Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Senate Endorses Entry Of Armed US Military, “Green Berets”, Into Mexican Territory

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

With 79 votes in favor, 10 votes against - legislators from the parliamentary group of the Citizen Movement (MC)- and one abstention, the Plenary Session of the Senate of the Republic approved, on April 2, 2024, the entry of 11 elements of the Army from the United States, for training tasks for Mexican military personnel.

The Plenary Session of the Upper House of the Congress of the Union approved that as of April 8 and until May 17, 2024, the elements of the US Army would attend training tasks, which would be carried out at the National Training Center. Training, located in Santa Gertrudis, Chihuahua.

The draft opinion presented by the National Defense Commission of the Senate - whose president is Félix Salgado Macedonio from Guerrero - granted authorization to the head of the Federal Executive Branch, to grant said training, called “Joint Combined Exercise Training (JCET)”.

According to a document sent by the Legal Department of the Federal Executive (CJEF), said exercise would allow the elements of the Mexican Armed Forces to continue with their training and training, in the face of the challenges presented by contemporary Mexico, in addition to strengthening the bilateral relationship. .

This, as part of the Bilateral Military Cooperation Round Table, the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA), in coordination with the Northern Command of the United States of America, established that, as part of the 2024 Annual Activities Plan, it will be carry out Combined Joint Exercise Training.

The United States delegation will enter aboard a C-130 Hercules aircraft of the US Air Force, which will land at Air Base No. 11, located in Santa Gertrudis Chihuahua, on April 8, 2024. , starting on May 17 of this year.

“The United States Army delegation, made up of 11 instructor elements from the 7th. Special Forces Group of the United States of America will enter carrying its own weapons, ammunition, material and specialized equipment to carry out the activity,” the ruling established.

When speaking against, the senator of the Plural Group, Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria, questioned that although the Morena political party claims to defend national sovereignty, this did not seem to him to be a transfer of the exercise of authority in Mexican territory.

The legislator indicated that although the best international techniques were required to combat threats to national security, this had been resolved by sending military personnel to receive training and they were the ones who trained their troops. “I have heard inflammatory speeches about sovereignty, but this does not seem like a transfer of sovereignty,” insisted Álvarez Icaza Longoria.

The senator from the Plural Group stated that there was no legal order that allowed soldiers from other armed countries to enter, in addition to the fact that those entering Mexico were the “green berets.” “This Administration is going to go down in history as the first to allow United States military personnel to enter national territory,” accused Álvarez Icaza Longoria.

In his turn, Damián Zepeda Vidales, senator of the parliamentary group of the National Action Party (PAN), described it as an excess not to allow elements from the United States to come to the country to carry out an international cooperation activity, with the aim of sharing best practices. 

“In fact, it seems desirable to me that people from Mexico go and that people from outside come, from the United States, Europe and so on. I don't see how national security can be put at risk because specialized elements of a foreign army come to give us training courses for the Mexican Army," Zepeda Vidales emphasized.

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  1. Things are about to get very interesting. I just wanted to say that I wish that this didn’t have to be the way. Because your sovereignty is very important. I hope the people don’t see it as an excuse for the US to try and invade Mexico. And I hope that at least most smaller cartels look at it as time to rethink the shit they are doing to their own people.

    Rubio NYC

    1. 7:24:
      This is no significant change because the U.S. already trains Mexican personnel in the U.S. It is only a change in the location of the training.

    2. 7:24 - This isn’t going against Mexico’s sovereignty. It was AMLO himself who asked for permission to allow the 11 U.S. special forces members into the country for training purposes. And the Mexican senate voted in favor of allowing them into the country, but again it’s only for training purposes.

    3. Its just a bait from the burocratas and you took it.

    4. Yo Detroit and he other feedbacks. Good looks. You guys know more what’s going on out there. I’m trying to learn from you guys. Sometimes though some things change. Let’s just hope that USA doesn’t end up with other intentions.

      Rubio NYC

    5. Mexico’s sovereignty Has been violated from within. They desperately need help whether they admit it or not

    6. I’m confused so we couldn’t beat the taliban when they were using AK-47s from the 80’s and because of our invasion there opium production went up 90%. What can US possibly think can be gained from this except 6 cartels joining together to fight 1 common enemy.

    7. It’s like the president of El Salvador said. The US ways of combating crime works in US but it will not work anywhere else.

    8. North American Union

    9. 8:42 It's a nice symbolic gesture, a lot of US soldiers retire in Jalisco, but maybe don't get to learn about Mexico until after they're done with active service.

  2. The push back is more symbolic that anything else. American police have always tried to train Mexican forces in the US. This won't work unless they also train the higher ups not to take bribe $$.

  3. Let’s hope who ever them Americans are going to train them people won’t take that training to another organization or maybe it’s happening already. 🤔

    1. 8:02:
      This is how the Zetas were founded. I hope they have learned to better vet these people.

    2. Americans are the biggest war criminals ever, special operations in Ft Brgg are complete animals. Serves them right to enter the fray against the cartel savages. My money is on the cartel tho

    3. Of course cartels are involved

    4. You can vet all you want, obviously we havent learned from our mistakes. Drug trafficking and politics and military go hand in hand in Mexico always has and always will.

  4. Good 👍 corruption will end in the ranks great for everyone

  5. Chapitos stepping up their training after rusos made them look like rookies .

    1. 100% no ones throwing a bone to the Shapitos those kids are running on borrowed time

  6. Admit it , Mexico is failed country. The culture and history is beautiful. But currently you got all out battles in diff states. Piles of dead bodies hacked to pieces. And one of deadliest drugs being manufactured. Yea its failed the safety of its innocent poor citizens. Tell me otherwise

    1. Well according to the mathematicians about 500,000 Americans have died since Big Sleepy Joe took office. Big Donnie says that he's best for the White House and he can remember the nuclear football key codes but only after his nightly meal of 2 Big Macs and 2 Double Cheeseburgers with extra cheese and a large fries. Big Don has a plan for the border but he doesn't know who's gonna pay for it yet. He's working on negotiations with Cartel Russia to pay like a toll fee every time they pass through with some fresh kilos for Kodak Black and Snoop Dogg.

    2. WTF 6:44 you on drugs you don't make since

    3. 7:53
      Stop making sense

    4. Failed state.

    5. 6:44 lol you high on something?

    6. @6:44 What the F@ck are you even talking about?

  7. This is going to end bad for all involved

  8. Our American military using thier skills to train the Mexican armed forces is the same as if they would train cartel hitmen. This happened with the original Zetas members. They where all part of G.A.F.E units that where part of the Mexican military. They we're trained by US special forces and by Isreal defense forces. They later defected and joined the Gulf cartel. Cartel groups actually encourage young men who want to join the cartel to join the military first so that they can get training. If American politicians want to really deal with this problem they need to have our American military fight these cartels themselves. They can eliminate these criminals in about two months. Nuff said!!!

    1. @09:00 that's what the Aryan Brotherhood and Outlaws Biker gang does too. They gotta learn how to make meth and suicide pipe bomb vests and IEDs and shit for "our people". They infiltrate the police, fire department, ambulances, psychologists, doctors, nurses, teachers, and politicians on both sides of the isle to spread the nazi white power

  9. Oh sure, let's train guys that will or already do work for the cartels. What a joke...

  10. Green Berets?
    Doubt that, but definitely Airborne, and those dudes command respect..
    Mexico's sovereignty just got bitched out, couple months before the elections, but you gotta give credit to the gob spokespersons, earnestly trying to spin it into a patriotic yarn about a bi-lateral team effort, neighbors working shoulder to shoulder, etc..
    It's been 80 years since the gringos put the whup-ass on both Germany and Japan, STILL have 85,000+ troops stationed on their soil to make sure they keep with the program, got Saudi Arabia surrounded, NATO like leeches on Russia's border, there's no hugs involved in U.S foreign policy..
    Once you open the door to yankee 'advisors', don't be surprised when the dire wolf walks in and makes himself right at home..

  11. Zetas 2.0 in the works

  12. All those trained will end up deserting and training the people weve seen this happen to many times lol

  13. Misleading title.

  14. Wish they would even try to step foot in Mexico . Things will get nasty really fast inside and out of the states . Should invest in getting all ya junkies some help . Must be nice to spend billions on wars in other countries will your people sleep in da streets.

  15. Usually soldiers after they are trained they go work for cartels. Not all of them.

  16. Cartels about to start pissing their pants and trembling in their jiggly gyno tits.

  17. The president kicked DEA out of Mexico now he’s allowing green berets to come over there and train. Sorry ELMO fans , but he’s like any other politician and talks out of both sides of his neck. When will anyone realize ALL politicians are cut from same cloth. They tell this group of people one thing and then the next another. They have to please too many people. You can’t balance things out like that actually being a patriot and someone who is “ for the people.” That’s a joke and an old cliche. One one hand ELMO says he doesn’t want our help or guns coming to Mexico and one the other he lets us in and wants us to bring people to instruct people how to use weapons. Y’all decide for yourself. The only reason someone wants to become president is to plunder , him and his buddies ( political party members ) plunder the country’s natural resources and tax revenue.

  18. sol,esto es solo pa taparle el ojo al macho,los gringos no necesitan permiso,para ir a libia rico pais.ahora imaginate a mexico,que lo tienen con la soga en el cuello,el pobre narco presidente lo pueden llevar a nueva york,cuando ellos quieran,solo te digo algo el hijo de lopez obrador vivia en houston.tx,y despues de las acusaciones del NYT,se regreso a mexico con todo y cobija.... como la ves.......

    1. Orale si estas 110% correcto.
      El hijo se vivia en houston en usa casa de 500k al norte de la ciudad.
      Que era la propeidad de un ejecutivo de la baker hughes

  19. Didn’t they learn from last time…can you say Zetaz!

  20. So the next round of Zeta are going to be even more dangerous.

  21. I’m Chihuahua ?? Looks like La Linea is getting more training 😂.. not like they need it, they’re the only ones that slaughter sinalokas by the dozen . Unlike the Jaliskas that can’t even touch them 😆

    1. Your a Chihuahua 😂😂🤣
      I'm a Doberman pitcher.🐕

    2. Lol… meant to say In … but I’m actually a Big Red Clifford

  22. If it wasnt for Fent they wouldnt be talking about this. Ivan is probably the stupidest drug trafficker in Mexican history.

    1. Stop saying that bro. The last thing the world needs to hear are corridos about those ghetto ignorant Guzmán's.

    2. Isnt P diddy producing Ivans next corrido?

    3. 6:29
      Why the apostrophe in Guzmans?🤔

    4. Ghetto ignorant "Guzman's". Basic english Sol Prendido. Yo probably spell Jesus with possession as Jesus's instead of Jesus'....dummy.

    5. 10:07 that's my tablet that seems to know more than me at times.

    6. 10:07
      If Jesus was a Jew, how come he's got a mesican name?

    7. 10:03
      Grammar police 🚨


    8. @07:04 damn I didn't know Diddy was down with Chapitos 😀ROFL

      Diddy probably sitting back chilling right now calling Ivan Daddy or maybe even Papi. Diddy "oohhh Papi do ittt do ittt Papi"

  23. Mencho is in Chihuahua, just watch...

    1. Connor said he is in Phoenix Arizona chilling out.

    2. 🤣 mencho and his peeps would be massacred the minute they enter Parral Chihuahua … Chihuahua Tamaulipas and Culiacán are basically fortresses ahí le bajan los calzones al mencho pa darle en el hediondo

    3. Nobody in chiuas need mencho.. them Juarez boys got it on lock. Lol

  24. sol, mira el mundo al reves en infobae.4 marzo.2024 colombiana dice que no hay que venir a mexico ,porque es muy peligroso,...........pos seguiras comiendo ,bandeja paisa,y arepas, y te vas a perder los ricos tacos y el pozole mamacita colombiche................

  25. Green berets came here to do two things: drink beer and kick ass.
    Looks like we’re almost out of beer…

  26. Cmon Mexico just let the US handle your traffickers like we handled your whole country back in the US/Mex war: easily

  27. Lol mencho’s in bed

  28. Trump said he wants to conquer Mexico, because there is a lot of bad hombres.

  29. What could go wrong? Plano Police was reported to have given training courses in San Pedro Garza Garcia. Later it was discovered that there was a "grupo rudo" that would outright execute BLO rivals.
    I recall what seemed like american personel in ,I believe, Guanajuato training in a very humiliating way police forces. Why not send Mexican personel to the school of the americas? Like they did with the GAFES that eventually become the Zetas.
    let's not forget how American training has affected Central and South American countries. Where some american government agency literally sent former Nazi members to teach central americans torture methods.
    What can go wrong with a few soldiers sent to serve some cartel's interests? Funny that The US's favorite cartel starts infighting and Tio Samuel sends his boys. Of course these are just the actors we see on stage. I'm sure they have some back stage activity to which we may never be privy.

  30. How it’s the green barret from Texas state. We all in now Texas law enforcements are just wanna tough guys. Remember the line gunman in school that killed kids? Remember all wanna be Texas law enforcements were so scared going after one like gunman? If Mexican cartels wants to invade America, starts at Texas border - they all wear panties there.

    1. First off let me tell you to please stay in school or go back to school because you sound like a moron with man-meat shoved down the throat. As far as law enforcement in Texas goes, you are barking up the wrong tree pendejo yeah the Uvalde case was a terrible tragedy and Uvalde PD proved to be cowards but that is one single town out of hundreds and don’t forget that a fellow Texan Border Patrol who was getting his hair cut bolted out of there as soon as he received a text message of an active shooter at his wife’s elementary school .. he jumped into action and he alone killed the shooter.. I don’t know what it is you have against Texas but one thing we’re not known for is to be a bunch of “do-nothing-punk-bitches” thankfully Texas is FREE and we’re allowed to own firearms and are encouraged to use them against criminals when a crime is being committed, this ain’t California where the masses have to depend on the incompetence of their law enforcement agencies to protect them from simple ghetto-ass gangbangers … take those badass cholos and bring them to Texas and see if they get any respect from the locals.. I URGE YOU !! Bring your ass to Texas and start your shit my boy !!!

      Proud-Ass Texican !!

    2. 10:40 you don't know the whole story read up and stay in school.

      07:35 Let me see🤔....part of your comment is true and the other part is hog-wash.
      Uvaide Police and arriving agencies were not cowards, it was the high ranking school police Chief, that Fked everything up. sure it was a critical evolving situation, but the officer's were told to stand down, all the while the youngsters were being slaughtered. After 77 minutes, action was finally taken , yes your right a Border Patrol officer took the suspect down.

      On California you are way off...
      "incompetent of their law enforcement agencies", you made me laugh, you think no agency responds to 911 calls regarding gang bangers..give me a break, police have specialized units to handle gangs, gangs were out of control in the 80's, but not now.
      Some bigger City areas have a special weapon that works in conjunction with the Police.

      Let's get the story right 👍

  31. What mex needs is ETHICS instructors

    1. What México needs to do is pay its armed forces and let them carry firearms when off duty.

  32. How many times we gonna train the cartels. Lol

    1. This is co-op criminal activity & both sides know it.

  33. These mfs going to click up with La linea and its a wrap for them chapos there.. sending them boys back across the triangle bagged up 😵‍💫😵

  34. You guys are naive. Ww3 is already happening they are trying those pinos incase a southern invasion happens through the pacific coast

    1. Ya be watching too many old war movies.

  35. What I get is Mexico Special forces are teamed up with Green berets to go capture some top dog. Sounds like this is just some way to have paper work just in case someone dies they can say it was a training exercise.

    1. It's part of the U.S.AID agreement between the U.S and Mexico's commitment to combat crime and violence. In the past, the U.S use to give México a few billion worth of military equipment at a super inflated rate and call it assistance. In 2022 the agreement was revisted and revised. Mexico opted for the training from the U.S and turned around and bought new military equipment from the Chinese, Russians, and French at a cheaper price. The Gringos were upset because AMLO pulled a fast one on them. By purchasing equipment from the commi's/socialist, it affected the military industrial complex(MIC) profits. The MIC doesn't make a profit off of training like they do from selling military equipment. AMLO tried negotiating that money to be invested in the rest of Latin America, predominantly Central America in an effort to try and develop that region and address issues on the U.S.AID agreement.


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