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Monday, May 27, 2024

Alleged Photo Of El Nini Surfaces Being Escorted

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A photo has surfaced of Nestor Isidro Perez Salas aka El Nini. This was the individual who had claimed that he would rather die fighting than go to prison. 

El De Menos Visto / Aldea


  1. No more vida loca for this chump.

    1. At least he removed the puta barbita mamelona.

  2. Me gusta su peiñado

    1. Probably didn't want anybody coming close to him with scissors or any sharp item.

  3. Gonna sing like the rest of the Sinaloas, the 4 letters have been the ones that take time like a man.

    1. All cartel members that are incarcerated will sing like a canary.
      Don't matter what cartel they all want to serve less time for singing.

    2. 10;39 You actually think there’s honor in that life? it’s only a matter of time before one of them snitch too just brace yourself for that heartbreak

    3. I think they might use him in court against Ovidio, If he’s able to talk in time before the case is over.

    4. I heard he's coming out with a CD.

    5. The 4 letters lol you mean the ones who are letting their enemies get closer and closer to Jalisco

    6. 12:23 olvidio is not taking his case to trail. He will get life plus 100yr if he don’t take a deal. He will most likely get 25/30yr deal and then just have to work it down by telling.

    7. @10:39 Get serious. Real men don't murder women and babies and Innocents! The four letter cartel is just as demonic and evil as any other cartel.

    8. Just wait till "the 4 letters" start seeing a few of their comrades get some life sentences and they'll start snitching sooner than later. Just look at how Alfredo Beltran started his sentence and wound up wanting to appeal the decision. Im almost certain Menchito will go down as an example to the rest.

    9. Them 4 letters can't catch a break lately. Rival groups incursioning into their stronghold territories. Seems to me like they are in the outs . By that's just my opinion

    10. Lol if you think the 4 letters are out think again, CJNG is supporting claudia Sheinbaum financially and she's gonna be president so you know how that's gonn go.

  4. I wonder if markitos toys 🧸 is going to

    1. Markito Toys is a piece of 💩 🤡

  5. Is that nini or the fonz?

  6. miklo jr....joining la onda...

  7. Another punk poison peddler who’ll get a cushy ride on the backs of hardworking Americans. I’ll tell you this id bet my pension that the overwhelming majority of hardworking Americans don’t give a shit about his info out his ass in a concrete tomb for life fuck his info!

  8. That hairdo requires a hairdryer. I wonder if that hairdryer comes with the plea bargain.

    1. 11:36: I seriously thought at first glance, that he was wearing a bad hat or cap like the others.

  9. Looks like he was being fed good inside the prison.

  10. Siempre leal al Patron Ivan

  11. Needs a medium fade , a little off the top and some Johnny B. Neck tats , random religious tats and Aztec tat.. fit right in.

  12. The way he was captured and the things done so he wouldnt know they where coming made him not go out the way he wanted

    1. He was John Wayne before he was caught, now he's Boy George.

    2. He's a Potbelly Pig.. I ain't tough , but i'd win this little Porky on street with only fists & Kicks, and I'm too big for Him to wrestle..
      Just sayin.. He's such a dissapointment after all those Banging Corridos that told how "Nini will shoot it out with the Army if He's caught.." Do your worse America...! Vote Blue..!

  13. ... and he would rather spend the rest of his life in prison rather than snitch.

  14. Let the 🐀ing begin

  15. The agency really be hiring anyone. Dude on the right built like a mini fridge.

    1. He’s probably a veteran with years of experience and education

    2. Yes, many years of experience working the pencils at his desk. And nowhe catched that el chapo like big fish and is so proud and cocky that he added the plates to vest he uses at home for roll play and went out to pick him up. Its almost like he caught him personally down in culichi town.

  16. Damn homie, that pelican neck is crazy, taking in consideration that he is skinny AF, he might have a tumor, no joke

    1. His vocal cords have been getting a lot of use lately.

    2. "Come on pelican"

  17. One last private flight ✈️ 🤪 now keep sleeping on your hard mattress and go to hell you evil being! There are plenty of mothers, fathers, siblings etc who cheer for your hopefully long demise.. live by the sword, live with the devil dastardly!

  18. Who ever is take pitty of him is either rather silly or just plain out a case for criminal prosecution! F him! May he rot until he leaves this world for good 👍

    1. I would like to see him rot in Florence, however, he has a lot of intel on the Chapitos. Maybe him and Ovidio will be in court together and get into cat fight. His extradition is incredibly bad news for Ovidio. Ovidio is going to have a hard time giving the DEA intel that they don't already have or that won't be supplied by Nini. Ovidio's quick extradition suggests cooperation but I'm not really seeing what he has to give.

    2. CDS isn't known as the snitch cartel for nothing. So it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone once they decide to rat out their buds.

    3. Sol:
      Obviously, everything is pointing to Ovidio cooperating. I don't see where he has a lot to give, especially now with Nini in the U.S. and you know Nini is going to give up a lot more than Ovidio. If Ovidio gets a sentence in the single digits it will be an incredible travesty of justice.

    4. @1:22 Olvidio testimony alone is worth plenty he will bury anyone he testify against. No matter how old the stuff he has to say. And I wonder if Nina got green light to testify save his ass he is well connected with his wife family and the all testify. Or is his family in danger?

    5. Ninis wife is Manuel Fernandez ( La puerca) daughter. He coperated and nothing happened. Maybe he will
      Be given a green light to testify. Or maybe his closest family is already in US soil. So they will be ok. Time will
      Tell for sure.

    6. Time will tell just who has fell and who's been left behind
      When you go your way and I go mine

  19. Damn some US gangbangers are more bad ass than these fools. Some go out shooting instead of going to prison

    1. Lol US gangbangers are nothing compared to high level cartel members. They’re the bottom of the barrel in the rank structure that’s why all they do is run around the streets .

  20. Here comes FLAKITOS downfall from tijuana an other tijuana members

  21. CDS operatives are not thug-looking. Most of them are soft AF, but weapons, drugs, money, and power make up for a lot of their physical attributes. Don’t get it twisted, these punks know the game, they just run sprints, old schoolers know it’s a marathon, like MZ 🤠

  22. Looks as if a couple months off the lavada has been good for Nini’s health

  23. Biden putting in work.

    1. Yeah 👍 for Biden 2024
      When don't need Cheetos.

    2. Lol @ the soft lefties

    3. He aint putting in any work lol

  24. His double chin is exposed 😯.

  25. Gavilan el 200 and his brother el 300 are already out since being caught in culiacan by the army protecting Ivan and Alfredo

    1. Means nothing g just more cannon fodder

  26. Z40 is laughing right about now

    1. Sure but also very pissed off about his monthly payments to stay in mexico.

  27. Your much-maligned AMLO is a real OG. He says one thing to appease the home crowd. Meanwhile a conga line of narcos dance into gringolandia.

  28. Here come the sopas and spreads. Either he will PC up like a bitch or roll with the Paisas.

    1. @754 well he is a paisa duh!! Dude got extraidited fast!! He definitely ratting

    2. He is a paisa lol

  29. Por si quieren saber está en MDC Brooklyn, NY.

  30. My cousin vinny

  31. Those are some nice shoes

  32. It almost doesn’t even look like him, isn’t he supposed to be a lot taller? And his face lol…

    1. Taller? His nick name is chicken little

    2. 6:22 maybe is his big ass head and skinny body 😂

  33. Has anyone actually looked through this ridiculous ass twitter account?? Lmao wtf is with the La Verga Simpsons...

  34. I’m retired law enforcement city and federal, What the fuck happened to physical fitness standards. The guys escorting him look like they could not run a 1/4 mile. I read somewhere many law enforcement agencies are dropping physical fitness standards because it’s discriminatory however, I think that sounds absolutely ridiculous. Seeing this escort, they didn’t use their best agents to escort this guy . WTF -

    1. You should see the cops in NYC. It's atrocious cause in NYC often suspects are on foot. The fat ones literally cannot run more then 6 feet. And I am with you. It is not discrimination but common sense. Being a cop is physically demanding and if you are overweight, even obese, it puts YOU at great risk.

    2. I to was surprised when I first saw several SF guys who were obviously overweight. Eventually I found out that they had sustained serious injuries at some point in their careers. And the road to recovery isn’t always the same for everyone. Medication does have its side effects. Most of these guys had what we called medical profiles. Which helped to explain their weight gain. So, in all probability the big guy on the right got hurt before this picture was taken and is riding out his medical profile as much as he can before coming back to work with 100% capability. Doctors have more than likely regulated this guy to light duty for the sake of showing the agency that he still has some sort of usefulness.

  35. cabe duda que tu y los de borderlandbeat,son los mejores,,,en mexico hasta ahora.28.05.24.........publican esta foto del nini.. felicitaciones....buen trabajo....

  36. The DEA released Nini's audio stating Nini is still loyal to the Chapiza. DEA must of felt that NINI was going to be killed before being extradited.

  37. He ended up in southern district of NY

    Probably a lot of behind the scenes power moves for these high profile extraditions

    My guess is next one is going to DC

  38. anyl (later seized by the DEA) in Los Angeles. Finally, in or about October 2023, Pérez Salas and other sicarios acting at his direction, allegedly kidnapped a confidential source and 10 other victims in Mexico—including a U.S. citizen—whom Pérez Salas believed worked for or were related to the confidential source. Pérez Salas and his sicarios allegedly killed eight of the kidnapped victims, including the confidential source, and a 13-year-old boy. Pérez Salas allegedly kidnapped and killed these victims in retaliation for the confidential source’s provision of information to law enforcement in connection with the investigation of Pérez Salas and his associates in the Southern District of New York

    It was true that story from last year
    Feds added it to the indictment
    They must have a lot of sources in Culiacan

    1. J:
      You bring up a lot of things that aren't general knowledge. Your input is appreciated.

    2. J:
      I just read the indictment. You are absolutely correct on the murders. There's a good chance Ovidio testified in front of the grand jury. As a general rule a witness with first hand information would testify before the grand jury. The date of the indictment is December of 2023, well within the time frame that Ovidio is in the U.S. If Ovidio and Nini are pointing their fingers at each other this could be the end for the Chapitos. Their source in Culiacan could very well be Ovidio. Now they can add Nini to their list of Culiacan sources.

    3. The murders are all punishable by death. Mexico would not extradite Nini unless the death penalty was off the table. It's a pretty safe bet that Nini is cooperating. It would be nice if we could get more details on the murders.


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