other substances, both in men and women; However, currently consumption is mainly "crystal meth", especially among the female sector.

Many of the women who currently find themselves in an addiction problem first consumed either alcohol or marijuana, but there are also those who are dedicated to selling or whose father or mother is a drug dealer and end up consuming this drug.


"There is a very important phenomenon currently. This is that the mother comes to the rehabilitation centers, but she is a seller [of drugs] and she takes the daughters who are consuming it because they end up addicted to the drug that they sell. There is also a community of adolescents who study in El Paso, Texas, aged 15 to 16, but live here [in Juárez] and who get the drug, consume it and here end up addicted to this drug," explains the specialist.

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

El Mañana


  1. How else are us ugly dudes gonna do it? Haha I’m joking but going out at clubs and bars and having drugs specifically white, trust me no girl is turning you down. But remember not to do too many of the white because then your chile ain’t gonna get up

    1. Stage fright 😏

    2. Straight up. 4:32
      Here in the US girls love coke
      You give them a line or two and they're yours for the night

  2. Todo pinche drogadicto se cree .uu adulto y la mera verga al pesar a consumir droga. Piensan que son chingones como ellos ven a los narcos si la prueban.
    Puro pinche idiota que se deja engañar pensando que su vida van ser tal ves mas exotica si consume droga.
    Pero no es haci.
    Tambien en Estados Unidos los que la consumen se cren igual.
    Para que se hacen pendejos?
    Pero en Estados Unidos son mas llorones los papas de estos cuando sus hijos caen en la adiccion.
    Por eso esta la mentada guerra contra las drogas.
    Pero es puro quemar dinero. No es para quitar adciiones esta "guerra".

    1. Callese wey tu has de saber

    2. 11:41 que piensas que nada mas a ti te an ivnvitado a tomar drogas que te duele la verdad guey?
      Si tuviste problemas pensaste que con las drogas se terminaban?
      No me hagas their.
      Cuentame una de vaqueros mejor antes de decirme que fuiste forzado a tomar estas. Jajaja

  3. Old news in the US.

    1. Old news around the world!! Back in the day in Mexico chocolate candy bars in remote villages would do the trick!! 🙀😹

    2. Remember the 80s "spanish fly"? If they only knew meth would do the trick.

    3. You have to grind up the shell of some kind of beetle to make spanish fly, so if you've been using actual flies from Spain, now you know why the girls haven't been responding 🐞🐞🐞

    4. Reminds me of a guy who got drunk with older guys. He later refused to drink with them because of a strange hang over ailment. He said his head and butt hurt the next day, especially the butt. It wasn't the hang over, once he passed out the older guys would...

    5. I went to the doctors office this morning for some tests, I'm in good health, evidently, because the proctologist gave me a thumbs up!

    6. 9:00
      More like thumbs in.

  4. I graduated high school in 2017 and I remember the hot popular chicks making lines and smoking pot and some pills at parties. That was the only way not too good looking guys would get their attention.

    1. I graduated 2017 too

    2. I graduated in 2000 awesome.anybody else graduate ? Say Yea and what year,k..

  5. “Verbo mata carita y teniendo mota y coca más”— That was the slogan back in high school. The cute hot chicks, nerds had a crush at were all over the cholos and rock looking Mfs at parties.

    1. We didn’t let the cholos in they stayed out on the street planning their next move!!

  6. Diddy been spiking drinks molesting men and women ,Former NFL star Darren Sharper spiking drinks and raping women ,R Kelly ,Bill Cosby ...
    I see a pattern here . Do you?

  7. Pura pinché buchona que escucha jenny rivera , les meten alcohol y perico y chingaron a su madre la neta

  8. Foo, rock is crack.shits called crack rocks.freaking sol prendido lol,don't never know what the f! you're talking about

    1. damn you still bashing around the "foo" and "coo foo" like you've invented some new slang or what?? thats some eddy murphy 48hrs shit you been plagarizing you "FOO" chump

    2. Invented new slang??wtf you talking bout. Plagarizing??"foo!.. someone said that word before. You didn't invent that word, your plagiarizing " lmao retarded little dingdong you don't know the definition of that word.

  9. Look Sol, I’m sorry and I don’t mean to come across sarcastic, but this is not anything new and it is not a phenomenon. A big problem for sure. And a terrible one because meth is the worst. Addicts have a 5 year max before they are done, cooked, fried, sauced and dead or worthless. But a new phenomenon, you are too young to know what the term meth whore came from. And they have been around forever. They have adopted the fentanyl blues in the US now but some are still stuck on the meth. But it is all nothing but addicts spinning drugs and prostituting to survive. It’s nothing new and I hate it for them. I am 69. I got clean when I was 34. I ended up with a bachelors and 2 masters degrees. I worked in that field for years. I am very glad there is active treatment in Mexico and counselors that are dedicated. But there is nothing new about addiction and hustling. The cartels are smart enough not to promote fentanyl there but I worry todays meth may have an addicts lifespan similar to the fentanyl addicts. 3 to 5 years. Their only hope is prison in the US.

    1. Unfortunately, many of the rehab centers in Mexico are run by the cartels and used as cartel recruiting centers. The Mexican government needs to expand on rehabilitation and shut down all of these unlicensed rehab centers.

    2. “But a new phenomenon, you are too young to know what the term meth whore came from. And they have been around forever. “
      Where the term meth came from? It’s an abbreviation of the chemical name methamphetamine hydrochloride. First synthesized in the late 1800s it is simply the first four letters of the chemical name.

      It seems to me that Saul was simply trying to point out that because there are so many more people today and so many more drugs, and so much more drugs, readily available that the prevalence of drugging women and other people has increased exponentially as he put it, since the 1970s and 1980s, and I think he’s completely accurate on this point.

    3. 5:51
      Quaaludes were the love-potion in the '70s, they guaranteed putting that special someone in a lovey-dovey frame of mind..
      Seconols, Tuinols, Nebutols, chloral hydrate, and other barbiturates flowed freely, wash 'em down with Boone's Farm Apple Wine or domestic beer, which was still relatively cheap to drink back then..
      There was something called 'STP', also 'DMT', never really figured out what those were..
      Heroin from Turkey or Iran, Sinaloan dope they called 'Nestles Quik', hash from Nepal, Morocco, and Afghanistan..
      Weed from South Africa 'Durban Poison', or gold or chocolate 'Lumbo' from South America, Oaxacan 'spears' shipped up in cardboard 360-egg cartons in tractor trailer convoys led by gangsters with federal directorate of security credentials to glide through checkpoints right into Tijuana..
      For uppers, the bikers churned out 'peanut butter' crank, a match head would keep you hyper focused & sweating for 3 days, mexican 'white cross' crudely pressed tablets smuggled up into san diego in duffle bag shaped 'donkey dicks'..
      The pharmaceutical speed was off the hook, and shady doctors prescribed them like they were handing out Halloween candy..
      Lotsa people didn't survive those fun times, frankly I'm surprised anybody did..
      Ancient history, yep, but there's nothing new under the sun, just the names and places have been changed, it's the same circus, different clowns..

    4. @11:13 why two Masters Degrees and not a PHD?!

    5. @09:20 what happened to that stuff?! The meth definitely isn’t the same. People smoke 5-8 grams a Day!!! WTF!

    6. @09:20 you must not have been alive back then at all. You don't know this but you need to mix the quaaludes with powder cocaine and baby powder, then rub it all over your body while you cook a spoonful of soda and dance to P Diddy.

    7. @09:20 the quaaludes from the 70s and 80s required the user to stay up.

      The meds were making people sleep, but if you fight it (sleeping) by freebasing large amounts of cocaine (2-3 ounces) and sucking dicks (at least 4-12 cocks) then the quaaludes feel really good (written from a women's perspective from Boca Raton).

    8. I wonder what Boca Raton means in English?

    9. 9:19 that's an easy one Rat mouth.

    10. @Detroit. That story, repeatedly relayed by the new authorities in Juarez, that the rehab centres were "run by Cartels" was largely a myth, and an alibi. Thousands of young men fled to these centres when the army and Federales moved in to take the trade from La Linea, just like they fled to every other community space because they were being murdered on the street after curfew if they had no home to go to. The murders that have happened at these centres all over Mexico doesn't mean they are run by Cartels- and the murders in Juarez are the main reason the stories gained currency- it just means that it is where potential recruits were easily found, and where people with no resources were getting tracked to. There have been cases since where fake centres that don't exist have laundering money for corrupt officials, or they've been infiltrated, but those cases are rare.

    11. @11.13. Why would you be sorry for disagreeing when Sol didn't write it? This wasn't written by him, there is a link at the bottom to the source, a clickbait fear piece. Don't shoot the messenger.

  10. hell yeah, bops be giving head for lines to plugs. then go and kiss their bf like nothing. guess they the plug b!cth too hahahah

  11. You start to take notice when it's going on in more places outside of your expectation that girls will be drug addicts. In the last years that DEA was still in Mexico, things were turning up that you didn't expect like meth labs in TJ moving drugs south, and you saw in that that the number of users in Mexico was on the rise and CDS was really breaking apart.

    1. Wow, surprise surprise:
      Manufacturing and pushing drugs and being violent and shitty in general has a terrible and detrimental effect on the people and place you live…
      Wow… what a thought.

    2. Mexicans love meth almost as much as the neo-nazis in America and Hitler worshippers. JGL loves Hitler. He jacks off to his photos every day.

  12. Quien va a caer con eso ???

  13. Mas pendejas no salen estas viejas que consumen droga porke el novio se las da porke Dios no lo permite.
    No tienen cerebro deberas!

  14. Onother qualude shell love me in the morning.. scarface

  15. 11:13 My first masters was in Social Work and I became an LCSW. The second was an MBA. I wanted a PhD in Criminology but my university didn’t offer it. I had been to prison prior to getting clean too. I really enjoyed studying the Criminal Mind and pathology. lol, prior to getting clean I had dropped out in the 10th grade. I made it way farther then I ever expected but I felt like it was a gift from God in my purpose.


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