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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

11 People Killed During Clashes Between Sinaloa Cartel And CJNG In Chicomuselo

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In the confrontations that has been going on since last Friday between members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) in the municipality of Chicomuselo in the Sierra region of Chiapas, 11 people have been killed in the Nuevo Morelia community. Among them two servants of the Catholic Church, informed sources from the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas.

The State Attorney General's Office confirmed in a very brief communiqué the homicide of the 11 people; murders that it assured were registered in the last hours in the community of Morelia. 

The agency affirmed that the Inter-institutional Group (Army, National Guard), headed by the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) through the Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Chicomuselo, carried out the removal of the bodies, making a medical examination of the bodies and carrying out the identification of the bodies with the family members.

He pointed out that in order to guarantee peace in the area, investigations are being carried out by the Inter-institutional Group made up of personnel from the Mexican Army, National Guard and police, who are patrolling the region in order to determine who is responsible.

The diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas reported that it is compiling the information and will probably issue a statement, although “communication with the area is difficult and also today they are attending to the funerals” of the murdered residents.”

The source who requested anonymity said he did not know how the events occurred, because there is little communication with the area, in part, because one of the groups damaged the infrastructure of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and several communities don’t have electricity. 

Residents of Chicomuselo reported on Sunday that since Friday there have been clashes between members of organized crime gangs, and that they have heard reports that there have been several deaths, but so far no government agency has confirmed it.

For three years, drug trafficking cartels have been fighting over the Sierra and border regions of Chiapas, bordering Guatemala, causing executions, confrontations, disappearances, forced displacement, collection of land rights, burning of vehicles, suspension of public transportation and constant road blockades.

Chicomuselo, Chiapas



  1. No wonder Chiapas wanted to be their own country in 90"s and de coup from Mexico, because Mexico never does anything to protect its citizens.

    1. Look at who Mexico has for president. Former presidents were only in bed with the criminals. This president wants a little action with the criminals while they are between the sheets.

    2. Chiapas doesn't even seem to be part of Mexico. They have been totally excommunicated from the rest of the country. I might have to come out of retirement and go down there to help these people. I will bring my wife Buffy. I might also recruit Sicario006 to come and help. Nuff Said!!!

    3. Chiapas did not want to be their own country. Certain groups within that state wanted greater autonomy because they were mislead by an overly idealistic "commander" who romanticed about revolution.

    4. This nuffy needs to be snuffy-d
      Boring posts

    5. Also you don’t have a wife
      More fantasy
      Nuff said, nuff said

  2. Que los dejen que se agarren a vergazoz alv

  3. They’re goes my trip to Palenque, one of my bucket list items!

    1. When I was there saw the road with dead sicarios . The people beating the shit out of the state police . No one ever fucked with the tourist. You need to worry about the people forcing you to buy bananas or they throw rocks .

    2. Bollocks you fool

    3. 1107 when was this?

  4. sol,quieres reirte un poco ,lee le journal de montreal,felix seguin, coca a 18500.....y todo esto pasa por mexico........

  5. President of Mexico Obrador you are a F liar.
    You told everyone that cartels respect it's citizens look what happened here 2 servants of the Catholic Church are killed. That is fun up. No wonder many don't believe in you.

  6. Cut the bull shit I just wanna know who won?

    1. Still tied up, going into sudden death overtime

  7. Chiapas has had trouble ever since Z3 was murdering the zapesatia when he was a gafa for the Mexican military. Chiapas is now up for grabs by CJNG and CDS. It's only going to get worse now that land routes for smuggling seem more attractive and percia is cheap


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