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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sonora WarZone: Los Chapos-Los Deltas Captured Five Alleged Members Of Los Salazares In Sonora. Warning Graphic Video

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat  

This video was published by LaMasakr3 on X 


The all-out war of criminal organizations in Sonora continues, and the cruelty shown in the dozens of videos published has made us all numb at this point. 


The video below shows alleged members of Los Salazares captured by Deltas an armed wing of Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. Important to remember that Los Chapitos and Los Salazares officially broke off their alliance. 


" Deltas: Deltas are dogs, right dude? yes or no Deltas are dogs? 

Captive: yes Deltas are dogs 

Deltas: And Los Salaz? the Salaz can suck it right? "


  1. I think this is revenge for the los chaputos video put out recently. These guys are most likely already dead meat. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Which came first? "Nuff Said" or the "I have spoken" alien on the Mandalorian show. jajajajajaja

    2. Yeah sure, whatever makes you sleep better with your fantasies.

    3. What does nuff said mean? Is it cringe reddit vernacular

    4. It is nuff. Honestly I don't see the Salazar Cazadores winning . Seems toe IAG has the gov backing so we all know how that goes

    5. Many BB users have 2 d
      Usernames for example "Nuff Said" is "Scottish Zeta' its obvious by the lame comments..
      "Connor " is really " SIR "
      "Rubio NYC" is really " Sol Prendido'

    6. 9:44.. i kinda thought Sol was 🐊👑

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. @4:37am 'Nuff said is short for enough said. As in, end of story.

    9. 944 Sol just living rent free in your little brain. Maybe try counselling?

    10. 9:44 you forgot emoji kid . He has like 3 alter egos

    11. James Brown can't believe the teacher by day and safe house theif by night is gone, it's been over two years already.

    12. The idiot who says “nuff said” is literally the definition of cringe….probably the most awkward inbred saying I’ve ever heard

    13. 9:44
      Your wrong on every count.

      Scottish Zeta was English Zeta.

      Sol had a two or three nick names that started with "sol" or "so".

      Rubio is Rubio but others are using his name now.

      As for Connor, who knows who the fack is he or why he's been MIA lately.

    14. @James Brown. If only it was the end of the story.
      Say No More.... NO WAIT, I got loads of other shit to say.... COME BACK!!!!

  2. All skinny and shit, damn meth and coke heads are one their final destination in the back of a Tacoma TRD off road packaged truck. Imagine their life flashing before their eyes.

    1. Very nice truck btw. They probably don’t eat enough plus food out there in rural areas is not as processed. They don’t look unhealthy & boney. Just have a thin ectomorph body

    2. 2231
      Cuál rural?
      Se ve q eres chilango

  3. Nuff waddup. Yo are you referring to the guys that did that little porn clip? I honestly hope that these dudes don’t get into putting rivals to do shit like that again.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Rubio thinks the comments section is to develop a friendship and talk about his clothes. Char is not falling for it.
      Nuffy is not falling for it. He lost Sol
      And needs something to cling to, can't independently be solo or he goes loco.

    2. This guys rubio act is getting old

    3. 2:43 no period kid just don't read his comments and you will survive 😭.

  4. Although. I do have an interesting theory. You know certain drugs make you lose or blur that line while on them ( white, Tina ).

    But I hope this site does better and doesn’t put any of that up.

    Thank you Char

    Rubio NYC

    1. Orale Red panties Rubio 🤣

    2. Why? Does it make you question your masculinity?

  5. SMDH..BEYON EVIL. The killers will have thie day too! It's a vicious cyle. KARMA!

  6. Fools got caught slipping! Rip

  7. At one point these guys were allies. Working under the umbrella of Chapo Guzman.

  8. It's The Twilight Zone around here

  9. at this point Sonora is the worse state.. like 7 different groups operating at war

    1. It’s another Tamaulipas except they actually push weight through and they rarely mess with civilians … aqui en Tamaulipas hasta el de Los pollos roatisados paga cuota .. estamos bien jodidos

    2. Sonora está igual, todos cobran cuota, especialmente en Caborca, Nogales, Hermosillo. En AP no hay cuota, los Paredes controlan

    3. @en el lado pegado a Chihuahua esta mas controlado. Al otro lado de sonora esta todo descontrolado. Hay muchas guerras seguido.

  10. Pobrecita la familia de estos jóvenes, la familia es la que pierde. Los narcos los artistas tumbados y los gobiernos son los que ganan lamentablemente. Yo peleo por lo mío, mi familia mi casa mi raza

  11. It's about time the chappitos Cartel, gets even with the other cartels that have been butchering them.
    Chappitos. Other Cartels
    1 kills 46 kills

  12. There's a saying in the game live fast die young and leave a beautiful corpse but I wanna live forever after this life with Jesus

  13. We all know who enojon is.

  14. They are speaking in Spanish colloquial slang with double entendre so, when the say "estan perros" they don't literally mean they are "dogs" but that they are "badass" and, thus, making fun of them because they've been captured.


    1. Mijo go back a few days, he made it to an article in here, with 306 comments, which stopped there, because it blew a head gasket
      No no no he did not get sliced in Mexico or something like that, but yet he made it in as an article.

    2. 1:52
      Compita, that article doesn't state WHERE Sol went, only that he left because he blew a head gasket.

    3. 2:09 that's private and personal where he went, that keeps nosey birds away.

    4. 2:58
      That's true.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. @sol i think u cool vato. Theres fans n haters in everything now a days. Question tho, why Did gente nueva split in sonora.

    7. All those haters Sol is around and comes in to read. Watch what you say.
      You know you were in the wrong.
      Sol I knew you had went to greener pastures, no more being a punching bag,by the reddit kids.

      El Nemesis

    8. @ 8:19

      The capture of El Cazador or El Chubeto plus el Durango both very close to Chapitos created all the aftermath

      Los Cazadores and Los Durangos went to war with each other (El Cazador vs El Durango after they got captured)

      Then Los Salazares also split from Chapitos

      So you have Salazares - Cazadores vs Chapos - Pelones- Durangos - Deltas and so on

    9. @El Nemesis,

      Are you threatening people? Watch what we say?

    10. 10:58 be cool we don't want road rage in here not worth it bro.



    11. 2:43
      What are you on about? A question was asked.

    12. 5:45 crybaby 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

    13. 10:10
      You're a strange person.

    14. @8.51. El Nemesis. "Punching bag for the Reddit kids"? Is that a joke?
      The Reddit Kids LOVED Sol. It was the people who really gave a shit about innocent teens being tortured and murdered who hated him uploading every single thing that popped up on his phone, things he never took the time to understand or check, and they hated his chuckling banter with his mates in the comments. "Don't shoot the messenger" only applies if the messenger keeps their mouth shut.

  16. CDS and CJNG going at it in Leon GTO


  17. All these Stupid morons... With their " Nuff said" fukn buffoons... All these pipes want to imagine they are black

  18. Shows Chapo really had power in Sonora when he was around, all these cats would report to a Chapo LT

    1. Yes its proof the Chapo faction of CDS is in major decline

  19. I like Sol Plendido's reporting the best. Reddit kids, also known as Sinaloa fan babies, are annoying.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 12:31 1:48 day 5 of y'all ladies still crying for y'all's man 😂. I haven't seen no CDS propaganda so what y'all crying about ?

    3. 2:32 hillbilly heeeehawwee
      They let you too?

    4. Hey 2:32 is that you hillbilly Joe
      Since Sol is gone your able to get in.

    5. 4:17 6:13 I have always been here andu comments always pass . I wonder why ? Oh yes I know why . Because I'm neutral. Something obviously y'all are not

    6. 1216
      Hillbilly Joe whad up dude why they call you hillbilly. Are you a moon shiner.?

  20. Char waddup today I woke up with a toothache I put some illegal Lidocaine and now I feel better. What you going to have for lunch?
    You know man I just don't understand why Mexicans are killing Mexicans.
    What's ya doing for Friday, man I just can't wait for the weekend to arrive.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Rubio NYC has no idea that lidocaine, procaine, and benzocaine are uncontrolled over the counter molecular substances which can be acquired for less than $.10 per gram, shipping included.

    2. @01:04 don’t worry they rape and kill the migrants and tourists too.

    3. Char is in here to keep us informed, he avoids any personal issues others in here are trying to create. I don't know why this nimcompoo keeps trying to pester him every which way he can.
      Perhaps he is an invalid and stays home all day on the computer.

    4. @rubio well in the United states hispanics not only mejicanos, felt oppressed by uncle sam. They clicked together because team work makes the dream word but found out pretty quick they don't like how the guy standing next to them mad dogs them. Somos envidiosos la neta planeta

  21. That shit is realer than cancer

  22. Loooooooool at 104. char I hope you know that’s not me. Wow I’m going to stop writing. Just to let you know. This is getting a bit ridiculous and I don’t want someone to say something that does sounds like me ( cause right now they sound like pure idiots ). Jesus you guys are lucky you’re not infront of me.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Some of us are not complete dumb-asses someone is getting very excited pretending to be rubio

    2. I wonder 🤔 why rubio gets picked on by dumb assumptions... could it be because he doesn't stick to commenting about the article.
      Wants to endorse the companies that make panties, I think they go better on a lady. Then he pesters the writers.
      And he wonders why they pick on him.

  23. I’ll stick to reading. Only thing I ever said was that there was some hypocrisy here. But at least the only thing Sol did. Was delete all the comments that he knew weren’t me from the idiots on here. I honestly thought the site would improve. But I see that I need to step away from commenting. Any future comments will not be from me
    Rubio. Hec. Or when I was going to be a writer in here Pan Blanko. The comment before this one before me. And the comment where I said that I don’t bully people was also me. And a comment to Nuff was me. But this shit is now getting stupid. I know some of you are Mexicans. I hope you get a nice present some day in your country. ( and that I mean )

    Rubio NYC

    1. Rubio ? Hmmmm stop trying to make a manta, sounds childish

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Pan Blanko is KING!!!

    4. Have you noticed the comments are back to normal, when Rubio is not in here.🤔

    5. This guy is getting old with his rubio shit

  24. Sol is running for president against Biden and trump. Sol will run as a third party.

  25. Hi i live in Sonora, people here are concerned, not wanting to drive certain roads taking security precautions. Where did this event happen? I know caborca, slrc, guaymas area up to obregon are hot. Have not heard anything from agua prieta or nogales.

  26. Aren’t Los Delta part of CNJG? Los Deltas are mentioned in Lou Lou by Natanael Cano. “ Los delta siempre nos cuidan” “ Pa'l señor de la M, acá en GDL” and “ Como si fuera Drake, me muevo en las blindadas
    Pero él no es el patrón, son cuatro letras”. So CNJG and CDS have armed wings named the same?

    1. These deltas are from Chapos faction

  27. No Rubio. You couldn't write to save your LIFE..! You are cringe-lord.. Go back doing splits in front of your mirror and watching Van Damme Movies. What kind of a man talks about "His Kick's" on a BB Comments section,unironically..? A Keyboard Commando named Rubio from Nyc.. We are from all over the world, but all you can think is to tell us how "You would beat us all, if you ever saw us".. in real life.. What are you 14..? Or 64..? Have a nice retirement Boobio.

  28. 5:26
    Ese Rubio causing mayhem in here again.
    LoL 😂 Keyboard Commando from NYC.
    He thinks he is smarter than anyone in here
    Trump ego mentality.

  29. Few things, DEA says coca being grown in western michoacan in a big quantity. US Border Patrol agents are being arrested for working for cartels an finally, 10 dead bodies just found south of Nogales?

  30. Dude in the black t-shirt still breathin

  31. Thousands of americans moved to México without immigration papers or visas. Mexican government just deported 240, 000 americans back to USA last month. Said thst they are ruining México and raising the prices of everything and making life difficult for mexicans. Americans and Canadians have done same thing in Costa Rica, Panama. Belize and Colombia.

    1. "Mexican government just deported 240,000 Americans back to USA last month"
      Averages out to about 8,000 per day.
      ...Ah, yeah, ok, that must be true if you say so.

    2. Who can i send the article to? It was published all over. Give me your contacg info and ill send it.

    3. 1146 post link right here

    4. @5:55
      Still waiting patiently


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