Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 22, 2024

Second Largest 'Narco-Laboratory' Of The Current Government Dismantled In Eldorado: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

JULY 22, 2024

Personnel from the Mexican Navy of the Semar in coordination with the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR) located and dismantled in the vicinity of ElDorado, what is considered to be the second largest clandestine synthetic drug laboratory neutralized so far in the current Federal Government.

According to the data, the site was located when naval personnel and representatives of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office were carrying out land surveillance patrols, approximately 198 kilometers southeast of the Eighth Naval Zone, based in Topolobampo, Sinaloa.

The authorities located 3,920 kilograms of suspected methamphetamine; 28,600 liters and 2,250 kilograms of precursor chemicals, essential chemicals and dual-use substances; as well as 28 reactors of different capacities; nine condensers; 19 distillers with a capacity of 500 liters; seven centrifuges; 124 plastic tubs of different sizes; 81 LP gas tanks of 30 kilograms; five submersible pumps; four motor generators; 28 current amplifiers; 23 fans; 60 aluminum rolls; 51 metal and plastic drums of 200 liters; 63 plastic drums of 50 liters; as well as diverse material presumably used for the elaboration of synthetic drugs.

In a press release, the Semar announced that the materials were destroyed on the site “with prior authorization of the competent ministerial authority, who integrated it to the corresponding investigation folder”.

According to the authorities, with this seizure, more than 1.5 billion pesos were seized from organized crime.



  1. Mexico and USA are about to get new presidents. That usually means a big cartel figure is about to drop.

    1. You mean a big show is put on with smoke and mirrors…

    2. A nadie se le permite venir a los EE. UU. sin permiso. Si vendes metanfetamina, cocaína o fetanil en los EE.UU. y no te registras, tu familia morirá rápidamente. Piernas cortadas y un brazo. Otros miembros tendrán tortura seguida de una comida ligera y luego comenzará la quema de los demonios cuando vierta gasolina sobre sus amigos y pandilleros del cártel.

      También tenemos fósforos para la mafia.

      Voi para Estados Unidos Americana...... JajJa

      Errores = Castigo o Muerte.

  2. Two workers for Apache CAF killed in Mexicali.

    Shootout between FEM and the military in the Jalisco Michoacan border.

    Chapos left a narco manta en Nuevo Leon.

    Photos of the funeral of Tartas CDN.


    1. Nice updates… but CDS always posts shit randomly throughout time in NL… nothing ever comes of it

    2. El problema para ti es que Pancho del Rancho trabaja como el controlador del CJNG en USA. Nadie tiene permitido venir a USA sin su permiso. Si vendes metanfetamina, cocaína o fentanilo en USA y no te registras, tu familia morirá prontamente. A Rogelio le cortarán las piernas y un brazo. A otros miembros les seguirán torturas seguidas de una comida ligera y luego la quema de los demonios comenzará cuando derrame gasolina sobre tus amigos y pandilleros del cartel. También tenemos fósforos, para la

    3. Tengo miedo tengo moedo

  3. Was anyone arrested... if not this was set up

    1. Watch out… there is a sicario around here looking for people who don’t punctuate properly.

      You can spot him from his lack of commas.

    2. 10:05 that’s koo foo

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. @7:32 Yes, my good sir, there were arrests made by the authorities. There was a truck load of Nuns spotted fleeing from the scene and officer's gave chase and they were all taken in for (torturing) questioning. I'm quite sure when all said and done, many heads will roll.

  4. There are hundreds of these laboratories in Jalisco including the Los Altos region run by CJNG. How come the government is not locating those sites? Every laboratory taken down is in Sinaloa. The Mexican government needs to wake up. Nuff Said!!!

    1. I love Ivan Archivaldo! Nuff said!!!

    2. En Jalisco no hay nada nomas tien para comprar sopas Maruchans jiji

    3. Because thats false. And any lab they have will never compare to the mega labs the sinaloans have. Nacho coronel taught cds well. Nuff said!!!

    4. @Nuff said! sounds like a sinaloa soy bitch boy hater

    5. @1003: Since when Nuffy was a Cartel cheerleader..? You, are a Nuf-Impostor. And it's cool, but at least try to make it funny my guy.. k,Cheers..!

    6. 1:58 gilbertona cheerleader at it's finest.🤣 Why weren't you defending them on a couple post back .Dude busted for child porn. He was associated to your favorite garbage cartel.

    7. 4:18 emoji kid that you ?

    8. No tengo amor por las personas que asesinan a otras personas O amor por las personas que asesinan a los sobrevivientes del Holocausto porque son judíos, ucranianos o rusos. Los miembros de CJNG, CDG, CDS y Cartel LFM y Cartel Indio están al tanto. Estamos limpiando México. Muy limpio. La operación está organizada y la caza de Mencho y de todos los altos mandos del cártel del CJNG, incluyendo a toda la familia Valencia y González y Millineo, MEJOR CORRE. El tiempo se acabó y hay fuerzas militares de élite con herramientas. Venimos a limpiar a México de todo el crimen organizado. Don Mencho y sus socios serán perseguidos uno por uno, incluyendo a todas las mafias que interactúan con el CJNG y la Policía Nacional O Federal sobornada y los políticos corruptos de la SEDENA. Aquellos que no sean capturados serán rápidamente neutralizados con fuerza letal.

  5. el Jefe de plaza de El dorado era El Chore (gente de Ch y la Pizza) pero hace un mes fue eliminado. ahora esto

    1. @757: El Chore has been Dead for a month Kid. Dead and buried with his Nephew, He's New Plaza is in Hell..! "Ch y la pizza" is a name of a dumb corrido, not their crews actual name Kiddo.

  6. That was the older lab, the new lab is already up and running.
    This was just for PR .

    1. Probably another 100 of these labs they probably build them hide them and use them as they need so no lose here like you said pr

  7. Top 3 most annoying BB commentators:

    1) thats koo foo
    2) nuff said
    3) no period boy

    Honorary mention: sicario 006

    1. That's koo foo

    2. 832 I miss SIR (no diddy). He's still locked up and his novio doesn't let him play on the phone.

    3. 832
      No specific Order
      -Emoji Kid
      -Mayo/Mario Cuban Individual
      -Rubio NYC

    4. There's also gilbertona

    5. I completely agree! I think ħkthe “nuff said” idiot takes #1 spot even…also whoever the writer is that would refer to heavily armed cartel gunmen as “goons” in his titles.

    6. Grammar kills compa!

    7. You right 👍
      How can I forget Rubio was creating a crazy atmosphere in here, talking about wearing Red panties. And how he was smarter, than anyone in here.

    8. Y'all can fight over the silver and bronze medals, but no period boy wins Olympic gold for being an unkoo foo!

    9. All vexatious commentors mentioned so far can't hold a candle to the KING 👑 of annoying, the late, great Chapo snitched Kid!

    10. The one that gets me the most is number 1.

    11. You forgot to put in 2 balls 🦎 lizard or is it 2 periods Lizard?

    12. Hahaha the Lizard guy and Rubio jajaja but they have not been as active as the 3 pendejos who take number 1, 2 and 3 spots.

    13. Don’t forget the BorderlandBeat vs r/Narcofootage comments

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    15. How about all the Michoacán haters? El Michoacánazis

    16. SIR was the great- granddaddy of them all, annoying but addictive!

    17. Sicario006 for vice president!

  8. Looks like they managed to get away with all the vice grips tho

  9. Como ya no tienen labada de 🍓. Le robaron el negocio a los michoacanos, pero lo empeoraron

  10. Replies
    1. Shes a disaster so you probably like her because she accomplished nothing securing the USA Frontera. 60 minutes showed chinitos pouring in.

    2. She going to dismantle trump come the debates. trumps got a serious problem

    3. 9:33
      Yep, Kamala 59 years young, the Donald pushing 80 and almost as senile as sleepy Joe..
      She gets the Indian American and Black vote, and she's even got an apellido that white trash folks can warm up to, can't get no more gringa than a name like Harris..
      Even with a bump in the polls for getting his ear shot off, this trumpster is gonna have his hands full!

    4. Voting for a women has never been a good idea, just check out the last 30years and their aftermath.

    5. Trump va a ganar se los aseguró Kamala es un liberal como pueden votar por alguien que no es nada inteligente y esta de acuerdo con bodas del mismo sexo y arriba el jefe ivan

    6. 10:12 if you think Heels up can win a debate I have a bridge to sell you. She was mayor Browns puta. She had accomplished nothing. She is not qualified is a DEI hire that was only appointment because she black and a woman. She was not appointed based off for merit or accomplishments. She was only appointed to check woke boxes DEI. DEI should be called DIE - If you’re having brain surgery, do you want the doctor? That’s the most Guild or the one that was a token appointed doctor that only got into medical school to fill a quota?

    7. 9:46 you don't see the whole picture, she is vice-president, you blaming the wrong person. I am sure you and Trump will be working, on names and negatives to degrade her.

    8. 1044 unfortunately the white trash will stay trump but that 5% that decides the election will vote Kamala. Its a good feeling around the world she will dismantle the idiot.

    9. Dementia Donald is done-zo.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. 10:44 orale 2 balls 🦎 lizard.

    12. 4:55 talking like a 15:year old that thinks he knows everything thing in life.

    13. The incompetent kids on this site speak more eloquently than the Democrat Nominee. Kamala “Passage of time” Harris.

    14. 455 man if you think trump beating a attorney in a debate then I got a bridge to sell to your dumb ass

    15. 11:07 have you ever heard her do a public debate because I have and she just giggles. You can tell all the lies you want, but her policies of accomplished nothing she will not win a debate. The only way she will get elected unless you want to collapse economy and an invasion of the border she’s not winning.

    16. 12:48 se la andas mamando a Iván como la Gilbertona reincarnada y te pones a criticar a los matrimonios del mismo sexo. Que pinche ironía.

    17. Say Your Prayers 2024!

    18. Ya all delusional lmaooo

    19. 111 yes I have shes smart trumps not. She just doesnt appeal to your right wing conspiracy's so you think she dumb but in reality the dumb one is you.

    20. 813
      Not a fan of Trump, yo, pero este payaso is a billionaire who made the presidency on his first try, so he can't be a complete imbecile..

    21. 9:10 lol 2 balls 🦎 lizard ,
      Convicted felon need to pay up on two lawsuits, in millions . He is a tight wad, when it comes to pay up, he thinks he is above the courts and jury.

  11. yeah, destroyed on site 😂. Puro show pa los gringos.

  12. Heels Up Harris.

  13. 112
    I feel ya, buddy, Incels like us don't approve of other people having sex lives..
    This 'ho was completely vetted before she got the vice presidential nod, no skeletons in her closet, she's guilty of having a weird laugh, not sure that disqualifies her from top slot in the firm..
    YouTube her, as a senator, haranguing subpoenaed corporate polluter type wiseguys and fraudulent banking titans, she's a fucking TIGER, she should make short work of this not-so-dapper donald.. 😹

    1. 2 period 🦎 lizard.
      You changed to cat face now
      You already bringing down 👎, a potential candidate for president, at least let her, put what she has to offer on the table, quick to jump the gun 2:period 🦎 lizard.

    2. @8:30
      "bringing down'?
      try reading the 🦎 comments again, this time more slowly.
      Move your lips as you read, sometimes sounding out the words helps our reading comprehension!

    3. @830
      Just curious, why did you put a comma between her and put?
      It doesn't make much sense.


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