Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Throwback Thursday: 'El Mini Lic' Is Yet To Be Tried In Mexico For The Murder Of Journalist And Founder Of Ríodoce, 'Javier Valdez Cárdenas.'

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 


MAY 14, 2024. 

The intellectual authorship of Dámaso López Serrano in the murder of journalist and founder of Ríodoce, Javier Valdez Cárdenas, is documented, confirms the head of Feadle.

For the Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes against Freedom of Expression, Dámaso López Serrano, el Minilic, is the mastermind of the murder of journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas and will insist with the US government that he be extradited and tried in Mexico.

Heriberto "P", a.k.a. El Koala, was sentenced to 14 years and eight months as the mastermind, and Juan Francisco "P", El Quillo, was sentenced to 32 years in prison in an abbreviated proceeding.

In October 2023, the Minilic gave an interview to Proceso magazine in which he disassociated himself from the crime and blamed Los Chapitos.

"The United States has proof that I didn't do it and Ovidio is going to tell it like it is. When he begins to cooperate, he is going to say that they were the ones who murdered Javier Valdez and I hope that all of that will be known and come to light. We just have to give time to time. I have no doubt about that. Ovidio is going to tell the story and tell it like it was," he said.

Regarding Minilic's statements, the head of the Feadle, Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo, said that it is only an attempt to distance himself.

"The evidence is very clear in the case against him and well here he has an arrest warrant granted by a federal judge who evaluated a series of evidence, it is not an affirmation just for the sake of it, there is a series of evidence that supports the affirmation that he is involved; besides the fact that the people who are deprived of their freedom and whose material participation has already been demonstrated, were part of the group that was with him", he said.

The official mentioned that several factors determine his responsibility, among them testimonies that point directly to him and that the material authors already sentenced were part of his group.

"There are several testimonies that determine it that way, another factor is that the material authors belong to the direct and immediate group, there are proofs and evidences that support it, their geolocations of being in Eldorado constantly, even the testimonies of the people close to them and there is also an analysis that was already presented in trial about Javier's journalistic work, where there is a cause-effect relationship that establishes the clear motivation of the facts", he said.

Among the evidence that the Feadle has to accuse Minilic as the intellectual author, there are testimonies of members of his group.

Two of those witnesses testified that before Quillo, Minilic offered them to kill Javier in exchange for money, weapons and a promotion.

One of those witnesses, who already testified in the Quillo trial, stated that the first days of May 2017 he was outside his house along with another person, when Minilic arrived and told them that if they wanted to move up in rank with him and be trusted by him to kill journalist Javier Valdez and they answered that they did not dare, so Minilic got upset.

After the refusal, the Minilic said to a person who was with him, "you see, he is a pussy, a good for nothing, he is good for nothing", "let's go tell Quillo and Koala, they are going to pull the trigger, they are going to pull the trigger, not like this asshole".

The other person who was in the place also declared that Minilic offered him the "job" of killing Javier, but he answered him no because he didn't want any trouble and Minilic told him that he was a "pussy" who wasn't good enough to be his people and that he was going to call Quillo and Koala so that they would do the job.

Minilic, he said, made a phone call and about 10 or 15 minutes later, Quillo and Koala arrived, and Minilic offered them the same "job" and they said yes, there was no problem.

The witness stated that days later he saw Quillo saying that he had already made an appointment and that everything had gone very well and that they had won the job.

Another witness testified that Quillo confessed that he and Koala had killed the journalist because he bothered the people of Eldorado and showed him a gun that he received as payment.

The pistol had photographs of Minilic and Dámaso López Núñez, the Licenciado, on the holster.

The Feadle also has as evidence a context analysis that was carried out with the notes published by Javier Valdez in Ríodoce in February 2017, when Los Dámaso and Los Chapitos were at loggerheads.
In the analysis they conclude that the motive for the homicide was a note in which Javier describes the Minilic as a prop gunman with no leadership capacity.

Sanchez Perez del Pozo mentioned that the Feadle carried out investigations in which they established that all the witnesses that point to Minilic did belong to his group.

He pointed out that the testimonies were already presented in the trial against El Quillo and the judge gave them credibility and El Quillo was sentenced as the material author.

He stated that El Quillo filed an appeal, but the sentence was confirmed and up to this moment it is firm, since he has not filed any amparo.

Since January 2020, a federal judge issued an arrest warrant for Minilic, who is accused of being the mastermind of the murder committed on May 15, 2017.

For four years they have been requesting extradition, but the U.S. government has not processed it.

The prosecutor commented that they have already requested the extradition of Minilic on several occasions.

"We have requested this several times, the last response we have from the United States is that for the moment they cannot process our request since he is subject to processes there in the United States, understanding that he is being a collaborating witness", he indicated.

He stated that granting the extradition is a sovereign decision of the United States and as long as they do not proceed, the Mexican authorities can only continue to insist and wait.

"We are going to continue insisting every time it is possible and every time we see them we repeat it, and every time I have a meeting with the U.S. government I make them aware of the importance of this matter, for any issue we meet or for any reason we meet I make this situation clear," he said.

The prosecutor said he is confident that there will come a time when the U.S. government will process the extradition request.sooner or later this process should be processed, once the pending issues with the U.S. are concluded, he mentioned.

Article published on May 12, 2024 in the 1111 edition of the weekly magazine

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  1. Wouldn’t you agree that Los Chapitos are the only ones who got the bad end of the stick? Mini lic free , Vicente and Gordo free, and yet Ovidio is still in jail. And in an American jail which is far worse.

    1. He who tells first, comes home first.

    2. Mini Dic
      can never go him.
      He’s a dead man.
      Nothing said!!

    3. 738 who cares go back to reddit

    4. Mini might be free but he’s miserable look how he spends his time bashing Chapitos and company on podcasts he can’t ever go home and nomore playboy lifestyle

    5. He has enough playboy lifestyle in the states. And who gives a shit about „home“. Home is where you feel comfortable, the past is the gone. Thats why humans dont have eyes on their backs. You look forward, you keep moving forward . If he is guilty, they will send him south sooner or later.

    6. 9:53 you sound like a flake hippie
      Quit with that bullshit

    7. Mini lic won guys sorry Chapitos lose they will either be killed or captured. Who cares about going home to Sinaloa plenty beautiful places on the earth and Sinaloas not one of them

    8. 10:38 you saying like he’s living comfortably in California or New York they probably got him in some hill billy town middle of nowhere and he can’t walk around freely in America neither he has to live with looking behind his back and his money? You assuming the US didn’t touch his finances and I guarantee you they did and it’s not just about going home it’s also his family’s name being spit on from now til forever

    9. What’s with everyone being cool with the dry snitching? All his soldiers flipped on mini lic or pushing up daisies. Family is gone from his home. Most are dead or hiding out somewhere else. Mfs comfortable with tricking off to the feds smh

    10. Homeboy thinks he’s living it up now that he a snitch 😂 that mf best stay in his basement making podcasts and hope he doesn’t end up like his cousin Liebre trying to be out and about

    11. 1209 maybe because we aren't involved with the criminal element.... once again chapitos fanboys mini lic wins

    12. 1:00 fanboys? not one comment saying something good about Chapitos those mfs not lasting long but to say Mini is winning in life is wild i guess that’s why he spents his free time talking shii about everyone in his podcast 😂 he’s hurting if you can’t see that then that’s on you

    13. 11:50 and yet Zambadas are respected in Sinaloa? Tsk, tsk.

    14. I mean mini lic is free and doing his own thing in the US so yeah he is doing better I’m sure he can care less about being in Mexico .

    15. "He who laughs last laughs best"

    16. 4:35 yet he’s still dwelling on the past with his Ocran leaks PR podcast. Because he wants to clear his and dad’s name saying they're saints lol.

    17. When your not involved in the criminal life style snitching is not part of your vocabulary.


    This story needs attention …. Thank you

  3. Everything points to the chapitos the tale of the gun with the pothograhps is lame and stupid

  4. He kinda looks like Drake:
    Sporting a beard, thinking they’re macho, but really looking like a douche( can’t hide what’s behind those eyes) and they act tough behind their bodyguards.
    Yep, same kind of person.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 8:43 you sound like a Sinaloa nut hugger
      That shit really got to you huh?

    3. Damn 8:43 you really took that personal!
      Let me guess: you have a beard, douchey eyes and bodyguards too?
      Your response was actually quite bitchy

    4. It's mini lic posting using a translator 🤣

  5. Mini Lic is now a Youtuber "Ocran Leaks " .
    El Rey Zambada now writes and composes corridos.
    However one man walked out of Sinaloa cartel without ratting ...
    Don Camilo Ochoa "Pollo Loco" jefe de plaza de Mazatlan el Sen̈or de las 53 Trokas .

    1. 7:53 there’s plenty who walk out. We just don’t know who they are. Many lowkey players

  6. Mini Lic aka Mini Leaks, aka Ocran Leaks…

    He’s probably getting deported back to Mexico when DEA realizes that instead of laying low, he is out here spilling gossip online in a podcast.

  7. Mini Lic es el panocha.

  8. All these people hating on Mini Lic while he’s out enjoying his life . He has millions of dollars . I don’t think he’s too worried about what you people comment about him.

    1. Wow 8:51 you’re really hanging on his nuts!
      You think he’s enjoying his life?
      Dudes got a big bullseye on him and he knows it
      Fucking rat

    2. Mini Lic does have a few good stories to tell. But he also likes to stick his fingers up his ass. 😂

    3. 1027 no ones hanging on to anybody's but we just speak facts and I agree with 851

    4. Anybody that says
      they “speak facts” is straight up full of shit.

    5. 8:51 of course you 🐴 horse, he has no reason to be worried because he doesn't read English you should join the duh da parade.

    6. 8:51, 10:47 y’all hate Chapos so much you guys be hanging on his nuts. You believe someone that switched up on people that gave em power in the first place. Chapo got caught in damasos plazas both times. They knew where chapo was and gave up his location and blamed bravo just like they blamed Virgo. Just like they gave up chapitos location in puerto Vallarta. Ocran leaks is there PR Chanel just like the US and there news networks that does there PR on countries they don’t like lol

    7. no se tu pero los millones de dolares que segun tu dices que tiene no son nada a comparacion de que los corrieron y salio corriendo, les mataron familiares,perdieron todo y desterradoz,la muerte lo sigue mas cerca que nunca, lo mas feo es que salio corriendo y todo eso nunca se le va a olvdar si ati te matan familia corres y llevas dinero y se te ase envidiable que jodido estas.

    8. 737 awesome love what mini lics doing!!!! have a good weekend 737 and don't let it bother you to much.

  9. Mini lic is a rat who’s responsible for the murder of innocent people

    1. So are the Chapitos

    2. We weren’t talking about them though were we?

    3. 10:47
      2 wrongs don’t make a right fool

    4. So is every other cartel member in Mexico

  10. More like Mini Mouse

  11. I can’t only imagine what would happen is mini lic gets deported back to Mexico.

    1. 11:17:
      first he’ll go into hiding, sticking his short stubby fingers up his ass in a dark room with all the shades drawn,
      and then he’ll get executed.
      That’s how it will go.
      And then his rat turncoat of a father will hear about it in prison while he’s taking a shit just feet away from his cell mate.

    2. @11:36 mini lic’s dad is also a free man. No longer in prison

    3. 2:03
      He’s serving a life sentence in the US
      Be informed otherwise you look stupid

    4. Nope he’s in prison in the US for at least another decade but it would have been life sentence had he not ratted out everybody.

    5. 3:10 he’s not serving life sentence jajaj calling someone stupid when you clearly don’t know.

  12. Greatttttttt Throw -back Thursday is here!!!!!!
    Great article.

    1. ..well worth the wait, it's been like a week!

  13. The desert says mini lic is a sack of shit

    1. Anything the desert says is hot

  14. Mini tits looks like Eminem with that beard and that’s NOT a compliment.
    Eminem looks like a turd with his beard and his stupid Castro hat hiding his tiny balding ass head.

    1. He does look like Eminem LOL

  15. Los Zambada are bigger informants and you all love their tacky songs about them being tougher than steel

    1. Yeah those guys are strongest players in Mexico

  16. Ocean leaks should be doing time in Mexico

    1. Dawg the bounty hunter got this covered.

  17. Ocean leaks likes fingers

  18. Narco leaks should come out with a video clapping back at the supposed ex plaza boss of Mazatlan, who just released a vicious series of put-downs, all were strolling around El Dorado without a care in the world.


  19. Sounds like a hit piece paid by the Chapitos.


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