Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Assassination of Mayoral Candidate in Guerrero Captured on Camera, Over 30 Candidates Killed Ahead of Mexico's Biggest Ever Elections

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Jose Alfredo Cabrera, a mayoral candidate for an opposition coalition, was gunned down in Guerrero, causing chaos and panic among people attending the rally. He was killed in front of dozens of supporters and elements of the National Guard (GN).

Cabrera was not the only mayoral candidate attacked and killed this week. A mayoral candidate in the central Mexican state of Morelos was murdered on Tuesday, while another one was wounded by gunfire in Jalisco.

Cabrera's murder was captured on camera, with the footage showing him smiling and flanked by fans before he was shot several times by a gunman next to the person filming the candidate on their phone.

The state prosecutor's office said that "the alleged assailant was killed at the scene" as bodyguards immediately opened fire on the shooter. Three people were also injured and two others detained, according to witnesses.

The attacks took place just days before the country head to the polls to elect a new Mexican President and 20,000 other public officials, in a campaign marred by the murder of 30 candidates, according to the non-governmental organization Data Civica.

Cabrera’s murder topped a bloody election season with the murder of dozens of candidates (36 by one count) for different posts over a year. There were also dozens of similar murders in the run up to Mexico’s last presidential election in 2018.

According to the Mexican government, since the start of the election campaign cycle in September 2023, 22 candidates have been murdered, a figure lower than Data Civica's count.

Jose Alfredo Cabrera

Cabrera belonged to the same opposition coalition as presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez, who expressed indignation over his murder. "He was a generous and good man," she wrote on social media.

Reportedly, the killer arrived at the rally in a wheel chair as a rouse to get closer to the candidate.

Although the motive for this attack is unknown, at least two criminal groups operate in the disputed area; the Independent Cartel of Acapulco (CIDA) and Los Granados.

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), part of the opposition coalition, accused the government of having "not made even the slightest effort to guarantee the safety of the candidates." Over 27,000 troops, including military personnel and National Guard members, will be deployed to guarantee security in Sunday's general elections, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has promised.

Cabrera had requested protection a few weeks ago, after the councilor candidate on his ticket, AnĂ­bal ZĂșñiga CortĂ©s , was murdered. On May 16, the bodies of he and his wife, RubĂ­ Bravo SolĂ­s, were found dismembered in the bed of a truck in Acapulco.

Recent Political Killings & Attacks

In Morelos, the victim was Ricardo Arizmendi, a candidate for mayor of the city of Cuautla, the state government said in a statement on social media. Officials said Arizmendi had no history of security incidents and had not requested protective measures.

Jalisco, candidate Gilberto Palomar, who was running for mayor of the Encarnacion de Diaz municipality, and two of his aides were shot inside a home, the state's security coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Beruben wrote on social media.

Last week, 9 people were killed in two attacks against mayoral candidates in the southern state of Chiapas. The two candidates survived.

Earlier this month, 6 people, including a minor and mayoral candidate Lucero Lopez, were killed in an ambush after a campaign rally in the municipality of La Concordia, neighboring Villa Corzo.

One mayoral hopeful was shot dead last month just as she began campaigning.

José Efrén López Cortés, candidate for local deputy for Morena in the Congress of Guerrero was attacked by gunmen yesterday while driving his truck, he was able to get away.

According to residents of Aguililla, Michoacan, the CJNG demanded that residents vote for Elsa Guadalupe Contreras SĂĄnchez, of the Green Party. “The cartel told us that if we don't vote for her and take a photo of the ballot to show them, the next day they are going to throw us out of town or kill us,” a resident said.

New President to Inherit Wave of Cartel Violence

Cartel violence will be among the major challenges facing the next leader of Mexico, along with managing migration and delicate relations with the United States.

More than 450,000 people have been murdered and tens of thousands have gone missing since the government deployed the military to fight drug trafficking in 2006; the beginning of the modern drug war.

Frontrunner Claudia Sheinbaum, from the ruling Morena party, ended her campaign with a rally in the capital's main public square. She is a former Mexico City mayor and a scientist by training, with a sizable lead in the polls with 53% of voter support, according to research firm Oraculus.

"We're going to make history," Sheinbaum told the cheering crowd.

"I say to the young women, to all the women of Mexico -- colleagues, friends, sisters, daughters, mothers and grandmothers -- you are not alone," the 61-year-old said.

Sheinbaum has pledged to continue outgoing left-wing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's social programs and strategy of tackling crime at its roots -- a controversial policy that he calls "hugs not bullets."

Opposition presidential candidate XĂłchitl GĂĄlvez promises a tougher approach to cartel-related violence. Galvez, a center-right senator and businesswoman with Indigenous roots, is second with 36%.

"You will have the bravest president, a president who does confront crime," she said.

Galvez accused Lopez Obrador of implementing "a security strategy where hugs have been for criminals and bullets for citizens."

Nearly 100 million people are registered to vote for the next President, members of Congress, several state governors and local officials, in the biggest-ever elections in the country of 129 million.


  1. Crazy stuff during election time in Mexico. Also in Mazamitla, the candidate who was favored just dropped out to make room for Alondra Magaña (Doble RR’s niece). Mazamitla is about to get nuts once again. Saludos from Zacoalco de Torres.

  2. I feel so sorry for the people of Mexico, who have to endure such tragedies one after another.

  3. Would be really interesting if you could show some data aboiut what party these candidates that were killed belonged to. If Morena isn’t getting attacked that could indicate something.

    1. 5:19: Good point. Has this come up before, as I am now curious?

    2. Don Cheto gave the names and the partys they belong to on friday, candidates from all partys have been killed even a lot of morenas candidates, it depends on what party dominate the region when the assasination took place

  4. Expect the present Mexican position that is inline with the Sout African policy that "Israel is a War Criminal State" to be squashed with the new President!

    1. Youre an idiot :)

    2. 7:47 he has dumb call sign
      What does that tell you.

  5. Mexico might elect a woman President. This is your Barack Obama moment. Get down, Mexico. You're going woke!

    1. James go vote, get a matricula, say you were born in Morelia, Michoacan.
      Go to US side Mexican consulate. Put on Mexican sombrero, a color ful poncho. A get your vote out siniderbaum yeahhhh.

    2. 12:24 he will get send back the same way as those folks in matamoros

    3. @5:13PM I have connections who hail from MichoacĂĄn. Believe me or not as you wish.

    4. Don't go there Goodfoot, people will think you're serious.

  6. Tho I do believe our politics in the US are a disgrace, I am then grateful we haven't sunk as far as this. In Mexico it's a death sentence. I truly believe Mexico is a loss forever. Terminal.

    1. Yes it will go more down if the convicted Orange 🍊 man wins the election.

    2. Mexico doesn't seem to stand a chance, as it takes new Govt attitude to even try, and they are mostly killed off.
      Cartels and an idiot for their President are the perfect storm.

    3. 4:33 are you saying Sniderbaum will be the next idiot.

    4. 6:55: No I am not. Reference to current idiot.

    5. 9:18 ahhh ok now I follow you.

  7. En Hidalgo Tamaulipas acaban de Matar a un Candidato de Morena, Gregoriano Dorante. Dicen que le cayó una palmera encima mientras se encontraba con su equipo de trabajo. Gregoriano era cómplice de varios asesinatos por parte de la Columna Armada Pedro José Mendez, un brazo armado del CDG. Gregoriano muy probablemente murió a manos de su propia organización delictiva. Y creer que en una de las elecciones mås violentas una palma mató a un candidato suena algo ridículo. Recuerden que en ese pueblo el Cartel controla las noticias y las vidas de sus ciudadanos.

    1. Conozco bien a Hildago y lo que dices es muy especulativo. La Columna estĂĄ firme con Morena. Fue Morena/AmĂ©rico quien liberĂł a Moncada y la regiĂłn estĂĄ llena de carteles de Morena: yo estuve allĂ­ hoy. Si el candidato no hubiera sido favorecido por La Columna, dudo seriamente que hubiera sobrevivido hasta la vĂ­spera de las elecciones. La Columna ni siquiera permitiĂł que otros candidatos hicieran campaña en el municipio en el Ășltimo ciclo electoral local. Debe haber mĂĄs en esta historia: incluso si La Comunna se separara tan tarde de Morena, podrĂ­an expulsar a este candidato. Nada de lo que pasĂł tiene sentido todavĂ­a. Necesitas mĂĄs informaciĂłn.

    2. @4:10am IU IU IU! Pues si sabes mucho de Hidalgo sabes donde se encontraba esa palma y con que narco-terrorista se enontraba el candidato. Sabemos que los de la columna ya antes mataron a un presidente (Marco Antonio Leal QEPD) cuando iba con su hija de 10 años y el era sobrino de Moncada. Digo eso para recordarte que matar a un candidato o politico en poder, independientemente de sus lazos, ya sucedió. Morena ya les dijo anteriormente que querían que bajaran las armas y el pueblo se niega. Creemelo no murió por sus lazos póliticos (mejor hubieran dicho que se dio un pasón de coca pero en Hidalgo traen puro mugrero por eso iban a Linares con El Cabezón QEPD). Tienes razón ese candidato era mås achichincle del Cartel Del Golfo que Morenista. Lo cierto es que tarde o temprano, la Columna Armada Pedro José Mendez (brazo armado del CDG) ,mata o intenta matar a sus colaboradores. Antes le echaba la culpa a los zetas, ahora a una palma. Algo sí te digo E.U. Estå analizando ese pueblo muy cuidadosamente. Desde sus lazos en el pasado con terroristas de Hezbolla. (cuando pusieron bombas en cd victoria y por la carretera nacional) o cuando fue el Servicio secreto de E.U por una persona de Hidalgo por falsificar Dolares. Le tiraban balazos a los autobuses que pasaban por El Tomaseño y mås recientemente el trailer lleno de migrantes que dijeron que fueron secuestrados y extorcionados en Hidalgo. Cuando un ciudadano Mexicano viene a Estados Unidos a pedir asilo, le den o no ese asilo se se toma nota del pueblo y sus actores. Sin mencionar individualmente, a tantas personas de Hidalgo Tamaulipas que trafican y venden drogas en E.U..
      Todo esa informaciĂłn se almacena en un archivo la CIA, asĂ­ saben cuando advertir a ciudadanos Americanos que hay que evitar visitar cierto paĂ­s o regiĂłn. Ahora que se cataloguen a los carteles como grupos terroristas en el Congreso de E.U. y a su vez tomen acciĂłn militar. Ya me imagino lo que va suceder con narco-pueblos como este.

    3. Nuevamente, no estoy seguro de dĂłnde obtienes tu informaciĂłn. Estoy en Hildago todo el tiempo. Y Estados Unidos NO ha designado a los cĂĄrteles como organizaciones terroristas. Eso no ha sucedido. Se ha hablado de ello, pero no se ha hecho ni se harĂĄ. AdemĂĄs, aunque se ha referido a la columna como el "brazo armado del cartel del golfo", nadie en esa regiĂłn se refiere a ellos como tal y se cree ampliamente que son una entidad completamente independiente. Decir que estĂĄn alineados con el golfo surge de informaciĂłn gubernamental antigua. ¿Alineados cĂłmo y con quiĂ©n? ¿Metros? ¿Escorpiones? ¿Rojos? ¿OMS? No existe un "gulfo" en singular. ¿Mencionas un archivo de la CIA? Ahora suenas loco amigo. ¿CĂłmo sabrĂ­as exactamente acerca de cualquier archivo de la CIA o tendrĂ­as dicho acceso? Te vuelvo a preguntar, ¿vives en la regiĂłn de Hildago o solo estĂĄs especulando? Estuve en Hildago ayer y todas las semanas.

    4. ESE es el trabajo de la CIA obvservar y reportar peligros potenciales para sus ciudadanos. En su pagina de gobierno te da: the world travel book. TODO el que quiera tiene acceso esta informaciĂłn Y Puede uno pedir documentos con mĂĄs detalle bajo el "Freedom of information act". Es cierto aun no se designan como grupos terroristas. Pero estamos a la espera. Mexicanos irĂĄn ante el congreso Americano para testificar de las atrocidades que se viven en Mexico a manos de los carteles. Esperemos que eso impulse la legislaciĂłn. Ah sĂ­ nadie se refiere a ellos de esa forma, serĂĄ por miedo, pero estĂĄn al mando de un lider del CDG. "El lĂ­der de la Columna Armada “Pedro J. MĂ©ndez” en Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, Octavio Leal Moncada, es parte del crimen organizado, asĂ­ lo confirmĂł el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, Luis Cresencio Sandoval GonzĂĄlez." Preguntame las veces que quieras. Tu solo dices que ahĂ­ anduviste "todas las semanas" eso quĂ©? Naciste y te creaste en Hidalgo? Eres a los que les tapan el ojo o eres de los que le tapan el ojo al macho. Jajaja A ver: Cuando pusieron la bomba en CD Victoria fue con el GĂŒero Cleofas Creo que ese es de los Metros de Reynosa. y si la grafica que vi decĂ­a es cierta en algĂșn momento Octavio Leal Moncada fue el Jefe de Plaza de Reynosa designado por un grupo de carteles mexicanos ya tiene mĂĄs de 10 años que lo vi. Antes, Moncada movia mota con ayuda del ejercito en los tiempos del General JosĂ© de Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo. Llegaban los helicopteros a la isla en la presa Pedro JosĂ© Mendez y levantaban mota. Ya despues ayudarĂ­a a crear a los Zetas (aun otro grupo que fue brazo armado del CDG) junto con Osiel Cardenas GuillĂ©n. Y pues digas lo que digas hay vinculos con el CDG y la Columna Armada. Tal vez tu no lo veas asĂ­ pero la informaciĂłn estĂĄ disponible. Y no dudo que Eloy Flores haya matado a Goyo sin permiso de moncada. Eloy quiere un presidente que le haga caso a el, y no exclusivamnete a Moncada. La nota dice que se encontraba con su equipo de trabajo. Trabajaba con el narco... Caso cerrado. Solo una miserable nota en "Los Chapotes 1" en su pĂĄgina de propaganda en Facebook. No digo que meresca mĂĄs. Pero si se jode un transformador, hacen 4 publicaciones con actualizaciones y fotografĂ­as. Donde estĂĄ la foto de la palma? de el lugar donde se cayĂł la palma? Donde estĂĄ la gente en el velorio o funeral? No existen videos ni detalle alguno. Eso no se reporta porque ellos mismos fueron. Y asĂ­ sabes cuando lo hiceron los de la Columna Armada Pedro JosĂ© Mendez... No se reporta en "Los Chapitos 1" aprendete esa mi chavo. Y tu que me cuentas del pueblo? Ya que estuviste ahĂ­ "Ayer y todas las semanas". dices? Pero conoces a los malandros y como operan? A ver como es la cosa? Quien manda en Hidalgo? Y cĂłmo financian la Columna Pedro JosĂ© Mendez? SerĂĄ con la marijuana y amapola que siempre han sembrado en los limites con Arramberi?

    5. We disagree on many details. Sounds like you get your information from things you read and not from first hand knowledge when you’re quoting the government and graphs. La Columna is independent. I have first hand information but I’m not speaking freely on a public forum.

  8. Sniderbaum is winning, hurray for Sniderbaum, hope she doesn't get controlled by the Cartels and want a free pass to do whatever they want.

    1. If she wasn't being controlled by them she would have already been shot too.

    2. 3:52
      That's what I thought đŸ€” too
      If she doesn't get dropped, she somehow will have to be in cahoots with them. Maybe to a certain percentage, perhaps they the Cartels already financed her campaigns, she can't renege on that.

    3. Cartels will be Manning the voter center's again?

    4. 11:42 “hope she isn’t controlled by cartels “ 😆 she’s already in cahoots with them and she’s AMLOS puppet she has to continue the same line as him

  9. That's nothing New.... Luis Donaldo Colosio... Got Dropped the same way

  10. This is seriously messed up.

  11. Obviously suicide mission, family prolly hostage or guaranteed dead if refusal.

  12. Gotta be scary living in Mexico these days, no hope for the people who mean good. Drug war will never end, cartels will only get stronger than they are in years to come

  13. The Democrat Party in the US would love elections in the US to look like those in Mexico, as long as its candidates are the one's coming out on top."

    1. 139
      Elections in Mexico and U.S. are the same.
      The people vote, and the candidate with the most votes wins.
      The aftermath of elections in Mexico and the U.S. are different in that the people of Mexico accept the results, even if their party loses, whereas in the states, some people whine like little bitches or try to riot because they are sore losers.
      Any questions?

    2. Isn’t trump the orange chimp trying to steal last election and still crying to grift cult uneducated fools? Hehehhe

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. The orange man loves Mexicans

  15. And Mexico now has a lady president who married a powerful cartel money manager for these benefits when she ran for president. Meet your new power couple, Mexico:
    El Banquero and El Lizard

    1. “El Lizard” what does that mean? are you a racist?


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