Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Military Secures Drug Lab With 500 Liters Of Methamphetamine In Sanalona, Culiacán: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 



A clandestine laboratory for the production of synthetic drugs, which contained around 500 liters of methamphetamine, was seized in a town in the Sanalona syndicate, Culiacan, by members of the Mexican Army. 

Among the items seized by the military elements, there are two reactors and synthetic drugs that were handed over to the authorities of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), Sinaloa delegation.

No arrests were reported
The military agency informed that no people were detained after carrying out reconnaissance and seizing the substances and materials used to manufacture the drugs.

They indicated that the two secured reactors have a storage capacity of approximately 1,000 liters each, so it is expected that large quantities of precursor chemicals were processed in them for the manufacture of the drug.

The methamphetamine and all the materials seized will be handed over to the competent authorities and the clandestine site will be dismantled by military personnel.

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  1. AMLO cleaning house before his departure Nuff Said!!!

    1. It's been going on since his term started. If anything there has been more captures and drug seizures than any of the last 4 administrations combined. The media pushed a different narrative though, mostly in part because AMLO is a threat to the political establishment.

    2. Cartels grew stronger under EMLO.

    3. That's a negative chief.

  2. Does anyone else think that CDS have some kind of Breaking Bad type meth superlab somewhere and every couple of weeks they dump some old equipment in a forest and phone the authorities.
    Always the same story, bunch of scruffy old gear, no arrests.

    1. Very odd that when they make drug lab busts, no one gets arrested.
      I guess they want to show USA they are taking down drug labs.

    2. No its just a cheap setup but it doesn't have to be expensive the quality they are pushing high. They just do big cooks and leave and if it gets caught no loss

    3. Yeah especially that area that they been coincidentally always discovering. Las Flechas, Las tapias, all those small ranches near El salado are pretty much your typical dirt paved road ranchos south of Culiacán.

    4. @7:08 I was about to as the same question but about over here in the US. If it takes these type of equipment to cook hielo 🧊 how the fuck do they cook it over here and get all the ingredients they need? And even get away with unloading and the smell.

    5. Hi man have you seen char I want to do my comments

    6. No. I've seen these labs in person. They're made this way because it's convenient and cost effective. Why would they produce somewhere where you have nosey neighbors, if it gets raided there's nowhere to run, you lose not only the product and the equipment but the property as well.
      They're out in the boonies for this reason. That's why nobody ever gets caught. When the government shows up, they run and hide nearby as soon as they get the word from the punteros. The government isn't going to risk soldiers lives to go look for 3 dudes knowing that when they shut down 1 operation, they still have 20 more to go.

    7. They have moved their labs to Sonora and Baja.

    8. 7:08

      Breaking Bad Type labs have existed before that show. One that sticks out to me was the one being operated as a "warehouse" for cover but was investigated by Mexico because the employees were dying in less than a year by liver disease. Once the authorities arrived they discovered it was no legit warehouse but, instead, a super lab.

    9. @08:50 What smell?

    10. @07:08 No, I've seen these labs in person. My job is to stick the P2P in the reactive chambers while Gordo pours in the reductive platinum catalysts.

  3. Son laboratorios del pelo Chino o de los Avendaños.

  4. the lab workers do their cooking at night, the military raids during the day, of course there wont be any arrests, must be some unspoken rule; military owns the day but the mafia owns the night… just my opinion

  5. Who knew it took so many vice grips to make meth!

  6. This is just another temporary blow to the Sinaloa Cartel. They still have plenty of meth labs that are in full operation and Los Chapitos are still at large.

  7. clearly the government is only going after the sinaloa cartel. they are going after guanos, mayos, and chapos the government is only targeting the sinaloa cartels labs and precursor shipments. no other cartel is being persecuted this heavily and repetitively the government is being paid off by CJNG

    1. Ah that's cute. They're going after the snitch cartel and boo is all up in her feelings about it. 😂

    2. @824
      Don't really see how
      @541's comment was cheerleading..

    3. LoL, Sol just can't help himself!
      All those comments got him CDS cheerleaders PTSD.

    4. Easy now Sol don't ruin the CDs fangirls weekend. now they will be spamming reddit with Sol comments

    5. Sol is that toxic ex that just won't leave lol . And now he has all his lover boys in a frenzy like 10:10 and 10:24

    6. 1247 triggered CDs fangirl

    7. 1:23 fuck CDS fuck cjng fuck CDG and all the idiots that cheer for them now about that . You on the other note seems like you obsessed with CDS .

  8. No llegha el disturbo ha la mera xia de la Muerte en Sanalona. Ha laguna cerca pa plastar cual quer pendejo con ojo de agua y hoggar lo por simplemente pensar que puede ir ha. Por todo el mundo que ni les caiga un piensamiento de pensar de terreno que por los mios les kebro todos sus suenios de sus familias de emediato. Pretty much don't find yourself thinking about the chair of death of all this world I sit in. It's only a thought to fuck you off.

  9. Topon between Operativa MZ and CJNG in Huajicori Nayarit .


    1. I thought cds wasn’t in Nayarit or something like that ?

    2. 827 they been trying to gain ground for a few years now but they haven't really gotten anywhere.

    3. 10:22 actually since the war in Zacatecas is basically over now that same war is extending into Nayarit. Los Flechas have been hitting Jardinero hard in the sierra of Nayarit. Some time last month they went in and killed 20 Jardinero hitmen.

    4. Sure thing 1246 lol

    5. 2:10

      The 20 dead where CJNG .

    6. I was in Mexico this year for spring break and from San Blas Nayarit all the way to Sinaloa is controlled by CDS . Got stop in about 2 CDS checkpoints but was let go without a problem.

    7. 444 means nothing take a look where Huajicori Its on the border of Sinaloa and Nayarit. Your hundreds of miles from anything important MZ want Rivera Nayarit and hes no where close. So maybe start spamming BB if they actually get close for now just shut up.

    8. 7:02 CDS is San Blas Nayarit and also Tepic Nayarit. Please get informed before you put your pomp pomps out .

  10. Sol is number 1 yeahhhh!!!

    1. Sol has it made enjoying coconut drinks, watching the ladies go buy in tight bikinis.

  11. El Alfa from Los Rusos killed in Culiacan


  12. El Guano" Captured???

  13. Mis contactos en culiacan en Facebook reportan gruesa balaceras por todo culiacan alv que los rusos contra chapos panu .. se quebraron al Mero brga de rusos segun

  14. Same shit different day in sinaloa, they never get the actual people.
    They only go when they are done with that lab and made a bigger better one somewhere else 😆 🤣
    Ridiculous but true

    1. No ovidio and chapo where just part of the simulation

  15. Where is Char common char start charbroiling those burgers I want to post my comments


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