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Friday, May 10, 2024

Breaking News: The Mexican Army kills Reportedly 10 'CJNG Cartel' assassins in the community of Cotija, Michoacan. May 9, 2024.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL 

Jalisco Cartel - New Generation unleashes clashes and attacks against authorities in Tocumbo, Michoacán

First reports indicate that at least a hundred heavily armed individuals mobilized from the municipality of Sahuayo; 10 alleged CJNG members were reported killed. 

Michoacán - A large group from the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) unleashed a series of clashes in the municipality of Tocumbo, Michoacán, after bursting in hidden in cargo vehicles and attacking authorities from the three levels of government.

Initial reports indicate that at least a hundred heavily armed individuals moved from the municipality of Sahuayo in cargo trucks.

The convoy advanced towards the municipality of Cotija and, hiding in cargo trucks, broke into La Laguneta, located in the mountainous part of the town of Santa Inés, municipality of Tocumbo.

Inhabitants of the area reported the mobilization of the criminals, so police from the municipalities of Cotija, Tocumbo, Tingüindín, Los Reyes and Peribán went to the area, where they were met with gunfire and explosives by the criminal group.

Mexican Army and Civil Guard personnel went to support the local authorities and were also attacked by the cell identified with the CJNG.

The place was also flown over by a military helicopter, which the criminal group attacked from the ground with Barrett .50 caliber assault rifles.

Mexican Army commanders who maintain surveillance and operations in this region near the state of Jalisco emphasized that the personnel of the aircraft descended and joined in response to the attacks.

The sources consulted reported that during the clashes, which lasted at least three hours, a man known as "El Gafe", who was allegedly the leader of the offensive orchestrated by the CJNG's elite group, known as Delta, was killed,

They revealed that once "El Gafe" - and other armed men - had been killed, the rest of the criminal group stopped shooting and fled to the highlands, where they are already being sought by authorities from the three levels of government.

The preliminary figure is 10 presumed members of the CJNG killed and it is expected that in the next few hours the Attorney General's Office will announce the official balance of this episode of violence.


"The Ejército Mexicano kills 10 CJNG assassins in the community of Cotija, Michoacan, securing weapons and tactical equipment with insignia; as well as 1 truck with gunshot wounds after the confrontation between armed civilians and military elements."


  1. "Se agarraron a vergazos CJNG la gallina y su escuadron de los deltas contra el ejercito en cotija michoacan.. 10 militares muertos 6 deltas muertos.. quisieron detener al chito cano y al tio lako .. se escaparon"

    gracias @CONNOR

    1. Saludos Char ! Si este reporte me lo mando un compa del facebook en los reyes michoacan .. aunque n fue al revez 10 cjng muertos .. hahah pero ya vez como es la cosa.. si que segun Iban por.el tio lako y chito cano por eso la ofensiva por las 4 letras

  2. "This site has gone way down hill I've been a follower since 2011 it's seems to be too political pretty much full of trumpers who pretty much come here to fuel their hate for Mexico not so much a reporting site for the drug war like original most articles and just posted from other sites or reporters wtf happened smfh"

    I repeat what I said on the previous post FUCK OFF!!

    do not say you are giving constructive criticisms

    I had said this time and time again some of you find anything to complain about when we translate banners we support Chapos

    or if we translate banners from CJNG we are mouthpiece to mencho and company

    I have been here since 2010 on the start of the Golfos-Zetas war

    also some of you keep bringing up Chivis.. yes she did a lot for BB she put in a lot of hardwork and deserves lots of recognition..

    However, you guys overlook the fact that lots of good people where push to side by her that brought a lot of good information because she did not like the fact that people made comments against MIRELES who reportedly had sexual relationships with teenage girls..

    stop making Chivis look like she's the savor we all have our good and bad side.

    all the BB administrators are hard workers

    1. Well said, the site and contributions are great.

      Lots of commenters seem
      To come from reddit these days and there’s lots of weirdo’s the content of BB is still incredible and greatly appreciated

    2. I do remember some of those time you speak of… as people sometimes we choose to believe people as we want them to be & ignore what they also are… Good work by ALL the BB staff… It gets tiring hearing random ppl who probably come from Reddit & have only followed BB for a short time call someone on the staff a cheerleader… it used to be very annoying to hear ppl back in the day whine about wanting more gore… I hope these lame critics one day will see outside their narrow perspective & realize the much bigger picture in regards to this site & bringing direct news & information to the masses… (I also miss the old skool forum & hope it makes a return one day)

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. When you have time, would you be able to translate the video? Gracias

    4. You are correct Char. Don't listen to this troll. You guys do a great job. You have me Nuffy on your side. Nuff Said!!!

    5. I don't see the problem with Mireles. My gf is 17

    6. @5;49 bro gtfo. & Char thank you for your hardwork!

    7. The haters are crying in the dark because they can't get their way. Fucking chumps. 😂

    8. With Fentanyl hitting the streets and these young people dying not to take anything away with what's going on in Mexico it has made most people hate Mexican cartels and politicians. I am not American and I would like to see Trump man handle the cartels but in reality he never will because it would effect the American economy. I understand why people hate Mexican politicians and are trumpers

    9. BB is a site to inform and educate those of us, myself included, who once had blinders on. Nothing but respect for them.
      If you want to tear something down that you had/have nothing to do with building, you don't really matter much here.

    10. I'm with you Char BB staff puts in a lot of effort to keep us informed as fresh news from Mexico pops up translated, for the people that lost reading in Spanish, this is a excellent site.
      Moderators have done a good job of vetting out useless uncalled for comments. Then you have the trolls coming in here, causing havoc, intimidation if they don't get their way.
      Chivis is retired and they still bring her name up, they cry they want the old forum back..that's the past we are living the present.

    11. I commend for Dr. Sol for going beyond his scope of enrichment of the website with articles and putting up with, with unruly kids that I have seen try to use him like a punching bag.

      Fresno, CA

    12. Char:
      You have Nuffy on your side. It doesn't get better than that. Nuff said!!!

    13. Ive never given lames any importance, they matter none. Keep up the good work, it’s highly appreciated. All BB contributers deserve our respect. Mfs want to whine and complain, tell your mom about and keep that shit off this site.

  3. Char I am a huge fan of this site and visit multiple times daily. Thanks to everybody, past and present that has contributed and made this such a good site.


    1. Well thank you we accept pizza and Pepsi.😁

  4. Good job military! You saved a lot of children from the predators!

    1. lmaoo update news says military was helping the other cartel, so yeah this military was back up. there weren't doing a good thing.

  5. at 12,22 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,hey bro dont try to play to smart.........all bb reporters ,they make good job........if you want more info.go from nyt,washingtong post.insighcrime. etc,etc.etc

  6. Sol and you guys are doing a great job! As long as there are sites like this where you can post anonymously, the trolls will follow. There are always going to be people out there that get great pleasure from giving other people a hard time. It's seems like it's everywhere lately though.
    Other sites, (Youtube for example), also are getting really bad lately with the trolling and bullying comments.
    Ignore the detractors and keep doing the good job you guys are doing!

  7. So I'm guessing cjng Grupo Delta and elite ain't so Elite after all .

    1. Yes, even the Elite Singles dating website will not accept these chumps.

  8. So basically the military made 90 Delta hitmen run after their leader got killed? LMAO keep believing their propaganda kids

  9. I just left Los Reyes a few weeks ago, The local guys defending the area have their issues but for the most part , they respect and do not bother locals or avacado growers. its the outsiders like mencho who want to come and profit from the local economy at any cost.

    1. Mencho is not around anymore.

    2. LOL. Sure thing. That señora they left bald headed for honking at them would most definitely disagree with you.

    3. Excellent article it's good to see the military got the green light to shoot back. Which many a times they get away, or the military let's them get away on purpose. It's funny once they realized their jefe got killed they run into the mountains like stray dogs.

    4. stop lying.. the r5 cartel killed a whole family near los reyes for not handing over their avocado and lime orchard. and they extort plenty

  10. These CJNG scumbags are not so Delta after all. Good to see the Mexican military finally going after these dirtbags. Keep it up military until they are all eliminated. Nuff Said!!!

  11. char,estos cobardes que se quejan anonimamente,no son hombres,tu y todos los reporteros de borderlandbeat,hacen un buen trabajo,imaginate yo los sigo de montreal,canada,y por pura casualidad ,me conecte con ustedes ,fue cuando hicieron un excellente reportaje del mafioso italiano montrealaise roberto scoppa........y la conexion punjabi...truckers........buen trabajo y felicitaciones a todo el equipo de bordelandbeat..........montreal,canada.......

  12. The cartel is fractured like the Chapitos.

  13. Thats some good news! Hopefully the Mexican army can take out the other 90.

    Bb thank you for informing us as correct and objective as possible!

  14. Some of the guns, rifles look like they come Russia and here they say all weapons come from USA give me a fkn break. Nuff said!!!!!

    1. Nuffy calm down your sugar levels are going to skyrocket again. Take one day at a time.

  15. czech builds ak4s7 for the US market, ships them overthere, sells them to us gun enthusiasts and some go south.

  16. The Army etc will smack their arses,good to hear they have the brotherhood that comes from combat

  17. “Delta Elite” yea…. Pure bullsh**


  18. CHAR and all of BB. Keep up the great work you've been doing all these years. To hell with the a-holes saying otherwise.

    1. 👆👆👆 Yes! This right here.


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