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Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Emotional Break Up Of Cartel de Sinaloa With Güero Pulseras

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

Alleged hitmen from the Cartel de Sinaloa distance themselves from the criminal leader known as Güero Pulseras. They point out that he has taken advantage of being originally from Sinaloa to sympathize and ally himself with various criminal groups operating in the state of Chiapas.

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to the state of Chiapas in general. The Sinaloa Cartel fiercely distances itself from Güero Pulseras who, taking advantage of the fact that he is originally from Sinaloa, has been claiming to be a representative of this cartel. In order to ask for support from the authorities of Chiapas and to obtain empathy from the groups that operate independently in Chiapas. 

In response to the accusations made by the Chiapas and Guatemala Cartel (CCYG), we want to make it clear. Güero Pulseras does not represent the Sinaloa Cartel in Chiapas. We don’t even consider him to be a part of our structure. He operates on his own and under his own responsibility. Therefore, he does not have the support or backing of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

We distance ourselves from the robberies, extortions, kidnappings, and distribution of fentanyl that Güero Pulseras is involved in. As well as the attack he ordered on the soldiers from the 31st Military Zone on April 2, 2024 on the stretch of highway Revolucion Mexicana Parral near the Jericó detour. Don't be fooled. El Güero Pulseras is one of many foreigners who claims to belong to our cartel. 

Sincerely, The Sinaloa Cartel

Armed civilians attacked military troops midway within the towns of El Parral and Jericó

Jesus Esteban Machado Meza aka El Güero Pulseras

Blog de Los Guachos  El Heraldo de Chiapas  Radio Fórmula Mx


  1. Attack on the militares los tiene con el fundillo pulsando🤣🤣

    1. Well it’s true from that last video claiming wuero pulseras jumped ship.

    2. my life is over now 🤧

  2. con la llegada de rutilio escandon al gobierno de chiapas,se escabecharon al tio gil y sus secuaces,fue ahi donde los chapitos,pusieron al guero pulseras,como su hombre fuerte...pero el guero pulseras es un vulgar delincuente,secuestro,extorsion ,cobro de piso......................

    1. Estos traga lumbrices son MZ o que rollo con el Pollo? Guerra en frontera sur Chiapas La Chapiza (Guero P) vs MZ !!! Los CJNG vs Cartel Chiapas ?

    2. Estos son de los Chapos

  3. El Güero pulseras is rumored to have a "high grade" personal body guard know as el puercules trained by a Canadian security guard that is involved in underworld shit.

    1. Sicario006 is that you?

    2. )3:31 Sicario006 is highly offended by your racist remarks. 006 is much more than a Colombian grade side kick.

  4. 1:58PM no puercoles.....el hercules,roberto jair hernandez teran,fue director de la policia estatal fronteriza........................

  5. Replies
    1. Jajajaja no mames esta buena esa.

  6. Cartel de los sapos de Sinaloa

  7. I have two questions if anyone can educate me. Is cartel de Chiapas and Guatemala one entity? And off topic. I’ve been wondering for a while. Why do they call el jardinero that specific nickname? Does he grow flowers? Or trees? I’m not trying to sound dumb. I’ve been very curious about his nickname. Also why do some figures have the nicknames like el 300, or el 08, or whatever ? What’s the meaning behind the specific number?
    Rubio NYC

    1. Good question. What about the "fake" narco from Tijuana "el piloto" that everyone was saying didn't exist, that somebody just made him up. Is he a real narco or just an internet rumor?

    2. For a time people in TJ were also mentioning the mythical "El Pañal". LOL.
      "El Piloto" became "Los Pilotos". Recent articles of TJ on here show them to be 3 individuals according to some source material from México.

    3. @8:33 I know how to fly airplanes foo. I did it in my sleep one time

    4. Rubioy NYC, man broski look I just watched the video but I couldn't finish because I started sobbing and had a PTSD moment.

    5. 636 I asked my friend the question # question a few months back. He said the vast majority choose numbers that are not taken. Others go by favorite number and adding a zero or various zeros because known figures have already used 1-9...
      Few, have numerology meaning behind their numbers, those few tend to be into Ayahuasca, reading, learning and not just the typical glamour lifestyle...

    6. 1206 Thanks bro.
      Ummm I usually know that people get nicknames cause if something they do or their look. So I was just wondering. Cause I mean what makes someone call someone else La gallina, or La rana, or again el jardinero. It would be great to find out the reasons behind the nicknames.

      Rubio NYC

    7. I think they call him el Jardinero cause of his last name Flores.. in some songs el chapo Isidro is also called el Jardinero since his last name is flores as well ..

    8. Thank you 153. Appreciate the feedback. That makes sense.

      Rubio NYC

  8. Tipical CDS tactic, their main man fucks up and noe they distance them self from him 😂 they should of distance them selfes from the beginning, now that he is in deep shit they dont want to have anything to do with him, Carte De traidoreS back at it again

    1. Fuck those Rats! Cant believe there's still people willing to work for them, i guess if you are a snitch thats your only option since CDS is a well known Snitching cartel

  9. OMG my mascara is running; my whole outfit is ruined

  10. cds typical stuff. they need group therapy with the fbi and cia to speak about their conflicting emotions. lol


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