Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Interrogation Of Estefan Alexander Castellanos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An armed criminal cell of hitmen from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) have abducted a young man by the name of Estefan Alexander Castellanos. 

Under questioning Castellanos admits that he belongs to the Independent Cartel of Colima. In addition, the names of operatives allegedly involved in the Mexican underworld are also revealed. 

The fate of Estefan Alexander Castellanos is unknown at this time. However, it is highly suspected that he was killed off camera right after this video concluded. 

Video translation is as follows:

Interrogator: What’s your name?

Captive: Estefan Alexander Castellanos. 

Interrogator: How old are you?

Captive: 18 years old. 

Interrogator: Where do you live?

Captive: I live in the Bosques del Sur neighborhood. At 195 Bosques Bálticos. 

Interrogator: Why exactly are you here?

Captive: I was caught by the 4 letters cartel. 

Interrogator: Who do you work for?

Captive: I work for the Independent Cartel of Colima.

Interrogator: Who is your immediate boss?

Captive: His name is Beltran. 

Interrogator: Who ordered for the cars to be torched?

Captive: La Vaca. 

Interrogator: Why?

Captive: He wanted to draw law enforcement attention to the state since he had properties seized. This is why he sent Plebe and others to torch those homes out there by the Las Amarillas Sports Park. 

Interrogator: Who gave the order to have the state policeman killed?

Captive: Beltran, Nieves, El Pingüino, and El Raras. 

Interrogator: Why?

Captive: Because he refused to work with them. 

Interrogator: Who is El Pingüino and El Raras?

Captive: They’re state policemen from the same police agency…

Bosques Balticos Street
Colima, Colima

Bosques del Sur neighborhood 
Colima, Colima

Colima, Colima

El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. Ukrainian weapons nice suppressors and scopes. Never seen it before

    1. nothing special so far, did you missed the last 10 years?

    2. 1:45 He's not wrong, first time I see these Nato m16 rifles

    3. Nato m16 rifles…you guys are funny.

    4. Haha nato m16

    5. nothing is ukranian it appears to be an m4 or ar15 and the scopes are eo tech american made jajajaja

  2. State police man did not want to be with the cartel so he got Plata ol plomo. Vicious Cartels getting away with murder.

  3. This is made by GOVREMENT (video)

  4. 18 years old,sad shit

    1. Yep the kid won't be having a 19 birthday. His family will be at a loss.

  5. He looks like Gerardo the 80-90s club singer.

    1. Rico, suave...

    2. Yes. Rico indeed

    3. Gerardo was a Spanish language rapper not a "club" singer... rico, suave.

  6. 2:05 PM tht kid probably cut the head some people himself before

    1. Hes definitely not an angel

    2. @2.45 and 3.56. You don't know what you're talking about. These kids that get lifted in Colima are usually just underpaid street kids or local petty criminals used as go-betweens. CJNG pick them up, then tell them what to say to discredit whoever they need discredited. Most of the kids learn for the first time who they were working for when they are told to repeat it on camera, and die having no idea if it is even true, but all you can do is "No Angel" him?

    3. 7:27 Great point that needs to be said more often🐙

  7. So CJNG still can't get rid of Vacas group in Colima?

  8. Sol:
    You really messed up my day. I already bought this kid presents for his 19th birthday, now I have to take them back. Dollar Tree jacked their prices up to $1.25 so I spent a lot of money on his birthday presents.

  9. Fast and Furious military weapons...the Cartels thank you Obama

    1. You still stuck with that. That's old news we are in 2024.

    2. 04:58 That's how you recognize a trump voter, still blaming Obama after all those years jaja

    3. #1PresidentTrump

      ffs it's not all or nothing...who agrees 100% with anyone? Trump is the best leader for the US but doesn't mean I agree with every one of his policies. Let the good Mexican people flourish and string up the hooligans that harm them.

      Canadian girl 💋

  10. Polo shirt stocks after inventing mexican narcos: 📈📈📈

    1. On dirait qu’il était écrit « Toulousain » sur son polo. Toulouse, ville du sud-ouest de la France, connue pour son équipe de Rugby 🏉

    2. @10:23 No hablo francés amigo

  11. His ass is grassed.
    I'm sure Sol will find later the video related to this where he meets his fate.

  12. ❤️GOD BLESS CJNG❤️

  13. Off Topic
    8 shot in Mexico City 4 dead.
    Civilians are the victims.
    AMLO has said a week ago cartels respect the citizens, they respect them by killing them.

    1. The other 4 died after the hospital so all 8 dead. BB posted the story a couple under this one.

  14. I see those American cheap M4 are being put to good use. Us real Americans use good weapons, cause we got that freedom of choice

    1. Dracos and glocks with “switches” are terrible

  15. That’s got to be a horrible way to go. I get it we ALL have to make that final ride , but the savage way you get interrogated then after you give those guys every single thing they ask you for and willing to give more BAM dreamland. And maybe he deserves maybe not. They say he killed some state police. I’m sure all that matters when it’s time to settle up with the house.

    1. @7.58. They didn't say he killed some State police, unless there's a longer version of this video out there somewhere.

  16. The middle right sicario doesn't even wanna be there

  17. why are all jaliscos skinny tweakers? 🤣


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