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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Five Men Sentenced To 75 Years In Prison For The Aggravated Kidnapping Of CAAV Film Students: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

On March 19, 2018, while finishing shooting a short film, a group of CAAV film students were intercepted in the El Pinar de la Palomas subdivision in Tonalá.

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

Six years after the disappearance of Javier Salomón Aceves, Jesús Daniel Díaz García and Marco Francisco García Ávalos, the three film students of the CAAV, five individuals who were detained for that case, were sentenced to 75 years in prison, for the crime of aggravated kidnapping.

The Attorney General's Office (FGR), through the Special Prosecutor's Office for Human Rights (FEMDH), announced the sentence at noon on Thursday.

He indicated that he "obtained a sentence of 75 years in prison and reparation of damages for five people for the crime of aggravated kidnapping, committed against three film students in the State of Jalisco".

Those sentenced are Eduardo "G", nicknamed "El Cochi"; rapper Christian Omar "P" alias "QBA"; Jonathan "A", known as "El Kalimba"; Miguel "C", alias "El Tun-tun" and Jonathan "H", alias "El Chocó", members of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation.

On March 19, 2018, a group of CAAV film students went to a farm in the Los Amiales neighborhood in Tonalá to shoot a short film.

As they left the place and were driving on Periférico Nuevo, in the same municipality, they were intercepted by a criminal group, who deprived Javier Salomón Aceves, Jesús Daniel Díaz García and Marco Francisco García Ávalos of their freedom.

The criminal group then took them to a farm in the El Pinar de la Palomas subdivision in Tonala, where their whereabouts were never heard from again.

When the FGR became aware, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF), police and expert personnel of the institution, conducted the necessary investigations and managed to locate several homes in Tonalá, where they found evidence that the young people had been held in those places, according to the federal agency, which took over the case of the disappearance in January 2019.


  1. How ironic the news agency did not want to name the criminal group to what cartel they belonged to, also they are convicted and charged, there's no need to hide their last names.

  2. This is a slap in the face to all other that have been kidnapped, other suspects were caught then released after 2-3 years.

  3. Many such cases for cjng in Jalisco, even though cds also shits the stick occasionally, it’s not as frequent as cjng that has made headlines many times in the last 5 yrs with these types of killings.

    1. Since you want to bring up the snitch cartel don't forget that Chapo likes to rape minors. Every cartel is the same piece of shit son.

    2. CDs is just a grimmy as CJNG if they didn't get down like CJNG then they would be gone this is war 902

    3. In alot of the regions where CDS and CJNG are at war usually the locals for whatever reason prefer CDS over CJNG.

    4. 10:01
      Grimmy Kid is King!

    5. 10:01
      The bros of Grimster Nation Unidos salute you!

  4. What are the odds that these criminals will actually do the full 75 years? I always read of these big sentences and then the criminals get out after 3 years. After they are out they will commit more crimes. It probably would've been better to shoot these guys on the spot when they got captured. Plant a gun on their bodies and claim self defense. That's the only way to fight against cartels. Fire with fire. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 9:23 Nuffy yes I agree with you Brazilian style is needed in Mexico.
      A bank robber in Brazil is getting away, the police shoot him. Criminals in the favelas shoot at police, police shoots back and kill them.
      On other words Mexico kil them on the spot.

    2. Yup. Summary execution for these animals.

    3. Kill them and they will learn

    4. Also stops overcrowding in the prisons. 😂

    5. Try to reintegrate these misguided youths back into society, they too have something to contribute!

  5. So they could only charge them with kidnapping because they never found their bodies? Thus it cannot be proved they were murdered???

  6. Puro puto criko loco en tonalá. Yo vivi por Loma Dorada un tiempo. Esta de la chingada

  7. Who runs the plaza in Tonalá? Last thing we heard was Don Chelo with CJNG. Then his son went down. Who's over here? This shit is like the Bronx of Guadalajara. Drug land

    1. Probably some CJNG group or Sinaloenses. Back in the 90s Gerardo Alvarez el Indio had a base here. He was under Arturo Beltran. He was hitting California hard in his day. This may be rumour but Mochomito was also selling in this area around the early 10s. If he wasn't, then he was definitely hanging out.

  8. Humm bug🤔....

    If I recall BB ran an article about the film students killed and desolved in a liquid, that takes out the flesh from the bone. And it was CJNG that did it.

  9. Was anyone charged with the murder of Harvey in Michoacán? The motorcyclist from the states?

    1. Harvey Weinstein is sitting in prison.

  10. What makes a kidnapping aggravated in Mexico ? In the US it would have to be another violent felony involved to add the aggravated tag to it cause it adds a quite substantial amount of time to sentence.

  11. These killers were probably methed out Sicarios thinking they were U.S informants.

    Mexico needs the death penalty.


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