Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

We Have A Cowardly Government That Allows Its Citizens To Die

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Good morning. My name is Fernando Ruiz. Today I am in one of the busiest places in the world, Times Square New York, to show you this. I am going to show the world what is really happening in Mexico and especially in my state. Chiapas, Mexico, land of kidnappers. What you see on this banner are human heads in a cooler and what you see there is a dismembered body. 

We have a cowardly government that allows its citizens to die. That is the government we have. My father was kidnapped and the government's response to this is that the area where he was kidnapped is overwhelmed by drug traffickers and they want to avoid confrontations.

And because of this they couldn't send anyone to look for him. That was the response and that was the result of the Hugs Not Bullets strategy implemented by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. What cowards, what cowards. This is the result. People who are dying that have nothing to do with drug trafficking. Today I make the call because I am not going to remain silent. 

I'm going to continue looking for my dad. This is the result of the narco government. It is the result of a narco president. And the only thing he has done is defend criminals and leave the citizens to their fate. And if the government doesn't do anything, we will. I'm not going to forget my father. Because if the citizens don’t have peace, neither will the government.

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  1. The only thing I agree is the trafficking part. Stick to drugs. Everybody else should be put in line. Drugs are gonna be coming in regardless but the kidnappings and extortions need to go.

    1. You say that as if drugs aren’t a big deal. Man you see all those broken families and young peoples lives destroyed by drugs? They are a MAJOR problem

    2. @12:29 yeah, fuck drugs -- they're for losers and stupid people who don't get meds from a doctor.

    3. @12:29 yeah but a lot of the damage is because of the illegal nature of drugs. example, all the meth casualties are that way because the meth they are getting is dirty and causes brain damage.. if it were a regulated market they would be much less fucked up because the product would be what it's supposed to be. just one example.

    4. @12:29 like when they banned alcohol in the US and ppl started making their own and people would become blind from improperly distilled spirits. does alcohol cause blindness? no, an unregulated market causes poisonous products.

    5. Drugs?i love drugs keep emm coming fuuuuuck yeah doooode judt did a line of tusi and smoked a pdog i feel great and look great

    6. “The only thing you agree to”

      lol you’re a nobody . No one cares what you think

    7. @1:44 fuck legalizing things that have no benefit. They are not things that should be normalized as much as so many of you want legalize all things. You can’t just legalize heroin and say “well it’s for the benefit of safety,” to then just make it easier for young people to be curious and go try these things over the counter once they’re 18-21. You literally want to normalize destructive behavior. No thanks, there are ways. You are tripping, I do think we should decriminalize shrooms and some psychedelics. Not fucking heroin and meth LMAO 😂

    8. @01:44 I agree with your thoughts after watching a documentary on wasp dope imitation meth. Wow, what is the big fucking deal?

      A good percentage of illegal meth users really have a medical need for a legal prescription stimulant like 4mg of meth everyday morning and night. The illegal dope and meth and shit is deadly and full of poisons. Pharmaceutical meth is hardly abused and not deadly.

      @01:46 makes an excellent comparison to illegal alcohol which is a deadly form of alcohol that can cause blindness from alcohol. consumption

    9. Need to go back to the old method. Allow the cartels to establish order and control. Better to have 3-4 tribes with 3-4 chiefs than 200 Indians all thinking is possible to become a Chief

  2. AMLO nut huggers embrace the narco president.


    1. The most fundamental duty of government is to protect it's citizens. This comes before building bridges and airports. An economy cannot prosper without peace.
      ELMO chooses to avoid his primary responsibility as president because he wants to avoid confrontations. Can you imagine having a school shooter shooting up a school and the police say we want to avoid a confrontation. You cannot reign in criminals without the use of force. ELMO has proven this. Unfortunately more than 200,000 Mexicans have died so that ELMO can "avoid confrontations".

    2. Queso stop blaming Obrador for cartels actions it's not his fault no one's hugging your cheesy nuts

    3. Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there should be close to 600 military stations throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology.

      Notable Captures under AMLO include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, El Kena Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa...

    4. @4:20 As much as I'd hate to agree on anything with AMLO.
      Your 100% right.
      Captures through the roof.
      And like you mentioned federales were worse/useless than estatales

    5. @4:20
      You forgot to mention the many homicides that happened on his watch, common dude don't just be one sided.
      Obviously he has shown citizens came last, and soft on Cartels that he let CJNG grow into many State's.

    6. 200k homicides during his term. Now imagine what that number would've been without the increase in security measures and captures that 4:20 mentioned.

    7. I only agree 20%on what 420is saying.
      As he tried to put all negatives about ALMO under the carpet. He is very light on cartels, since he gets bribes.

    8. @ 2:50
      Ever heard of Uvalde?

    9. 4:20:
      ELMO chayotero with Down's Syndrome: You continue to copy and paste past comments from ELMO campaign material. You are boring us. Please make an original comment that requires the use of brain cells.

      The "increase in security measures" is no good if you refuse to confront the criminals.

    10. 849 Facts are facts. Were all the criminals mentioned not captured? If anything mentioned is false then provide us with information for youre rebuttal. It sounds like you have a hard time accepting the facts.
      As far as you claiming the government "refuses to confront criminals" is flat out misinformation on your part. I can pull up plenty of BB articles where the government has confronted, clashed with or deployed soldiers to confront criminals. Just the other day 800 soldiers were deployed to culiacan the same day 66 people were reported kidnapped being kidnapped. Last I heard 58 had been returned. 10 criminals were recently killed in Nuevo Leon during a confrontationwith government forces. There was a huge government operation in Ciudad Guzman Jalisco not that long ago where a few hundred Governmententitieswere deployed. The list is endless. You're false claims are useless.

    11. 6:52:
      I can show you video after video of ELMO stating that he won't confront criminals. You need to accept the fact that ELMO has allowed cartels to gain control over large areas of Mexico.

    12. LMAO @852. 🤣 🤣 🤣. So what do you have to say about the 800 soldiers being deployed to Culiacan the day of the mass kidnappings across the city?
      Or the major military operation in Zapopan against Menchos daughter that resulted in the release of the 3 kidnapped soldiers.
      For Ovidios 2nd capture I believe something like 3000 military personnel participated in the confrontation between the government and Chapos kids.
      No confrontations? Ok, whatever you say bro. You keep believing your "videos"🙄 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    13. "... ELMO has allowed cartels to gain control over large areas of Mexico."

      Uh, this issue predates AMLO. You can trace this back to Calderon and Garcia Luna when they declared the war on drugs and started favoring one cartel over the others. (It actually predates that administration but we'll stick to Garcia Luna since he's been convicted) His approach created ruptures, splinters and the creation of different cartels which brought about more violence. The problem only worsened under Peña Nieto.

      "I can show you video after video of ELMO stating that he won't confront criminals."

      Actions speak louder than words. You can show me all of the videos you want where AMLO makes those statements, but that's far from the truth. The facts are that the government has consistently engaged in confrontations with criminal groups all over Mexico, week after week after week, nonstop. The notion that AMLO's government won't confront criminals is absurd. You're a fool for believing those videos.

    14. 10:02:
      ELMO Chayotero with Down's Syndrome:
      Check out all of the videos of the NG rounding up migrants.

    15. 1044 maybe you should stop watching your videos. LOL. I think you're being lied to. Anyway, AMLO is just keeping up with his end of the Bicentennial Agreement. There you go. Enjoy the read.

      The United States and Mexico seek to diminish the capacity of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) and prevent trafficking of drugs, arms, and wildlife, migrant smuggling, and trafficking in persons

      Cooperation Area 2.4:  Reduce human trafficking and migrant smuggling

  3. AMLO is truly dangerous and I fear that his lackey replacement Claudia Sheinbaum will perpetuate their disregard for rural areas being ungoverned. They are making the mistakes that Columbia made when their leadership limited their world to Bogata and left most of the country to fend for and govern themselves.
    I pray Xóchitl Gálvez wins this years presidential election!

    1. There is an entire area in TAMPS that is essentially self-governed

    2. Galvez is even worse 💀🤦‍♂️ there isn’t a reason why to go back to the same PRI-BS before AMLO. Another reason why Mexico is like this is because people “pray” for mediocre and same ways. No I’m not saying AMLO and his campaign is the best option! But Galvez and PRI aren’t even close to a fresh air!

    3. The PRI at least kept violence down and had a handle on the drug cartels. Now it’s a free for all.

    4. @Detroit that’s perspective only and your comment implies there’s bright lines here between good guys and bad. There isn’t. Full stop. So, the territory is indeed “governed” and whether that’s good or bad can be measured by various metrics - mainly by comparing outcomes. To the extent they “collect taxes” for instance, is that much different than a government that collects taxes and engages in waste or fraud? No. One thing I can say for certain is that security is higher in the region bc of this presence. With their political clout they have also attracted aid and social services. And, It’s probably the safest (relatively) region in the State.

  4. When El Señor Chapo was running things there was no kidnapping or extortion.


    1. yes we live here in mx they don't care about anything but $$$$$ it is out of control. they let it get out of hand and now it's too late.

    2. @09:54 that's bullshit and we all know it. You're telling me that Chapo never kidnapped or killed anyone! 🤣 Foo

    3. You’re right to a certain extent. At least in Sinaloa there was more control when JGL was around.

    4. What a cute little slave you are....

    5. 12:39
      You should see me in my Maids outfit.

    6. Sigue prohibido

    7. Minors were getting raped when Don chaputo was a free man

    8. Rubio 2.45 is that you? If it is no thanks. Emma C. In a maids outfit anyday.


    9. Connor Omegas ex girlfriend over Emma anyday

  5. Where's the guy that claims only cartel members are the only ones killed, read the title and don't be a dork.

  6. Thanks for reporting this Sol. All true.

  7. The dad is long dead. No need searching for the guy. He was most likely extorted and did not pay. If he was going to refuse to pay he should've packed his belongings and skipped town in the middle of the night.

    1. Yup I have family members who were once kidnapped and we never heard a single thing about them anymore. I’m talking about 08’ times when zetas were popping.

  8. Death is just a small step to another state of existence. Maybe the government is doing them a favor and they just don't know it.

    1. Wait till it hits one of your family members and we’ll see if you’re talking with the same attitude.

    2. "Maybe the government is doing them a favor and they just don't know it"
      Bro that is the biggest load of shite i have read on here.So letting your citizens be killed for nothing is doing them a favor ?

    3. 12:31 that'll be great. More inheritance money for me.

  9. This may be hard for some of you to except:
    Mexico will never be able to remove itself from this hell.
    Corruption is sewn in every thread of its being.
    It’s like saying you want to take the coil out of the snake, the bald out of the eagle.😆
    Seriously Mexico is fucked
    I feel sorry for the innocent ones.

    1. There’s way too much big money involved

  10. Why blame the current administration when the cycle of violence has been growing for the past four Mexican administrations?

    Where have you AMLO haters been? A bit late to the party no? lol

    So keep regurgitating your mainstream media points harder. Keep yourselves in your tiny bubble.

    1. ALMO had a chance when newly elected, he said he would end crime a corruption and turns out he did little to curb violence and corruption.
      He let the citizens of Mexico down.

    2. Not implying it’s an easy job, but “hugs not bullets” is neither a viable security policy nor a viable social policy. In the one hand he deserves criticism but so does the entire structure of the government. What Mexico really needs is a revolution. You can’t “take on” the “cartels” until you have a functioning rule of law and an apparatus to provide public safety.

  11. Another sad story in this fucked up drug game, sad reality on to the next.

  12. Hey Sol how are you buddy? Is this very recent? I mean today is raining here. I just got out the gym and so I’m sure he’s not out and about cause the weather sucks. But I would like to go shake that man’s hand and show him some respect. It would take me 35 mins by train to get there.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Yo Don Rubio. Are the new Venezolanos pouring into USA creating problemas in NYC?

    2. In NY City they're all over the place.They re even making their own gangs, on motorcycles. Two get on a motorcycle, the passenger, robs ladies purses. They're giving
      the Latinos a bad name.
      Maduro needs them back.

    3. You cant say that its racist,even if it is the truth

    4. Unfortunately those venozalnos may cost Biden the election and trump may win, Que oso! 🤮

    5. 1243 actually to be honest with you. I’m going to look into that. I haven’t really met many venezolanos here in nyc. I used to meet many in Miami. I had a gym out there. And used to also work at APPLE. and would converse with them because they would buy iPhones and these military grade protective cases. And I used to ask why such a heavy duty phone case and they would tell me that it was for when they were protesting and if the police or military would go after them, and if they dropped the phone they didnt want to lose the videos they recorded while protesting etc. it was pretty wild hearing that. Here in nyc right now it’s kinda weird because a lot of people are more upset than usual. There’s a lot of tension. And that fentanyl and crystal has created a lot of homelessness. Honestly I want to get the fuck out of nyc ASAP.

      Rubio NYC

    6. 427
      People are weak minded, lack a purpose to life. Most are not resilient and are comfortable with being mediocre. Drugs does not cause homelessness.

    7. 525 I believe to some extend you are right. A person can be recreational and still have a great career or life. And there is some truth to the “weak minded” comment. I can see a recreational person being overtaken by whatever can be going on in their life and becoming a full blown addict and losing everything. I think to some extend the people that are the addicts and or end up homeless, don’t have anything in their life of great importance. You need to value other things. Because if not. Then you’ll value that “high” and that’s when shit hits the fan. Also part of the part of the problem is that people want to have the government helping them. But don’t realize the limits that are going to be imposed on them. I was also reading the comments and saw that some people wrote things in regards to what that gentleman is doing. And they don’t realize that not everyone knows or wants to know what’s going on in Mexico. I think it’s great that he is showing that banner so that people can see. A lot of times people want to act like out of site and out of mind. And don’t realize that in the end that can fuck a lot of things up in their own life or country. Cause they think problems elsewhere will solve themselves. And things don’t work that way.

      Rubio NYC

    8. 701 I am concise with my comment. Anyone can elaborate and sugar coat explanations. Will always have people swaying both ways. With minimal words I know the few comments I make here carry weight.

  13. Oh and to the ignorant ones saying that his dad is dead. He still has the right to look for his dad. You guys don’t know what that feels like. So ya write these comments for him to almost dismiss his loved one. I hope he keeps looking. And I hope even if it’s not the find that he is seeking. But that he’s able to get closure.

    Rubio NYC

  14. Chayoteros read the title and tell me if you like it.🤣😂😂😂?

  15. Está bien, busque a su papá
    Y de paso por qué lo desaparecieron???

  16. He went to New York in his cowboy hat, there's no horses in New York.
    And a photo banner with pictures of heads in ice chests. Talk about catching people's attention.
    🤔 Better yet he should be together with the pro protesters of Palestine, and yell "abajo con Obrador! Abajo con Obrador?

  17. Mexican president just asked for 20 million dollars to fight the cartels with "hugs not bullets" lol smh

    1. Double milking.
      Gets good bribes and now wants more money from USA. He has more than enough, he can't take his money to the grave.

    2. 12:23
      20 BILLION 💰

  18. It’s true chapo had states on LOCK..
    I’m even surprised MZ doesn’t like he did

    1. Mijo wrong article, this is about a man voicing concerns about Mexico and it's leadership.

    2. 12:40 not related to this article.

  19. Ese presidente no servi para nada, mas de 36,000 an muerto a homicidios en 2023.
    Servi para las mordidas.

  20. Arturo beltran had mexico in peace when the new administration came they released chapo through a launder cart and the nonsense started happening,senators,governors and the billionaires are the same and they love mexico

  21. @Sol It won't be long now before we have boots on the ground and kill everyone.

    1. 1:30:
      It won't be long now and Sicario 006 will be in Mexico to straighten things out.

  22. Poor guy grieving for his dad telling us all what we already know but it always degenerates into jingoistic bullshit

  23. Any cheerleader know who is currently winning in Chiapas?

    1. Cartels in Chiapas have killed 1,412

      Citizens in Chiapas have killed 0 cartel criminals.


  24. Where was this during the worse times in Mexico 2006-2016 🤦‍♂️

    1. 2010-2011 just seemed really bad for me because of los zetas and that time cd juarez was at war pretty bad

    2. Yup
      x2 on 2010-2011 prettu lawless/worser than colombia dueing that era.
      Pracically everywhere sinaloa/tj/Moros-piedras
      Thousands dead and plenty dissappeared

      Like a little vietnam war but civil amongst each other in Mx

    3. 2:44 The death toll says otherwise. Yesterday another political candidate was killed in Guanajuato. So far 31 have been killed and the elections are still exactly 2 months away, June 2, 2024.

    4. They are only letting canadates that are in collusion with them succeed in the elections, those that won't want to be mixed with the Cartels are being killed, See why Mexico will never shape up

    5. 2018 seems like so long ago waiting for this oaxaca michoacán thing to blo over

  25. All the Elmo nut huggers are upset, they Cowboy guy went to New York and exposed the daily truth about Mexico and it's inept government.

  26. Whether they are hardworking folks or cartel scum, they all love hanging banners in public places.

  27. I’m gonna go to the dispensary and buy some bud. Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Cartels are too big to bring down or fail. ELMO done collected his millions. On to the next.

  28. Someone should abduct his mustache and bury it

  29. He needs to protest back home in Mexico where it matters.

    1. Unfortunately if he does that in his hometown country he will be made disappeared.

  30. Bring back the PRI. At least there was some form of control. The way things sit now there is no control. Sooner or later the United States will get fed up and annex the rest of Mexico. The easy or the hard way.

  31. It's true Cayoteros
    Mexico is going down hill.

  32. He should go have a meeting with the Mayor of New York.

  33. the prior presidents of Mexico did nothing too Lopez Obrador is not the only one

  34. ELMO has not done shit for Mexico. Where are the incarcerated presidents? Support for the press? More salaries for police? Nah bro. He turned a rat but a rich one after all that money he be keeping. That will keep their sons living in Texas oh but he is mad with Abbot? I don’t think so. He even fail his own political party look at how much murders are around the mex campaigns.


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