Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Son Of 'Lupe Tapia' A 'Mayo Zambada' Operator Arrested In Culiacan In 2022 Sentenced To Trial

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

A federal judge ordered Heibar Josué "T", son of José Guadalupe "T", Ismael El Mayo Zambada's operator, to stand trial for organized crime to commit crimes against health with administrative, managerial, and supervisory functions.

Heibar Josué "T" was already detained in the Reclusorio Preventivo Norte for a different criminal case and investigation, so the hearing was held by video conference since the judge who ordered his arrest this time is assigned to the Federal Criminal Justice Center of Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico (Altiplano).

Heibar Josué was arrested in Culiacán in August 2022, the Sedena elements that captured him seized six thousand fentanyl pills, a vehicle, and a firearm for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.



  1. I hope his people have candles lit in hopes of him staying in a Mexican prison. If he gets extradited to the US, its game over for him.

    1. He’d probably get a 20 piece in the U.S. He might get 40 in Mexico but be out in 6

  2. Very likely someone set him and his father up to be arrested

    1. Who? Their boss? Impossible! The 🇨🇺 is incapable of snitching on his operators...

    2. U don't make sense

    3. 1:59 yes it does, you Tonto.

    4. 9:02 No mames.

    5. Life in general don't make sense..
      Act accordingly 🐱

  3. Let the snitching begin …

    1. Yup like el 80 from cjng did

    2. 5:52 🤦‍♂️ La _____!

  4. I wonder who he's going to rat out. If he has dirt on the Chapitos they might use him as a witness against El Raton. He might also have information on Mayo's hideout. Will the Mexican government try to capture Mayo? Rumor has it that Mayo paid top officials for him not being captured. Since the elections are coming up they might break this agreement and go after him. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 934 guys like this most probably are not aware of Mayos location it would be bad opsec

    2. Go to el salado , there’s literally armed men who are clearly members of mayos . I was there last weekend and saw them . Mexican government knows where he is but they don’t do anything

    3. 750 they may know a general location but not his exact location like the US would know. the second the US can old one legs getting a one way to the US. USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!

    4. 7:57 if they found bin Laden hidden in mountains what makes you think they’re not gonna know how to find mayo . Come on now, the US and him are partners

    5. 1223 the US doesn't need one leg they tossed him out like a used condom probably 30 years ago.

    6. 6:47 he retired , now his son MF is in charge

  5. This guy will sing like a canary like typical sinaloan cartel members ... might spill tje beans on mayo flaco ..chavo Felix ..cheko

    1. Those are heavy hitters I doubt anything will happen to them

    2. 7:51 Lupe tapia was a heavy hitter as well but look what happened to him

    3. 9:43 I’m looking but I can’t see . Help me see please

    4. 12:24
      I was blind but now I can see
      ..John 9:25

  6. Big leagues this Lupe Tapia

  7. OS, but it has come to my attention thru reliable sources that the Sinaloa Cartel is working with large produce companies in Arizona to traffic, transport, import, and distribute illegal narcotics. The drugs cross thr border hidden in shipments of produce and arrive at the produce companies in Phoenix, who are apparently owned by Sicilians.

    1. Peddlers Son Produce Co. , Mikwaukee
      And Chicago Mafia owned. This is common knowledge in Arizona. Sammy the Bull may be involved.

    2. Doubt Sammy the bull is openly involved. He still has an open contract when cosa nostra finds him

    3. They have been for a long time

    4. This has been happening forever with produce companies in AZ. It's common knowledge.

    5. The only Sicilians that would be involved at that level are from Canada. Maybe they own produce companies in AZ to make it easier but I’ve never heard of much Sicilian organized crime in az since Joe bonnano and his crew were there as well as some Chicago guys. Can’t imagine the Chicago mafia being involved in much these days but you never know.

    6. 750 god dam Canadians

  8. "Sentenced to Trial"? The Fk...?

    1. I tried to make sense out of that myself....Im Coming to the conclusion Heibar pled Not guilty so the judge ORDERED a trial.

    2. Remanded to trial

  9. “The court finds you guilty of under arrest”

  10. The chinolas tend to own produce companies! At least in LA, the produce district, Vernon and commerce a lot of chinola owned produce distributors!

    1. Apparently Vallarta supermarkets were once upon a time cartel owned, not sure which one in particular but that’s what everyone says

    2. How about Phoenix Ranch Markets originally Italian Mafia owned out of Massachusetts. It caters to hispanics. Was recently sold to some big company. Look also at international furniture companies, used car dealers, salon de bailes, bars strip clubs, mariscos restaurantes, and many more evrn real estate companies, sll ownef by CDS.

  11. cuz criminals and murderers deserve to keep their eyes hidden from public right?

  12. When will everyone understand that the us intelligence, military and high level officials in us government are heavily involved and invested in the trafficking of drugs? If it's in the name of supposed national safety and security of the interested of those who run the United State ls, and they gain a a a HUGE AMOUNT OF INTEL & $$$$ , Air will never end. Currently they're attempting to eliminate all cartels except the one that our own government runs and controls

  13. Innocent till proven guilty


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