Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guatemalan Military Deploys to Help Refugees and Guard Northern Border with Mexico

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

The Guatemalan government has deployed 100 soldiers to its northern border with Mexico to provide assistance to Mexican refugees and "guarantee the sovereignty" of its borders, they announced in a statement this morning. 580 men, women , and children have fled criminal violence in the Mexican border state of Chiapas to seek refuge in Guatemala. 

Photo: David Toro (EFE)

This follows on two years of violent conflict between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), a war which has startled the nation by plunging the once safe state of Chiapas into violence. According to InSight Crime, the fight is over drug trafficking and human smuggling routes.

Guatemalan military arriving in the border region.

This turf war has caused thousands of civilian displacements as locals have found themselves in the crossfire. For years, locals report they have been forced into the ranks of organized crime, used as human shields, and forced to man criminal road blocks.

Despite the presence of numerous Mexican military bases, the Mexican has largely stayed out of the fight. 

In recent weeks, locals have fleeing the violence have crossed the border into Guatemala. So far, 580 men, women , and children are living in Guatemala, according to the nations Immigration Ministry.  

Families from Chiapas 

This story relies heavily on the reporting of Isain Mandujano of Chiapas Paralelo. 


  1. Send those Maduro EBT Venezuelans back . They are not good people ! Although I must say the females are sexy!

    1. Send the males back to Venezuela, keep the girl hotties for breeding purposes..

    2. @6.38 (probably Nuff Said) and 9.36. Read the story, and please, please shut up.

  2. "Despite the presence of numerous Mexican military bases, the Mexican has largely stayed out of the fight.". That's fu--c--d. No cares.

  3. What a joke. Guarantee the sovereignty of its border, when all of South America, Africa, Dominican Republic calmly walks thru the country on the way to the u.s..

  4. El presidente Elmo dice que no pasa nada, son mentiras de la oposición.

  5. Replies
    1. Hey! Hope all is well.

      - Huaso

  6. Anybody who is interested, Oscar Martinez writes brilliantly about Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras. He's a lovely dude too. "The Beast" (the train families fleeing north ride on top of) and "A History of Violence".

    1. "Nop?" Then why are you here, commenting on this story? Why did you click? You aren't interested in the drug trade, how it works? Honest question dude. Why are you here?

  7. The mexican goverment is a joke Chiapas is still a GTA5 server but they would rather send troops to culiacan instead


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