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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fentanyl Addiction Increases In Women: Its Being Mixed With Other Drugs

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Over the course of this year 2024, an increase in fentanyl use among women has been noted, according to the Posada del Buen Samaritano rehabilitation center.

They were transporting 150,000 fentanyl pills

Addiction to fentanyl can occur even if one does not seek to consume it. In Sonora, there have been cases where this synthetic opioid is mixed with other drugs to "hook" people who are looking for other types of substances, indicated psychotherapist Paola de la Re.

The operational coordinator of the Posada del Buen Samaritano, a rehabilitation center exclusively for women, mentioned that during the course of this year 2024 there has been an increase in the consumption of fentanyl, which can come indirectly, although there are cases where there is already a direct addiction to this synthetic drug.

"Previous years we had had very sporadic cases of fentanyl, but this year, since the beginning of 2024 to now, it has been much more present; either people who come directly saying that they consume the M-30 as they call it in the streets, synthetic heroin or fentanyl directly," he said.

However, there are cases in which, when hospitalized for the use of other drugs, such as methamphetamines, laboratory studies, as well as withdrawal symptoms, revealed a dependence on fentanyl.

"Normally they come saying that their consumption is directly from crystal meth, but after three or four days we realize that there are behaviors out of the ordinary and there are certain anomalies, following a certain period they begin to present tremors, nausea, tingling sensations or the feeling that they are burning, something very common in periods of withdrawal from fentanyl," he added.

More cases of fentanyl addiction detected in women this year

For her part, Flor Garza, director of the rehabilitation center, commented that it is a highly addictive substance and the patients who are hospitalized due to dependence on the synthetic opioid are between 25 and 40 years old, many times there was already an experience prior with other drugs, although hardly anything comparable to fentanyl.

“Obviously it’s to addict them, since they don’t know that in the meth, or what they are consuming in pills, they placed fentanyl in there, what this causes is that from the initial intake they begin to create an addiction and the level of dependency that it generates is impressive,” he noted.

She explained that the detoxification and therapy process for other drugs can take between 2 and 4 months, however, with fentanyl the first month is focused on medical stabilization and later work is done on the psychological area, since dependence on the substance can lead to severe physiological effects, which are generated more quickly compared to other substances, which prolongs treatment.

Sonora, key state for fentanyl trafficking

Due to its border status, Sonora is a key state for the transfer of drugs to the United States, just last Thursday, May 16, the customs authorities at the border port between Nogales, Sonora, and Nogales, Arizona, seized around of 700 thousand fentanyl pills hidden in cans and cardboard containers of different everyday essential products, transported in the trunk of a vehicle that was inspected.

According to data from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), so far in the United States fiscal year, which began in October 2023 and ends in September 2024 Border ports in the Tucson, Arizona area have seized a total of 6,506 pounds, equal to 2,951 kilos, of fentanyl.

CBP Drug Seizure Statistics indicate that, during the last fiscal year, between October 2022 and September 2023, 12,680 pounds of fentanyl were seized, equal to 5,751 kilos, in the seven months of the current fiscal year the equivalent of 51.3% has been insured compared to the entire previous period.

It should be noted that the CBP reported that, to date, in the current fiscal year, a total of seven thousand 278 pounds, equal to three thousand 301 kilos, of methamphetamines have been seized, while two cocaine shipments have been seized at border ports. 1,729 pounds, equivalent to 1,237 kilos.

Hermosillo, Sonora


  1. They kept talking so much shit about their northern neighbors being such drug addicts for so many years. That eventually they became just like them. That's what happens Mexico when you kept insisting on spitting up into the sky. Inevitably that spit came back down on you. And now you're one and the same as your neighbors.😃

  2. Drug dealers don't care about their clientele anymore, how will they make money when they destroy their customers.

    1. You are correct. They don't care because the drugs they sell are so addictive that there's a hug line of customers waiting in the wings. Women are getting more hooked on this. Near where I live hookers where charging $40 for a BJ. Now it's $10. This is because they need their next fix fast. Nuff Said!!!

  3. since its such a penalized drug to be caught with or even associated with, the dealers are now having to resort to selling it local instead of losing a load. of course you cant compare what you'll make moving it over the US as compared to a few pesos but little profit is better than no profit. Sol is correct in saying we shouldn't spit to the sky because the drugs are at our doorstep here in mexico and its our own people poisoning us just like the americans that buy them in bulk to sell in the US do. the only difference is mexico cant or doesnt care to go after the people that lets say the Chaps or CJNG sell to directly to. (their clients)

    1. Chinese chemicals are cheap enough, apparently, to pull a profit selling in México. Cutting the Risk and cost of passing the border is a Big plus also. Take care, people. By the way, do rehab centers in México look always like prisons? Good grief!

    2. Many rehab centers in Mexico are recruiting centers for cartels. This rehab center is apparently run out of Hermosillo and doesn't appear to be a recruitment center for cartels.

  4. "The zombie apocalypse, alas, is upon us"
    -The bard

    1. See, Shakespeare was hip to zombies before they were a thing!

  5. They're even putting fentanyl in weed now. Glad I live close to a dispensary so I don't have to worry about that bs.

    1. Same man I'm glad I live in colorado where that shit is legal

    2. There has only been like 2 isolated incidents of this happening and I think it was due to cross contamination.. weighting fentanyl powder then weed on the same scale.

      Getting the powder on the weed then some kid with no tolerance to either weed or fentanyl smokes it and it’s way too much and they overdose.

      It’s not intentionally laced with fentanyl.. sometimes crank and cocaine is too make users physically dependent on the drugs because fentanyl makes you sick if you don’t take it.. if you take coke by itself you don’t physically get sick if you run out..

      But If it’s laced with fentanyl you will get sick when you run out of your laced coke and the only thing that will make you feel normal/better is more laced coke.

    3. 12:59 Only 2 isolated incidents? Did you include as one of your incidents several years ago when a traffic stop in Wisconsin busted a dude with 1/4 of weed laced with fentanyl. There are plenty of "isolated incidents" that don't make national news

    4. Glad I live in Canada and buy from a provincial dispensary where it rigorously tested

  6. Que onda plebes, saquen la tusssi!

    1. 1:05 Sounds like he/she might be one of those infamous P Diddy Sex workers, with a statement like that.😅

  7. But but but AMLO said it is a Yankee addiction up North, no no addiction in Mexico.
    Hablador es menterso.

  8. Would women be more likely to sleep with me if I got them hooked on feet? I do believe so

    1. Girls just want to have fun 🤩


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