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Thursday, May 9, 2024

FGR Secures 320,000 Fentanyl Pills In El Salto: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from INFORMADOR.MX 

The seized pills were handed over to the MPF for safekeeping.

By: Jessica Padilla

May 9, 2024 - 4:49 PM

In a parcel delivery company 320,000 fentanyl pills were found in El Salto, the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR), through its Federal Prosecutor's Office in the State of Jalisco, opened an investigation against those responsible for the crime against health.

According to the investigation file, members of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM) of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) informed the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office of an anonymous tip received in which they were informed about a company located in El Salto where several packages containing drugs were being sent to different parts of the country and abroad.

For this reason, the MPF requested the Judge of the Accusatory Criminal System to open a mail opening technique for the indicated packages. When the agents went to the place indicated by the anonymous complaint, they secured with the help of a canine binomial, several packages containing 320,000 fentanyl pills.

The seized pills were handed over to the MPF for safekeeping.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Maybe take it easy on the alcohol?
      Nuffin said!

    2. Look at the consumers. Thats the root of the problem. Don’t get me started on gun crimes in the good ol US

    3. Look at the manufacturers of using the precursor chemicals to make fentanyl and shipping illegally into USA. Now bro that's the root of the problem. Mexican government profits from that by getting bribes.


    This goes hard

  3. It seems like the Mexican government has been focused on their fight against fentanyl in the state of sinaloa but there's a ton of this crap being produced in jalisco. They need to expand their search and hit all states. Nuff Said!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I'm a snitch for pointing out the obvious? Well if that makes me a snitch who cares. Fentanyl is killing innocent people everyday and destroying lives while these scumbag cartels become rich. They don't care who they hurt. If more people like me point out the obvious and put pressure on the Mexican government they might do something positive. If my voice can save at least one person then being a snitch is worth it. Nuff Said!!!

    3. Nuffy
      Your ok in my book.
      Disregard what RichardoPsncho Triller Fernandez Lopez Pacheco Zambrano Orelleno Hernandez del Carmen rancho had said. He is not all there

    4. We all are here because we're not all there..

  4. 320,000 death pills. Amlo!!!!!

  5. "The administration of Mexico’s president has accused the press and volunteer searchers who look for the bodies of missing people of “necrophilia,” comments that drew criticism this week"

    1. I know the cayotero that hangs around is going to try to intimidate me, AMLO keeps saying stupid things that come out of his mouth. he should have a task force helping it's citizens of the missing.

    2. 8:31 he lurks in the dark in the gutters of Tijuana ready to attack with our notice he injured Lizard already be careful dude. Nuff said!!!!!

    3. Lizard 🦎 needs reptilian blood transfusion pronto, can anybody out there help him??

  6. Se agarraron a vergazos CJNG la gallina y su escuadron de los deltas contra el ejercito en cotija michoacan.. 10 militares muertos 6 deltas muertos.. quisieron detener al chito cano y al tio lako .. se escaparon

  7. dam Zacatecas violence has't stopped after the death of their leader and the arrests. they just sent like a thousands soldiers see if that stops them.


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