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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ovidio Guzman's Defense Asks For More Time To Review Evidence In Chicago; Next Hearing In October

 "CHAR" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

JUNE 17, 2024

The defense of Ovidio Guzmán, son of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo, asked for more time to review the evidence against his client in a Chicago court appearance this morning.

Ovidio's defense, led by attorney Jeffrey Lichtman, requested more time to review all the evidence, including recordings and reports, compiled by the U.S. government, reported The National Desk.

The El Raton appeared before Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, in a hearing designed to review the charges faced by the Mexican, and of which he pleaded not guilty in another hearing.

The judge set the next hearing for October 1, at 10:15 am.

Ovidio Guzmán López was arrested on January 5, 2023, in the Jesús María syndicate, in the municipality of Culiacán, and on September 15 of the same year, he was extradited to the United States, where he faced charges of drug possession with intent to traffic and distribute them in the US, criminal association, conspiracy to manufacture drugs, money laundering, and illegal possession of firearms for the exclusive use of the army.

Two days after being extradited, Guzmán López pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.


  1. Parece que se la van a dejar caer toda a este compita. Primero se burló de los militares y después se aisló mucho con el fentanilo, a huevo que lo iban a atorrar al morro, muchos muertos en el gabacho, y pues lo tuvieron que poner. Haber si tiene los mismos huevos pa tanto tiempo que le espera. Dejo a una señora bien señorona, ahora solterona

    1. Se la van a dejar caer pero encuanto sienta semejante cabezota va a decir "entonces no, ya no. Si quieren suelto toda la sopa".

    2. No , alejandra stay away from my esposo con tu papa dios

    3. No digas mmdas , aquí el
      Gobierno es corrupto en usa también jaja si este wey coopera en el país de soplones le rebajaran la sentencia mínima así funciona el sistema de justicia en el país de McDonald’s

    4. 3:49
      Pero como si no le ofrecen nada?

  2. Most of these dudes can't really say anything that the DEA already knows He would be walking free like mini lic Vicente zambada n Mayito gordo serafin all he has to do is say yes to everything they can't snitch Even if they wanted to DEA being doing these for 100 years 😂😂😂

    1. DEA knows everything but in order to shakedown higher ups for more $, they need them to cooperate and confirm what they know!

    2. 927 DEA doesn't need some dumb ass narcos money that's pocket change for them

    3. 12:39 DEA is self funded, you think they ask for 100's of dollars! Nope they say we have a case on you based on Testimony, 100Million is the prices for you to remain free!

  3. Their going to throw the book at him. I'm pretty sure that he's going to the same prison his dad is at in ADF Florence Colorado. They should wire a room for sound in that prison and put both El Raton and El Chapo in there together. Listen to them and see if they can collect some valuable information. Raton might give up his brother's location. Man I should work for the DEA. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Yeah thinks I'm guilky

    2. Nuff ok nuff !!! Ruff ruff errrr

    3. 10:34pm I'm sorry. I had too many whiskeys with Buffy. Nuff Said!!!

    4. 10:34
      Yeah, they're is the "contraction" of...
      they are.
      Reliance on Spelchek, and general ignorance, laziness, stupidity all are contributing factors at play here.
      The they're/their kids are the reason that even the most lighthearted grammar policeman gets an ulcer.

    5. Police are on high alert today for those smash and grabs , it's juneteenth bro ok so look at your calendar

  4. His nickname says it all🐀

    1. PLEASE don't GILK trip me

    2. Wait a minute, you're right, the t isn't close to the k on any keyboard

    3. Gilk not mlk its juneteenth today bro

  5. Who is he to rat on ?
    Amlo maybe ?
    I think if he offered his brothers location he would have a chance.
    But that ship has sailed.
    He is a fentanyl boss he won't get a deal.

  6. My hairs falling out over it

  7. He’s done ! Life without .

  8. He still thinks he has a chance?

  9. Replies
    1. El ratón was the son of chapo that stained his hands with blood for his brothers to stay clean. Ivan is going to do everything in his power to spend his dad’s money making sure Ovidio takes the hit for all the drug and murder cases that are open on the chapitos cartel. With that said you are 100 percent correct, Alfredo and Ivan will do the worst which is give information that will expose other operators that worked for or with Ovidio during his murders and fent sales. They will sacrifice the entire Sinaloa organization to walk free, time will tell.

  10. These scumbags know once the extradition order's signed they are through. Unlike in MX where top dogs can pay off guards to escape, if a judge actually locks em up to begin with, here it's game over prick!

    It's funny how fast these drug lords turn from coldblooded killers to crybaby cupcakes in the US. Chapo started crying the minute he landed in Brooklyn. Every request he makes is denied. Even denied a good bye forever hug from his girls!

    I'd imagine every complaint his attorney files against the prison staff is true. I'm sure they do everything they can to make his stay as miserable as possible. Which is sorta what prison is all about.

    The Supermax was created to break these pricks and it surely does that.Locked up 23 hours a day in complete isolation with virtually no family visits will destroy the human mind. That's the mission.

    The other stuff like not having paper or stamps for letters, leaving cell lights on 24/7, waking him up every hour or so, limiting access to medical treatment (unless life threatening) banning hot sauce, and his little foot stool he needs to shit! They do those things just to torment him. The more he complains the more they will do.
    The more he will cry!

  11. These scumbags know once the extradition order's signed they are through. Unlike in MX where top dogs can pay off guards to escape, if a judge actually locks em up to begin with, here it's game over prick!

    It's funny how fast these drug lords turn from coldblooded killers to crybaby cupcakes in the US. Chapo started crying the minute he landed in Brooklyn.

    I'd imagine every complaint his attorney files against the prison staff is true. I'm sure they do everything they can to make his stay as miserable as possible. Which is sorta what prison is all about.

    The Supermax was created to break these pricks and it surely does that.Locked up 23 hours a day in complete isolation with virtually no family visits will destroy the human mind. That's the mission.

    The other stuff like not having paper or stamps for letters, leaving cell lights on 24/7, waking him up every hour or so, limiting access to medical treatment (unless life threatening) banning hot sauce, and his little foot stool he needs to shit! They do those things just to torment him. The more he complains the more they will do.

    1. Today I have to go to class man those English classes suck I don't like geography. My mom said if I don't do good in school, I will be selling oranges and flowers man that's fuked

    2. It's juneteenth there's always those smash and grabs

    3. 10:54 are you in love with Juneteenth?
      Your mentioning it all over town.
      Kid don't forget your periods.😂

    4. 10:54
      Those people you hate are living rent free in your mind, you're drinking poison expecting someone else to get hurt.

    5. Do they let you have access to 13 yr old girls in supermax?
      If not, El Chapo gonna get bored

  12. The reason criminal organizations prosper is because of strategic thinking models borrowed from the business world. After his first arrest, his carnales knew it was just a matter of time before he got popped again because he had been exposed to law enforcement. He was removed years ago from day to day operations and relegated to a supervisory task of producing fentanyl.

  13. Seems innocent to me from his elementary teacher look. Probably doubles as an accountant or math teacher.

    1. @11am Sadly he has the brains to have been either. He chose the cars, planes, mansions, and $$$ he has ALWAYS had.

  14. @ the court drawing. What kind of likeness is that?

  15. He will spend the rest of his life in prison . The US government will not offer him any deals neither his brothers . Before mayonesa dies he will turn in the chapitos to avoid them from taking over CDS. You heard it here first.

  16. This guy singing like a choir boy in church

  17. They "need more time" to review the evidence. That's for damn sure after all there must be 1000's of pages of real evidence!! How many of these animals need to go on trial in the US before they realize they have zero chance?? Zero!!!


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