Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Marcelino Ticante Castro "El Fantasma" Fomer Security Chief Of "El Chapo Guzman" Set Free

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

July 23, 2024

Marcelino Ticante Castro, El Fantasma, the alleged former security chief of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, was released from the Altiplano prison on July 2.

Luis Rodríguez Bucio, Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), announced on Tuesday that El Fantasma, who was arrested on February 9, 2013 in the Costa Rica syndicate, municipality of Culiacán, was being held for crimes against health and carrying firearms exclusive to the Army, but a judge granted him the benefit of early release.

“The reason for his release is early release for crimes against health and carrying firearms, he was notified of his release on Friday, June 28, he was given 24 hours for his release and was released on Tuesday, July 2, 24”, said the official.

He noted that Diana Montserrat Partida Arambulo, sixth judge of the Specialized District for the Execution of Sentences in Mexico City, was the one who granted him the benefit.

Rodríguez Bucio pointed out that the freedoms granted to el Fantasma and 191 other inmates detained for federal crimes, including a brother and two brothers-in-law of El Mencho, have been granted from 2018 to 2024 on weekends, when it is more difficult to prevent them from being released, given the difficulty of quickly locating investigation files that are open against them in state prosecutors' offices.




  1. Talibanes para escolta
    Y Guachitos pa pelear
    Yo tambien fui del gobierno
    Un teniente militar
    Para tener condiciones
    Y buen pulso pa tirar

    1. 🍻🍻🫡

    2. Thank you Char.

    3. El problema para ustedes es que Pancho del Rancho trabaja como el controlador del CJNG en Estados Unidos. Nadie tiene permitido entrar a los EE.UU. sin su permiso. Si vendes metanfetaminas, cocaína o fentanilo en los EE.UU. y no te registras, tu familia morirá de inmediato. A Rogelio le cortarán las piernas y un brazo. A otros miembros se les torturará, seguido de una comida ligera, y luego comenzará la quema de los demonios cuando derrame gasolina sobre tus amigos y pandilleros del cartel. También tenemos cerillas para la mafia. Voy para Estados Unidos de América... JajJAJAJAJAJ. Pancho del Rancho controla la mafia, el cartel mafioso, CDS Los Rusos, CDG, CDN, ZVE y el clan del Cartel del Golfo colombiano.

      Nadie tiene permitido vender en los EE.UU. sin sus permisos, papeles y tarjetas de identificación. No se hacen excepciones. Si lo haces, desaparecerás. Estamos aquí y debes obedecer. Controlamos todo. Sean buenas personas, dejen de comprar metanfetaminas de los vendedores equivocados que mienten sobre sus afiliaciones. Errores = Castigo o Muerte.

      Pancho del Rancho tiene pastillas de éxtasis MDMA de Alemania, fentanilo y metanfetaminas.

    4. Un corridaso buenooo 💯

    5. El problema para ustedes es que Pancho del Rancho trabaja como el controlador del CJNG en Estados Unidos. Nadie tiene permitido entrar a los EE.UU. sin su permiso. Si vendes metanfetaminas, cocaína o fentanilo en los EE.UU. y no te registras, tu familia morirá de inmediato. A Rogelio le cortarán las piernas y un brazo. A otros miembros se les torturará, seguido de una comida ligera, y luego comenzará la quema de los demonios cuando derrame gasolina sobre tus amigos y pandilleros del cartel. También tenemos cerillas para la mafia. Voy para Estados Unidos de América... JajJAJAJAJAJ. Pancho del Rancho controla la mafia, el cartel mafioso, CDS Los Rusos, CDG, CDN, ZVE y el clan del Cartel del Golfo colombiano.

      Nadie tiene permitido vender en los EE.UU. sin sus permisos, papeles y tarjetas de identificación. No se hacen excepciones. Si lo haces, desaparecerás. Estamos aquí y debes obedecer. Controlamos todo. Sean buenas personas, dejen de comprar metanfetaminas de los vendedores equivocados que mienten sobre sus afiliaciones. Errores = Castigo o Muerte.

      Pancho del Rancho tiene pastillas de éxtasis MDMA de Alemania, fentanilo y metanfetaminas.

    6. Necesitamos esas perlas chivo brillantes muy blancas Tejas

    7. Orale Ricardo Pancho Triller Fernandez Lopez Pacheco Zambrano Orelleno Hernandez del Carmen.
      We are civilized.

    8. Callate Pendejo

    9. el jale de la CIA y DEA se termino cuando ellos son los que venden usan mueven todo en nombre de la USA 🇺🇸 el negocio era el armamento ya nadie les compra ahora ellos mueven la 💩 hasta jeringas nuevas todo limpio y puro hahaha un cochinero y todos dormidos!!

  2. Camilo ba salir diciendo que el Fantasma amda trabajando pa la CIA encubierto pero lo tracionaron en Cuba "pero por que" por que no complio con las asayas y el mismo Cilo fuel al frente a Cuba a cumplir la mission

    1. Va a decir que El Fantasma a veces es Ocran y otras veces es Mini Lic

  3. Teniente Fantasma, I wonder what his current status is within the cartel. Seems like it would be good since he did over 10 years, but different times now from then. Stay Tuned…

  4. Camilo ba salir diciendo que el Fantasma anda trabajando pa la CIA encubierto aya en Cuba pero lo traicionaron "pero por que" por que no cumplio con las asayas y el mismo Camilo fue al frente a Cuba para terminar la mission

  5. This dude had a higher military rank than some of the original Zetas . Also isn't his son or stepson fighting for the Chapiza in Sonora? Would be surprised if IAG has him with him like his dad did as his personal body guard .

  6. He’s handsome and cute. Nuff said!!

    1. Yes, he is a hotty. He looks like a Mexican Wayne Newton.

  7. Not a dickk rider but dam! he has some cool corridos de Los alegres.

  8. El mismo fantasma que el Camilo dijo que avía muerto jajja.

    1. el que habla camilo es el que murio en oso viejo antes de que el gobierno marata al M1 informate primero

  9. Intelligent, on-topic comments so far.. Congratulations Char, or whoever, you've learned the key to herding cats!

  10. You guys think he’s going back to the cartel life ? Or Which side will he take, Mayo o chapos side lol.

  11. For being a well known figure in the cartel life he never got extradited to the US ?

  12. Camilo said this dude was dead lmao. Ese Camilo es puro pájaro nalgón con sus historias que cuenta.

    1. Pero tu eres el pendejo por andar viendo los video del otro pendejo

    2. Chale check et out pinse Barbara

    3. @ 11:35 y tu otro pendejo por leer comentarios de este pendejo.

    4. Y todos ustedes son unos pendejos

    5. el fantasma que murio y del que camilo platico es el que mataron casi llegando a quila de oso viejo wl gobierno. andaban tras el M1 despuesito lo mato

  13. What a joke, Mexico has become a complete narco state unable to handle it's own affairs without corruption.

    1. Are you a newbie in here?
      Rookie has a lot to learn.

  14. Lo van a quebrar a este compa; los chapitos matan a todos los que si tienen huevos de la vieja escuela.

  15. Parece de Oaxaca

    1. 9;30 calmado mi francés , piel blanca y ojos azules jajajaja.

  16. Mexican justice is a fucking joke, kill each other to the end...and keep voting for besitos y no balazos...fucking idiots

    1. Shut the fuck up Sol

    2. Did Mexico free the twins? Half of the North Valley Cartel? Mayo kids?

    3. No period kid, you barely learning the Mexican laws.

    4. 5:50 lol it’s easy to spot him commenting, he’s always hating on everyone

    5. 5:50 OK Sherlock. And bet you know when a slot machine is about to pay out. I am not Sol btw.

    6. 5:50 and 9:56 are the same person.

    7. 1127
      Not positive, but pretty sure the "shut the fuck up, sol" (comma added by me for clarity) comment was meant as a good-natured JOKE!
      Please lighten up at your earliest convenience🧐.

    8. 8:18 you assumed it was Sol, but unfortunately you were wrong, you should apologize, instead of saying it was a joke, karma got you good.

    9. All these are in the U.S then get hysterical about mexico,fuckin false claiming clowns,couldnt pay them to leave the U.S but whine like a bitch about it

    10. 11:20
      You and 1127 are the only ones who are having trouble understanding what's going on!
      Re-read the comments and use your noggin!

  17. que no segun ya andaba afuera que lo abian mandado para sonora.?

  18. El chapo isidro le dio buenas vergizas guerra a este camarada y sus 300 soldados en guasave

  19. Si eso fanatico vives . Gorda corolla

  20. El Inge Fernando Sanchez Arellano is out too

    but these guys did 10 years

    of course there's corruption and money involved. but they also didn't have much on either. Fantasma had weapons charges.

  21. Gilly gilbertona gilly

  22. The fact he is still alive after many years in a Mexican prison, tells me he more than likely is still in the cartel…and probably had CDS protection in there.

    1. You make it sound like many people get killed. Thats bullshit, the numbers are not much higher than up in the states.

    2. Your the only one mentioning the states cryin arse

  23. Como dice johnny canales “take it away”

  24. I don’t think he is wise enough to stay out of the game, and give him 6 months max!

  25. What really happen to "el tartaz" from CDN nectar lima?

    1. 9:04 they turned his nectar into juice and drank him

  26. eyebrows well done. he will come out to do makeup tutorials on youtube XD

    1. I only pluck my eyebrows when I'm feeling blue and lowdown. 😔

  27. Ocran Leaks on his EP#25 (LGBT in Narco world)
    mentioned that el Teniente Fantasma is a homosexual .He even shows pink convertible BMW he drove around
    He also mentioned el Chino Antrax was bisexual and that he had buttocks implants..

  28. I was in costa rica once for summer vacation and seen the guy with his people at a club hes the real deal

    1. You have no money 💰, no period.
      But it's ok to

  29. El Teniente Fantasma is an ex GAFE of High Command equivalent of USA Combat Application Group Operator Delta Force . He is highly trianed . The only Operative in all of CDS history with more training is El Colonel Commandante Sicario 006.

  30. Pero el jefe de plaza Mazatlan Dijo Que estaba renunciado, como esta eso Camilo 🤣🤣

    1. no seas pendejo el fantasma que habla es el que murio entre quila y oso viejo. ahi ver a lamberle los huevos a los sapos del despacho

  31. Is this the same ghost what was on the narco cultura documentary it looks just like him dude met him in middle of nowhere and he paid him a few thousand to do a song just wondering
    Nuff said

  32. El Teniente Fantasma worked for el Bravo Aponte they were heads of Los Talibanes .the security unit of el Chapo Guzman.

  33. You lost me at release.


    1. Sorry, boomer, I'm too young to get the Sargent Shultz reference 🤨

  35. El Fantasma is one of the real ones. He probably is back to doing what he use to do. Gonna guess he's with Ivan at the moment.


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