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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Joaquin Guzman Lopez Pleads Not Guilty, Lawyer Denies Any US Agreement was Made

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

"Take it from me as someone who knows, rather than from someone who thinks he knows or an anonymous source," said Lichtman. "We've got no agreement with the government. There has never been an agreement with the government with Joaquin Guzman Lopez. Period."

"Whatever happened was not done at the direction of the government...He's happy to be here. That's all I can really say at this point."

Joaquin Guzman Lopez, Jr., one of the sons of “El Chapo,” pleaded not guilty to narcotics trafficking conspiracy and money laundering charges in Chicago. He faces up to the death penalty on one of the five counts. This potential punishment would have been dropped had Mexico agreed to extradite Joaquin. 

Unlike during "El Mayo's" arraignment, the younger Sinaloa Cartel figure stood for the 15-minute hearing, answering U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman’s questions about his health and ability to understand the proceedings in heavily accented but fluent English.

Asked how he pleaded to the indictment against him, Guzmán López leaned into the microphone and said, “Not guilty, your honor.” Guzmán López waived his right to a detention hearing and will remain in custody pending trial.

Joaquin Guzman Lopez's lawyer Jeffrey Lichtman also represented 'El Chapo', Emma Coronel Aispuro and Ovidio Guzmán who was moved or 'released' on July 23, 2024, two days ahead of the plane landing in the US and the arrests taking place. Some claim Ovidido was transfered to El Paso, Texas which wouldnt make sense as both he and Joaquin faced indictments primarily in Chicago. 

What is likely, and would contradict that there was no prior agreement with the US government as claimed by Lichtman is that Ovidio was moved from the MCC federal detention center in Chicago prior to Joaquin's arrival to not have the brothers be held in the same facility awaiting trial.

“He’s happy to be here. That’s all I can really say at this point,” Lichtman said. “I like him already. He’s somebody I can relate to. Just like I related to his father, just like I related to Ovidio.”

Lichtman also criticized — but did not refute — statements made by El Mayo’s attorney that Guzmán López had forcibly kidnapped the Sinaloa boss and flew him to U.S. soil against his will. Lichtman noted that there are no charges related to that allegation.

He also stated that so far there are no accusations against 'El Güero' for kidnapping, in response to the allegations made by 'El Mayo's' lawyer.

"He's not being accused of kidnapping. When the government accuses him, then I'll take notice. When lawyers who are trying to score points with the media make accusations then I ignore that because it's meaningless."

Mexico has opened an investigation into the events leading to the arrest.

“Mayo is obviously, you know, he’s doing his thing," the lawyer for Joaquin Guzman Lopez said today. "He’s managed to stay clear of a jail cell for 50 years. It’s very impressive. I don’t know how he did it. I wish him all the luck in the world."

Meanwhile, Lichtman said repeatedly in Chicago that he could not address how his client got to be on that plane with El Mayo, a story he said that “seems to be changing every few minutes.”

“Eventually it will all come out,” he said. “But as a defense lawyer it’s just noise. I’m here to help the man and get him the best possible result. I’m not here to respond to the internet. Whatever happened was not done at the direction of the government."


  1. Who gives a fuck how they got them,except losers who hero worship these rats

    1. Pensaba que iba a entregar al Mayo pero no sabia que El Mayo lo entrego a él. Ismael es un fbi informant, asi nomas

    2. Llegaron los Yankees con Joaquin cuando atterizaron en la Cessna chica, En cuanto se dieron cuenta los Men in Black osea los del FBI Les quitaron al Don Ismael de las manos y Les dieron unas cachetadas de guebos alos Yankees y Les dicieron que esta operation hacido de ellos desde hace cuatro años atras. Como siendo FBI tienen mas poder que los Yankees, Luego llego el Uber con las bebidas del OXXO mientras cambiaban Naves porque Don Mayo no puede verse al lado de una Cessna pura Linear JET para el Viejon. Mis RESPETOS al FBI mis respetos viejones, FBI is the best for this business ❤️

    3. did you know superman is real

  2. On Monday, López Obrador took the unusual step of issuing a public appeal for the criminal groups not to fight each other following the arrests, while also sending extra troops to Sinaloa just in case.
    (from Reuters)

    Sounds to me like Mayo and guzman got themselfs a deal. If there is peace in Sinaloa. If not AMLO can only pray now that violence is not spiraling out of control now.
    Corrupt Politicians will be VERY nervous because mayo and guzman have all the Info.

    1. Well when mochomo got arrested the fighting didnt begin til the following months. It wasn’t immediately

    2. 3:11 Mochomo Beltrán and Mayo/Chapo had a completely different relationship with the government. Let’s just say one side wasn’t friends at all with the government.

    3. 311 Wrong. There was fighting instantly.

    4. 6:02 👈🏽 this guy gets it.

    5. @6:02 to my understanding the Beltran Leyva clan was the primary connection to the Mexican government through Sergio Villarreal Barragan on behalf of the Sinaloa federation. Only after Arturo Beltran Leyva broke his faction from the Sinaloa federation is when it’s believed the Mexican government picked to pact with Zambada/Guzman and the other faction leaders that remained with the federation over BLO

    6. The Beltran's were considered the MOST politically connected through Hector Beltran Leyva, who was the society one, the one who moved in those circles.

      The Beltrans were extremely influential until the Mochomo arrest, and things went bad. Genaro Garcia Luna is mixed up in there too. I think he chose the Chapo side in the conflict.

      but by then Alfredo was out of the picture, Arturo was on a drug fueled rampage, paranoid. H was doing something in Mexico City/Acapulco, laying low. Hunting down El Barbie.

      it was always said that the Beltrans were key to the political protection of the Sinaloa Cartel post 2001. They were the bridge to the Genaro Garcia Luna alliance.

    7. JGL definitely had a deal. Mayo definitely got kidnapped. MZ worst nightmare is going to prison in the U.S. He said it in an interview. A U.S government source also said that they have had communication with Chapitos trying to get them to surrender. Nuff Said!!!

    8. 7:32 that’s exactly what he meant homie. El barbas running up on Garcia Luna gave him no choice

    9. @9:00 Yeah from the outside looking in since all we can do is speculate, I also believe that Arturo kidnapping Garcia Luna was the turning point for the BLO and Garcia Luna stopped protecting him and the BLO from that point on. There’s rumors that Garcia Luna ordered that Arturo was to be killed and not captured no matter what during the raid in Morelos.

    10. 6:38 no there wasn't, name one battle or person killed immediately?

    11. @6.02. Mochomo and Hector and his wife were the link to the political class that protected everybody for years, especially when Chapo was in prison. What do you mean? It doesn't make sense.

    12. The difference is chapo and mayo are connected with DEA and other US agencies, certified informants

  3. Animo Sicarios !
    I already spoke with el Seńoron MZ everything is well ,he is now chilling at a CIA hotel with his compadre El Chapo. Los Viejones playing dominos drinking Buchanon del 18 .thye evwn got Paris Hillton and Kim Kharrdashin visiting them .
    Mission #34 completed . Enjoy your retirement !

    1. Reporting for duty 006 🫡

    2. When you got Kardashians coming 'round, you know that you are KING! 👑

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂

    4. Pinche alucin

    5. Why did you run away when your boss was being kidnapped? Complete operational failure on your end you imbecile.

    6. And they have Sicario 006 to suck on their nuts all day!

    7. El 006 se la rifa ! Puro entrenamiento de fuerzas especiales y tacticas militares.

    8. Sicario006 for President!

    9. Why paris hilton lol vato pendejo

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. @02:08 Is that what all the working "ladies" say when they are bending over behind the walls??!! ROFLLMFAO

  4. That was expected.
    Pleading guilty would be the equivalent of tying a rope around his neck.
    At least he's not being a bitch about it like Zambada.

    1. No dude is happy according to his lawyer! Probably 10 years and a new passport + 15m to start I new life. Definitely the smartest of the 4 chapitos in the spotlights🤷🏿‍♂️

    2. Zambada is old and was outmaneuvered by the much younger Jaquín 😱😱😱

    3. 3:37 i was sayin the same thing, get a mayito gordo deal with a $15mill cherry on top

    4. @3:37 I’m thinking 60 months if he has a deal in place. Mayo was a huge target, and had gone back to the 80’s

    5. 5:57 Where the hell does everyone think Guzman can get a deal for someone other than himself only?

    6. 3:37 and 5:57
      I need you to 🤔 think, and think hard...
      Chapos son is/was involved in criminal activity, sending fentanyl illegally to the USA. Now that turned he himself in, along with Mayo you really think, they will pay the 15 M reward 💰 money??

    7. 2:11

      Pleading not guilty is like putting two ropes around your neck.

    8. 8:39 am...if they don't pay, I believe they can kiss offering money for info or for the whereabouts of someone goodbye. Unless there is a stipulation /stipulations that they don't tell us abt like you can't be a drug dealer or you can't be wanted by law enforcement or you must be a US citizen , so on and so forth. So will they pay Chapos son for turning himself in..I don't think so. Will they pay him for delivering Mayo,as some say...Good chance.

  5. So he just showed up in the US with his padrino el mayo with no deal or agreement?

    1. He didn’t surrender but “he’s happy to be here”?

    2. 2:14
      Do deal will come later for jr, he hopes.

    3. 2:14 Well, you know, it was a spur of the moment trip to visit relatives, they were in a hurry, and they slipped up.

  6. Este wey si se parece al chapo, hasta en la nariz periquera

    1. Pinchi ojo virolo

    2. todos los que estan en la movida le ponen. apoco estando rodeados por tanta droga y nunca la usen

  7. All lies. From everyone involved. which means the truth isn't being told by any of these sources, in it's partial entirety.

    That he showed up here without a plea agreement or some kind of deal is laughable. He can do life in prison.

    1. ..partial entirety!

    2. because it would be impossible to "fully know" that kind of a truth. we will get some insight, but will take awhile. and the truth in all forms is slippery and fleeting.

    3. Lolololol love you J. Not partial entirety 😩

    4. The pilot could answer some of these questions but must already be in the witness protection program or dead.

    5. 2;36 who cares if its a lie? The greedy sick mother fucker is in jail.
      You but hurt these guys got nagged?

    6. Its “nabbed” lol

  8. Se entregaron alv pa que se hacen hahha no quieren aparentar debilidad. Pero pos ya que Mayo te la rifastes casi 50 años ta bien que te haigas entragado y pos joaquin en unos 5 años sales de con los gabachos despues de que sueltes la sopa sobre el nini ..El mayo..El R

    1. Connor, post a pic of you cruising in your ramfla slammed on chrome with half a pound of something in the trunk!

    2. 2:37 sigue sonando alucin. Estos cuates ya no salen de la carcel.
      Lo unico que van a poder arreglar si es que se entregaron juntas es que no los manden a la misma carcel donde esta Chapo para que haci ellos si tengan visitas familiares si esto.

  9. if he by himself showed up, I would say his brothers wanted to kill him. but this is way way different.

    1. Wait can u expound on this thought. I’m intrigued. Are u saying chapitos bros ???

    2. @8:20 according Ocran leaks Ivan disliked his half brothers because their dad spent more time with Ovidio and Joaquin’s mom and also reportedly Edgar was his favorite son so Ivan despised them. But who knows how much truth there is too what Ocran (Mini Lic?) says.

    3. The game gets really weird and currenents start to shift when you have 10m on your head.

      There's people in those circles who are probably thinking about it, and some who have acted.

      Look at Emma. She turned herself in partially because she knew she was no good in Culiacan with Ivan running things. He wanted to kill her and collect her properties.

      it wouldn't have shocked me if Guero felt like Ivan wanted him dead, one to prevent him from talking and two from doing this.

      Turn my brother in and get a reduction for me and my full brother.

      but the Mayo thing...has to be a deal. To me, it reads like both Guero and Mayo want to cooperate against Ivan. And Mayo probably has way more cards than that.

  10. Meanwhile AMLO wants a full explanation, as to see if USA violated any laws. He cares a rats ass, when his citizens get killed.
    Now Mayo Z. who had a $15 M, bounty on him is caught. and he wants a full transparent report.
    Mayo Z won't be bankrolling the curupt government anymore.

    1. Coward ass punk AMLO is a bitch!!

  11. Lawyer speak, he doesn't have a formal plea. just a promise.

    Then he says...."Mayo is doing his thing"

    "Take it from me as someone who knows, rather than from someone who thinks he knows or an anonymous source,"
    basically says the government is lying.

    1. J. They got a deal. Both. Lupe Tapia scenario, Cheyos, the Culiacan Raids was part or this event that took place. During the raids he (Ismael) warned his closest people to stay incognito so they would not splinter the Zambada Faction. Meaning closest people, as in hitters many here do not know of.

  12. Imagine a world where the government and lawyers don’t feed you bullshit.

  13. I think Luis conriquez I think is his son too I see the resemblance lol

  14. They all plead not guilty at first.Same what vicentillo did.

    1. Yes's a formality. You can always change you plea.

  15. Will never ever trust someone from Sinaloa. When meeting someone from there, sayonara hermano. Bunch of petty bandits snitching, thieving and low tier hustling. El Chapo himself was caught on tape negotiating 50 keys, embarrassing

    1. 50,000 tons hermano, stick to your 20$ habit....

    2. No it was 50 kg of H. For the Flores twins i believe.

    3. It was less than that

      Like 12

      But that’s just how he was

      Hands on

      He didn’t have to do that or talk to anyone on phone

    4. That was one of the Flores twins trying to lower the price of something they had already sold, straight RATAS any Chicano is a RATA hands down. You’re talking about a million dollar payment over 50keys. That’s a Mf win when you pay 100 (10$) pesos for the kilo. Not even in your dreams you’ll reach that little homies

    5. chapo was a micro managing dick, this sealed his fate.

    6. 11:53 is right. It was 50 kg of heroin. Of which the twins were trying to get a better price because the quality was lacking for the price.

    7. yeah Js and the other guy are was heroin for the flores twins.and it wasnt no 50k

    8. 129 STFU clown shoes

  16. Imagen if they got ran out of Sinaloa by el Mayito flaco and ivan. And new alliance is taking place

    1. 313 and then you woke up sorry little guy CDs is descending into chaos

    2. What if the USA solders in covert killed Mayito Flaco and Ivan then flew away with these guys

  17. Can someone please explain to me why half of the comments under the article of Damaso's tomb crypt having been desecrated are about being gay, bisexuality, and butter imimplants?

    1. 3:59 I couldn't tell you but I suspect more than half of all narcos are gay and bi and shit. They just have to play the part of big macho cowboy types in order for them to be respected a bit.

    2. Ocran leaks episode #25 watch it.

    3. It's easy to greed, jealousy, rage.

    4. from Atlanta and there is always some hidden lgbt stuff going on behind the scenes shaking my body nasty 🤢

  18. I generally don't reserve any sympathy for psychopathic killers. However, unlike his half-brothers who appear to relish sadism, killing, and the life--this man might very well have happoly chosen a different path had he not been born into this. It seems paranoia and fear of arrest, torture, or death got the better of him. He is according to the expression now between a rock and hard, and sadly under the impression that escaped the hold that paranoia and fear had of him. But he shall soon discover that is sorely not to be for long, he shall soon be incarcerated, where his personal hell shall recommence. I think he couldn't stand constantly looking over his shoulder and he missed his blood, his full brother. He probably even feared his other remaining siblings, that they would work towards getting him dead or arrested

    1. I think you meant 'between a rock and hard place'. probably a typo. Still, nothing regarding the flight makes much sense. The bag of zip ties do make sense though, meaning a kidnapping took place. And why would there be a kidnapping unless he working with the u.s. feds?

    2. @5:25PM You nailed it 💯 Why would Joaquin, let alone anyone , kidnap someone with the means to wipe out their entire family just for the hell of it ? The man has no deal in place , but kidnaps a person with the power and means to kill their entire family ???? Who in their right mind just stirs up a hornets nest , for no other reason then to do it ??? Last thing anyone who didn’t have a deal would do is risk their loved ones lives by doing something as stupid as kidnapping a man like Mayo against his will. What is the logic behind it ? Joaquin : “ I want to spend the rest of my life in a U.S prison , and oh by the way … I am going to kidnap a man like Mayo and bring him to the Americans because I like worrying about almost certain retaliation against my loved ones ? “😄 Some of these comments are hilarious. Anyone who believes this nonsense story the media is selling, needs to really evaluate how naive they are . If not now , then atleast once the truth comes out .

    3. 5:25 hum bug.🤔
      "us feds"
      Perhaps you mean US feds?

    4. Joaquin was the main fentanyl producer, you idiots!!! wait for Damaso to start talking, he has Mayo's side

  19. What if, now hear me out. El MZ is the one who kidnapped the other?

  20. I’m sure they don’t want the American people know that their Gov makes deals with criminals lol.

  21. Asta ovidio se veía más vivo en el negocio que este camarada jaja con razón Alfredo e ivan lo aventaron a estregarse.

    1. Nope. Ovidio era bueno para el negocio de que nada le faltara a si vieja. Joquin like Edgar were the most liked amongst the brothers

  22. Ahora alfredo y Iván viven mejor que nunca jaja. Nunca les gusta compartir el negocio con sus medios hermanos
    ( ovidio e Joaquin)

    1. Alfredo e Ivan — Ovidio y Joaquín

    2. Whatever the truth is it sounds so crazy
      Chapito kidnapping mayo n flying him to the us to get a deal
      Them turning themselves in together
      Gringos kidnapping them both and bringing them to the us
      Whatever it is is crazy


  23. Guzman jr. will get a sweet deal, Mayo jr. had more serious charges than Guzman.

    1. My gut feeling from the start of all this was, he sees the writing on the wall and wants out of the game. The shit's going to come down on all the Guzmans and old school bosses. Pretty sure he has a few tens of millions stashed somewhere. That and the money from the Mayo reward. Life is good, getting out of the game.

    2. 7:29 criminals involved in a criminal enterprise, don't get wanted reward 💰
      money. Void void void.

    3. @827
      Yes, you're right, NO WAY anybody named Guzman getting $15 million of U.S. taxpayers' hard earned money.. 😹

  24. they were given an ultimatum. Mexico wants foreign investment they are on the road to become a global super power and the next economic powerhouse. Look who go elected, she will be another gorgtari . They’re going to kill or imprison all but one group, simply too many conflicts of interest and were no longer viewed as assets. They have all become liabilities. And we all know how corporations feel about liabilities. This was nothing more than risk management. It’s in the best interest of stakeholders. Claudia’s bosses are the sole benefactors here.

    1. Joaquin probably wants out of the game. Bringing Mayo along was his ace in the hole. His brothers allowed it because they want the fentanyl heat off them.

    2. The brothers allowed it, cause they are greedy and want it all for themselves ... They should of taken em out when they kidnapped em

  25. Snitchaloas doing what they do best 👌

  26. Mexa noticias did a 9 minute video on their theory about the arrests and honestly it seems like the most believable thing out there . Y'all should check it out

    1. We don't want theories, we'll wait till everything comes out in court..tired of all these stupid theories.

    2. 7:18 Hillbilly Joe, we don't want stinking theories, we want facts.

    3. It does seem to be the most plausible theory. If MZ was kidnapped like the USA is saying, Sinaloa would be all out chaos right now, especially in Culiacan.

  27. When the lawyer says, “I don’t know how he did it”..LOL…

    1. héctor m. cuén was hit the same day, coincidence? Could be...

  28. @4:22 I think you're more right than most will think. I think MF, Ivan and Alfredillo decided to fuck them them both, and sent them North. Wouldn't be surprised if they all did meet, and figured the weakest links needed to go. Mayo been semi retired and is most likely terminal, and Joaquin was the least earner. They were told to talk, and testify against each other to get ANY deals possible. I'm sure Ivan and Alfredillo promised to keep money on their books. I think the only way to stay in business was a complete restructure. MF, Alfredillo, and Ivan are the strongest, so they will last a little longer. I predict RCQ is going North, and the the Trevino's will be joining them.


    1. He is sleeping in the grave.

    2. At least hes not sleeping in u.s. prison cell lol

    3. He is sleeping with the fishes.

    4. Lol and we all thought mayo was dead or really old and frail with medical problems he doesn't look old frail and sick to me for his and and being supposedly on the run for almost 50 years he looks in way better shape then alot of people his age living a quiet retired life so I'd bet menthol is alive and good health most likely living g low key in a metro area not in the mountains like everyone says

    5. Mencho esta vivo si lo quieres ver nomas date una vuelta por union de tvla y sus alrededores compa

    6. 7:25 nino mocoso, mencho ESTA muerto vato loco.

  30. Guano flushed them out, and the prospect of facing Guano has much worse repercussions that anything Uncle Sam can dish out. Also, Guano has deals with Mencho, Marro, Osiel, and the Arruba brothers. Even Los Danny is considering breaking out of prison so he can have the honor of aligning with the mighty Guano!

    He's coming after Alfredo and Ivan Next. Alfredo will kidnap Ivan and fly into Southern California, if Guano allows it. It's all true. It's in the corridos, and everyone knows the corridos never lie.

    1. Deals with mencho and marro, you are funny kid, sinaloa pulled all strings to get marro moved out of the reach of the jaliscas….

    2. No Alfredo would probably be kidnapped by Kate del C. Mark my words😜

    3. I heard Guano was Crazy. Bat Shit crazy, some may even say.

  31. I’ve met many from SIN, and they straight up… except for Chapo fans. Only loyal dudes I’ve met from there are MZ or not involved in it. So, Chapos people are straight up gonna turn on you, and in the end will backstab you

    1. Callate avlador vergaaa

    2. Makes sorta sense… the Juarez War was always Carrillo vs. Guzman .. Zambada was left out of it

    3. @7:32 only straight people you met are my fans or not involved but you have mz almost entire family being in witness protection and testified in court and you say they good

  32. Juan Nepomuceno Guerra Cárdenas was the only capo to escape USA justice. Sorry, Mayo.

    1. Not nearly on the same level … MZ is 10 times whatever Juan Guerra was, face it not even in its “heyday” was CDG ever the supreme cartel in Mexico. It was number 2 at best

    2. 7:11 gilbertona Juan guerra kept it solid . Zapo Cagada has been snitching his whole career.Turning in his own people ,and his enemies.No te agas pendej@.That was a good one though.

    3. That's Koo foo.

    4. 7:11

      Juan Nepomuceno had more political power than Mayo could ever dream of. He personally knew Salinas de Gortari and also knew hid father. He also had American police chiefs in his pockets. Neither Mayo nor Amado were as powerful.

    5. 7:11
      Doesn't matter, he still avoided US justice, something Mayo failed at.

  33. They have to deny a deal was made!!! If they did that would make Guzman a hired agent or spy who kidnapped a drug lord and flew him to the USA.

    1. I can see that logic . I remember when Dog the Bounty Hunter and his team got arrested for kidnapping a serial rapist who was wanted by the U.S government . U.S couldn’t go get him and the reward was so big that Dog went and got him and brought him back but got arrested in the process. He was facing a lot of time for illegally bringing that rapist to justice.

    2. Ever heard the name of Juan Ramón Matta-Ballesteros. US gives a fuck about kidnapped.

  34. The entire Guzman family is a bunch of bitc-es and snitches ... What a pathetic family full of worthless criminals

    1. No shet Sherlock Holmes, we already know they snitch, like Snitcher Truther.

    2. 10:44 but what about the zambadas? Mayo two sons ,chino , and his brother all ratted and are free well gordo about to be free soon. But you only signal out Guzman sol why?

  35. Ivan y el mayito se pusieron de acuerdo en el cambio de mando y los mandaron para los Estados Unidos vean como las cosas van a cambiar aki la estrategia es aser lo ver como si ay pleito para nada de eso mencho sigues tu los nuevos mandos ya estan todos de acuerdo ajuaaaaaa

  36. Special force groups wher ein the area at time of meeting they where scooped up they both took the fall for brothers and the younger heir of mayo due to them already having full control of the cartel for the past 5 years

    1. Reading these comments is hilarious, go back to school stop trying to assume If you don’t have any real knowledge

  37. Thought mayo was enemies with the chapos sons so why would he get on a plane with one?

    1. 6:48
      They're not enemies. All the internet chismosas making shit up.

  38. Joaquin was definitely high from his own supply, what a pic! He looks like he has had a little too much of that Columbian marching powder, what an over-fed chicken head!

    1. When you reach the age, your ass gonna look cooked as he does or worse.

    2. He wears glasses.
      That's what he looks like with our glasses.


    1. And I have a squirrel as a pet.

  40. Breaking news 2 snitches turned themselves in was no kidnapping.50 years mayo has been turning people in .

  41. Would it not be very funny if JGL is found dead in prison from an apparent overdose of fentanyl disguised as cocaine......... And the media reports that "Well nobody forced miser Joaquin to take the drugs."

  42. Can you update the lastest rumor that both been working on a plea deal for the last 4 years.

    1. Why expect others to do what you can do for yourself. Just make up your own update. Lots of “professionals” in the narco journalism doing that now.

  43. Mayo has had a great professional career! 🫡 to him. A sure 1st Ballot pick into the HOF of Tracking! Cue the Corrido for his intro:
    He Has pushed more weight than any Strongest Man Winner! Has gotten rid of more Weed than Round-Up (caused about the same amount of Cancer tho). Has produced more Snow than any El Niño Season! Has offloaded more little Blues than Pfizer. January is too Cold For Him. February is too Short for Him. March is too March for him. April is too Foolish for him. Introducing MR 5th Month. Mr 5/5. Ellllllllllll Mayoooooooooooooo Mayoooo mayo…. Your favorite CI’s favorite CI… (Audience Clapping)

    1. Mayo definitely the pablo of this century, what a career, never a day in jail, until… fuckin kidnapped by a chapito🤪

    2. Juan Nepomuceno had more political power.

  44. "He's happy to be here. That's all I can really say at this point."
    Ya I'm calling bs. Not only do I not believe that Joaquin is happy to be in the us in custody, or that he said that, I doubt it's even really him tbh.silicon masks could easily be worn.


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