Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

FGE Will Investigate As Multiple Femicide The Event That Occurred In San Fermin Where Three People Were Executed In Culiacán, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 



Culiacán, Sin.- The State Attorney General's Office will initiate an unofficial investigation into the murder of three people, two women and a man in the San Fermín neighborhood in the northern area of Culiacán.

The head of the agency, Sara Bruna Quiñonez Estrada, shared that due to the haste of the event, she did not know more details of the multiple executions, however, all the corresponding investigations will be carried out.

Quiñonez Estrada mentioned that due to the conditions in which the triple murder took place, they will have to start the investigation for double femicide, and whatever may result in the future.

"I know that this event occurred but I have nothing more to report right now."

Would it be a femicide?

"Of course it is. According to the circumstances, since it was in a public place and it was that way, I consider that we are going to investigate as a femicide," She said.

It is important to remember that it was shortly before 1:00 in the afternoon when the authorities received the report of multiple gunshots on the second floor of a housing complex in San Fermin, and upon attending the report, they confirmed that there were three lifeless people, of which two were women and the other victim, a man, who had been shot dead.

The prosecutor, Sara Bruna Quiñonez Estrada.


"the murder of three people, two women and a man in the San Fermín neighborhood in the northern area of Culiacán."-LOS NOTICIERISTAS 

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  1. Off topic, but it's so hot in the state of Tabasco, that monkeys are falling dead out of the trees 🌲

    1. I guess trump and his kids are falling from the trees?

    2. That’s right stay on your knees in front of Pres Trump.. he owns your mind body and soul. It’s not like there is any actual real evidence of his kids grifting or committing federal firearm crimes or being given a energy board seat with NO experience of the country his daddy had the corruption prosecutor fired and bragged about it and that we have now given hundreds of billions too. Just screaming and name calling from those deranged useful idiots towards his kids while ACTUAL crimes with 81 millions(lol) fake pres

    3. We should never forget what Lieutenant Coronel Stu Scheller had to say about Dump and his clown son.

    4. Off Topic but I think Alcapulco is headed for another hurricane, the weather being weird lately.

    5. Where's that fool that tries to protect AMLO? What you have to say about these ladies that got killed by the Cartels. That grampa said Cartels respect the citizens, what chicken shet you call killing unarmed ladies.Nuffsaid!!!!

    6. 8:19
      Dude, I don't wanna hear that..

    7. Hey good morning 2 balls lizard 🦎.

    8. 7:42 the ok boy trump owns are is cult MAGA followers who are the most uneducated idiots out there. Heheheh

    9. 😂 LoL OMG 2balls lizard what happened to the 2period lizard.

    10. @4:37 Mexicans4Trump2024

    11. 12:45 lay off la pipa.
      Trump hates Latinos in general.
      Calls Mexicans bad hombres, rapist.
      He wanted back then all TPS El Salvadorians deported back to their country. And here you come up with this BS. NuffSaid!!!!

    12. @1:58 bla bla bla...Mexicans4Trump2024

    13. 1:53am
      Mr blah blah go back to bed trump nutthugger.

  2. Guilt by association is not a femicide.

    1. U 🆗 10:33? Need a psychologist or psychiatrist?

    2. No I agree woman want equality.. this is a part of it.. also more likely than not they knew what this man was up too.. not sure what he did but clearly pissed somebody off

    3. Girly men and their equality excuse.

  3. Was this a whore house? It is known that even prostitutes have to pay the cartel for doing business in their territory. They look like normal people. They don't look like working girls or even tweekers. Maybe it was a simple robbery or a jealous ex boyfriend. I hope we get a follow up on this story. Great work Char. Keep us updated. Nuff Said!!!

    1. ¡Nuff Said!

    2. I believe whorehouse is one word 🥺

    3. 9:01
      Yea you would know right?

    4. 9:15
      Son, I've frequented puteros from Juarez to San Cristobal de Las Casas, with all stops in-between, so yeah, I guess you could say that I would know!🐱

    5. putero, cathouse, fish house, call it what you will, the French call 'em bordellos, which sounds classy..
      🐈 🐟

    6. 9:15
      Yes! I would definitely know.

    7. 9.45 you forgot to mention....
      The house of il Repute.

    8. 9:27
      You a trick

    9. @10:06 you go girl!

  4. May I? The aftermath is always present in your mind.

  5. Why don't the police or secretary of security come out for the press conference. Instead they send a female prosecutor, she belongs in the courtroom man what gives. NuffSaid!!!!!

  6. Off Topic but related to ladies...
    Which Mexican candidate will win the presidential election on June 2nd.
    Claudia Sniderbaum or
    Xochitl Galvez?

    1. More likely Claudia but she has to 💋 butt to Obrador, but once he is out she can follow her own business.

  7. noticed the gentleman was wearing his santeria necklace -1 point for saint/s LOL foo didnt pay his membership this week

  8. Those shot up ladies don't look like hookers.
    The bad ass criminals always shooting up unarmed defenseless citizens, I bet you if the citizens armed themselves and practiced shooting skills they would be able to win some shootouts.

    1. “shot up lady”
      I think it’s your bedtime

    2. Bedtime at 12:57 pm you nuts 🥜 10:16pm

  9. Obrador and trump same agenda both russias best interests not so bad for the people but very bad for the system that we live under

    1. Go to bed
      You’re babbling

    2. Trump is a wanna be billionaire who likes to grift his poorly educated MAGA followers, and they are poorly educated people. Wonder how much trump made out selling his bible to his koo foo followers.

    3. He's a Traitor Criminal & Convicted Rapist.

  10. Who cares about these scum?
    They got dealt with.
    End of story.
    They were involved in the drug trade and
    probably ripped someone off.

    1. Right. Who cares about the idiot that OD'd themselves also?
      They willingly took a drug, they died end of story!

  11. The system is so F'd up here that all offices who take in reports end up wasting 100x the amount of time it should just to get the criminals to show up to court and give them a slap on the wrist after years of back and forth.
    A full makeover needs to be done to all prosecuting offices and laws to streamline the process. Not to mention making files digital instead of case files in piles up to the ceiling in a dingy small office that hasn't been remodeled since the 1980's
    Allowing 3 chances minimum to allow a perpetrator to show up to their court date, seriously wtf is that about?!? Give them the one notice and immediately file for an arrest warrant if they don't show. These people know they can draw out cases for years with stupid tactics knowing most victims will give up on the case, die of old age, or the paperwork will just get lost. Even when it is known the perpetrators will flee and hide, the prosecutors instead of immediately putting a hold on travel just blow them a kiss goodbye.
    Another reason crime is out of control because people know they will get away with it. Same as not prosecuting shoplifters in San Fransisco turning it into a free for all cluster F and all businesses getting out as fast as they can from the city.

  12. Probably shot up the people in the warehouse where the 1.8 tonnes of cocaine captured by the marina was supposed to arrive.
    Dead men and women tell no tales.


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