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Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Chango Méndez", Founder of La Familia Michoacana, Receives A 45-Year Prison Sentence

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mendez Vargas. Founder of La Famillia Michoacana

According to the authorities, Jesús Méndez Vargas had in the cartel, among other functions, to disseminate religious ideology, its interpretation and reflections on biblical passages among the members of the group, especially those who were new.

A federal court confirmed the sentence of more than 45 years in prison imposed on Jesús Méndez Vargas or José de Jesús Méndez Vargas alias “El Chango Méndez” or “Papá Gordo”, identified as founder of the Familia Michoacana.

By unanimous vote, the Collegiate Court of Appeal in the State of Nayarit ratified the sentence in which “El Chango Méndez” was found guilty of committing organized crime (purpose of committing crimes against health, with management functions) and carrying firearms for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces (with the aggravating circumstance of carrying two or more weapons).

The sentence, which confirmed the one issued in 2022, implies a sentence of 45 years with 10 months in prison and a fine of 13,049 days, equivalent to 751,218 pesos.

He is currently detained in the Federal Social Rehabilitation Center Number 13 “CPS-Oaxaca” based in Miahuatlán de Porfirio Diaz, Oaxaca.

Méndez was arrested in June 2011 in the Campestre la Herradura subdivision, Second Section, in the city of Aguascalientes. At that time, war material was seized from him and the Attorney General's Office (FGR) identified him as the founder of the Familia Michoacana. He had a close connection to Nazario Moreno González, alias El Chayo. 



  1. Does he really look like an ape?

    1. He does have that monkey ass look 😂

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Monkey is little bit intelligent...he is nothing but poor little pig ! Root in Jail Bastard

    5. Sol is taking asses out............. lmfao

  2. His interrogation video
    “Soy agricultor” 💀

  3. 13 years in jail already and they just now sentenced him? Good! Screw these narcos! I hope he gets sand paper for toilet paper and a turd for soap! And let him air dry his asshole! No towels!

  4. His fat ass will be dead in 20 years Nuff Said!!!

  5. 7 more years and he will be out

  6. Why barely? Hasn’t been in prison since like 2013 or something like that

  7. WTF.... That dudes been locked up for A LONG TIME!!! They finally sentenced him???

    1. And in mexico they dont count the time that you have been locked up waiting for your sentencing

  8. Is this the asshole that had Carlos Rosales killed?

    1. I dont remember who exactly but it was Los Caballeros Templarios. I wonder how that guy felt knowing FM had splintered into two and then hearing that his old employees cut off ties with Los Z

    2. No. El Chanda and El Cenizo were said to have killed him. Se descuido El Tisico


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