Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 2, 2024

So Far 104 Police Officers Have Been Killed In Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

According to the organization Causa en Común, 104 police officers have been killed so far in the country. The average is one every day. 59 of them were municipal policemen. 

The states with the highest number of police homicides are Guanajuato with 27, the State of Mexico with 12, and Chiapas with 9.

In 2024 the municipality of Celaya has faced an alarming wave of violence that has claimed the lives of 13 police officers. These are figures that have exceeded the number of agents killed in any of the other entities of the country. 

From December 2018 to April 28, 2024 there has been a total of 2,334 police officers murdered in our country. 

Celaya, Guanajuato 


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  1. I wonder how many of those officers were honest and how many of those were the likes of the ones in Autlan Jalisco who helped "El Rodo" out of prison.

  2. Cops getting killed, but Mexico doing jack shet about it.

    1. Yes, but nice to see that death penalty is widely applied all over mexico, isnt it. Now we need just guns for every civilian, cause we know, a good guy with a gun stops the bad guy with a gun and next month mexico is a flourishing paradise with no doors locked, like in Canada.

    2. Have you ever been to Canada, eh? They used to smoke crack cocaine in the 90s until 2012. Recently, most people are using fentanyl. There are no guns allowed, the government gives minors fentanyl for free, and crime is at an all time high.

      At least you can go to the doctor and get a whole shitload of hydromorphone, dilaudid, which is an extremely powerful and effective pain management medicine. -- all you need to tell them is that you are an opiate addict and you don't want to get dope off the streets.

      The junkies don't like hydromorphone because there isn't any rush like with the powerful fentanyl and fentanyl analogues.

    3. 9:44 Addicts don't like Dilaudid because it's a short lived high. It's got a hell of a rush but lasts 10 min

    4. 3 years have passed, since 12 police officers, were ambushed in Michoacan, by the CJNG cartel, and nothing has been done about it, you would 🤔 think, a special task force, would dedicate themselves, to getting the people that did the killings, but nothing has been done, that also was the time Abuelo, was ready for an ambush, that he and his townspeople won.

    5. LMAO @ 12:47 Bro, what's with all the commas where they don't belong. We got "No period kid" and now we got "the comma kid"🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. Well according to this article, 2 criminals associated with that ambush have been detained and "El M2" the plaza boss who was responsible for carrying out the massacre was killed. There you go again with the misinformation.

    7. Canada is garbage unless to in the sticks. Everybody who has been there or who lives close to Canadian border knows that. You don’t even have free speech. How pathetic! Plus, they love and protect sexually deranged animals . They let that female half of the serial killing duo out of prison. That bitch should’ve been executed. Now she is picking her kids up from school. Plus, that sexually deranged elementary public school teacher who wears those obscene giant fake breast and it’s GUY! In school in class HE wears them around elementary age kids! The parents who said something were threatened with jail! So yeah Canada sure is peaceful.

    8. .4:17 you stirring trouble I don't see a problem with that persons English.
      They should call you the emoji kid.


    9. 835 LOL, hi "comma kid". Why are you speaking in 3rd person, as if we don't know it's you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    10. 12:47 and 8:35 disregard that's the cayotero that lost the boxing match with Detroit, when an article regarding AMLO came out. He is bitter has hostility, he knows he has to behave in here. Watch him try to pick on me too.

    11. 751 you have a man crush on Detroit. Ask him to tutor you in English and you can repay him with chocolates and flowers.

  3. And they deserved it im sure. Cops in Mexico are worse than the actual bad guys

  4. sol.todos sabemos que en las policias de todo el mundo hay corruptos,se llame afganistan,canada,usa.mexico,los hay porque si no les toca como decia el colombiche plata o plomo.........

  5. Were any of the 104 killed ever solved???

    1. No one in the agency cares a rats ass.
      They just let the situation go unsolved.

    2. Go help them solve.

  6. Good I've had terrible experiences with Tijuana police and I bet these police were just as crooked.

  7. These numbers compared to the 10 or so in the United States.

    It just goes to show how corrupt Mexico really is.

    And most of the cop killers in Mexico won’t be caught or prosecuted. Almost 100% of the cop killers are apprehended or killed immediately.

    If they are apprehended in Mexico a corrupt judge will simply release them.

  8. Off the subject, but does anyone in Baja have any updates on the 2 Australian brothers surfing with an American near Ensenda? They've been missing since late last month.
    Any rumor or gossip might be helpful.

    1. There's an article in zeta tijuana about it.

    2. It's Mexico, more likely being held for ransom.

    3. Looks like they may have been killed by low level drug dealers with the help of a hooker. Seems more like a botched robbery than anything.

    4. Off the subject I hearby have a twitch on my back who can strache ifor me.

  9. Mexican cops are psychopathic enough to be corrupt,
    but dumb enough to think they'll always get away with it.


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