Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 12, 2024

Keep Convincing Yourselves That It’s Fake News

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Assassins from the evil Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) exhibit a complete cell of hitmen from the Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) that they’ve somehow abducted. 

In all probability every kneeling captive seen here was immediately killed off camera afterwards. 

It was mentioned that this took place in the state of Chiapas. 

Video translation is as follows:

This goes out to Melvin, Damas, and Salud. Keep listening to that faggot Eco. We have with us here some of the individuals that we’ve captured. We also have your fucking worthless drivers over there. 

We are the absolute 4 letters cartel (CJNG) quick reaction group. Just so you know we have the roadway monitored and under heavy surveillance. 

Let’s see if you have the balls to come on out for that armed confrontation. Or at the very least if you can show your faces for all of these captured individuals that we have here. 

Otherwise, every captive that you see here will be killed off. The lives of everyone of your workers will go to complete shit. We are at the orders of the 4 letters cartel and of Mr. Chino. 

Mexico Código Rojo

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  1. Seems like CJNG is wiping CDS in Chiapas.

    1. The thing is cartel de Chiapas cartel de Guatemala MAIZ Senor de los caballos CJNG and a few other auto defensas groups are all the same side . Guero Pulseras is independent now and then you also have the MZ faction (CDS) to add to all of this . Military and state cops are in all 3 payroll. In about a year or so we'll see how is "winning ' the war

    2. 332 yeah I think CJNG will still be winning in a year too!

    3. 4:09 if you do a little more digging CDS and Guero Pulseras recently took some plazas back from CJNG . Don't get me wrong leading the front lines was the state police.

    4. 4:33 if you do a little research CJNG wasnt even in Chiapas a few yrs ago 🤷🏼‍♂️

    5. 8:16 yeah if I'm not mistaken a CDS plaza boss flipped to CJNG . Some say it was El Señor de los caballos. He and his towns and his people became cjng now they allied with the so called local cartels against Guero Pulseras and CDS. CDS is currently trying to take back the towns that flipped. Depending on who you believe but some local Chiapas people are claiming towns that used to be CJNG are turning back to CDS

    6. It’s gotta suck being a low man on the cartel totem pole. Seems like middle is the safest. At the bottom you have to worry about rivals and on the top you have to worry about the US. Other than that $ seems like a horrible life

  2. What do you mean by the title

    1. That's what I want to know.Does he believe that people don't think that CJNG can kill cds ?

    2. Yea Sol,who you talking to in that title?maybe I missed something??

    3. 9:16
      An enigmatic headline

    4. he's obviously talking to the CDS fanboys

    5. Sol hates all cartels, but CDs has special place among them.
      What I can't tell is, is it personal, or because of the CDs cheerleaders, whom are gullible kids and annoying af.

  3. If anyone really wants to know what's going in Chiapas. Grillonautas2 has put out good videos on the violence in the state recently

  4. Guns bigger than the 15 yr old's manning them 😅

  5. Those guys are kids smh

  6. Only in Mexico...Not even S-American countries are this low...

  7. Who is Mr. Chino?

    1. 4:05 A guy who works with Don Cheto

    2. @04:46 matalo. I knew I should have killed you when I had the opportunity arise, however, I thought we were family.

    3. 8:18 Don Cheto. A real heavyweight in the narco world 🫡

  8. Only las 4L r evil hahaha

    1. No they’re not evil… mo mas son pendejos con hambre

  9. If none of them are handcuffed or hands tie fuck it turn around and start swing because if im going the F down im going down swinging!!! They can take em out!!!

    1. Yes your one swing will have you rethinking when they cutting off your fingers 😂

    2. you would do nothing. and that would the right thing to do. they would just torture you worse if you start something

    3. 517
      Tienes razón, sería peor

  10. Ca. We gwt a big update pls on gkw cds is faring at the border

    1. What you wanna know ? What state ?

    2. They're all watching Peso Pluma at CDS Coachella right now.

  11. Yup, here we go again and kidnap citizen so they can say they can say they are badass and take out the rivals.

    1. Didn't CDS just kidnap like 15 innocent families?

    2. 8:10 - No, they were all relatives of El Guano. And I believe they were all eventually let go. Either way, all cartels are pieces of shit.

    3. Yeah and the Jaliskas kidnap many other innocents too

    4. @5:09 it’s a revolving bro this has no end in site. Same thing different day

    5. 8:10 - No, they were all related to El Guano. They were involved in that cartel lifestyle. The only people I feel bad for are the kids. It’s not their fault their parents are criminals. But I believe they were all let go.

    6. They ALL KIDNAP & KILL..!!!

    7. That's fuckin dumb. There people here are by no means innocent. Innocent people wouldn't hold a posture like this without some crying a few tears knowing they will be executed.
      Criminals on the other hand even when they appear on video about to be decapitated they don't show these emotions except maybe fear a bit but not crying. Not because they are brave but because they know what they signed up for.
      You are just another CDS cheerleader nutthugger who can't admit CDS gets their asses kicked on a regular basis.

    8. 8:10 yea they did, but their cheer squad will say the kids deserved it

    9. 6:57 Just because youre soft anf cry pretty much for anything doesnt mean everyone else is the same. In the US crying is more acceptable, but in Mexico they'reore machista. Crying is not seen as manly. Add to that that Mexicans dance with and celebrate death (dia de los muertos). and thats just regular society. Add that regular mexicans have been living with this issue for years now and are somewhat used to it into the mix, I would think most would not be crying regardless if you cried just thinking about it or not. Not everyone would react like you would.

  12. The 'facts' are whatever the person/company says they are- even fact checking is scandalous now

  13. cjng rounded up a mariachi band and claimed they were cds gunman

    1. Dudo que cds conozcan oficios honorables.

  14. We're going to have a new Mexican president soon. He will send in the military to wipe out all of the cartels in Chiapas. Nuff said!!!

    1. Nuffy good morning.
      There's no male president running for the seat of the lazy president, it's 2 females, one of them is Sneiderbalm and the other I don't know. Currently lazy ALMO , is having a tantrum, because Sneiderbalm did not mention anything about him in her rally speeches, he had a tantrum when a reporter from the New York post, exposed his cabinet, accepting bribes from his campaign from Cartels, but eventually he got over it.


    2. claudia Sheinbaum,yeah nuff said jewish politicians like most other politicians do not have glorious standards ? Lets hope she proves everyone wrong because she has a 30% approval rating,this is just the start mexico,you too can be like the U.S where you cant open your mouth about anything,you dont know whats coming to you,your country and people are Mexican right now,you got a surprise coming

  15. looks like kids killing kids now, just like in the US.

  16. 4:08
    I 🤔 think, what Tricky wrote sounds better..
    She hasn't arrived yet to being President and she already has 30% approval ratings,my ass.

    1. 4:08
      (She hasn't arrived yet to being President)
      Who said she was going to be president?
      This one speaks out of his arse

    2. ""approval ratings,my ass""
      Ok sailor

  17. like we care as long as they delete themselves and let hard-working people alone.


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