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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

U.S. Acusses 'El Nini' 'El 19' Of Assassinating A DEA Informant In 2023

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

MAY 28, 2024

Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, el Nini, the alleged security chief of the Chapitos, was accused of murdering an informant infiltrated into the Sinaloa Cartel by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2023 in retaliation for collaborating in criminal cases against him.

“According to court documents, Perez Salas, from at least 2012 through February 2021, allegedly conspired to distribute and manufacture cocaine and methamphetamine for illegal importation into the United States, used a firearm in furtherance of the alleged drug trafficking crime, and killed, attempted to kill, threatened, and caused bodily injury to another person to intimidate a government witness and informant,” a statement reads.

According to the indictment filed in December 2023, but made public on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice charges Nini with a total of 10 criminal counts, ranging from trafficking fentanyl to murdering the confidential informant weeks before he was captured on Nov. 22, 2023.

Perez Salas is charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to import cocaine and methamphetamine into the United States, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison; using, carrying and possessing machine guns and destructive devices in connection with the cocaine and methamphetamine conspiracy, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years imprisonment and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment; and conspiracy to obstruct justice by retaliating against a witness and an informant by murder, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of life imprisonment.


  1. My belief is that Chapitos and the Fernandez family and probably some of the upper echelon of CDS all agreed to turn him in in exchange to keep the DEA of them for a bit

    1. My belief is chapitos are fu€£ed cause NINI is gonna say SISI to everything the USA askes him to say or do

    2. 2:34 don't think he going to snitch on the main Chapitos. His wife kids could get hit . Although the Fernandez family has a lot of money and influence I don't think they are on the Guzman level

    3. They are actually stronger than chapitos el animal comes from the valencias in michoacan

    4. 3:59 really doubt it . They have money that's for sure but overall more power I don't think so

    5. He won’t turn in the Chapitos directly. His family is still living in Mexico.

    6. 517 when he's facing 100 years and a big black named tiny he may think otherwise

    7. @5:31 what movies or fantasy’s or even worse what kind of jail and things you guys went thru to always bring black men and say things like that? This is not your fantasy’s prison does not work like that

    8. 5:17:
      Nini has done some incredibly scandalous things even by criminal standards. He has repeatedly stabbed his fellow criminals in the back and created a lot of enemies with no concern for the welfare of his family. There is no indication that he will change his behavior and show concern for his family now. Nini only thinks about what is good for Nini, not for the good of anyone else. Nini will cut a deal with Uncle Sam without consideration for the welfare of his wife or children. The Chapitos are aware that Nini is a first class back stabber, so they may not take it out on his wife and kids. His wife also has the protection of her family who has considerable pull in the underworld. The Chapitos are facing rough days ahead. They will be concerned about their own survival, not seeking revenge on Nini's family. There certainly is a possibility that they may seek revenge on his family and this could all end very badly for everyone involved. The Chapitos screwed up by allowing Nini to live. It would be another mistake to go after his family.

    9. My money is on 2:34

    10. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 funny how some of you think this POS wont rat cause of their family' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 dudes they are from Sinaloa!!!! Guzmanez! Zambadas! Torrez! Name any Sinaloan family and i can guarantee none of them care about their family! The only thing they care about is their own skin!!! Cant believe some people still cant figure it out! 😂 guys there's literaly "thousands" not hundreds but "thousands" of paper work on Sinaloas! You cds fans are like Americas fans saying "era penal le toco el pecho con los tachones" 😂😂😂

    11. I think you’re tracking. Remember when ML said IAG had meetings with his team to turn in Nini?

      The killing of the DEA informant was a two birds, one stone. Get rid of the informant and Nini to curry favor with MX gov (and DEA? But that’s a stretch for sure).

      This guy is just another cog in the never ending machine that is drug trafficking.

    12. Not all Sinaloans are snitches, the real Beltran associates are men of honor

    13. 246 men of trash more like it don't try and glorify these muppets

    14. 549 ninis cheeks getting took. But he will rat because that's how people like him move. Nini will be on ocranbleaks sucking off mini lic telling him how brave he is

  2. NINI agreed to Cooperate and will enter Witness Protection Program. The Feds are after the Chapitos.

    1. No witness protection for him. He killed an informant that’s minimum life sentence. Ni inteligente Ni sabio.

    2. A los gringos les vale madre si trono un informante

      Nada mas mira dónde está Mamito y se bajó un ICE

    3. Life without the possibility of parole. The murders will guarantee that.

  3. So they do like to kill kids. What a piece of shit cartel.

    1. Theyre all a piece of shit cartel LOL have you been living under a rock or something?

    2. Yea don’t matter which sides people like to pick but they “carteles” are all the same bull shit.

    3. 2:25 i see you cant understand sarcasm, Sol knows all cartels are the same shit, but there is a lot of CDS mama riatas who say they dont kill kids or innocent people, when in fact we know they are all the same shit

    4. And that right there folks is a person who knows why those words were said. All cartels are evil and need to be destroyed.

      Bravo 2:36

    5. Sol:
      Too bad you didn't stay in Airborne. You could be kicking their asses as opposed to writing about them.

    6. We want you to re-enlist, Sol 😅

    7. 5:28 laugh all you want clown lol. But the way things are going it really looks like the US might start drafting people. Vets aren't worried about that shit though.

    8. @5:28 the way sol is thru his comments and his words on the articles he did no way serve any branch not even navy or national guard or reservist. No way he has that mentality if he ever served might have joined rotc in school. No way Jose sol probably still in high school

    9. All cartels kill all cartels extort all cartels kidnap . The thing is some cartels just do it more than others and at the end of the day the answer is simple economics. The more "broke" a cartel is the more they have to do more illegal shit to keep up with their rivals. Having a border plaza under control is key for any big cartel

    10. Yall gonna draft these lazy ass broccoli kids into the field? Lmao good thing we got good technology, because when it comes to manpower we are a joke with these coming generations.

    11. 5:54 😂 seas mamon! Sol tiene como 15 años de mamon, y en ese tiempo le a tirado a todos y cada uno de los carteles! Lo chistoso es que los unicos que se lo toman personal son las nenas del CDS 😂 culones tenian que ser

  4. The middle kid is one good looking cat - too bad he got whack by the devils. Otherwise he’ll have plenty of chicasssss!!!

  5. How long until the “but but but but, I thought” person arrives to this comment section? I think the over/under is 2 hours and 19 minutes.

    1. But but but but why do you want him here?

    2. I don’t wanna pay taxes, but it’s a part of life. You gotta roll with the punches sometimes and embrace it

    3. @3:12 But but but what if it’s a her

    4. Gender fluid is all the rage🤔

  6. Ya se lo cargo la pepa

  7. char.como dice el dicho,y se lo van aplicar al nini.el que a hierro mata a hierro muere,y no es que lo vayan a matar,pero pienso que ya no tiene,que ofrecer a los gringos y lo van a refundir al bote y no hay cosa mas triste que estar preso,como la ves.............

    1. A la neta guey, estas bien mamon. Mejor Que lo maten, esa lacra es 🗑️.

  8. Right was saying this in the other post. That story was true, and he did kill a witness. And kidnapped his family. He must have been losing it in those weeks down there trying to figure out where the info was coming from.

    this is whats known as a superceding indictment, and was filed AFTER his arrest, either with new cooperators or new evidence from old cooperators about what went down in October 2023, because NINI indictment was done and ready to go as far back as 2021.

    there's also another pending one in DC, which will be rolled into this one or he will be tried there too.

    1. J:
      How much do you want to bet that Ovidio provided the testimony for the superceding indictment?
      I'm glad you brought up these murders in the previous post. These murders are different than most cartel homicides because they not only involve a child, but a U.S. citizen and CI.

    2. People thought the CDS was paranoid…turns out it was true. They did identify, and kill an informant. It’s the same guy they threw in Tamazula Durango days later, along with 7 others(family prob).

    3. Saw you say that in the other, I would almost say no, but the timing and some other factors ....maybe. Ovidio would have to be taken to NYC and be put before a grand jury, or maybe they can do that remotely. It usually takes awhile to work out a cooperation agreement. and this was done just two months after he arrived in September 2023. Usually it takes a year. Lawyers go back and forth. And NINI wasn't even in custody until late November. And the murders weren't committed until late Ooctober. So, too narrow a window.

      They could have decided because of whatever reasons, NINI is the more depraved defendant, and given Ovidio the chance to testify. but, there could easily be other informants down there, or now up here, who in real time, heard about all that going down.

    4. the indicment from December 2023 is signed like 12/12/2023, the timing is too tight for Ovidio to have given testimony. That's from someone else on the ground. Unless Oviido decided to cooperate right away, which doesn't make a lot of sense because NINI wasn't detained until November 23.

      and they reference another person in connection with the retaliation killings who "expected to be brought to trial" in NYC and that could be Panu or IVAN. or some other guy.

    5. J:
      I understand your thinking.
      Ovidio can only testify to what he has personal knowledge of at trial. However, the grand jury indictment is essentially a probable cause determination so some hearsay is admitted.
      The murders were committed while Ovidio was in custody in the U.S. so he has no personal knowledge of the murders themselves. However, if the plan or conspiracy started while he was in custody in Mexico, then he could testify to either the plan or intention to commit the murders by Nini. I say this because I believe that he was in regular contact with members of the underworld and possibly even his brothers while he was in custody in Mexico. I believe his brothers are filling in the blanks in order to put Ovidio in the best negotiating position as possible. I have no evidence to back up my beliefs, but my beliefs are reasonable.
      A suspect doesn't need to be in custody in order to indict him or to file a superceding indictment against him, so his custody status is irrelevant to the indictment.
      I believe that Ovidio had at least the structure of his agreement in place before he was extradited, so there was already significant communication with him while he was still in Mexico. The whole plea agreement doesn't need to be in place before he testifies before a grand jury. By testifying now he is proving to the feds to have value and can be relied on. This increases the chances that he will receive a more favorable deal.
      The grand jury indictment is a probable cause hearing similar to a preliminary examination in state court. The only thing that must be proven is that a crime was probably committed and the defendant was probably the person that committed that crime. It doesn't take a lot to prepare for an indictment. If a person was arrested while he was robbing a bank an indictment could be had in only a few days. This is a case that is less time sensitive, but given the low level of proof for an indictment, it doesn't take a lot of time to present a case to a grand jury. A federal indictment takes more time than a state case because federal law compels the prosecutor to provide facts on each and every element of the offense charged that most states don't. Most states probable cause determinations are so thin that many people have been convicted and sent to prison when their cases lacked probable cause, let alone proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Here in Michigan, the case of Kymberly Sykes and Teyva Urquhart comes to mind. They were convicted of robbery and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the prosecution "lacked probable cause to initiate criminal proceedings" let alone convict them of robbery, see Sykes v Anderson, 625 F3d 294, 6th Cir., 2010.
      Given the low level of proof in a grand jury proceeding it is quite practical to have an indictment handed down in just a few weeks.
      I enjoy your comments here. You are more informed than most. And in this case you read the indictment before I did. You have more information than I do in this case, so I have learned from your comments.
      What my concern is involving Nini and Ovidio is that they are going to get incredibly short sentences despite the fact that both should serve decades in prison. We don't have any evidence that either one is cooperating. However, let's not be coy with one another, with the speed of their extraditions they both are cooperating. Both are facing capital charges. Ninis would have entailed the death penalty had he not been extradited from Mexico. I agree that Nini is the more depraved of the two. I really believe that Nini is going to get a light sentence and these murders will be lost in the process. Ours isn't a perfect system, but at least it is more just than most systems in the world.

  9. CDS=Cartel de Shit

    1. CDS cartel dick suck

    2. CDS= Cartel De Sean ditty!!! (It might sound like a joke but its true)

  10. This guy is really toast.

  11. one thing prosecutors are going to show almost no mercy on it killing a cooperating witness. That goes to the foundation of how they build cases and how they seek justice.

    1. Doubt he goes to trail… he ain’t going to beat any of these allegations. Specially not the killing of the informant.

  12. Thanks Char. There's a lot to this story. Whacking a CI or U.S. citizen is a death penalty case. We all know that the death penalty is off the table because he was extradited from Mexico. Everything is pointing to him cooperating, so it is unlikely that the facts will come out in court. This whole thing would make a great book and I hope you write it. My concern is that it is starting to look like he's going to get a Sammy the Bull type of deal and these murders will be swept under the rug.

    1. Didn’t Chupeta kill an informant? If anyone should remain locked up forever or executed he’s the one. If not already released he soon will be as reward for testifying against a Guzman.

      This could go either way. This is the DOJ and both Ovidio and Nini are big names. Nothing would surprise me. Ovidio testifies against Nini and Nini testifies against Ivan. Both earning reductions. Ivan gets arrested and turns over a caleta as Chapo’s to get his reduction.

      The DOJ and narco justice are a black box. We know the output but rarely the inputs that impact sentencing.

  13. So turns out those 8 killed and dumped in Tamazula hours later last year, were in fact a legit DEA informant?… wow. That explains why the Guardia National was caught on video going through streets blasting on the megaphones to release the kidnapped.

    1. That was awkward by the Guardia Nacional blasting on speaker to return the kidnapped or else Government was going to start raiding homes and safe houses

  14. Buddy is done for, now all that’s left for him to do is sing like a canary

  15. Markitos toys to the rescue

  16. As if ELMO hasn't already proven how fucked up in the head he is, he's now joining the ICC in supporting the terrorists that want to destroy Israel.

    1. Oh Detroit, just stop with that bullshit. It's been years now, and you still pretend that the "hugs not bullets" was hugs for Cartel Bosses, instead of the thousands of underfed, undereducated young people the traffickers have exploited for generations. The question would be- What do you want for the children

  17. Infuriating that our tax dollars are being used to bring this foreigner to our country and housing him for life. For crimes he committed in another country. Mexico should of kept him. They basically dumped the bill on us. Bs if you ask me.

    1. USA is the world police

    2. Bien que les gusta.
      Y si no, que hacen el Guantánamo?

    3. 519 They will live like kings in Mexican prison. Drugs, women Liquor, fine cuisine etc. They want to stay in MX for a reason.

  18. DEA “ informants” know the risks of being in the game. You play, you PAY

    1. Cuál juego?
      No seas infantil

    2. @9:59 dígalo sin llorar

  19. More snitching coming from the Sinaloa. All they do is snitch. It’s in their blood.

  20. El Nini will end up getting 20 yrs. No question will snitch. USA willing to look pass some heinous shit if it results in a bag and tag of the Chapitos bros. They are the face of Fentantly and 100'000's of deaths each year.

    1. Dude he is getting life in jail. El raton already ratted.

    2. Bra! He killed an imformant! Thats worst than dealing drugs!!! Thats kindda like killing a cop! Not as bad but below that! He is done! His only 2 options are Life or snitch! But not only to snitch but to give accurate info! If his info is off he will get life 💯

  21. Informant got what he had coming for him. Cause he was an informant 😂

    1. Hay que risa!!!!
      Avientales confetti

  22. Don't think NINI will get a deal, I don' think they need anyone else. They have Mini Lic, and probably a dozen others. Think all 4 will do life or equivalent.

    PANU probably will too if he gets caught.

  23. In the press release of Office Of Public Affair. Says they kidnapped a confidential source and 10 others. Killed 8 of the victims

  24. It's curtains for chicken little don't even need the Fat lady to sing enjoy your stay in the good old USA

  25. And to think that Markitos toys cried for this guy

  26. Chaidez Beltran… people you don’t fuck with and let alone kids. FTP.

    1. So just because of a last name? 🤔

    2. 11:14 apperantly they did

    3. I know plenty of Chaidez, Beltran, Guzman, etc that have nothing to do with nothing. But yes those last names carry weight in Durango/Sinaloa, respectively. Probably means nothing in this case.

    4. went out with a Chaidez whose family was from that area, she had nothing to do with it, but I imagine there are many in the extended family that are.

    5. If your apellido is Capone, Hitler, Frankenstein, etc., you're going to get feedback from the general public

  27. Panu is the Man

  28. Nini has funds at his disposal to live like a king in federal prison.
    Remember that scene in Goodfellas when the guard brings in fresh lobsters for the Mafia boys to enjoy?

    1. You have been watching way to many movies

    2. You have been watch way to many movies

    3. I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers

      Jimmy Two Times

  29. Y su vieja
    En fiestas y fiestas

  30. Is he going to turn over “Los toys” for helping him push Fent ?


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