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Friday, July 26, 2024

Joaquin Guzman Lopez To Appear Next Week In Chicago Court

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

Joaquín Guzmán López, son of Chapo Guzmán, arrested along with Ismael El Mayo Zambada will present himself next week before a federal court in Chicago (Illinois), police sources reported.

Guzmán López was arrested yesterday near the border city of El Paso, Texas, and according to the information, he faces more than a dozen charges in Chicago, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and being part of a criminal organization.


  1. American justice system is a joke why should this guy even get a chance to appear in court. His entire family has ruined all the American peoples for decades with drugs. He should be executed on site but unstead he will probably make a deal with the US government and live in the witness protection system for the rest of his life. Vote Trump my people

    1. Your daddy Trump isn’t going to do much, Americans who love their fent and drugs are the ones who are these guys’ number one customers. Drive down skid row and majority of the addicts who are there are all American and living like slobs by choice :D

    2. What about The Sacklers family who started the Opiate pandemic decades ago by paying professional doctors to claim that oxycodone was not addictive?
      Nobody forces Americans to do drugs. Blame the boomers who refuse to die and sold all of your future, who have taken two years of your life in lockdown and made the biggest transfer of wealth from the working class to the elite with your tax dollars.

    3. For a moment I thought this was satire…

    4. Trump or no Trump the United States will continue to have a never ending appetite for drugs. So you think because these two turned themselves in and worked out a deal with the USA government, drug use stops ?? There will always be drugs in the USA. It’s part of the economy. Everyone acts like trip is some sort or magician who’s going to fix everything. Good luck with that.

    5. That's the difference between America and nazi dictators dummy we don't need anymore senile that shit them selves as president let.alone criminals who assault women and want to take away thier rights vote harris 2024

    6. So this guy forced “the american people” to take these drugs?

    7. Lol. I'd rather have worms in the White House than dummy criminal Trump.

    8. I guess never mind the tens of thousands of decent and innocent Mexicans that he/they have murdered or tortured with impunity.
      PS. The fact you’re pushing Trump tells me all I need to know.

    9. 6:42 have you lost your mind.
      Let me see🤔you want "worms", to be President. You need to see a doctor.

    10. Trumps ear healed magically fast.

    11. At 6:03 American justice system is a joke, yes it will become a 3 ring circus if Trump was to win. Unfortunately many don't want a convicted felon, that lies too much. Vote for Harris 2024.

    12. So the Clintons, Bush’s, and Regan don’t exist ? Lol. They literally moved in all the coke in the 70s , 80s, and 90s. Obama sold guns to Mexico to create the war . The “Americans “ are drug addicts , who blame everyone else and take no responsibility for themselves. Look in the mirror , my little pipe smoker . These drugs belong in prison , yes. But don’t act like they are the only problem with drugs .

    13. 802 go back reddit with your fairytales.

    14. Typical of a Trump fan to have terrible grammar. I'll go out on a limb and guess you are not a college graduate? Lol...

    15. Trump is a criminal like him they would be best buddies

    16. Amlo is all sad cause his butt buddies are all locked up ... Pogre ....

    17. That's why we have a justice system. Innocent until proven guilty. If we didn't Trump would have been executed for enticing a riot to overthrow an election.

    18. @7:29. Lol. Worms would be better. It's perfectly logical. Precise.

    19. vamos trump
      con todo wey !

    20. Mention trump and mexicans get hysterical like a herd of mindless sheep,then again most fuckers are mindless sheep


    21. Any Trump supporter who agrees that drug dealers should go to death row should spend more time with their extended family, cos it will be shrinking. You are spitting into the sky.

    22. That's ridiculous. That's as dumb as when Mexico blames the US for what criminals do with guns they illegally smuggle into their country. Crimes have nothing to do with the law abiding and no matter how many laws are passed they will still be broken. Nobody is forcing people in the US to ruin their own lives with drugs.

  2. Wasn’t mayos son released the other year and walking around N amusement park in the states?
    Then he decided to go back to Mexico. Is that the one whose running the show now apparently?

    1. What amusement park?

    2. No that’s Mayito Gordo who is free and was spotted in San Diego. The one who’s running the show is Mayito Flaco who keeps a low profile and doesn’t have many of his photos out there.

    3. no thats a brother. the one in the park was mayito gordo

    4. 626
      Sea World
      San Diego
      HEARST had the good photos, as usual

    5. 6:26 Sea world lol

    6. Lol, Gordo, SeaWorld, shamu. Hahaha

  3. Word on the streets is that Sicario 006 is on suicide watch...!!!

  4. That's not El Mayo. That's Sicario 006! He took El Mayos place. Sicario 006, dando la vida pa que se escape Ismael.

    1. Stupid Pendejo

    2. Well you partly correct… NOT MAYO

    3. That's definitely mayo.

  5. Joaquin Jr was the smartest of Los Chapitos after all. He outsmarted Mayo. Something. no one had been able to accomplish not even Las Tres Letras (DEA,CIA,FBI). Darn, think about it Sicario 006 and Jr. are probably the same person.

    1. How did he outsmart anyone if he’s in US custody lol Mini Lic is better off than any of them

    2. Ofcourse he outsmarted . His path was either death of life in prison.
      Now he probably does 7 years in protective custody until all trails are over. and gets out to live the rest of his life with his billions somewhere in europe partying on the Greek Islands or Ibiza with the world's billionaires

    3. Are high on molly or tuci?!

      What world’s billionaires are planning a party with a rotting corpse that can’t drink alchohol or swallow solid foods anymore?

    4. I don't get why people think the CIA is interested in turning an asset like mayo. They are not law enforcement. They use drug money tax free to malware installed on your door dash that little by little takes a few cents from your sales tax
      And that's just gathering black funds for their ops and not intelligence gathering.
      FBI and DEA are just there to turn losers and a few important drug Lord into controlled opposition.

    5. 953
      The world' billionairs can hardly wait to party with this super-sophisticated indio!

    6. @01:01 The CIA needs Mayo's intel on the Soviet Union and the Red Communist Party.... just like the DEA needs Chapo's nephews and cousins to feed them live intel on Cartel Los Zetas' operations in the USA.

      If they don't have a source on the inside who knows whats going down in the street somebody might sneek into the drug supply and lace the cocaine in the White House with fetty and nitazines or make fake heroin and sell it to judges, police officers, and disgraced supervisory special agents...

    7. 101am , worldwide US spying facility EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center) is run by CIA. No coincidence they landed in Chuco Town USA.

    8. @3.17. I was thinking it MUST be a CIA conspiracy, cos the CIA is a US agency, and where did they land? In the USA!! Wheels within wheels....

  6. “Word on the street” you mean you read online

  7. I would've like to see all big time Mexican drug lords house in the same facility and in the same unit just to see what happens out of that.

    1. Nothing, they’ll probably just talk about Old times and memories

    2. Both you dip shits are wrong. This has been done before with Osiel and some other big shot.... Osiel sent people with bats to beat the ever loving shit outa him.. I wanna say it was CAF member I can't member exactly who I'm sure it's online somewhere

    3. 8:45 benjamin arrelano felix

  8. I think this Chapito is the smartest of all the brothers, he didn't get caught at La leche.

    1. Or get arrested and in jail like a moron like Menchito

    2. 738 menchos your dad

    3. Good food at la leche

  9. Him and Chapo get to bunkies as part of the deal?😆

    1. Ol Chappy's in solitary, isn't he?

  10. It’s so weak when there are Trump and Biden and AMLO comments here. They truly have nothing to do with any of this. There is a stronger justice system in the USA, especially when compared to Mexico. Even guilty as charged subjects get a fair trial, that’s strength

  11. Cocaine… Americas Cup of Coffee lmao iykyk

    1. Cocaine isn’t illegal, it is a Schedule II controlled substance and analgesic drug used in surgery in the USA. You just have to get it from Walmart in a vial and microwave it on a plate like ketamine or xylazine to turn it into powder. Duh.

  12. You’re telling me this is the same guy? And what’s up with he guy in the plaid shirt??

    1. 10:56 I agree. I mean the first dude looks like Luis Chaparro's bastard father.... hmmmmmm

    2. Plaid shirt picture is fake.

    3. He was born with a spastic nose like yours,but surgery only made it worse,that and cocaine use ?

  13. No mas vengo que decir que era Hellman’s east of the Rockies.

  14. The "war" on drugs is one thAt cannot be won. Our own government helped create the cartels, to profit, gain power but most of all gather intelligence.

  15. If Trump becomes president, is he going to designate Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations? Asking for a friend..🧐

    1. 9.47
      you want me to hold your hand when you need to go peepee. Asking for a friend.

  16. Anyone else notice that mayos marshal number ends in 180 but the chaps jr is a 506. Was jgl jr previously arrested? Why would they get different numbers if they were captured at the same time in the same place.

    1. Interesting observation…


    2. No idiot…. The last 3 digits indicate the fed district where the number was assigned ie where they first got processed

  17. So either Guzmán made a deal where he and his brother get a lesser sentence, or he sacrificed himself out of revenge, and his younger brother gets a lesser sentence. There's no way he didn't make a deal. Mayo will spend the rest of his life in prison, which, let's be honest, won't be too long; he looks very ill.

    1. Mayo made no deal. Mark my words.

  18. He's going to have a Release date...
    Mayo... I Don't think so


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