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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cartel Del Noreste-C.D.N. Distanced Themselves From Fentanyl Drug Sells In Video

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Cartel Del Noreste or C.D.N. criminal organization distanced itself from fentanyl drug trafficking in a video that is about two minutes long. C.D.N. is currently commanded by Juanito Cisneros Treviño "La Sombra", and Carlos Alberto Monsivais Treviño "La Bola Treviño" both cousins. La Bola Treviño and La Sombra are believed to have a close relationship with their uncles Miguel Treviño Morales "40" and Oscar Omar Treviño Morales "42". 

Cartel Del Noreste is believed to be more unified with the current leadership than when Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez "Huevo Treviño" was leading cartel operations. 


"Sicario: The Northeast Cartel distances itself from the unfounded accusations spread by some media outlets regarding the seizure of fentanyl pills with the initials CDN and 80 by the Canadian police. It is important to note that the initials mentioned do not correspond to our organization. They are used by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma to identify 80-milligram OxyContin pills. Criminal groups in Canada have falsified these brands to market fentanyl pills.

Since 2016, Canadian authorities have frequently confiscated pills laced with fentanyl with the collaboration of the DEA. However, we have recently been singled out without solid grounds simply because of the similarity in the initials used since that same year.

Alejandro Domínguez: Fentanyl pills from the Northeast Cartel, a Mexican cartel originating in Tamaulipas, are being distributed on the streets of Vancouver. The most recent evidence was obtained in March from a citizen who turned in a dark green tablet with the letters CDN Cartel del Noreste on one side and the number 80 on the other.

Sicario: The CDN has no connection to the production, distribution, or transportation of the dangerous and deadly drug fentanyl. Any individual found selling or transporting this substance in our area of operations is severely punished. We urgently call on the media to verify the information with the competent authorities in Canada and the United States before spreading false news that implicates us in cases in which we are not involved. Those responsible for this criminal activity are other criminal groups that the DEA has identified that poison American and Canadian citizens with this type of drugs. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in the correct dissemination of this information.

Sincerely, Cartel del Noreste "


  1. Mayos “apprehension” got all fentanyl pushers scared

    1. Thar true, if Mayo can go down - he specifically went down because of fentanyl - then anyone can go down.

  2. They see what is happening to the CDS capos and are now scared

  3. Cdn eating good off the Texas housing boom

  4. Those two in the back are fat AF.

    1. They prefer the pronoun #Thick

    2. Fat Tamaulipecos should automatically join CDG. CDN is meant for skinny sicarios

    3. @3:13 I Think the proper terminology is portly

  5. Straight bitches

    1. 💀💀💀😭

    2. talk about a royal family to your child xoxo

  6. I agree everyone is scared. Or worried at least. If they caught the biggest fish of em all El Mayo they can get anyone. Sources are reporting that they tortured El Mayo does anyone have any information on that.

    1. Is turning your self in and making a deal really getting caught?? Lol cartels are definitely famous for being honest upstanding citizens so if z40s family says it it must be true.

    2. He is to old to be physically torture, maybe they put a line of coke in front of him just vearly out of reach while he was hand cuffed, that would be torture for him

    3. You really have some bad sources, or your making it up.

    4. 12:23am go back to sleep, you and your made up story.

  7. Probably bullshit but I do remember hearing Roly died by fent Od..

  8. Extremely polite by C.D.N. standards. They didn’t even threaten to kill the reporter!

    1. Maybe next time they will all be dressed in suits and ties and have their weapons visible, but in the background.

  9. Atención, Cartel del Noreste (CDN):

    Ya se les advirtió. La próxima violación o infracción será castigada inmediatamente con la muerte. Si venden metanfetaminas, cocaína o heroína a la Mafia Mexicana Americana u otros traficantes que también venden fentanilo, serán culpables. Aquellos que vendan fentanilo o mezclen cocaína, marihuana o metanfetaminas con fentanilo serán torturados y luego quemados vivos. Cualquier violador de estas reglas no tendrá escapatoria. Quienes sigan nuestras directrices gozarán de libertad y vida. Los que las ignoren, serán un ejemplo para otros de las consecuencias finales.

    Nadie puede entrar a USA sin permiso. Si vendes metanfetaminas, cocaína o fentanilo en USA sin registrarte, tu familia morirá pronto. No nos importan los tribunales ni las prisiones. No nos importa si te quedas en México. Si quieres seguir con tu negocio, debes registrarte. Volveremos a los tiempos de los 70s y 80s en México, antes de que los narcos controlaran el campo. Te cortaremos las piernas y un brazo. Otros miembros seguirán con torturas, una comida ligera y luego la quema de los demonios comenzará cuando derramemos gasolina sobre tus amigos y pandilleros del cartel. También tenemos fósforos, para CDN y todos tus compinches.

    Tus amigos y tú tendrán boletos de primera fila para el gran final cuando toda la infraestructura terrorista en América del Norte sea desmantelada y destruida. El fentanilo y la Yihad Islámica son negocios malditos para los cuales nadie obtiene inmunidad ni protección. Además, las rutas del dinero en México son públicas gracias a los hackers de Guacamaya. Desmembraré sus cuerpos y esparciré las cenizas de sus cadáveres desde la cima del Monte Sinaí.

    Después de que SEMAR y SEDENA completen sus operaciones en Sonora y Sinaloa y toda la familia Guzmán-González esté muerta o capturada, las operaciones se moverán para apuntar a Don Mencho y toda la infraestructura del CJNG a finales de este año, para eliminar a los terroristas extranjeros de Irán, Líbano, Irak, Yemen, Corea del Norte, África, China y Siria que han hecho tratos y acuerdos comerciales con el CJNG, la mafia, el cartel mafia y el CDS para ser contrabandeados a los EE.UU. y para comprar y vender drogas ilegales. Esto es una promesa debido a la guerra en Israel y Ucrania.

    Que se jodan El Chapo Guzmán, Joaquín Guzmán López, Iván Archivaldo, Alfredo, (JGL) Jr. (otra vez) y todos los demás perdedores metanfetosos que fabrican fentanilo y roban órganos de miles de jóvenes indígenas.

    Gracias por su atención en este asunto. Si los atrapamos, mataremos a sus familias y a sus clientes.

    1. Me suena a que el CDN apoya a Trump por ser regios que se creen Texanos xD

  10. It was discussed on cartelinsider that these cdn pills are actually locally made in Canada

    1. CDN also being short form for "Canadian"
      Most people buying fent down here wouldn't even know who the different cartels are, or care, and the cartels don't claim territory so there's zero reason for the pills to be marked by their organization
      And yes a ton of the pills are "pressed" i.e. made locally and informally because you can dilute the drugs and sell more that way
      Weird story either way. Either they sent marked drugs up north as an oversight and got caught immediately, or someone up here is falsely claiming them, or simply doesn't realize they're pressing a cartel name into their pills.

    2. All of them 80mg's have letters in them.. Google it Genius

  11. George Floyd 's fentanyl overdose is what made the US government go after the cartels.

    1. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, hillbilly boy.

  12. Lol mayo and joaquin turned themselves in... cdn will be alright

  13. El miedo no anda en burro

  14. Only cartel that sticks to trafficking only loads of blow .. and HUGE loads for that matter is La Linea or the NCDJ however you wanna call it .. only cartel that doesn’t allow its members to move Fent nor Meth … they understood long ago the heat it brings and how deadly both drugs are, and we can all agree that dead folk don’t buy drugs

    1. You don't know what you talking about, there's been stash houses belonging to linea where they confiscated pounds of meth

  15. "This is a broadcast of the CDN news network"

  16. Those pills were below 5% required for a field test to detect it as fentanyl, according to what was shown in the video.

    1. 11:29 You are a liars. Shit the fuck up.

      There is no “5%” threshold required for a fent test.

  17. It is so funny that they use these stupid glasses on helmet to look TACTICOOL, but all they do is look like dumbasses. U guys can afford NVG dumbasses, go buy em. It has much more utility. NUFF SAID!!


  18. I TOLD YOU GUYS!!? over 2 yrs ago that this would happen because of Fentanyl. The I.s government understands that Drugs will Always Flow. They just Don't like Drugs they can't control
    Heroin is Going to come back in a Major Way

    1. I wished we had listened to you 2 years ago! 😹

  19. Texas has illegal weed, they can probably make money off of that instead of fenty. Until TX legalizes it

  20. CDN imagine the opportunities they have with Nuevo Laredo and no one has touched it since the Z won it how long ago ?

    1. 2003 a la fecha y no se ve quien los saque

    2. CDG tiene que mandar a todos su personal para tomar el control de Laredo

  21. 2002 I think. When Los Zetas pushed Milenio Cartel out of NL


  23. Didn’t they killed a business leader who spoke out against them recently? Yeah and they’re telling us they don’t touch innocent people. What a joke! Mexico is a joke!


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