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Friday, July 5, 2024

'La Gente Nueva del Tigre' Announces La Línea Members Will Be Killed Off. Narco Banners Are Left On Central Streets Of Guachochi; They Threaten To Take Over The Municipality: Chihuahua

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LaMasakr3 on X

July 3, 2024

" La Gente Nueva del Tigre announces La Línea will be targeted. 

Narco banners are left on the central streets of Guachochi; they threaten to take over the municipality.
Guachochi, Chihuahua - Several narco banners with a message were left in the central streets of Guachochi; it was reported that the message threatened to take over the municipality in the next few days and threatened a curfew.

On Tuesday morning it was reported that several tarpaulins were found with a message from a criminal group operating in the municipality of Guachochi.

This generated the mobilization of the authorities in the place, who found them hanging on road signs in the center of the town, being personnel of the National Guard who secured the banners for investigation.

Inside the tarps, you can read the following message: 

To all the people who are supporting the pigs, please get out of Guachochi or face the consequences "We already have a list of who they are" The pigs that you are supporting are going to be worth a damn and you fucking pig of palapas along with your fucking cock suckers are going to get fucked up, we are fed up with pigs in Guachochi. A new owner has arrived  Sincerely,  Gente Nueva

From 10 pm onwards I don't want people on the street because we are not going to respond.

In view of this situation and due to the content of the tarpaulins, this morning a security meeting was held between the different levels of government.

This fact was brought before the different authorities, who agreed to send another group of Interinstitutional Operations Base (B.O.I.) to be implemented in the municipality of Guachochi.'



  1. Gente nueva del Tigre are not in guachochi. It's salguieros l

    1. Thanks there was a follow-up information that it is actually Salgueiro vs Salgueiro you have more information ?

    2. 12:46 there is a video about it in Grillonautas2. Some jefe de plaza got kicked out with his whole family. Intern beef within Gente Nueva .

    3. Yes it’s internal beef between CDS it’s being said that Palapas got ran out he was second in command to Chapo Calin who was killed by another CDS member alot of internal wars im guessing Linea got CDS starving and fighting amongst themselves for what little they still hold in Chih

    4. 4:16 the thing is Gente Nueva Salguierios still control alot of territory in the state in behalf of Chapos. La Linea has alot of infighting too .

  2. Puras patadas de ahogados esas sinaloas la linea ya ni en cuenta los toma nomas andan en su rollo moviendo jale cuantas masacres de sinalacras uvo desde el 2020 i ahora mas que salio el 80 i el chuyin tambien anda afuera

    1. Si la Gente Nueva esta en Juarez Ojinaga Cuathemoc Delicias Parral Guachochi Chihuahua capital Guadalupe y Calvo Uruachi . Y eso que segun van para afuera . 🤷

    2. Pinche Linea no puede no controlar Juarez que es su meta bastion y haci quieren dominar Chihuahua.
      Les masacraron seis linieros hace una semana y todavia andan de habladores.
      Por culos y traicioneros se los esta empesando a chingar Sinaloa en el estado. Se traicionar a diario en Juarez.

    3. Ojinaga es Pura ________💯

    4. Ojinaga has Gente Nueva in it 8:12

    5. Pinche Linea con su Empresa que no vale verga. Luego los Mexicles se fueron solos cuando antes tambien trabajan para Sinaloa. Los Artistas Asesinos todavia andan amadre por las calles de Juarez trabajando para Sinaloa. Y la Linea traiciono a los Aztecas de El Paso.
      No Valen para pura verga los de Juarez por culpa de El Chuyin con sus ideas de meter a PRM en Juarez. Cuando caiga Juarez Ojinaga no va a durar.

    6. Gn no sale de cd chihuahua pa esos rumbos su unica entrada ya que Jimenitoz es Pura _______ tambien

    7. Estas menso ojinaga esta 100% controlado por la Linea. Si habia gente nueva estaba ahi, Pasara mucha violencia.

  3. Cds looking to take another beating as per usual

  4. Ya la mafia se esta terminando

  5. La Linea siempre trae a los Chaput0s de rodillas, good luck Gente Muerta

    1. Los de Sinaloa ya estan recuperando terreno en Chihuas. Los de la linea tienen mas de 3 4 años deciendo que los de CDS van para afuera y al contrario estan agarrando mas terreno.

    2. Donde Mero maistro?

  6. cds is just like cjng can't take any plazas

    1. Durango Sinaloa Zacatecas Sonora Baja California Aguascaliente are just a few states where the dominant cartel is CDS .

    2. Are there any border cities that CDS has 100% control of? The only one I can think of is Mexicali

    3. 7:20 Nogales and Sonoyta in Sonora are also pure CDS plazas .

    4. Say you don't know anything better cds is in every state

  7. El tigre is still alive ? Dude has been in this business for a while now.

  8. GN has been fighting for Chihuahua for like 15 years now? They can't take a single turf from other cartels but I'm surprised they're still around, damn. Other armed wings of Sinaloa are long gone.

    1. 8:09 la linea is composed of Chihuahua state sicarios . Chihuahua state police . Chihuahua state politicians and Chihuahua state military. So if CDS hasn't been kicked out just goes to show how deep entrenched CDS is in the state. Lets be realistic. CDS isn't going anywhere in that state soon.

    2. There's a lot of sinaloas and from other states fyi

    3. There's a lot of sinaloas especially from guasave and choix in the line

    4. The war over Chihuas has nothing to do with “state pride” or where sicarios are from .. that logic is stupid.. people kill each other over $$$ regardless of where your from .. the truth is you have lots of sinaloenses living in Chihuahua state for decades just like you have them in Sonora and TJ a lot of them are honest hardworking ppl and then of course you have the bad apples .. but when you analize things further you come to the conclusion that Salgueiros and Salazares are originally from Chihuahua and they founded Gente Nueva at the service of CDS and on the other side you have JL who is originally from Culiacan and he leads or lead LaLinea which works for the Juarez Cartel.. if anything can be learned by this is that where your from don’t mean $hit to these parasites at the end of the day they are all looking to bleed out the population

  9. Linea already been infiltrated moving in on Parral

    1. La Linea is runned by Jera la cochi and el negro allias el Javi alias el Denver madera chiuas

    2. La Cochi or el 🦌

  10. Madera pura ___________ atte el Javi allias el negro y Gerra alias la quina

  11. Para los que no saben y los ilucines la linea controls ojinaga and is making its move south. Fanboys swear gn is everywhere but they are not only and if so in small numbers. The next battlefield will be for Parral the stepping stone to la sierra del sur

    1. What happened in Ojinaga last that they got rid of some guys? The head of sicarios and other somewhat important people but they didn't kill any of them.

  12. that is a nice banner man it looks like it was printed on neon like a lavender persimmon tone or something maybe they imported it from west africa I don’t know but it looks legit the crest should be dropped down wherever it is needed man there are the three main corridors and they’re already crossing lines for sure don’t trust the army guys they are no fun they will put you in the hospital and throw away your keys

    1. Not really no period.

    2. @1022 — “not really, no period”

      El Sin Comma

  13. La linea es la que tienes atras

  14. Puro jente del venado allias el panza de cochi ________


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