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Friday, May 10, 2024

DEA: Sinaloa Cartel And CJNG Benefit From Corruption In Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

107,941 deaths have been registered due to drugs

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) stated that both the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) benefit from the corruption that exists in Mexico.

The 2024 National Drug Assessment, presented yesterday by the DEA, warns that the Sinaloa Cartel "can operate freely in some parts of Mexico because it has a network of corrupt contacts between law enforcement, the Army and politics."

It is mentioned that this cartel completely controls the Port of Mazatlán, in Sinaloa, but also maintains corrupt logistical and government contacts in other seaports on both coasts of Mexico.

In the case of the CJNG, the report highlights the violence with which it operates, recalling its high-profile attacks against the Mexican Army and police.

However, unlike the Sinaloa Cartel, the CJNG "controls very little territory near the border with the United States." That forces them to pay "a fee for the use of entry points, tunnels or other smuggling routes into the United States to any criminal organization that controls access at that time."

In the report published by EL UNIVERSAL, it points out that both cartels unleashed "the worst drug crisis" in the history of the United States, since they have a presence in all 50 states.

Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the DEA indicates that in 2020 drug-related deaths claimed 107,941 lives.



  1. Wow good job DEA
    Who would have thought?!

  2. The DEA just figured this out? CJNG pays La Linea piso for their drugs to cross the boarder. They also have a small presence in TJ. Drug related deaths are a real crisis that needs the proper attention. Our political parties need to stop their fighting and attacking each other. They need to sit down and find solutions for the American people. Nuff Said!!!


    1. I read the article. It talks more about the obvious power struggle between the different CDS factions than a legitimate confirmation of his health. Honestly the article seems like clik bate.

  4. Thanks to drugs coming from Mexico junkies are dying yearly by the thousands hard to believe 107, 941 died to overdoses in 2020.

  5. And so does the DEA…if drugs seized to exist they wouldn’t have a job, and the pharmaceutical cartels in America flourish as well with corruption they do it live through lobbying oh but that’s not corruption???

    1. You are correct . Lobbying is corruption .

    2. They would be able to apply for another federal job, if not many Police departments are hiring.

  6. And us citizens take advantage of the drugs

  7. Mexico needs a president like El Salvador.

  8. sol..te voy a decir que si las corrupcion no se controla en mexico,esto va a terminar muy mal ,te doy un ejemplo hace algunas horas acaban de meter preso al hermano de la presidenta peruana,por corrupcion.pero en mi mexico,la neta esta metido hasta el maximo nivel,y acuerdate la negacion es la afirmacion,hace unos dias la jefe de la dea,se quejo ante el congreso,que el gob.mexicano no le daba 14 visa para agentes especiales,y una de esas demandas tenia 8 meses que la habia solicitado........y algo trump llega al poder dice que va enviar fuerzas especiales a mexico,con o sin el permiso del gob,mexicano.....ahi tu veras quien es el que manda...................................

    1. Trump es pura platica amigo. Donde quedó el muro?

    2. 100% its all a dog and pony show with trump.

    3. Dea agents dont need a Visa to go to Mexico. uS Citizens need only a passport to go to Mexico. Im sure dea agents can go with their fukn badge and be good. Whether or not the mexican govt wants em here for any type of support is another thing. But the Visa comment is straight bs

    4. With both parties for that matter. Biden asked and has been asking Isreal for a cease fire and Isreal says no all while the U.S approved 26 Billion in aid for Isreal. Just like 226 said, it's a dog and pony show. If the U.S really wanted a cease fire they would've never approved for a 26 Billion dollar aid package.

    5. 2:56 you have to be ready with the changing events by the hour, the package was approved, before this new issue of ceasefire is requested by the US.

    6. @233 where do you imagine your information? The DEA (or any foreign) badge has no authority in Mx unless Mx grants them authority. They cannot cross with firearms unless Mx authorizes it. How can you have such unsophisticated beliefs about how this works?

    7. 2:56 Biden didn't send those 2,000 bombs to Israel and Congress is pissed about it.

      Sol, Trump built 85 miles of new fencing and repaired 373 miles of eroded and dilapidated sections. Biden was supposed to continue it but stopped construction on his 1st day in office then sold the rest of material for pennies on the dollar.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 2:45 What BB filter allowed your post through? Shouldn't it have been filtered first?

    2. 2:45 because I can baby girl. That's just how daddy gets down.

  11. The actual 2024 assessment is pretty thin.

    1. Are you expecting them to share classified info or info that could compromise an ongoing investigation?

    2. compared to previous year

  12. El Jt ya anda en culiacan


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