Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Older Adult Found Dead And With A Message In Culiacan Identified: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

Authorities are investigating evidence located at the crime scene.



According to the Sinaloa State Prosecutor's Office agents, the victim was identified as Victor Manuel, 65 years old, who was explained to have been deprived of his liberty.

Agents from the Prosecutor's Office said that the body of Victor Manuel was located around 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 18, when it was reported that there was a dead person in a gap in the Tule hill in the southern area of the city of Culiacan.


The Municipal Police officers who went to the scene were able to locate the executed man on the road from Don Pedron country road to the Vista del Lago neighborhood.

It was confirmed that he was lying face up with several bullet wounds on his body. In addition, he had a message indicating that he had been executed as a sex offender.

During the inspection, bullet casings from a short weapon were found and will be analyzed by forensic personnel.

Initially, the authorities did not know his identity, so the legal procedures were carried out, and he was later taken to the amphitheater.

The authorities commented that it was at the Forensic Medical Service, where some people arrived to identify and claim the body.



  1. They recently did this in juarez. They burned the guy first tho

  2. 🤣🤣🤣 por "violador" if that was the case 70% of CDS members would be dead, the other 30% are Gilbertonas

    1. The Jaliskas are 100% Gilbertonas that’s for sure

    2. Emoji kid that you bud ?

    3. Wow, u really have a hard on for sinaloa. 🤔 wonder if one of this guys better off your family genes 😂

    4. 7:38 🤣 🤣 🍻

    5. Sorry my CDS cromadores, but those are facts, even your two top most beloved capos (chapo and Mario) are chomos, by the way my 8:36 friend if you lack reading comprehention let me make it clear, i said "CDS Members" i was not talking about the general population, the only reason you would get butt hurt is either cause you are a member of that chomo cartel or you cheer for them, no real Sinalon would ever feel proud of those pieces of shit who have turn a beautifull state to a fucking narco state, same goes for any true Mexican, we will never be proud or deffend any cartel, dont get your little ego hurt so easily my Snitchloa, cause you are not a true Sinaloan, you are a wanna be snitchloa

    6. That's Koo foo

    7. 517 speaking facts

  3. Doing the lords work! Ariba la sombreriza

  4. Los patrones no permiten violaciones ni abusos a la poblacion. Las reglas son bien claras. "ahora la bebes o la deramas "
    atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa

    1. Mejor ponte a estudiar.

    2. Los patrones no permiten violaciones. Solo permiten que las escojan de niñas para en cuanto tengan sus 13 a 15 años de edad estos mismos patrones se las lleven como su mujer.
      Que ni sus padres la hagan de pedo por estoy porke hasta ellos salen bailando.

    3. El pinche chapo era in depredador sexual. No mms.

    4. Todos en ese pinche ambiente son igual.

    5. So it's true 😂 😂 😂 pinche chango.

  5. I wonder how the cartel determines when a guy is a rapist. Can someone just possibly falsely accuse him because they don't like him? Maybe the cartel collects DNA sperm samples from the victim and make a match with the accuser. Nuff Said!!!

    1. word gets out quick nuffsaid, the guilty can run but can't hide. the bosses have informants at all levels of society. it's their form of a court hearing before the death sentence.

    2. Negative. Sometimes they get caught in the act, or they get reported but they can’t go to police, especially since there’s so much corruption. So the cartel cells try to intimidate the locals, or they gain their respect by “protecting” their people. Not saying it’s true in this case, but this sent a message to others.

    3. Youre annoyin af G . Always commenting too. Find a hobby already Nuff Said!!!

    4. Ya nuff said. Ur so smart duh

    5. When its not them

    6. @8.14. There's nothing to say this was cartel. Local families with power and police administer the same kind of arbitrary justice, and the signs are used so other agencies have an excuse not to investigate further. Or like "Negative Chief" dude said, if it is cartel related it's often just to back up their claim to be protecting the community. If it is CDS it's like Zetas punishing extortionists, or LFM punishing cross eyed men with bandy legs.

    7. Why do you write “nuff said” all the time? I asked last time but apparently not nice enough because they didn’t post it.

    8. 3:14pm I write "Nuff Said" because it's my moniker signature. I used to be a superhero named Nuffy and I fought cartels and gangs. After I beat them up and I had them handcuffed I would then yell at them "Nuff Said"!!! I am now retired with my wife Buffy. I use BB to share my great knowledge with all of you great people. Nuff Said!!!

    9. @4.35. Hey, Nuff Said, some friendly advice. People are being murdered and you come here every time for chuckles. If you just called yourself NUFF SAID, you wouldn't sound like a teen who'd just discovered the channel, and people wouldn't be so irritated by your breathless excitement.

    10. 5:23pm Look my friend at the end of the day you will never please everybody. I have more fans and followers than I have haters. I was a very popular superhero. Look at Trump. He is leading in every poll for president and yet he still has haters. You will eventually come around and also love me. Nuff Said!!!

    11. @7.37 Hey, Nuff Said. I'm 5.23, or S. You didn't understand what I meant. If you called yourself NUFF SAID as an actual moniker when you comment everybody would know who was talking, and you could say what you wanted to say without every comment ending with a Look At Me hand flap and 3 exclamation marks which makes every comment you post sound like a comedy punchline. When the story is tragic it makes people want to line up to punch you.

    12. @Nuff Said. I'm 2.26 and 5.23, and S.
      You don't have fans or followers here, and you don't have "haters" either, just people who want the comments to be real, whether they're correct or not. If you're trying to build a brand this isn't the place.

  6. Since when did Chapitos give a fuck about sex crimes? Their dad used to take his "vitamins" all the time! I'f dude was a rapist, I'm glad he got clipped.

    1. U really gonna think chapitos see that? I bet if they did they wouldn't care

    2. Tf is that name cuzz

    3. He touched you huh

    4. Where does it say chapitos have anything to do with it?
      And their dad was the boss of crime in corrupt Mexico so he did as he wanted.

    5. Not everyone killed in Sinaloa has to do with Chapos.

    6. Says the imbecile with sex w/food is groovy as his headline...GTFO

    7. @8:19 y do u asume everything that hapens here n culiacan has to do with chapitos

    8. 1129 yes because according chapitos fan culiacan locked 100%

    9. Sex with food has been here for many years, good seeing you again! Ms h🐙

    10. Ms h is a sweet-natured person, often standing up in defense of others!

    11. 3:01 driving Ms H.
      When you going to send articles into BB. Peps saying ya scared Rubio away, with those panty jokes. 🤣

    12. 821
      Ms h 🐙 will gladly publish in return for lifetime supply of Haas 🥑

  7. Thomas Ballardo captured.

    1. “ Tomás Ballardo, intérprete de corridos tumbados que hacen hacen referencia a grupos criminales como Los Rusos, se presentó ante la justicia de EE.UU. para enfrentar presuntas acusaciones por narcotráfico en su contra”

      Some bonehead “singer” tied to Los Rusos got picked up for trafficking… what a surprise!

  8. Hay que reconocer señores que la gente de Sinaloa trabaja y vela por su pueblo asi nos guste.o nos arda Sinaloa se respeta aquí y en china no son buenos pero son un mal necesario

    1. Tanto cuidan a su pueblo que solo los patrones pueden escojer niñas menores de edad para llevarse a estas de esposa.
      Pinche pueblo-gente pendeja deberas!

    2. 9:54 estan bien pero bien baboso, no existe tal cosa como un mal necesario! El unico mal necesario eres tu peneque de mierda! Asi le puedo decir a mis hijos, no sean tan pendejo como ese imbecil, asco de persona con una mentalidad de mama Vergaz! Estas tan idiota que hasta un perro es mas inteligente que tu! Tienes una puta mente de avestruz! Un pinche gato vale mas que tus nalgas guangas!! Maldito homoxesual de mierda!!!

  9. Tomas Ballardo arrested.

  10. What makes this murder so special when there were more murders committed.

  11. Violo a una niña de 14 años el pinche viejo pendejo. Ya esta en el infierno donde se merece.

    1. 8:46 de que viejo pendejo hablas? Del Chapo o de Mario Zambada?

  12. 65 años..
    Los Viagras?

  13. Nobody at the office
    We need Sol back
    For putting up comments

    1. I dont think he wants to come back unfortunately.

    2. 7:13
      Can you blame him?

    3. 844 not at all

  14. ''Los patrones no permiten violaciones''
    You could not make this shit up,all these cartel scrubs do is take and violate young girls,but here we have a cartel with morals,fucks sake,filthy people

  15. More and more gangsters on here,scary shit

  16. What kind of sick minds kidnap young girls for their sick personal pleasure then they probably get them hooked on drugs and threatened their parents with death? Those are the scum that get idolize in narcocorridos that all ignorant Mexicans listen to? I'll like to see those so call bosses in BOP or TDC see how tough they are ; look what happened to osiel in supernermax when he was in matamoros he threatened some FBI agents muy chignon. Con muchos.vatos.?they are not with you in the slamner.

  17. Love how everyone is so quick to give praise and ascertain that cartels don’t put messages on random individuals. People act like “oh it must be true”.. comeon.

    1. Cartels don't use random people frequently for anything.
      This wild defeat the purpose of say sending a threat to rivals that they killed one of theirs.
      Rivals will know it's not one of them.
      To just kill to say someone was a rapist also would also work against recruiting members that know they will only harm innocent's not limited to their own families.
      Not saying it's never been done but to say that this killing innocent's for no reason by cartels is rare.

  18. Kinda calling the kettle black here, eh?


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