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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sad Reality: Operativa MZ-Operative MZ Recruiting Young Indigenous Hitman From Durango Mountains To Join Their Ranks

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This video was published by blogdelosguachos published on June 2, 2024

The following video depicts a young Indigenous boy from the Durango mountains recruited by Operativa MZ (Mayo Zambada). Operativa MZ is an armed wing led by Los Cabrera Sarabia brothers from Durango, and they answer to the Ismael 'Mayo' Zambada Garcia criminal organization. 

"The new elements of the “Mayiza”, Indigenous children from the mountains of Durango being recruited by the “operative MZ” to go fight or hawk in the state of Zacatecas.

I do not deny that there are young people forced or tricked into working in organized crime, that is a reality, but in a much smaller percentage than the young people who enter by their own decision, most of them influenced by other family members, friends or even their parents."


  1. Zambadas taking a playbook from hamaz lol

    1. Hamas taking a playbook from Zambada.

    2. Taking a playbook from terrorist group IDF

    3. Damm just like hamas and palestines all terrorists alv

    4. 8:20 who bombed the hospital and tried to blame IDF? Your guys did this and this is happens all over the place. Add your weirdo love for martyrs to it and everbody know who the terrorists are. But keep on admiring the religious child molesters.

    5. 10:06 Damn, your ignorance is blinding, too damn bright. Vajale un poquito no? Porfa. Or enlighten yourself with facts so you won’t sound so damn stupid when repeating nonsense.

    6. 10:06, your Rabbis still abusing children with gross circumcision?

    7. who the F is Hamas? puro mexico mijo

    8. Can't stand you damn hamas sympathizers..go live there and help rebuild if you wanna help 8:20 cus Israel shouldn't have to anymore

    9. I can’t stand you terrorist group IDF sympathizers …who went from having the support of the world on your side after what happened on oct 7th and some how you guys managed to screw that up bad with your blind and un -targeted, un -profesional response and relentless killing of innocents to now having the whole world realize who the real terrorist are and were this whole time : IDF are and have been the real terrorists.

    10. 7:39 they have had enough of hamas and the Palestinians support for hamas. Enough is enough. Wipe em' out

    11. @6:13 who else are they supposed to support ? The sick murdering cowards of the IDF who killed their kids and women in the thousands and continue to attack and kill everyone . Yeah right . The world is getting tired of seeing kids murdered indiscriminately due to the lack of intelligence on Israel . They are clearly a corrupt incompetent government .

    12. CDS (Mayo, and Chaputos), CJNG and all DTO's are terrorists!

  2. 😂😂😂 but but but but!!! Only CJNG does it!!!!!

    1. Cjng forcefully against their will threatens em to do messed up rituals to join. These ones seem to want to join willingly because of the positive propaganda they have in their corridos. Hay esta la diferencia

    2. 1:48 😂😂😂😂 CJNG just skips this part but at the end both cartels do the same shit, CJNG kidnappes 13 and over and CDS brain washes them since they are 8, you tell me whats the difference 🤷🏼‍♂️

  3. I have a cousin from Durango where our family is from who was actually in the Military. Next thing we know apparently he’s working with these guys now, Grupo Flechas

    1. Dont bitch about when he gets borrado del mapa. He is involved and deserves the death for betraying la patria.

    2. 10:08 Lol “Betray la patria” you’re in the wrong website mija. This blog dedicates to stories about groups who are dedicated to doing the opposite of supporting the “patria” . If you side and think then government is here to help its own citizens, you’re clearly a menso.

    3. 10:08 this particular group are more Mexican nationalist then the corrupt government that sells Mexico out and are not even descendants of real Mexican natives. Also the uniformed authorities that also steal they all take money from civilians. I’ve seen it in Mexico and have heard a lot of podcast where former military people confess how they all steal.

    4. 1:51 bud if they were more mexican they would bever join a cartel

    5. 1:51 Uniformed Mexican authorities are just as horrible I literally seen them in pueblos steal hard working people’s vehicles and cruise around in them , that’s why everyone hates Mexican autoridades

    6. 1:51 this is why military anywhere in the world should not become a police force across streets.
      Even in the US the military seldom come out to assist in anything police matters except like maybe the LA riots after the Rodney king beating. Even then when the military was sent they were all but unarmed and mostly just used as a show of force. They did not carry their individual weapons even.
      Military or heavily armed individuals do much harm if given the chance. Perhaps not all but even just a few can mees uppp everything.

    7. 6:41 bud they join because their own Mexican government don’t give a f about them nor provide any support

    8. Fuck mexican government and fuck the cartels but if I had to choose one it wouldn't be the sorry ass cartels!!

  4. Doesn't surprise me one bit just like CDS force the indigenous in chihuahua to work for them.
    CDS and all Mexican cartels are scum!!

    1. Se van x gusto

    2. @9:50 no todos

    3. 1:27 la mayoria son forzados

  5. Hope we don't see him in a beheading video soon. Or at least he's the one doing the beheading and not the one being beheaded.

  6. He won’t even last one month

  7. Zambadas power here on earth will not be anything in hell. Where the devil and his angels await him in the lake of fire.
    El Cura

    1. We need to drown you in holy water

    2. Where's an exorcist when you need one?

  8. luchadores por la raza

  9. That is just sad. And the music they added to the background thinking it's cool. Nomames

    1. They should’ve at least used some ACDC

  10. Pinche putillos de Sinaloa embarrando de mierda a niños innocentes.
    "Pero Sinaloa no matan niños" dicen los putillos porristas de estos.
    Claro que si matan a niños.
    Esto es matar a niños.
    Tambien un niño no distingue de otro niño queriendo decir que estos como tiradores le tiran a niños tambien.
    Mas mierda no pueden salir estos de Sinaloa.

    1. K traes con los de Sinaloa andas ardido seguro a tu vieja de la pico un bato de sinaloa

    2. 9:25 Hace unos 30 años un puto originario de Sinaloa mato a un buen amigo mio porke no le pudo quitar su novia de mi amigo.
      Como el no la pudo tener mato a mi amigo para que este no tuviera tampoco.
      Desde entonces me di cuenta lo mierda que pueden ser los de Sinaloa.
      Y aunque digas que donde quieras pueden ser haci la gente esto no quiere decir que los de Sinaloa no son haci.
      Para que sepas mierdas.

    3. 9;25 Matando a niños da coraje guey.
      Si te gusta matar a niños empiesa con los tuyos pedaso de escoria Mexicana!!

    4. 10:00 Hay gueyes pendejos asi donde sea. Gente tapada y debiles que no valen ver…Asi como hay gente que son leña en todo los estados. Si esa es la razon que no te cae la raza de Sinaloa, vas a terminar odiando al mundo entero compa. Es mojor borrar a esa gente patética…Y créeme camarada, esa gente me da asco por lo debil que son y por su forma de pensar. Y no soy de Sinaloa pa que lo sepa. Aquí puro Tamaulipas, asi que no se lo digo por defender a Sinaloa, si no porque asi es la vida.

    5. calla te inche lloron waa waa waa

    6. 12:05 como dije.
      Solo porke ay gente haci donde queria no quiere decir que en Sinaloa no son mierdas
      Aparte aqui se demuestra que son mas culos todavia con niños.
      No quieran que me quede callado.
      Con niños no se juega.

    7. Nuke Sinaloa!

  11. Y los mierdas de Sinaloa con sus mierdas ideas de matar a niños poniendolos de carne de cañon.
    Pinche Zambada culo.
    Matese usted si es tan chingon.

    1. 2:14 a un pinche adulto no lo puedes callar tan rapido como a un niño pinche animal.
      Solo con armas y en montones as de poder como todo aquel rajado que se dice valiente solo por pertenecer a un cartel.
      No saben pelear solos y sin armas.

  12. BLM Cartel hires fatherless offspring of EBT Queens for shoplifting and murder. They all hope to one day their hero Fetty Floyd.

    1. Is that you SIR?

    2. They’re supported by MAGA. Republicans just shift all the blame to illegals

    3. Facts..."I can't breeve"

    4. Here we go with this stupid shit Again. That has nothing to do with Mexico or Any Cartels.

  13. Generational poverty and ptsd gauranteed. Nothing ever changes in Mex for the poor.

    1. Can you still call it ptsd if you grow up with it and you never experienced peace and this becomes your new normal? I think this is one of the big mistakes in modern psychology. We might read and write, play with numbers and fly to the moon but we are still just a caveman with better clothing.

    2. 10:15
      Fly me to the moon
      Let me play among the stars
      Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars
      In other words hold my hand
      In other words baby kiss me
      Fill my heart with song
      And let me sing forever more
      You are all all I long for
      All I worship and adore
      In other words please be true,
      In other words
      I love you

    3. "Momma I cant Breeve"

  14. Sinaloa cheerleader to the rescue to defend their machos in 3..... 2..... 1........

  15. Puro Mexicanos! Why would you call em indigenous?!

  16. Pobre gente
    Son usados, jamás saldrán de su círculo marginal

  17. Norteños have always hated indigenous Mexicans but cry when Los Gabachos discriminate them

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Does this means they are so desperate to gather new people due to the high losses inflicted by the jaliscas?

    1. I would say high losses on both sides CDs looks to be winning but if they are running out of recruits that may change.

    2. 1:28 its 50/50 as long as both have money none is gonna win, we are talking about the 2 weathiest cartel in mexico, only way one can take the other out is with the help of the government, but the government is also fighting each other, so nothing is gonna change any time soon

  19. Cuando éramos pobrecitos
    Y el gobierno se hacía el ciego
    Él fue el que nos dio la mano
    Por eso le agradecemos

    Así somos en la sierra
    Un favor nunca se olvida
    Siempre se paga con creces
    Hasta con la misma vida

    1. Pinche ignorantes. Si quieren pagar alguna deuda dejen que lo hagan los adultos.
      Estos niños no le deben ni madres a Zambada aunque tal ves los padres de estos si.
      Ellos tienen na vida por delante.
      Si Zambada es tan buena persona no les cobraria ni madres por ayuda y menos cobro de sangre.
      Esto queires decir que Zambada no es bueno y punto.

    2. I once was poor.
      I knew I had goals in life.
      I needed someone to give me the key to happiness.
      I'm proud to have a job and a family..

      Rosa Parks


    3. 12:10
      Fugazi 🦎..
      Pena, pena..
      🦎 🐊

    4. Go to the back and be quiet @12:10


    5. Hey 2 period 🦎 lizard.
      Hope Sniderbaum can end up doing a better job than grampa 😁.

    6. @1210
      Rosa Parks very classy lady, lived a long, loving life..

  20. Ohhh... We didn't know CJNG only recruit grown men

    1. Grown men who can’t fight and lose plazas jaja

    2. and only kill grown ass men… even though they kill women and kids. Delusional ass mfs lol

  21. No light-skinned sicarios from Culiacan or Durango available??? There’s a song by La Plebada de Mexicali named Los Solicitados that states sicarios in Mexican Baja Ca. Norte are big time playboys because they’re “light skinned or white complexion” ….. funny stuff.

  22. It beats herding sheep in la sierra

    1. 🤦‍♂️Que ignorancia tan bárbara

  23. On this site all we hear is MZ owns Zacatecas. Obviously not if they have to recruit babies to fight CJNG. Pathetic

  24. Up in northern Mexico they really discriminate against Dark skinned folk.

    1. Thats not true most people don’t. I have heard the term Indio, indígena being said in a derogatory manner more from people from central Mexico than northern Mexicans. The biggest dipsihts that are like that are regios, a lot will discriminate dark skinned Mexicans. but most people in north Mexico are not like that.

  25. Pura Gente dedo del groupo Mayonesa

  26. It’s easy for someone like us that lives in the states and that has a good roof over our heads and a meal every day to judge them or their parents. But if you spend a single week living like them or with them you’d would notice how different and difficult their life is.

    1. Yep, don't judge somebody until you've walked a mile in their moccasins!

  27. When have they not done this. A day in the way of Mexico.

  28. All cartels are recruiting kids and central americans etc. Some like jaliscas have colombians doing the fighting for them. It dont matter. Cannon fodder.

  29. And to think. One of these mountain folks will be the next Mayo or Chapo or ABL etc etc


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