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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

'Who Authorized Them To Stick Their Spoon Into Our Affairs?' AMLO Lashes Out Against The DEA

 "CHAR" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 


Mexico City - Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, lashed out at the DEA after issuing an opinion on the reform of the Judicial Branch, stating that organized crime would nominate judges and ministers with such changes.

In Wednesday's morning conference from the National Palace, López Obrador questioned: "Who is the DEA to put their spoon in our affairs".

"I believe that their point of view is taken into account, but they should act prudently, because Mexico is an independent country and to put it colloquially, but with all due respect, who are they to decide on matters that correspond to Mexicans? Who authorized them to stick their spoon in our affairs?" he accused.

The Mexican president indicated that it is as if he were complaining about why Genero García Luna, former Mexican Secretary of Public Security guilty of drug trafficking in the U.S., has not been sentenced.
It is as if I were to give an opinion on why they are not informing about the extension of the deadlines to judge García Luna, after they have been dragging their feet for I don't know how long and dragging their feet, but it is not my place to get involved in that, they have their own procedures," he said.

López Obrador asked the U.S. agency to be "more prudent, more respectful" for the matters that correspond to Mexicans.

And we say it in a good way, as friends," said the Mexican president.

What did the DEA say about the Judicial Branch reform?

It was the national daily El Universal who reported that the DEA circulated an internal document that the election of judges and ministers by popular vote, the main initiative of the reform to the Judicial Branch, would open the door for Mexican cartels to nominate their lawyers as candidates.

"The 13 cartels that dominate the Mexican Republic are preparing to take local judiciaries by storm," it was reported.


  1. Grampa is leaving soon leave the DEA alone still butthurt for when Cienpedos was arrested 🤣.

    1. He needs shake n bake for his fried hush puppies today

    2. Let me tell you Barr sent Cienpedos home to preserve Mexico’s collaboration with the United States in fighting the drug trade. But then Barfs arrest and its aftermath had the opposite effect pissing off EMLO and shutting down counterdrug cooperation between the two countries. Less than two months after his return, Mexican prosecutors exonerated Cienpedos after a
      Mickey Mouse investigation exposing the impunity with which the military has operated in the drug fight. The fact that the US authorities arrested Cienpedo shows that they are honest and Mexico is a failed state! Nuff Said!!!

    3. He's probably going to get arrested as well blame the Americans all you want ELMO your day is coming. The American hands are being forced because of fent and I thank them for it.

    4. AMLO is still going to be in power even is he’s not president, dummy

    5. Granda ELMO is sus.

    6. 11:37 are you 12 years old?
      I'm going to tell on your mom.

    7. 11:37 thats a big fact!

    8. 11:22 am Everyone this is not the real Nuff Said, you can tell because I actually support AMLO and would never call him EMLO. The Real Nuffy Duffy Nuff Said!!!

    9. 11:37 you are almost correct, we are going to see GRANMA ELMO now rather than grandpa in office🐙

    10. The US government is so ignorant because it’s run by cowards. US is ran the way the biggest criminals want it run. Mexico is ran the way there system was created just like every other country. You can’t run Mexico like USA and you can’t run Canada like you run the UK. They have there own systems to run countries look at Puerto Rico which is part of USA but it is ran completely differently than USA because it has to. What happened when US tried to force our system of government on Afghanistan… The country collapsed in matter of weeks.

  2. So the article by El Universal is claiming the DEA said the cartels would nominate their candidate for the Mexican population to vote in? Right now judges are appointed by congress, whose not to say these corrupt politicians who are taking bribes from the cartels, are already appointing crooked judges who rule in favor of the cartels. I mean, how many times have we not heard of these criminals being released by these crooked judges on some bogus technicality? And then you come to find out they have a record for doing this.... Giving the people the option to vote for a judge or vote out a judge is a way better option then allowing politicians to appoint these judges. These politicians from the old gaurd are corrupt. The DEA really should mind their own business and clean up the shit show that's going on at LAX.

    1. Oh, the judiciary system isn't corrupt in's rotten!! They've tried to lock some up for it but others impeded in the case and it didn't go nowhere. In Veracruz and I forgot where else. And that was a low level judge. Norma Piña in the supreme court is hell a rotten and she's the main judge that decides what cases are heard, which ones they are going to settle, which ones they are going to postpone, etc. look at all the fools they've let go. They just released Mencho's brother not that long ago. It's not just cartels that have benefited. They've impeded reforms that would have benefited Mexico to fight crime, corruption or just plainly benefited the average Mexican. Something needs to happen with that judiciary system. They don't even try to hide the corruption no more and give ridiculous excuses as to why they let someone go at times. It's bad.

    2. @11:10 there is no denying there are corrupt judges. However, to open the process to election where there is an estimated criminal influence in 85% of Mexico invites a different level of corruption. In areas controlled by criminal organizations they decide who’s going to get elected. You’re going to see judges in the future get assassinated at a rate equal to politicians. It’s a horrible idea and it will constitute an expansion of organized crime influence and control.

    3. @11:10 shh they don’t like hearing the truth little do you know how much they have control of the dope game to the weed game in Cali. DEA has appointed the families they want running thangs in Cali i can’t speak for any other state but I’m seeing the get down on how they have shit sorted out here in Cali

    4. @415 I think you’ve watched one too many episodes of narcos. Your Netflix subscription is suspended.

    5. 😂🤦‍♂️ which political party has had more members in Congress since 2018? I get it, it's their time to steal, can't make a big fuss since PRI stole for so many years and PAN when they had consecutive presidencies. Don't forget AMLO was a part of PRI.
      Then PRD.
      Over 20 years in control of México DF. Same old shit.
      "Super peso" turning into the "receding peso".

    6. 843... and that's exactly why Mexico has been on the road to progress. The tide has turned. I take it you're one of those whos sole focus is cartel issues and the homicide rate while looking past the rest of Mexicos social and economic achievements. Phase 1 of the cuarta transformacion was a success, now phase 2 is underway. More reforms more progress.

    7. 8:43 What article did you read??? This is about judges and the judicial system, not AMLO. But to shine some light on your comment, yeah, AMLO was part of the PRI a few decades back, but that's pretty much all there was back then, PRI. PAN was around but more at a local level and a bit at state level. And yeah, he was from and helped start PRD, but he left it because he seen what it was becoming. As for running DF for 20 yrs, one, it's not DF no more, CiudadMx, and two, you definitely don't know what you're talking about there. Look into it instead of just assuming.

    8. 11:52 enlighten me on the "social achievements" México has attained in this presidential term?
      12:11 in the 2012 presidential elections AMLO was the PRD candidate. Not that long ago. Anyways, keep being a fan.

    9. 1126 Enlighten you? Uff que hueva.

  3. DEA needs to get the fuck on

  4. what a fucked up country, WHat a fucked up race of people. Mexico. All judges will now be elected and the DEA says they will be electing whoever the drug cartels tell them to elect. AMLO is not happy. Corrupt little prick

    1. If you only knew what the dea is all about, why garcia luna hasn't been sentenced and if the cartel is appointing the judges guess who runs the cartels? Learn mfer

    2. You're an idiot and are just siding with the DEA with out knowing shyt about wtfu is going on. And faq you and your idiotic opinion. I'm Mexican and proud of it. And if you want to continue this conversation in person, I'm in South Central L.A. Let me know if you're in the area and I'll be more than happy to oblige.

    3. Pinche nino no sabes lo que dices.
      Middle school gibberish talk.🤣😂😭

    4. 12:14 homie ya gonna shoot 11:31 just for making a childish comment. Then your ass will be in prison for life.
      Then everyday you wake up in prison, then what you gonna say? TV dinners for life

    5. @12:14 Bro. You're embarrassing. And I'm a Mexican saying this.

  5. This is AMLO doung what he does best, appealing to his average Joe base by using the spoon modismo like he usta say "guacala", talking Luke common folks wins hearts and minds, also votes..
    MORENA landslide in elections cements jaliscas grip, spells out trouble for the average mex citizen

    1. This isn't the place to be practicing your stand up comedy, but your comment was a bit funny, I'll give you that.

    2. That's Koo F00

    3. 1:23 You're sus ese.

    4. MORENA is equal opportunity. They accept Sinaloa bribes too.

  6. "Central District of California | Federal Indictment Alleges Alliance Between Sinaloa Cartel and Money Launderers Linked to Chinese Underground Banking | United States Department of Justice"

  7. The same lawyers cartels use to send information to the he DEA about rival cartels or their own people lol.

  8. Obrador should be investigated

    1. Obradors under wear should be given to Rubio NYC for investigation

  9. Is the bank closed today ? It's juneteenth, just getting prepared if necessary

    1. best preparation for Juneteenth is a Kel-Tec PF-9, 9mm pistol .I carry one which I have nickmaned "Trayvon".

  10. Juneteenth looking SUS

    1. New rule:
      Anybody saying sus is sus 😀

    2. just an excuse to extort funds to Buy Large Mansions

    3. 5:55
      So, you're sus.

    4. 6:08 you're sus too!

  11. To answer the gentleman's question about "who authorized them to stick their spoons in", the USA, the 800 lb. gorilla on your northern border authorized it..
    Any questions?

    1. I stand by USA but where was this 800 pound ape in Vietnam? Or in the Battle of Mogadishu? Aidid kicked your patriotic ape in its mouth

    2. El Mickeyson,

      The US fought with only 160 men against an estimated 1000 or more Somalis, the results was 18 killed from the US and over 200 killed Somalis. The optics looked very bad for the US though.

    3. General George Armstrong Custer faced a similar mob at the battle of the little bighorn

    4. Yeah, but we were fighting a bunch of villagers and them guns the blackhawks carry are no joke. You'd expect something along those lines if not more. But that 800 lb gorilla can't do shyt to stop israels genocide. Netanyahu keeps making Biden (and since he's president, by extent us) look stupid, and we just keep sending them money and weapons and all while flushing our credibility, pride, honor, principles and values down the toilet due to israel making the 800 lb gorilla dance and do tricks. Yeah, real bad ass that gorilla. Mfr has to sit down to pee.

    5. you can say it everday but there is still no genocide in gaza, IDF killing terrorists left and right.And hezbolla is next.

  12. Well, the DEA is not wrong.

  13. Because they think every country with problems needs their help. That’s just USA for you, they stick their nose into other people problems.

    1. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
      Don Corleone

    2. While I agree. My country is the bad guy 99.9% of the time.

      But we have taken in millions of people every year from countries because they can't clean up their messes. So the US does have a right to tell Mexico to get it's act together.

  14. But babe DEA head is welcome to Michoacán anytime.

    1. @12:50 👍🏻 only when they are doing operations in Michoacán

  15. a chingar a su madre en mexico mandamos nosotros no uds. no somos colonia de nadie ponganse a trabajar en us territorio ahi si a sus anchas lo que quieran hacer.

    1. Si baboso por eso ustedes quieren todo de estados unidos. Los telefonos, la ropa, todo les encanta de aca. Y ustedes no mandan culero, solo si eres parte de un cartel. Porque el gobierno y el pueblo no mandan ni madres. Los carteles si.

    2. cual telefonos.? lo que rifan son los xiaomis. y no son de aya. cual ropa toda la que tengo es de aqui. ponganse a barrer su casa ojete.

    3. 727. Look at this sell out, wannabe gringo. Por mas guero que te sientas el nopal no se te borra pinche pocho malinche.

    4. 7:27 Mira pendejo, aunque yo no sea 12:55, estoy de acuerdo con el camarada. Nomas porque gente llega a tu casa y te dice que hacer, no quiere decir que cualquiera se puede meter y decirle a uno que hacer. Tanto que quieres defender estupido que ni te fijas lo que defiendes inutil. Mexico es un país soberano y si no te gusta, pues a chingar a tu madre, y si te gusta, todavía a chingar a tu madre!

    5. 7:27 Mira pendejo, aunque yo no sea 12:55, estoy de acuerdo con el camarada. Nomas porque gente llega a tu casa y te dice que hacer, no quiere decir que cualquiera se puede meter y decirle a uno que hacer. Tanto que quieres defender estupido que ni te fijas lo que defiendes inutil. Mexico es un país soberano y si no te gusta, pues a chingar a tu madre, y si te gusta, todavía a chingar a tu madre!

    6. 12:29 te ardio verdad pendejete? Por lo menos el gobierno de estados unidos si manda el paiz y la pinche mafia no anda matando soldados ni governadores ni nada. Su gobierno y su pueblo no mandan ni madres! Pinche puta verguenza que vale verga mexico. Ni pueden confiar en un pinche policia. Pinches retrazados!!!les faltan huevos a los pinches mejicanos.

    7. 730 ya salio el Michoachango de Sol. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. 10:06 órale mamacubanos

    9. 1006 Sol "I'm not Mexican, I'm Texican" Prendido. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      "Por lo menos en mi Pais, Los United States...." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No mames nopaludo.

  16. USA just mad because their father figure Mr. "I cant breave" had an overdose.

    1. Kid my father can beat your father any day.

    2. Hey its juneteenth have some respect you never know if the kid is black

    3. today is the celebration of fatherless offspring of ebt queens and thier thug life

    4. 6:06 I saw you at the food 4 less buying chicken with your ebt card

    5. 1:41 nobody cares

    6. 7:02 I saw you taking a bath at the river.

    7. 8/03
      I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus

    8. I saw Santa naked in no period kid home.

    9. I saw Santa naked in no period kid home.

  17. USA needs to mind their business. They got enough dealing with Biden.

    1. So in other words let our Mexican people fall to the hands of the Narcos...your the smartes tool in the shed..

    2. Only good DEA AGENT? A ⚰️ ONE

  18. Interesting article, for anybody searching for a deeper dive into DEA short comings read this detailed report.

  19. AMLO- "WE control the sugar, and who's mouth it goes into"

    1. @615 The people who's mouth the sugar goes into make that choice themselves.

  20. El abraza delincuentes se molestó

    1. A cual de todos? A Caro Quintero? Al Marro? Al la esposa del Mencho? A los cuñados del Mencho? A Lupe Tapia? Al Ovidio? A la Vaca? Al Huevo Trevino? Al Vaquero?...
      La neta que para ya sabes que no se estudia.

  21. According to articles by Aristegui Noticias, Milenio and Proceso when AMLOCO finishes his term and retires to "La Chingada" he will no longer travel by commercial airplane, he hasn't since last year as he would be heckled by citizens so he'd fly on military jets that were plush, to go visit his "companion" Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller in CDM. Ya no le gustó su dama?
    Kinda odd that Chiapas has gotten so hot with cartel murders, by some estimates it's already surpassed last year's total. Surely no extra protección as the state and country are relatively secure right?

    1. 1211, AMLO was traveling in military aircrafts long before the Chayoteros made that claim. I aslo think he opted for Military Aircrafts as a safety measure. Those aircrafts are serviced by the military and harder to sabotage. Only time I can remember him flying commercial was when he went to as far as everyone believing AMLO is stepping down and "retiring" never to involve himself in politics doesn't really know AMLO. Homeboy is too smart for the average fool. My ass he's retiring.

    2. 11:04 his ass is grassed and going to be retired from being president this year. You fuken forgot his term is over, lay off the meth you fool. NuffSaid!!!

    3. 1054, If you really believe he's retired then you obviously don't follow Mexican politics or know shit about AMLO.
      The show must go on and AMLO is the Producer, Director and lead actor, KID.

    4. At 11:26
      Cayotero your in fuken denial.
      You fuken forgot Claudia will be the new president.
      Dumb butt Mexico elected her.
      No more fuken lazy butt Obrador.

  22. mexico is a good country besides cartels

  23. I am glad grampa AMLO is leaving
    He farted too much

  24. Cayoteros your services will soon no longer be needed. You have to join the cartel to make money 💰.

  25. New rule:
    Presidents of banana republics can't criticize USA

    1. New rule:
      Learn the definition of a banana republic.

  26. Almo should do a commercial for depends diapers ... He prob shit his pants by now he old enough

    1. He only buys them from Russia.


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