Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

El Menchito Heads To Trial After Rejecting US Agreement; He Could’ve Avoided Life Imprisonment

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

If he accepted the US government's agreement, El Mencho's son would have received a sentence of 40 years in prison instead of life in prison.

Rubén Oseguera González, El Menchito, decided to go to trial after rejecting the last offer made to him by the US government of a plea deal.

The son of one of Mexico's most notorious drug traffickers, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, refused to negotiate a deal that included a recommendation that the sentence be 40 years in prison, instead of life in prison, in exchange for pleading guilty to two charges against him.

During the hearing, held on Monday, May 13, the US government formally presented its latest offer for a plea deal, and after it was rejected it was established that the first hearings to prepare for his trial will be in September.

The Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Section of the Department of Justice reported in a memorandum the details of the settlement offer, which was discussed with El Menchito and his defense personally at least on April 9 and 25.

What did the agreement that they proposed to 'El Menchito' imply?

The agreement involved Oseguera González pleading guilty to the two charges against him: conspiracy to distribute cocaine and methamphetamine and use or possession of a firearm in connection with narcotics crimes.

On the other hand, it also implied that Oseguera could be sentenced to life in prison or eventually be granted parole with residency in the United States.

The government, for its part, proposed to recommend to Judge Beryl A. Howell, leading the case, a sentence of 40 years in prison, the minimum punishment for the charges against him, given the potential life sentence that he could suffer in case he goes to trial without the intervention of prosecutors.

The government even proposed accepting the mitigating circumstance that the defendant accepted his responsibility and pleaded guilty, which would have helped in a decrease in the level of the offense, and perhaps in his sentence.

But the agreement didn’t convince El Mencho's son. “He has rejected the government's offer and our trial scheduled for September is confirmed,” El Menchito's lawyer, Anthony Colombo, explained to MILENIO.

How did the US government act?

This time, the US government acted with greater caution, just over a year ago, El Menchito retracted a first collaboration agreement one day before; Therefore, Monday's hearing was held under a record that would allow past plea offers to be established.

“The United States government requests that the Court require the defendant to personally accept that he understands the offer, that he has considered it with the advice of his defense, that his decision is conscious and voluntary, and that he then establish in the record his desire to plead guilty or diminish his right to a trial in this case,” the US government requested before today's hearing.

At the beginning of 2023 the United States government and El Menchito's defense were preparing to go to trial, but in March Oseguera González requested a hearing in which he announced that he was prepared to reach a plea agreement.

On March 11 of the same year, one day before the appointment, the United States prosecutor's office accused that relatives of Oseguera González had requested to present a new lawyer, Arturo Hernández, as part of the defense of the accused.

The next day, El Menchito retracted his intention to plead guilty and said he intended to go to trial.

Oseguera González was arrested on June 23, 2015 in Zapopan, Jalisco, after a coordinated operation between the Mexican Army and the Federal Police.

It was the third time he was detained, although on this last occasion he was unable to obtain his freedom. He was extradited to the United States in February 2020.



  1. Now's the time to start imitating the Sinaloans with all the snitching that they're known for doing. Might as well go that route because it seems to work for them.

    1. imagine throwing your whole life away for you dumb ass father. I would take the lowest form of work over any of these narco juniors life.

    2. Actually if he would have listened to his father he probably would have been still out.He told him stay out the clubs stay out of Zapopan but the young man wouldn’t listen

    3. Mi Solecito, como te gusta tirar mierda a los Sinaloenses. Te apuesto que no mides más de 5'5.

    4. 9:59 de lo enano que estoy muy apenas le llego a la panuca de tu jefita

    5. Not just his father but his step brother is a huge player in the cartel el 03 is the one who maintains control

    6. LOL Sol, that insult is poetic! Bien hecho

    7. Shame on you Sol! Narcos are NOT snitches nor do they hurt the working populace! How can you spread such propaganda?! Seriously though, I wonder if the Jalisco's are thinking they might have a chance of killing off possible witnesses. Something is brewing behind the scenes that we aren't privy to as of yet. Hope all is well with you Commandante Sun On!

    8. He’s been gone 8 years.What pertinent information could he have now?

    9. No plea bargain so justice didn't want to go to trial meaning they have problems with evidence

    10. That takes balls, death before dishonor
      In this case life before dishonor

      Cdsnitches would never understand 😆

    11. You fail to understand the difference between state and federal time. These are federal charges meaning it’s mandatory 85% of 40 years. There is no such thing as good behavior for federal time.

    12. Al mayo 14 @9:59 chapito de estatura pero grande de valor es el dicho.

  2. The kid should have taken the deal, now the U.S. is going to slam him, with the time currently served and good behavior he would of done 25 years.

    1. Coke Cris and guns life sentence wtf

    2. Why? He is way too old, 40 years are the same as a life sentence. He wont make it out alive. So increasing the amount of tax money spend in this trial a funny move.

    3. Gun charges when hes never set foot in the US is crazy. 40 years for a plea deal is same as life. Fuck that.

    4. Let me rephrase never set foot in the US WITH GUNS.

    5. He's a US citizen born in California.

    6. 11:05 that doesn’t matter

    7. "Gun charges when hes never set foot in the US is crazy. 40 years for a plea deal is same as life. Fuck that"
      Bro i dont give a fuck about them but what is he getting lifed up for ?

    8. 3:11
      1:conspiracy to distribute coke and meth
      2: use or possession of firearm during drug crime

    9. 3:11 the question should be, why is he getting 40...He is looking at Life because he is rejecting the 40 they offered him...

    10. 11:05 shows what little you know about US federal laws. Any crime committed by a US citizen anywhere in the world can be charged in the US as well. There are literally hundreds of US citizens charged with murder in the US for murders committed abroad. Sit tf down

    11. 6:28. That law cuts both ways. Any US citizens that get murdered abroad , the murders can actually be prosecuted in the United States as well. It doesn’t happen as much as it use to. But it is a law on the books. That’s why they went after Kiki’s murderer so hard.

    12. Yet plenty of Americans especially expats have gone missing with no resolution to the case. After kiki the USA stopped sending agenda to Mexico. USA has an informant program for decades with Mexico where the informants all pretty much deceased.

    13. 628 unless the country they committed the murder in has no extradition

    14. When you're a USA citizen, Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) and maybe a USA National you're subject to the laws and therefore jurisdiction of the USA. That's one of the many "burdens" one must accept. Taxation is another.

    15. What's a U.S. National?

  3. Gotta give to el 2 .. he is keeping it solid . I mean damm rejected a plea deal he must have a solid ass D team

    1. LMAO I'm sure he's head over heals over your admiration...

    2. 25 to life and you admire him? He’s about snitch his way out bro tf lol

    3. He is not keeping it solid. He is hoping for a better deal before it goes to trial. Or he thinks he has a shot at trial.

  4. Sol prendido you are right!!! Los Mayonesa are the biggest snitches of all narcos mexicanos!!!!

    1. I'm still wanting to know why Mini Lic was sticking his fingers in his ass. It really blew my mind to hear that the Sinaloans get down like that. Camilo Ochoa really threw him under the bus. 😂

    2. Hahaha For real!!! Gay ass ninjas.

    3. Anal retentive

    4. That's the thing that everyone needs to stop and consider whenever they talk about wanting to legalize drugs. If it brings out the freak in someone like Mini Lic then what else can we expect to see from the rest of society under those effects. Say no to legalization folks. It's for the best.

    5. 7:57 after the Videos from Zacatecas were a CDS guy is doing a CJNG dude nothing surprises me, they low key love the Chorizo

    6. Sol, absolutely the truth of the aftermath of the legalization of drugs… altered mindsets are dangerous. Statistically, most crimes are committed under the influence. I’m glad to hear you’re not of those who admire these criminals.

    7. It has millions homeless up here now. And Oregon is one of the worst. They’re starting to take back some of those liberal drug laws they passed few years back. It back fired on them. Even legalizing small amounts of any drug. It sucks all the resources dry from anything. Drug addicts are the most selfish people on this planet.

    8. They can't legalize drugs. The U.S. doesn't have enough dentists.

    9. Plenty of malpractice with American dentistry mf still use mercury fillings

    10. @4:33 church !!! Preach brother. And then u get the option to get Cerec and it’s chipping away and done within 5 years. It’s like they want us to opt for metal so we can get dementia and every other toxic metal illness

  5. Que le sigan entrando al negocio si ya saben que así van a terminar muertos o en la cárcel

  6. He was going to take the plea deal. I think his father communicated to their family members in the United States and relayed the message of him not cooperating with the threat of death in jail if he did. The family relayed the message through a new corrupt lawyer in the pockets of the cartel. Nuff Said!!!

    1. LOL yeah OK whatever you say.....

    2. Nuffy his dad is dead unless you mean his spirit talked to him.

    3. I want to know how nuff said started. I keep reading it. I’m feeling left out

  7. I hope he rots in jail. Por pendejo.

  8. That’s definitely not the smartest decision he’s made….the trial should be pretty good tho. Lots of info will definitely be revealed

  9. He will be free soon what evidence do they have on the son?

    1. A ton of evidence.
      Keep dreaming cheerleader.

  10. La neta que pa pendejo no se estudia. This foo could've done anything and everything besides drug dealing but chose drug trafficking. He then gets arrested with his buddies playing Xbox. Now he has the opportunity to reduce his sentence if he cooperates with the feds but opts to "keep it solid" and risk life in prison... I bet his dad regrets not flushing that foo down the toilet when he had the chance. His retarded ass mom should've taken the day after pill with this ding dong.

  11. menchito is gonna figure out that the Americans dont f around. They will imprison him for so long he will want to take his own life. Just ask el chapo how he's doing in ADX. I heard he's losing his hair, hearing voices and he cant sleep, gets no natural sunlight, and he makes little to no physical contact. The American's will break menchito one way or the other.

    1. "This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.
      There is nothing more confining than the prison we don't know we are in."
      ..the Bard

    2. "Hell is empty, and all the Devil's are here."

    3. 10:04
      I recognize the literati, you weasel-lizard.

    4. Lizard 2 periods is back?

    5. It’s amusing to hear he rejected the plea deal . I remember the feeling of getting offered a plea in the Feds for 5 years back when I was mixed up in the streets . I wasn’t happy with it and wanted less, and told my lawyer that
      “ I’ll just go to trial “. She was a really nice and polite old lady , but she just looked at me like “ are f*cking stupid or something “?😄. I will never forget that look she gave me . It made me realize that pouting like a baby or having a temper tantrum over the plea deal was not going to work . The Feds should trademark the motto “ F*ck around and find out “ because they will stack football numbers on your sentence so high , you will be wishing you could go back in time and accept the plea deal they originally offered .
      40 years (34 at 85%)
      is a lot , but you’ll still have a chance at a few golden years in his 60’s . Natural life on the other hand, is a whole other kind of punch to the face . I’ve met a lot of guys with life who would had gave whatever they held dear , for a shot at seeing the free world again , even if it is 30-40 years from now . Once the life sentence gets handed down your forgotten , as the rest of the world moves on with their lives . I guess for some , they feel Federal
      Laws shouldn’t apply to them , or that they will be that one lucky guy , who takes the Feds to trial , and wins . 🤷‍♂️

    6. 11:13:
      Football numbers?
      Try basketball numbers.

  12. Residency? El Menchito was born in the USA.

    1. They need to toss his ass on the other side of the border with a swift kick in the ass and let mexico deal with his him.

    2. 426
      Thats racist lmao,hes got every right to be in the U.S

  13. Anyone know his charges? 40 years seems a bit heavy over other narcos that have gotten half of that or even single digits sentences

    1. ya ves a JT el guero palma no creo que haya echo mas. que los mencionados esta raro

    2. 11:04 no está soltando la sopa, no está colaborando y no tienen acuerdos con la agencia.

    3. They tried to gift him the Colima Plaza but the result was the mess it is now. He was spending money not trafficking

  14. I'm sure he impressed the hell out of his father and fellow cartel members, but he fucked himself. Dumb@ss.

  15. la vida es facil de complicartela mi amigo....................

  16. At least this piece of shit is graving the bull by the horns, unlike another group of pieces of shit who are soft, not gonna say names, but im sure yall know who im talking about

    1. Don't you worry he will break after being locked up for a while he will sing like a Canary it's human nature.

    2. @11:37say it louder for the ones in the back

    3. 12:49 ok

  17. Theirs a guy on twitter that is posting all of menchos, rr, tio lakos and other cjng leaders properties and huge ranches that they have all over Jalisco and parts of Michoacán. That’s his profile. Pretty amazing stuff that he is able to leak.

    1. Nice so when they looking to take some of them properties they know exactly wich ones to take.

  18. This guy is clueless and did not listen to his Dad's advice to stay away from Guadalajara and got popped.

  19. Good luck to him. I'd like to see him get a not guilty.


  20. Might as well roll the dice at trial. What kind of a deal is 40 years?

  21. With time served on the sheet he's down to around 25 years to release which is about Osiel's slam! So, if the dead time doesn't count the overall sentence will be 40 years times .85 plus the dead time will bump up the total before the steel door opens to around 45 soild! Will be convicted as it's too much of an embarassment for the Feds if he is aquitted!

  22. What exactly has this kid done to merit 40 or life in supermax ?

    1. 3:12 for being menchos son

    2. Menchito has Kidnapped & Killed plenty of People..

  23. Someone gave menchita some real bad advice. And now just like el chapos lawyers menchitas lawyers will be making that money while he is on his way to prison for a long ass time. His youth will be gone by the time he comes out.

  24. El menchito? More like El Mensito

  25. If Mencho was a real dad he would trade places with his son. But he not so poor menchito

    1. Maybe. Some people see it is the opposite and the son takes the hit during their youth. The Father risked a lot for a certain lifestyle, albeit the kid didn’t ask for it.

  26. Is dad must be rolling in his grave

    1. Woulda be so sweet without the Typo. It’s the details my boy. The Devils in it

    2. @633: Them**

  27. I mean at this point I’d play the dumb son didn’t know what his dad was into. And blame it all on him (Mencho). What harm is it gonna do ? May be able to save his skin. His dad’s going down regardless if they catch him.

  28. Se ve que no es de sinaloa 🤣

    1. Porque tan preocupado por los sinaloenses?

    2. No he's no snitchaloa

    3. 6:58 He’s about to start snitching once he’s sees Florence ADX in his near future… All you mfs straight cappin on here lol 🧢 😭 😭

  29. I want the U.S government to put Menchito and El Raton in the same cell. I wonder who would win in a fight. El Raton seems more of a thug. Menchito looks like a big spoiled brat and a wuss. My money is on Raton. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Go to sleep clown!

    2. There's a guy going around pretending he's you. I'm pretty sure he's a Belizean transvestite.🧔🏾‍♀️

    3. 8:48 Menchito easily 175lbs if not more because of his height 6'2"+/- while Ovidio is about 5'8"+/-

    4. 11:40pm A person's size doesn't matter. I've seen plenty of small dudes beat up bigger guys all the time. My wife Buffy is very small. She took down some pretty big vampires. Nuff Said!!!

    5. 5:36 that's true but we know who is who, Ovidio be getting punked by his wife so he doesn't really have a hot temperament.
      I gots a big 🦇 Buffy can take down 👣😂✌️

    6. 5:01pm Yes you are correct. I read an article where Ovidio got beat by his either girlfriend or wife. She also did not let him go out and party. I might have to change my choice. Nuff Said!!!


  31. His lawyer represented one of my boys in SD

    He’s good but he can’t beat that case

    1. J whaaaat. Is this THEEEE “J” ?!!!! J what kinda boys. Whatchu mean boyssss 🧐

    2. 9:28 That is used as slang to mean friend.

    3. Homie doncha know me?

  32. They are going to Max him out

  33. The US feds have something like a 90% conviction rate… they are gonna slap him with the book… unless he comes up with some valuable info…? Who’s expendable? Who has fallen out of favor that would make a valuable time reduction…? Sounds like he’s not gonna get a deal like Mayitos tho…

    -Holden D. Cash

  34. What yall think he running paisa or homie lol

    1. Jajajajajaja neither ! I say mayas

    2. Puro 16 saludo a toda la carucha y al 13


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