Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 18, 2024

National Guard Captures El Lexus Or El Escorpión 17, Leader Of Two Important Armed Wings Of Gulf Cartel Matamoros Faction

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from PROCESO 

JULY 17, 2024

The alleged drug lord was arrested in Miramar beach south of Tamaulipas and transferred to El Altiplano prison.

(Authorities in Mexico announced the arrest of Antonio Guadalupe Pérez Domínguez, known as “El Escorpión 17” and leader of two of the Gulf Cartel's main cells (Los Ciclones and Los Escorpiones) in the towns of Matamoros and Reynosa, who has already been handed over to the judicial system.

The Mexican government said in a statement published on its website that the arrest took place on July 16 in Ciudad Madero, in the state of Tamaulipas, as part of an operation by the Special Reaction and Intervention Force (FERI) of the National Guard (GN).

He indicated that the man was arrested in Miramar beach “as a result of inter-institutional coordination to strengthen the rule of law in the country and detect criminal organizations in that state,” before highlighting that he had an arrest warrant issued by a judge.

“A tactical team from FERI, in support of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (Femdo) and the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), through intelligence work and field activities, located Antonio Guadalupe “N”, who allegedly formed part of the criminal structure of the Gulf Cartel (CDG), as the alleged leader of said criminal organization with presence in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, who had an arrest warrant issued by a federal judge”.

“El Escorpión 17” has already been transferred to El Altiplano prison in the state of Mexico, where he was ‘placed at the disposal of the competent authorities, who will determine his legal situation,’ according to the government, which stated that four other people have been arrested as a result of this arrest.

“With this arrest, we have contributed to weakening a criminal organization with a presence in the state of Tamaulipas, limiting its financial activities, trafficking of illegal immigrants and drugs to the United States, and the illegal introduction of firearms into national territory,” it said, before stressing that the operation was carried out ‘with strict adherence to the rule of law and with full respect for human rights’.

Finally, he said that the operation demonstrates that “the NG reaffirms the unwavering decision of the federal government to continue acting against organized crime, meeting the needs that society demands”, while “reaffirming its commitment to ensure and safeguard the welfare of citizens, guaranteeing the peace and security of the population”.



EL LEXUS, EL TOÑITO, or SC 17, was a high-ranking Gulf Cartel Matamoros faction, lieutenant of Group Scorpion. El Lexus was the mastermind of making incursions into the San Fernando Plaza in Tamaulipas, and was the leader of the armed wing called "Grupo Ranger."  El Lexus or SC 17 and Zetas Vieja Escuela-Group Metros Gulf Cartel faction of Reynosa were engaged in a war for control over the San Fernando plaza. 


  1. Major blow to cyclones fackkkkk

    1. The main Narco-Cheerleader of BB, Connor IS in the House with His CDG Pom-Poms out..! We are smoking Jefe Lexus packs we good, Law abiding people of BB..!!!
      Y como No, y como No..!!!

    2. That's what she said.

  2. Joey biden is cooked along with all his supporters ahahahhah

    1. We don't want a felon for president.

    2. There’s rumors Obama was telling other Democrats Biden should step down

    3. Please tell us war stories of your flashy lifestyle, the pistos, the car slammed on chrome rims, your monthly rotation of new rucas etcetera.

    4. Michelle Obama polls the strongest but doesn't want to run.

    5. 2:25 - we'll take a felon alllll day!

    6. Why don't they just nominate Bernie? About the only honest politician in the country.

    7. @2:25 why? They are all criminals anyways. Trumps just an outsider and that’s why he got prosecuted. Look at the list of president over the past 40 years, all cia puppets.

    8. This so called escorpion 17 i think he is being made more of a big deal than he is so the government can say we capture some big guy. He is nobody.

    9. 2:25 does that mean you're voting out that walking or stumbling felony of a mummy we have now. Ppj.

    10. Obama was an outsider, Trump is an insider.

    11. 1023 trump is not a outsider your just slow and easily manipulated

    12. 10:42 guy was a Senator in Illinois. Outsider = not a politician.
      10:43 Every action taken against him since he announced he was running for president proves he’s an outsider. Wake up.

    13. 12:34 If you believe he's still an outsider, that's cool. It explains why you still believe Santa Claus gets around on a sleigh pulled by flying raindeers.

    14. We don't have a felon for president.
      We don't want a liar.
      We don't want one that grades himself at how he is doing.
      We don't want one, that if he loses again, claim it was rigged.
      Kamala Harris 2024.

    15. Elites and AIPAC dictates US policies not puppet Presidents.

    16. Voting Trump 2024. Kamala is a psycho. She ruined thousands of people's lives for possession of marijuana and then laughed about herself smoking marijuana.

    17. @10.23. Trump is an "outsider"? Yeah, like the King of England's a revolutionary rebel. Oh man, Trump should be the poster boy for the "elites" that use corruption and nepotism to further their own goals at the expense of working people. Men like him dug, filled and wallowed in the "swamp" for decades.

  3. Great work! This evil roach needs to pay for his crimes against humanity. Hopefully no corrupt Judge will let him free. Viva México!

  4. Just chilling, no handcuffs and on the phone with the Governor.

    1. Wow lol literally hanging out doing calls next to a chopper ??!

    2. Is that really the guy arrested ?

  5. Yahir Sandivar makes a Narco Cumbia for Chimichanga a month later he is Dead!

    Another Narco Cumbia for El Castor and he got Killed.

    He made a Narco Cumbia for El Lexus now he got Captured.

    Grupo Escorpiones 🦂 CDG no more NarcoCumbias .

    1. For real, se lo pueden chingar de puro coraje

    2. y como no ,como no

    3. Because they are at war they are not RR or NINI

    4. Yahir is still alive.

  6. La operativa de M31 hacia llorar a este pendejo

  7. Ya balieron verga esos 🦞

    1. 6:06 te agarro como el tigre de santa julia 🤣

  8. Donde andan las porristas Sinalocas llorando ahora que atraparon a un contra?

    1. Este wey nada que ver, pacifico y costa dos ondas diferentes

    2. 4:53 si perdon. Solo cuando les capturan a una Sinaloca pueden llorar sus seguidores lamehuevos de ellas preguntando porke solo a ellos los atrapan.

  9. What's the point someone already took his place, never ending cycle bcuz of the inept Mexican people.

    1. Citizens held hostage by a few with guns and corrupt government that takes money to let criminals pillage and destroy Mexico. It's a different story with
      a gun in your face. We have our own mess in America so we shouldn't be throwing rocks because we definitely live in a very fragile glass house. We might be in the same predicament without the 2nd ammendment.

    2. Your comment is rudundent. Mexico is 1/3 the population with over 3x the violent crime. Some years as many as 100+ police chiefs and 50+ politicians. The climate is completely different to USA… please. Pretty sure there is a convoy video or AMlO stopping and shaking hands with a run of the mill ordinary narco. I never been in a town in USA where a gang sets a “curfew”, extorts all the local business with threats of death, and gets the police to pick up enemies for torture.. please dude. Don’t be a cartel apologist. It is horrific the struggle they face in Mexico. The underreported missing people, horrific tortures and more. It is systematic corruption everywhere. I don’t see heads dangling from bridges in USA but any day in Mexico there may be several bodies on several bridges with narco mantas. Tijuana has more homicides per 100k than anywhere USA has sent its troops. USA can’t even keep its DEA agents alive in Mesxico. Pablo was small compared to these guys.

    3. Its just not correct. You can see it from the ongoing fracturing. You move guys to positions they are not made for, doesnt help them and doesnt help the organization.

    4. 10:34 do you think some in matamoros are trying to edge out cardenas guillen family?

  10. Flaco Sierra /M31 working with Primito?

    1. So he is still out? Did you see that el Gafe was out. Supposedly they busted him a couple weeks ago.

  11. It was cache cache boom boom and the coco express with clamato

  12. Ok correct me if I'm wrong but Primitos Metros Nueva Gerenacion from Reynosa? Different from Los Metros from Matamoros? Different mfcukas clans/allies.

    1. From what it seems, not all Metros are under or allied with Primito. There seems to be different factions. Supposedly Reynosa is/was under Mono.But not all Reyno seems to be under him. Frontera Chica is/was under Primito. Chispas and Mofles seem to be causing some division. Not sure what's going on but there seems to be division amongst them. Chaparro is still alive and seems to be active in Nuevo Leon. Can anyone with knowledge on this help clear these things up? It would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    2. Matamorors group ain't called metros. They go by escorpiones

    3. 5:55 It's not just Escorpiones in Matamoros. Although they are the dominant group.

  13. Trakas hijo d su puta madre

    1. El pedoro prestas.

    2. 7:12 te voy a prestar para el cazo pinche puerco

    3. 9:33
      Soy abogado, listo para el "cazo".

  14. Just another dusty idiot

  15. Mexicans are lazy

  16. When trump wins all you lazy immigrants will need to start working harder

  17. It seems as Matamoros is getting hit harder by the law/government than the Metros ZVE. Or an I tripping?

  18. democrat for Trump here, build an iron dome weapons system around the US, clean up our frontiera, world leaders will take us serious again. stop the electric car bs and let us buy gas or hybrids, bring factory work back to the US, build more product here in the US. democrats are too far gone left that republicans became the moderate vote imo.

    Trump 24

    on another note those guys need muzzle breaks on those AKMs

    1. You cant be the one enforcing the laws when you are breaking them so fuk the Orange FELON

    2. You think securing the border will bring the US global respect??? Seriously???....Now I understand why you're a Trump supporter. Detached from reality and have absolutely no clue as to what is going on. The US will be respected globally again when it stops being such a liar, such a snake, so o deceptive, and starts backing what they say they believe in across the board regardless who it is they have to confront about it. Have to start treating everyone equally and must be applied to all, and not pick and chose who they enforce it on. When that happand it's shown with actions, then maybe it'll be possible.

    3. Orange Felon was convicted and needs to pay up the lawsuits, he lost. Because later if he was to become president, he will say, he has immunity. Good thing now Kamala Harris will compete, against old felon. For now he is trying to figure out names to degrade her, like he is known to do.

  19. Just goes to show who has the support of the government, all the captured commanders are from CDG Matamoros, no major hits to Metros or Zapatos mugrosos vieja escuela. Primitas support from the Jalislacras is really paying off #tamaulipasesdelostamaulipecos

    1. The state (I live here) definitely leans toward Matamoros. They and another region of the state got this governor elected.

    2. I was thinking something along those lines except the CJNG part. If they had that kind of influence in Tamaulipas, theywould be in that state.

    3. CJNG is doing what it always does in other states which is sending support to a local group with either guns, money or men then after a line gets established they send their product over to make $$ while these clowns do all the dying.

  20. Trump was lucky he didn't get hacked or he staged it so his polls would go up because a good sniper doesn't miss

    1. 329 that photo op i mean shooting doesnt smell right imo

    2. 😂 LoL OMG staged it.
      And the fireman off duty that died, those were real bullets. Trump was close to death.

  21. Trump wants massive deportations if he wins like in the 1930s he'll make more.enemies

    1. No period I think you got the year wrong.

    2. Trump ain't doing shit.

    3. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp but did the opposite flooded it with more creatures. Trump is Israels errand boy makes me question Mex new president coincidence. Peace and prosperity for the non chosen is antisemitic.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. 946
      You speakum mucho truthum, grasshopper!

  22. So vote blue Biden or kamala all Mexicans need to vote for them because if Trump wins all he'll will break loose.

    1. What the fuck does that mean? Break loose? Hell send illegals back home. Thank you 👍

  23. So vote blue Biden or kamala all Mexicans need to vote for them because if Trump wins all he'll will break loose.

    1. Trump already said in the convention, that there's a lot of illegals in USA, and that he will make sure they are out if he wins. We all know he hates Latinos.
      He wants to eliminate DACA, and El Salvador TPS to return back.

    2. Yes thank you very much will be voting Trump all November!

    3. Bye the way Biden is out of the racejackass

    4. Convicted felon Trumpito will be losing again. Kamala Harris yeah!!!!!!!!

    5. Lets hope he wins then

  24. I can't believe Mexican Military still has 1970s era Russian helicopters.🤣🤣😂

    1. 400
      Same reason they fly DC3 proper planes from the '50s..
      Not real fancy, but built to last ! 🚁

  25. Yeah, same here. It's due to some kind of agreement Mexico had came to with the US that doesn't let them update. The US will sell Mexico certain military assets, but the US puts all kinds of conditions behind them. And when they've caught wind that Mexico is gettmilitary assets from somewhere else, the US swoops in and pressures and negotiates Mexico out of those deals. It might have something to do with only buying weapons from US, they weren't able to have more than such a number tanks, planes etc. Not 100% sure but I think that deal expired.

    1. Mexico has been updating its small arms and the gear for its infantry for years but it has no real need for tanks or any heavy weaponry aside from maybe some new helicopters or planes but regardless what some wack jobs say online the US is no military threat to Mexico unless there’s some massive shift that would damage relations aside from drug policy but realistically it won’t happen at this point without tanking both economies even with all the grandstanding AMLO did with the US he still kept a good relationship with them trade wise.

    2. Mijo Mexico has a fleet of Blackhawks, that are from USA.

    3. @12:32 That fleet is 3-5 strong. Nothing for what an army should should have. And @9:44, why don't Mexico need tanks or any heavy weaponry?? According to you???Mexico has a right to be ready to defend itself. They are a sovereign country, not a US protectorate.

    4. Big news in gringo press:
      Mexico paid a bundle for 5,000 rocket launchers for use by SEDENA against the crooks..

  26. Whatever happened to those Fresa guys from Tampico?

  27. Sol Prendido is #1.

    1. Last I heard he is drinking Pina Colada in Miami. Checking out the ladies in bikinis.😁

    2. "Yes I like piña coladas
      And gettin' caught in the rain
      I am not into healthfood
      I am into champagne "
      ..Rupert Holmes

    3. @ 9:57 yes indeed i am in miami but im not checking out ladies. im here for the machos. - Sol

    4. 1035
      Freudian slip!
      I meant to say nachos!


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