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Friday, July 26, 2024

Army Does Not Foresee Increase In Violence In Sinaloa After Arrest Of “El Mayo” Zambada And Joaquín Guzmán Lopez

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 


July 26, 2024

Culiacán, Sinaloa - Following the arrest in the United States of Ismael Zambada García, alias “El Mayo” and Joaquín Guzmán López, son of “El Chapo” Guzmán, the Mexican Army does not foresee an increase in violence in Sinaloa.

The Commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Porfirio Fuentes Velez, assured that, together with his elements, they will be alert to any eventuality that may arise, however, a day after the apprehensions, they consider that Sinaloa has been relatively calm.

“I consider that no, but we are going to be alert, we are prepared for any situation with enough strength to be able to react to any eventuality. After this arrest, things have been relatively calm,” he said.

The military commander emphasized the fact that the troops currently on patrol in Sinaloa are strong enough to react to any type of aggression, he also highlighted the arrival of the 200 special forces elements that arrived today in Culiacan, where they will work in coordination with the 3000 military personnel already in all the municipalities, with the objective of creating an environment of peace in the families of Sinaloa and eradicate the actions of the criminal groups that inhabit the different areas.

He denied that in Culiacán there have been operations by the army in previous days to try to apprehend Ismael El Mayo Zambada or any other Sinaloa Cartel leader.


  1. Let's be honest if Sinaloa doesn't get crazy by Monday it was all an agreement to turn themselves in which in my opinion is the more credible story going around . The lawyer already came out saying he didn't turn himself in but let's be honest of course the FBI won't let him say it was all arranged.

    1. By monday??? How do you figure that one out? Lol estas bien menso the can take their time to strike whenever they want.

    2. Everyone was playing checkers while Zambada was playing chess, but Joaquin Guzman López was playing Go.

    3. When has the government ever been completely honest with us lol

    4. 7:23 if Joaquin really betrayed Mayo even Monday would be too long from for Zamabadas to seek revenge against the Guzmanes. I have been to Culiacan for vacations and is not that big . All those families stay basically in the same areas so they wouldn't be too hard to find. Its just common sense if you ask me .

    5. DUMB. For what possible purpose would the FBI have any interest at all in denying a deal? A surrender? Let me answer for you - zero.

    6. 2:23pm you must be new. Every time something happens that isn’t supposed to happene there’s an immediate response with violence. Alfredo Beltran arrest, Beltran leyva war with Sinaloa, Edgar Guzman death, ovidios first arrest, El Ruso vs Nini, etc. if it really was a betrayal then yes we would definitely see violence soon. If we don’t then we know it was all arranged like most of us think.

    7. Mayo turned himself in on purpose to get free american heal care in jail. Nuff Said!!!

    8. 7:40 especially the American and Mexican government lol . Sounds like a pre arranged thing to me and if course both are spinning into to say it wasn't .

    9. 6:19 shit Chapitos knew Zambadas snitched on his dad in open court and diddnt do shit, the only Sinaloas that were about that life were the Beltranez, chapos and Mayoz will only snitch on each other, they dont have the balls to go on a front attack, they rather snitch and make fake ass corridos, even when they are face to face, there is a reason why they are know as the snitching cartel and not the warrior cartel

    10. 9:12

    11. I think it was arranged between Guzman jr and Mayo to make it look like Mayo was tricked into coming. I assume it will be harder to prosecute mayo if he was “kidnapped” and brought to the states, and will give him more leverage if he agrees to cooperate. They are just maximizing the upside.

    12. 8:27 what sells more especially now that's it's election time
      1) FBI cuts deals with Mexico's top boss or

      2) Mexico's top boss arrested in Texas.

      Don't be so dumb.

    13. 10:43 Shit, that doesn't make any sense lol.

    14. What if there is no violence cuz the sources of the betrayal are not in culiacan ?

    15. 10:03
      There's always evidence.

    16. 8:56 the health care in us prisons is not what you think it is.

    17. 08:27 you sound like the little retarted kid on South Park

    18. 10:43 read up on the case of Humberto Álvarez Machain.

    19. @7:43 duh. The cartel operates 7:30am to 3:30pm mon-fri when they don't have overtime. Sometimes they do work late on weekdays. Get with the program bro.

  2. Grupo Flechas and Antrax are on high alert.

    1. Sicario 006 recruiting all the special forces from all over the world to counter the mexican special forces, they dont have a chance!

    2. Nah, they got Mayito flaco who commands them

    3. High alert for what?

    4. Ándale si!
      Ve moviendoles el eco de dónde alguna ves existieron neuronas con los drogadictos obesos trasnochados

  3. Their is a clear winner, no Damaso, no Zambada, just Guzman clan

    1. Flaco Zambada and all his guys like Chavo Félix, Checo, Ruso, Cabrera, etc…

    2. MF has been leading the Zambada clan for a few years now .

    3. 1941
      Sobre todo muchachos

    4. MZ is irreplaceable. No one can fill those shoes.

    5. Guzman have reckless kids behind them. Zambada have men. Leading a faction of flechas is a man by the name of Javier. No smoking cannabis, pura lavadita.

    6. Hmmm not winners mf have leading the zambada side around 7-8 years ago

  4. For those asking why Culiacan isn’t a war zone right now, the arrival of a couple hundred special ops and hundreds more regular soldiers is probably a big part of it. CDS learned that having another Culicanazo only brings more heat and just delays an inevitable arrest.

    1. What if there is no war because everything was arranged beforehand.

    2. 19:53
      Di la verdad.
      Tu eres mega mente hiper informado que dirige todo esto.
      Mantenme al tanto por favor

    3. Yeah you forgot when el guano sent the GAFEs to get his family back
      Or when R5 sent GAFEs after cjng
      Or when they decommissioned GAFEs to Osiel cardenas guillen

  5. I would love too see what kind of deal he work out with the FMI and HLS.

  6. Chapo Isidro the new King??? Low profile, been in the game since late 80's, Rich, and has his area on lock.

    1. Musico is above him.

    2. Since the 80’s? Lol when he was a baby

    3. Maybe in Sinaloa but let's be real the king is Mencho

    4. He can be your new king any day

    5. Según mi alucinidad dice que si , I listen to few corridos from Los Novillos de la Sierra and it sounds like la letra B it’s getting stronger and at peace with other groups .

    6. 6:53
      Isidro was born in 1982 you. Go get an education.

    7. 7:23 MF has been whopping Mencho in Mexico for some time now .

    8. 7:23 maybe in Jalisco, but outside there they can’t cuff shit, in tijuas they’re all a bunch of mfs looking to jack loads or extorting whatever they can, Tamaulipas? Unless they’re paying a heavy tax to get shit across then maybe then again they still got a war going on with Scorpion mfs , them linea boys don’t need em that’s fkn obvious… where else is he king?

    9. Isidro would lose his cartel if mencho came raging war at him. They ain't no blo days anymore. And someone commented yesterday saying that el mayo flavor got more power then los chapitos and I agree.

    10. Unfortunately, the torch for mexico was handed to Mencho. Chapito isidro still has a long way too go.

    11. Sorry guys but Mencho is 100% the top boss wether you like it or not, but dont worry, his days arr numbered too, bit for now he is top dog, and for those who say he doesnt control jalisco 100% tell me what cartel has his home state 100% on lock?

    12. @10:10 El Ruso controls Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Durango. You might want to look at a map buddy. Fuck CJNG and CDS.

    13. 10:41 Durango only has CDS in it.

    14. Ivan Archivaldo is the main chingon now non of those other guys move half of what he and jags move

    15. Mencho top dog in his own organization, but as long as you ain’t got no border you ain’t got no power. I see La Linea dropping sinaloenses but the 💯s in the next few months as that part of La sierra is up for grabs now 🤔

    16. Mencho his probably the boss of his house only jiji

    17. 06:43 sounds like a gold digger

    18. Chapo Isidro was born in 82... So I doubt he was pushing weight in the 80s late 90s...yes... And early 2000s
      But BLO is back in a big way

    19. ninos marijuanos, mocosos Mencho esta muerto.

    20. @1.39. You talk about BLO like the Beltran Leyva organisation still exists as a separate entity. There is no BLO, and Chapo Isidro hasn't been actively involved for years. It's like calling Chapo Guzman a member of the Guadalajara cartel.

  7. This just shows Mayo turned himself in & also chapos kid was in the same plane. So forsure they got some type of deal no doubt. No one betrayed no one or got kidnapped by the fbi.

    1. It's been confirmed that he did not turn himself in.

    2. Shows Chapos kids turned him in to take control of Sinaloa.
      Now everyone there has to align with them or get eliminated.

    3. Of all the theories the most believable is that both of them already had an agreement in place beforehand. My sister is a paralegal in a top firm in an American state and she doesn't know shit about narcos but I kinda explained it to her and she basically agreed the same thing.

    4. Mayo's attorney said there is no deal in place.

  8. Seems everyone was in on this except the Mexican government and El Mayo!

  9. El Chapo isidro/ Guano must be scratching their head like what the f*ck is going on. Sh*T show.

    1. For real… like damn, what’s cracking lackin’?? All confused and shit

  10. El mayo on an airplane by the border with chapós son is already ridiculous. How to make sure it’s even him since el mayo has never been caught or recorded recently. He has always stayed away from people that have a tail or are currently hot he usually turns them in not to forget he’s been know to carry look a-likes with him. Jokes on Chapito and he just brought mayos old cousin in.

    1. Damn, you don't know shit.

    2. 743 they jokes on you for believing that hot garbage

    3. Easy just make him a dms test with vicentillo. Damaso and mini lic know who he is too. Rey zambada and Salina's

    4. You seriously think DEA doesnt have a picture or an informant that can tell him who exactly he is? You think they would just bring a nobody and show him as Mario Zambada? Man thats their job, they are pros at it, they have people all over the world, if they werent sure it was Mario they would not have said anything about the arrest

    5. Wow, what a comment. Lol

    6. 7:43 Your a dreamer, you think your smarter than the FBI, when you always hiding, in your moms basement using the computer.
      FBI has tactics to make sure, they got the right persons.

  11. Mayo and Joaquin, mostly Mayo already had everything planned out.

  12. Joaquin was the least involved ever in any activity of sales or orders given within the cartel it could be said he is the cleanest of all brothers. He was angry that his name was on that list after being the only brother that always chose the correct path. His release should be quicker than Emma corónel

  13. I called it two to years ago and nobody believed me.

    1. Still don't believe you 😂

    2. Yes it’s true JGLopez was coerced into doing bad things and they used to slap him around and make him feel as though there was no other option and under extreme duress paid all those people and cooks to make meth and fetty and chiva china blanca and fake pills but he didn’t want to.

      Mayo was his handler and sexually coerced him into murder, narco trafficking and torture and stuff.

      JGL wanted to write “Chapo” on the pills and make them pizza shaped like but mean Alfredo and Ivan Archivaldo said no and made him write M30 on the pills instead so poor lil JGL did as he was ordered but made them LGBTQIA+ pastel rainbow camouflage pride prints to protest.

      And so, the DoJ has agreed that he is not guilty of all counts. jGL is a damn good old boy and misunderstood proud white supremacist peckerwood who faithfully worships Hitler and commits genocide against negros and Jews.

  14. People don't understand logic or facts. Vicentillo had a deal in place, fact, the US denied and denid, he is now free going to disneyland. Mayo never leaves el salado, rarely goes to culiacan. Fact . But he is on a plane outside his territory, no bodyguards, having to refuel in airports again outside of protection. He didn't send an associate, went for a ride when in poor health. The US is not gonna say they cut a deal.

    1. Exactly but people don’t think lol they would rather believe the US government

    2. It's already been leaked there was no deal.

    3. I'm glad someone understands how this works. It's common sense.

    4. 8:31 Do you expect the United States to say publicly that it has an agreement with Mayo? Indirectly agreeing to be corrupt? You are very naive, obviously they are going to say that there is no deal, don't be ignorant.

    5. All the CDS fangirls in total denial Talking like Mario calling the shots no kids sorry but there's a new king in Mexico Mencho

    6. 1:07
      Will see about that in the following weeks. They said the same thing about Chapo but there was no secrete deal. Don't be naive.

    7. 8:13
      No one said, nor is it in the news, that Mayo went along because he is in poor health, your jumping to conclusions that do not exist.

  15. Will Mayo get deported to Cuba? 🙀🚀🐀

  16. Me corto un huevo si para año nuevo no esta Calderón oh por lo menos EPN tras las rejas. Esto huele a puros miados de sapo. Van a volar pelos. Y de muy arriba. Para que un capo se deje atrapar después de décadas burlando la ley.. Analizen bien..

    1. 8:41 De una vez cortatelos si eres hombre de palabra

    2. Limpiate la baba tlacuache alucin. Tu ídolo se entrego. Y por algo. De mi te vas acordar cuando empieze la tiradera de caca. Imagínate décadas los medios publicando que eres capo de capos. Y la realidad sea otra. Siempre pagando para que otro chiludo te protega. Se las va cobrar. Y tiene toda la razón.

  17. They cut a deal. Mayo and Biden jerking each other off with blindfolds on. Joaquin sitting on his hand waiting for it to numb. Hes about to pull the “stranger” wank

  18. Se va dejar venir la menchiza alv a sinaloa fackkkk

    1. Connor! Are you gonna tell us about your flashy lifestyle, the Locs on your cap, the Nike Cortez, the knee high white liquor store socks, come on.

    2. No duran ni una semana 😂

    3. You’ve been woofin out your behind for months now about Sonora, where they at?

    4. This motherfucker is SIR telling you

    5. And it aint male neither connor/sir

  19. The dumb mfs saying he turned himself in are on meth. The man never moves without protection that has every corner covered. What would he be doing in a plane near the border with none of his people around with a chapo who cant be trusted. Y’all really gullible af

    1. hi hill billy joe.

    2. ''The dumb mfs saying he turned himself in are on meth''
      Bro i cant believe these dumbasses who say a 78 year old gave himself to 23 hour lockdown,they cant believe mayos saggy arse got caught..

    3. Put the pipe down. Luis Chaparro is close with MF. He stated it’s an arrangement. The US Feds, MZ MF Chapitos & other groups all met. Deal was made only with MZ & Joaquin accepting. The others went back into the game.

  20. The staff at the airport said both men got out of the plane peacefully and surrendered. What would he gain from making something like that up. The feds were quick to discredit him too smh

    1. 9:41

      What did you expect??? Mayo and Joaquin boxing the feds??? No seas mamon. They had no choice.

    2. Exactly! But in this election year being able to say we got the fentanilo boogeyman is gold for someone

  21. Yall meat ride el mayo and chapo being big bosses, who as of now are in American custody! But yall don't give credit to El Grenas! The boss of all bosses, who continues to be free in a Mexican prison!

  22. El Mayo basically helped his 3 sons get out of the feds and even some type of visas if you don’t call that a W then idk what is. Even his brother got out free

    1. 9:50 that's call cooperating with the feds Tonto. Something he zapo cagada doesnt like when other people do it. If you listen to his fake corridor he speaks of loyalty, honor, and blah blah blah he a snitch just like his son's that got sweet deals .prove me wrong .

  23. Connor, reportate cabron.

    1. Lol negative chief, he's not here

  24. This was an arranged arrest. Of course the government isn’t going to announce that the biggest drug lord and the son of the most wanted man turn themselves in just like that. There has to be a reason why they did so. Everything was planned. Just like Mayo and Chapito’s have a plan. They all mutually must agreed on this.

    The media is going to portray a different narrative and story because they can’t seem like they are just negotiating with criminals. But hey I guess that’s a cool story to write about and send it to the NYT for some views. Maybe score the Biden administration some points before his term is over.

    1. Oh, yeah, what's next, Mayo drinking micheladas in the White house with Harris and culiando putitas?

    2. Utterly dumb comment. We negotiate all the time. Surrenders, sentences, plea bargains. Takeoff your tinfoil hat. The aluminum is killing your brain cells.

    3. 11:52
      But not like this. They were saying the exact same thing about Chapo during his first arrest and everyone was proven wrong. He had NO deal.

    4. 11:51 I only freebase fetty and meth off of Lead Foil not tinfoil made from aluminium.

  25. Best explanation so far.

  26. "Si me atrapan o me matan... nada cambia" -mayo zambada

    Tengo pánico de que me encierren.
    -Si lo agarraran, terminaría con su vida?
    No sé si tuviera los arrestos para la casa matarme. Quiero pensar que sí, que me mataría.-proceso 2010

  27. Mayo flaco turn in his pops to cool down the plaza agreement with the chapitos

    1. Use periods or the grammar police will arrive.

  28. Mayo doent look like he was on his death bed lol And that mostache gives him away lol


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