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Friday, April 5, 2024

They Secure more Illicit Hydrocarbons, Now In El Salto: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFORMADOR.MX

What was insured was placed at the disposal of the federal Public Ministry and, as usual, there were no arrests for the events.

By: Mark Hernandez

April 5, 2024 - 2:22 p.m.

Seizures of illicit hydrocarbons continue in Jalisco by the Attorney General's Office (FGR), state delegation.

On this occasion, it was in the municipality of El Salto where elements of the National Guard were touring the Alameda neighborhood when they observed several objects that gave off the smell of hydrocarbons. FGR personnel requested a search warrant for the property where the objects were located.

After completing it, a drum, a pump, two hoses, a truck, a vehicle, three tankers, two semi-trailers, and around 25 thousand liters of hydrocarbon were secured at the site.

What was insured was placed at the disposal of the federal Public Ministry and, as usual, there were no arrests for the events.

Just last March 27, the same FGR Jalisco reported the seizure of 31 thousand liters of hydrocarbon in the Peribús operations yards, near the highway to Zapotlanejo, in Tonalá.



  1. En aguascalientes capturaron al camaron de los reyes mich .. mano derecha del nic Santana , fuerte golazo que les metieron a los viagras alv

    1. @connor esos pastillas ya están quemados

    2. 1117pm aprende a escribir animal .. ya deja el resistor

    3. Aver Connor porque no dices como el Jardinero le esta pidiendo apoyo al 08 por miedo que les entren a Jalisco

  2. With all respect but what actually bloggers BLANKO and Ms.H even Enojon doing here? If anyone could send me any links witj their articles or even copy_paste-trasnlate i would like to see it...

    1. Ms. H has gone Rouge, due to a past experience that transpired.
      Blanko has yet to publish an article, he is a procrastinator. He is around but under a different aka.

    2. 950
      lol. Appreciate being called a procrastinator. But you’re probably right.
      I am I guess. Thx

    3. Thanks no badness in question just wondering

    4. 12:52
      No problem at your service 👍.

  3. gobierno complice,ellos no trabajan solos......50#50.....en otras palabras mochilas...............o no........................................................

  4. Any word on what happened in Coahuayana Michoacán word is the jaliscos sent in 100 men and the Mexican military just let them thru they were fighting with idk which other group shit lasted 7hrs which group is controlling Coahuayana Michoacán before this happened?

  5. Ecuadorians raid the mexican embassy in their country. Mexico gets no respect. Thank amlo for that.

    1. If you think Mexico is a "failed" state, wait till you go visit Ecuador. 😉

    2. Seems like if mister Glas is guilty then he deserves it 925

    3. 11:47:
      Ecuador is building two Bukele style prisons. They're getting ready to go full scale Bukele. People in Ecuador have had enough of the bullshit. I just wish the people of Mexico would get tired enough of the bullshit to act.

    4. 647 you just wanna see widespread chaos and violence as far away from your house as possible.

    5. 5:43 I believe 6:47 has a point, you should actually see videos and news clippings of the hell that goes on in Ecuador, I would say it's becoming as bad as Mexico, but so far Mexico is the capital of homicides.

  6. Mexico needs to develop a new system for storing or moving gasoline.

  7. ecuadorians act illegaly,but amlo,is a loco guy,put his nose everywere.........

  8. connor, el camaleon, no el camaron..............

  9. probably an understanding between the corporations (narco-military) one works only at night and the other only during the day.

  10. Any info on why bus companies are turning away/not allowing foreigners to purchase tickets from Nayarit to Mazatlán saying it's due to the "mafia"?


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