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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Breaking News: Cotija's Mayoress, Who Was Kidnapped Eight And A Half Months Ago In Zapopan, Killed In Cotija, Michoacan.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa was shot at least 19 times.

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

The mayor of Cotija, Michoacán, Yolanda Sánchez Figueroa was shot and killed by several individuals near the main square of the municipality she governed. This event took place 254 days after she was deprived of her freedom in Zapopan and released in Mazamitla.

According to preliminary reports, the municipal president was entering a gymnasium when she was attacked, while one of her bodyguards was wounded while trying to repel the aggression.

She died in the Los Reyes hospital while being treated, as she was shot at least 19 times.

The perpetrators fled, so the Government of Michoacán, through the State Security Secretariat, deployed an operation in the municipality and the surrounding area to find the perpetrators.

On September 23, Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa was deprived of her freedom at 6:55 p.m. at the intersection of Patria Avenue and Gabrielle D'Annunzio Street, in the Jardines de la Patria neighborhood in Zapopan.

Previously, the mayoress, accompanied by two women, left the exclusive Andares shopping plaza. After boarding a rented vehicle on Bulevar Paseo Andares street, to be taken to their destination in the Minerva area, the cab was intercepted at the intersection by armed men who took her away from her liberty.

Three days later, on September 26, she was released in the Magic Town of Mazamitla, where she took a bus to reach the municipality she governs.

Three people were arrested for her deprivation of liberty and charged.



  1. The wild wild West where anything and everything goes.

    1. Welcome to earth, where anything and everything goes in any country.

    2. Not in saudi arabia!!!!

    3. 3:30 he means Mexico!

    4. 7:15 Saudi is probably a little safer than Mexico.

  2. Most likely CJNG did this. They had it for her really badly. Surprised she survived this long. What a shame. Another governor who stood up against criminals is murdered. RIP my lady. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Governor of Michoacan is a corrupt P.O.S

    2. La Bruja is rumored to have killed her

    3. 2:58 she was working for CU

    4. So CJNG turned her in their favor? Probably makes sense because they let her live after she was kidnapped. This must've pissed of CU. Your damed if you do and your damed if you don't. Nuff Said!!!

    5. I don't count that as a sentence , neither does English Language.. Nuffy Galore..!

  3. I’m sure this is being investigated the pukes will be arrested tried and sent away!? NOT!

  4. CJNG... Claiming they are cleansing the town... Bola de putos

    1. She should have taken the hint and retired from public life after the levantón😔RIP

    2. @3:32 better than a bunch of emo rat snitches.

    3. Cds have killed hella innocents, especially journalists and underage girls. So stfu

    4. Why tf y’all in your feelings 5:56, 6:01 and why y’all bringing up cds? fanboys smh 🤦‍♂️

    5. No hablen de mi cartel favorito por que me ofendo como vieja!...
      Both sides are pathetic.

    6. @6.01. What has Sinaloa got to do with this thread? This is about Michoacan. Talk about the "hella innocents" when it's relevant.

    7. @750: Exactly.. Thank you. There's too many of these emotional People who scream the same thing in their messages over & over again,every time..Yet, they never add anything to the conversation. "Sinaloans are snitches". "It's Elmos fault", "When do we send the Army to wipe out the Cartels", and so on. Oh, forgot the most popular one "Sinaloans Are gay". People incapable of civilized adult conversation.. Who just scream their feelings in to the "Abyss". And one of the BB writers encourages it & takes part in this childish behaviour, so why wouldn't they.. I don't mind light banter, or Humor, but it's mostly just that same ol',same ol'. Half of the people are some sort of Edgelords & Sh*tposters. Yawn.! Still, I do appreciate BB Writers work, so I just mostly keep quiet. Better be quiet about things that will never change. "Mexico has a chance, BB Comments section, not so much".. Good Site, Bad comment section.

    8. @204
      You can say say his name. 🌞

  5. She had the chance to get out of town, start new life elsewhere, but very stubborn.

    1. @3,38. When did she have the chance to get out of town? You can't just run when you are caught between two opposing forces like that, unless you're prepared to leave dozens of younger and helpless family members in the hands of the people you are running from.

    2. She got a warning a year ago in zapopan, she did not listen, supported the contra, paid the price for her betrayal on mx.

  6. The things they did to her for a year:/

  7. Mis contactos en sinaloa me dicen que ayer en la noche entro a peten guatemala un peloton de 40 suburban y yukon fuertemente armados colgando mantas y arremangando con todo alv .. arguments a escuchado esta

    1. Tus contacts pero siempre le andas tirando a los de Sinaloa no te hagas wey de seguro te la comes con las fresitas de Jalisco o huarachudos de Michoacán hahaha

    2. Connor tu Papa Trumpito porque ya es felon covitado ya no tiene permiso de pistola, revocado.🏹🎯

    3. 6:38 ahi si no me le digas nada a mi cartel que viola a menores de edad porque moy a enojar! Pinche CDS son los mas sapos de todos

    4. 638pm callese guey no se enojeee alv haha

    5. Hey Connor ya papa trump is coming to California for a fundraiser his ass is going to get booed.👎 They don't want a convicted felon.
      People are saying he might have to register as a sex offender.

    6. That’s Mr. President to you….it must fry your ass to know that he will be getting historic high levels of Hispanic and Black votes to win…

  8. Breaking news? She been dead for days now.

    1. Breaking news da body is decomposing.

  9. Los de r5 took her out. Cjng only talked to her but corona is under la maniaka leadership since the army fights their wars

  10. We should give ALMO 6 more years to fix all of Mexicos problems.

  11. This trips me the hell out. Participants on this side see Governors, Mayors, the Mexican Military, State Police, Local Police and the politicians fighting the bad guys. Pendejos, they are all part of and connected to cartels and/or criminals. and furthermore, I wish we could investigate the levels of corruption through the systems in the US. But keep your blinders on and throw stupid comments. It’s comical.

    1. Ok panchito.

    2. There will always be this.
      Don’t trip
      It’s not unusual
      It’s politics baby

  12. OS, sorry but report that first human death from birdflu strain happened today in Mexico. This may be start of something brutal.

    1. There was once a lovely lady believed she was made of Teflon.
      A final destination was awaiting her.
      She never knew how she would expire, until the thinkable happened, she never made it to live her golden years..

      Tia Yolanda


    2. Keep taking your booster bud maybe you will live eternal.

    3. More brutal than….?

    4. Fucking bird flu guy
      Give it a rest

    5. You're supposed to EAT chickens, not DATE them!
      ❤️ 🐔 ❤️

    6. 10:02
      FINALLY a 🦎 junior with some panache..

    7. Lo tale agala shom ba son. Teglu ram mom da sal. Sole ramta gan dal elusee. Shelaydansa pam. Omas dall

    8. Bird Flu Kid is KING 👑

    9. Whater ever happened to Lizard is 👑

    10. 1:04
      Try to focus.
      Lizard 🦎 succumbed to the dirty bird flu, he will be remembered as a lagarto prince 👑🤨

    11. Watch the herd of human beings scarred after the news propaganda starts talking about swine flu.

    12. 812
      The media did make way too much of a fuss about that last pandemic brote..
      It was basically the goddam flu bug (with some tragic exceptions), mostly a case of the morbidly obese, elderly, and diabetics getting culled from the herd..
      Nothing new under the sun as far as viruses seeking human hosts, but only god knows what kinda devilish chemicals were in those vaccines they suckered so many people into letting themselves be injected with..

  13. In Mexico, crimes like this are commonplace. Citizens form vigilante groups, and then a few months later, they turn into cartels. It's a vicious cycle.

  14. a estos criminales la menor interferencia en sus negocios ,y te conviertes en blanco de ellos.....en cotija,jacona,jiquilpan,se mueve muchisima feria.y pos imaginate si no estan interesados en guardar el control ,estos criminales.............................

  15. Un michoa
    cano menos

  16. "Breaking news"?
    She was killed days ago.

    Borderlandbeat always with the fresh news.

    1. 11:37 Humm bug 🤔.
      And you want a metal?
      Gold or bronze 🥉.

  17. Cjng did attack cotija a week's ago and authorities from the 3 levels were called to action. Even neighboring police from los reyes(R5 people) helped repel the attack.

    Lady was between a rock and a hard place.
    One side CJNG other side R5 people.

  18. El 08 got her killed

  19. For today's shallowest comment of the day we have topps462- It's a good thing she was a Mayoress bcuz she damn sure couldn't be anything requiring even relative good looks!

    PS: Yes. I admit this comment puts me on the BB A-Hole List.


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