Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cartel Del Noreste In New Communication Video Claim They Want Peace For Nuevo Laredo And Send Message To AMLO: Tamaulipas

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

July 29, 2024 

A new communication video released by Cartel Del Noreste or C.D.N. was published Monday, July 29, 2024, in which this criminal organization distanced itself from recent events in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. The OXXO convenience stores announced the closure of all their stores in Nuevo Laredo, and will only be open until the safety of the workers is ensured. 

C.D.N. also took the opportunity to claim that Nuevo Laredo is a safe city for politics to be practiced, as no political candidates were assaulted or killed. 


Constitutional President of the Republic Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Secretary of National Defense General Luis Cresencio Sandoval González, Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodríguez.

We are addressing you in the following manner. Especially to President López Obrador to inform you that the Cartel del Noreste denies the acts of violence attributed to us in relation to the closure of the OXXO chain of convenience stores in Nuevo Laredo.

We assure you that we are the most concerned in our city remaining at peace. The CDN does not get involved in politics nor does it interfere with the citizenry. As proof, our plazas don’t register acts of electoral violence, unlike what happened in El Mante, Tamaulipas where Noé Ramos, a candidate for mayor for the PAN political party, was murdered.

Throughout the country during the electoral process, criminal groups were responsible for the murder of candidates. Following the elections, an elected mayor was executed. These crimes occurred in the states of Guerrero, Chiapas, Michoacán, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Veracruz State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Puebla, Colima, Mexico City, Sinaloa, and Tamaulipas.

However, in our plazas, mainly in Nuevo Laredo, there were no acts of violence. Proof of this is that in Nuevo Laredo the Morena political party swept the presidential, senatorial, federal and local congressional races. The only election that was close was the mayoral election.

This reflects the dissatisfaction of some citizens with the current president. However, this difference is minimal and does not affect us. We are still moving forward with our work and you with yours. There is a great deal of investment in factories and other businesses and we have no interest in gaslighting or upsetting investors.

We want the town to grow, jobs to be created, and for the citizens of Nuevo Laredo to improve their daily lives. Mr. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, we respectfully ask you to investigate the interests of those who have wrongly informed you about our alleged annoyance towards the population and businessmen.

What interests does this person have in provoking conflicts and increasing the presence of the military and federal authorities? As we have told you, Nuevo Laredo has been one of the calmest municipalities during your six-year term.

Investigate the interests of this person who may be trying to hinder the growth of our city or introduce another antagonistic group to the town. Which would regenerate an escalation of violence that has no relationship with politics. This in itself is a completely different matter.

Sincerely, Your trusted servants, Cartel del Noreste "



  1. Chapiza and 4 letters are going to dissappear CDN amd CDG

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. Traes puro sueño mijo

    3. 11:32 More like poo foo.

    4. Not the real koo foo nice try 11:32

    5. @3:51 That's Koo foo

    6. It's way easier said then done. CDN is embedded onto the all the werkos in Nektar Lima. They are loyal AF that is why CDG never been able to make it inside on Nektar Lima. Chapitos/ Flechas & Jalicos have tried but they know it ain't no simple task every time they have fail. You would need the Government help to make it all the way in & have all new armory because CDN has money to spend like crazy that is why they are always well equipped & they have lots of politicians on their payroll.

    7. What!? Nuevo Laredo is CDS version of the Vietnam/Afghanistan war. Despite being a major cartel they couldn’t take over NL from teenage edgars

  2. N. Laredo, the city with out a police department, This country always takes 2 steps back instead of one foot forward, such a 4th world country.

    1. 4th world country lol se mamo

    2. hardly noone wants to go that city

  3. “Your trusted servants” is absolutely wild and comical

    1. well what else would you call them? The CDN are good boys they pay their master the tax every time they inject the meth and sell the coke. They don't touch fetty.

    2. They don't do meth, that's for broke fools. Cocaine is the only thing that matters, everything else is not in the big leagues.

    3. Are these clowns serious? Don't they know that no one takes them serious anymore? They shouldn't even be called a cartel. With MZ and Chapitos fighting each other CJNG will become stronger and eventually take out CDN. Nuff Said!!!

    4. 8:36 traes puro sueño mijo

  4. "The CDN does not get involved in politics nor does it interfere with the citizenry" - Well, if CDN says it, it must be true.

    1. Yes, and I’m a billionaire who saw god in his time.

    2. Is that you John,it's peter.I stitched up those sandals,you wanted for Jesus???

  5. I must say they have a pretty good speaker there they almost sound polite lol

  6. What's up with Cartel del Nereste?
    Are they nervous after what happened to Mayo?
    All cartels are the same, they extort, they kidnapped, torture, but wait we don't kill or bother people running for office. Give me a fuking break!!

  7. Africa zavalla is beautiful

  8. for being a Narco-mmunication this one is pretty intelligent and makes some salient points. I thought the CDN was satan worshippers and child sacrificers? These guys seem focused on business and keeping the status quo.

  9. C.D.N. are an emerging power for sure the reason there is no violence in Nuevo Laredo is because they’ve had full control they have a very low murder rate and to keep 40/42 out of America they must be making serious 💵 I see them becoming a massive force I think they have massive reserves from all those years in control of nectar Lima

    1. Imagine trying to take Nuevo Laredo from CDN what a bloodbath ? A calm plaza is a paying plaza as they say and its been that way for years

    2. They need to all die

    3. Emerging power? lol it’s basically the Trevino faction and many Zetas who been around for way too long now..

  10. Cdn gonna be the number one cartel soon I can see 40 getting released for some reason I believe that’s a possibility

  11. El Mexa noticias recently did their own conclusion on Mayo and Joaquin arrest. If you know Spanish you should definitely take a look .


  12. they look so organized here, but in reality they're recruiting the biggest goofies on the face of the earth
    like yeah, lemme post the worst makabelico song on my facebook story while looking like a mekkote lol

    1. Not really, no period nino.😭

    2. Me sacas a pasear a mi perro @11:04

    3. no wei nos van a levantarnos 🫣

  13. Now they have to come up with another way of screwing its own people since XOXO is close.

  14. Top 3 biggest pussy cry babies in the cartel game:

    1) CDN
    2) Sinaloa
    3) CJNG

    Honorable mentions comment below 👇🏼

  15. Los del CDN son unos angelitos. Dejenlos en paz. Ellos no se meten con el pueblo.

  16. Is this the same c d n representative who skins and eats people's hearts? Lol

  17. That was heartfelt.. i believe them. Please arm these warriors of god. May they protect the Mexican citizens.

  18. When Vicente Zambada forfetited $1.3 billion and served 12 years in prison.

    Does that mean he paid American government a Billion dollars as part of his deal?

    1. Fck no he didn't pay $1.3 billion dollars in cash or tangible assets. He and his people don't have it like that. That amount would equal or exceed all the wealth they've acquired.

  19. El cartel del noroeste está amazando tropas y reclutamiento forsoso para engrosar sus filas dicen que se preparan para pelear todo mexico en cuanto caigan los hijos del chapo guzman

  20. "your trusted servants, Cartel de Noreste." Interesting sign-off. It just might work.

  21. This past week, 190 OXXO stores have closed in Nuevo Laredo due to direct security risks of the employees. My guess is that they have all been threatened to stop selling beer after 3:00 in the afternoon, a frequent threat, or a myriad of extortions blah blah blah??
    To combat this threat, before the OXXO's reopen they are all going to have emergency buttons installed under the counter to reach the authorities.... We all know how well those emergency buttons work judging by the scores
    of journalist that have been murdered with these 'safety emergency' buttons on lanyards around their neck. Hopefully I explained this correctly and it didn't come out too garbled. 🐙Ms.h

    1. Not garbled at all.
      Pretty interesting about the oxxo closures!

    2. @709 "lanyard" is translated into Spanish as "acollador", but I bet Mexican folks have a more colloquial name for them😉?

  22. El Porto de Laredo y Nuevo Laredo es #1 en la nacion Estados Unididos. Y mas particular en todo America. I remember me y mis primos as tourists having liberty as very young children unafraid in the market square to be there in Nuevo Laredo walking and running in it to experience its economic grounds. That was the eighties. I've not been back since early 90's when as an older teen we paid 10$ to get into club Plaza and enjoy drink till you drown. If I ever go back I expect it to be the same. Free here and free there. To wander about in my own being without any interruption. When you look at the map it only makes since that the Port of Laredo is #1 in the country.

    1. It is for legal commercial use. As a drug corridor Juarez and Tijuana and even Mexicali are far more lucrative. Juarez for starters is right in the middle of the border making it easy to supply both Texas and California. TJ is the closest door to the West Coast, Laredo only has I-35 access which is lucrative but let’s face it no one pushing serious weight would risk making deals with CDN and the idiots that run that plaza. Puro pinche lacra adictos al vidrio

    2. The quiet cartel is the more deadly one clearly…



  25. A candle of Santa Muerte and a statue of Jesus Malverde burn in a campfire in the background, accompanied by the eerie chanting of witches who threaten to melt if sprinkled with Holy water.

    The process typically starts with a midline incision from the occipital bone of the cult member at the base of the skull, extending down to the lower cervical vertebrae, around the C6-C7 level. The incision may be extended laterally along the shoulders if necessary.

    Once the initial incision is made, the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles, including the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, are carefully reflected away from the cervical spine and the base of the skull. Retractors may be used to hold back tissues and provide a clear view of the area. The witches, ever eager to meddle, cackle ominously as Holy water drips near, making them hiss and melt into a puddle of despair.

    To sever the cartel member’s head, the spinal cord is precisely cut at the level of the chosen cervical vertebrae. This step requires careful handling to avoid unnecessary damage. A bone saw, either manual or oscillating, is then used to cut through the cervical vertebrae. The cut should be straight and clean to ensure the preservation of anatomical structures. After severing the spinal cord and vertebrae, all remaining soft tissues, including the trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels, are severed. Clamps or ligatures can be used to minimize bleeding.

    Once the head is fully separated, it should be handled with care to prevent damage. The head is then placed in a suitable container for transport and preservation, following institutional protocols. While speed is a consideration, it should not compromise the cleanliness and precision of the procedure. A clean cut is crucial for maintaining the integrity of anatomical structures and preventing damage.

    1. You copy and pasted in another article already, what's your point. Are you trying to teach the kids in here, perhaps it's a fetish of yours.

    2. This tweaker again

  26. You know what I say…who gives a F!

  27. I heard CDN has an alliance with Chapitos … is this true ?


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